God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 680 How is it possible

Chapter 680 How is it possible
Everyone gathered around, wanting to see what miracle would happen.

Under Du He's signal, Lu Yuan directed a few craftsmen to bring some bamboo tube-like things.

Then, a full five were stuffed into the hole, buried with soil, tamped, and a lead wire flowed out.

Lu Yuan picked up the torch and stepped forward, lighting the fuse.

rustle rustle.

There was a sound, and a puff of blue smoke came out.

Everyone was dumbfounded, they didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in the Duhe gourd.

But Du He and Lu Yuan turned around and ran away.

The two just ran out a dozen steps.


There was a huge bang.

The ground trembled.

The scene was a mess, flying sand and rocks, and smoke and dust everywhere.

Changsun Hongcong and others surrounded the hole, but at this moment they were all shrouded in smoke.

After a while, the smoke dissipated.

Du He's eyes widened, and he saw Changsun Hong falling from the heads of the others. These guys were all standing there in a daze, as if they didn't know what happened. was blasted.


Someone actually cried.

At this time, Lu Yuan pointed at the feet of the crowd and shouted, "Master, it's a success, it's a success..."

Everyone heard the words and looked around, and saw that the hole that was originally as thick as the mouth of the bowl was blown open, and a big pit as deep as a person appeared.

Such a big pit is enough to bury the pillars.

The big pit that originally took seven or eight craftsmen to dig out in an hour can now be done in the blink of an eye.

To build a house, you only need ten such pits at most, and you can bury the pillars.

"The world, there are such things, it is really a long experience!"

"This is explosives!"

"It's the first time I've seen it!"

The crowd was amazed.

Before everyone could react, Du He said: "Everyone, move immediately, group according to the list, and start working!"

He held a piece of paper in his hand, and on it was a list of group work.

Lu Yuan took the list and began to arrange it.

Everyone gathered together one after another and began to work according to Lu Yuan's command.

Some people drilled holes, some blasted, some buried pillars...they were very busy.

Changsun Hong was in the crowd, and wanted to fish in troubled waters, but Lu Yuan arranged for him to lift mud. Twenty or so people stood in a line, and the distance between each person was only three or two steps. The first one to lift it up , handed it to the second person, the third person, and passed it on in turn. It was completely an assembly line operation. Changsun Hongcong stood in the middle, even if she wanted to be lazy, she could only grit her teeth and work...

Except for lunch at noon and the time to go to the latrine, everyone has no time to rest.

Chang Sun Hongcong was not the only one who wanted to be lazy.

But when everyone saw that Du He was busy and never idle, even doing more than everyone else, they silently shut up.

He is the son of the prime minister, or the county magistrate of Huyi. In terms of status and status, he is higher than anyone present, and he still has a lot of fun doing it.

For those who don't want to do it, look at Dai Jinyun hanging from the willow tree. This kid has been whipped for a whole day, and he could shout at the beginning, but now his voice is hoarse, and he can only hear whimpering. It's too miserable.

In the afternoon, the framework of the five dormitories was finally set up.

Each dormitory has eight rooms, each room can accommodate four people, and a total of 160 people can be accommodated. The entire county government, not counting Du He, Ma Zhou, etc., only has more than 130 people, and there is still more.

Seeing that the framework had been set up, Du He asked everyone to rest for a while.

The craftsmen said one after another: "Ah, this is a miracle. It used to take seven or eight days to build it, but now it is done in half a day. The county magistrate did not lie to everyone!"

"The pillars and girders have been set up, but the other parts are really time-consuming. I can't let me wait to live in such a house. There is a wind and rain that can't stand it, and it will suffer at night." no..."

"Yeah, what's the difference between living like this and living in the wilderness?"

"Seeing that it's only two hours before it gets dark, you don't want to live in the wild tonight!"


Liang family.

Liang Kai summoned the patriarchs of the big and small noble families in Hu County to gather in the main hall.

"Everyone, everyone must be aware of Du He's methods. He is not a good person. He took away 12 guan from us within a few days after he took office. This is not a small amount. Qiu Wanjia is not so ruthless, we have to find a way, otherwise sooner or later, Du He will plot to leave nothing behind!" Liang Kai said sadly, calling on everyone to find a way to deal with Du He.

The crowd responded.

"Yeah, I thought Du He was just a child, but now it seems that we all underestimated him before. This kid acts in a disorderly and elusive manner. I'm afraid it's hard to deal with him!"

"We must unite..."

"What good ideas do you guys have?"

Everyone said something to each other, but in the end there was nothing to do.

Finally, no one spoke.

The atmosphere was silent.

Chen Yifa suddenly said: "I heard that today Du He led people to build houses behind the county government office, and claimed to build five houses in one day..."


Before Chen Yifa finished his sentence, Huang Meiliao, the head of the Huang family, said loudly: "Building five houses in one day is simply a fantasy, it is impossible!"

"Yeah, I've lived for so long, but I've never heard of such absurd things!"

"Du He is just grandstanding!"

"Don't talk about building five houses in one day, even five days may not be able to build a house."

Liang Kai sneered and said, "I really don't know what Du He is thinking. How is such a thing possible? In one day, even the pillar may not be able to fall down!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the butler of the Liang family rushing in, panting heavily, and then said: "Master, you, you, you... Didn't you let me watch the county government? The house built by Du He, It only took half a day to erect the pillars and beams, and now it looks like a house from a distance!"

Liang Kai was taken aback, grabbed the butler by the collar, and asked, "What did you say, did you see it with your own eyes? The pillars and beams of the five houses have been erected?"

The housekeeper nodded hurriedly: "Master, I dare not lie to you, I saw it with my own eyes!"

Huang Meiliao stood up abruptly, and said, "I don't believe it, let's go, let's all go and have a look, hearing is believing, seeing is believing!"


Chen Yifa, Liang Kai and others rushed to the county government.

Not long after, everyone came to the other side of the river. Looking from a distance, they saw that the main bodies of the five houses on the open space had been built and looked like houses.

"how can that be!"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

In half a day, the frames of five houses were built.

The scene in front of me completely overturned everyone's previous cognition.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would believe that it was Du He's work.


(End of this chapter)

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