God-level Consort of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 681 The Birth of a Miracle

Chapter 681 The Birth of a Miracle

Liang Kai and the others originally wanted to take a look and leave.

Who would have thought that upon seeing this, everyone would be unable to move.

"Or, stay and take a look. I want to see if Du He claims to build five houses in one day!" Someone suggested.


This proposal has been affirmed by everyone.

Everyone stayed on the other side of the river, staring at the other side without blinking.


open space.

Everyone rested for a stick of incense.

Some people are full of energy, and some people sit on the ground but can't get up.

Changsun Hong never felt that her arms were numb, as if they were not her own, and had no consciousness.

Hou Yi felt that his legs were as heavy as a thousand pounds, and it was difficult to lift them up.

The worst was Dai Jinyun, who passed out an hour ago, but was still hanging on the willow tree, receiving two whips from time to time.

This guy is an eye-catching wake-up call, always warning those who want to be lazy.


Du He stood up, clapped his hands, and said, "Get up and work!"

Swish swish.

Everyone stood up one after another, and their movements were very swift.

Du He said: "Now, it is less than two hours before dark, if the house is not built before dark, then you can sleep on the bank of this river tonight!"

Someone questioned: "Master, it will be dark in less than two hours now. Even if we have three heads and six arms, we can't build this house."

"Yeah, it's too difficult!"

"It's impossible!"

Seeing everyone's anxious look, Du He was indifferent, and said with a smile: "My young master said yes, then it's okay, and it's okay if you don't!"

Then he turned to Lu Yuan and said, "Bring over our materials."


Lu Yuan turned around and left, and after a while, he turned back, and behind him was a long convoy of more than 30 carriages, each of which was fully loaded.

Du He roared: "Why are you all standing there, hurry up and unload the goods!"

Under the command of Lu Yuan, everyone stepped forward to unload the goods.

It was only then that everyone discovered that the carriage was covered with huge wooden boards. The largest board was the size of a wall. Just like naturally occurring ones.

I saw seven or eight craftsmen hurriedly carrying the largest wooden plank forward, put it behind one of the houses, stood there, and sealed one wall of the three houses.

ding ding dong.

The craftsmen took iron nails and nailed the wooden boards three times, five times and two times. One of the walls of the three rooms was solved and it was very stable.

The craftsmen did the same thing, put the wooden boards up one by one, nailed them with iron nails, and the walls were finished one by one.

In the blink of an eye, all the walls of one of the dormitories were finished.

The whole process took half an hour to never finish.

It was only then that everyone discovered that Du He had even prepared the doors and windows, just carry them over and nail them on.

The walls are installed, and the doors and windows are finished.

The rest is the top.

Someone said in a low voice, you can't even nail the top with wooden boards, it's not breathable.

Du He curled his lips and said, "As long as you are smart, I will let you see what a super invincible tile is."

I saw him wave his hand.

Several carriages came forward, and the carriages were covered with thatch. When the thatch was uncovered, it turned out to be huge tiles.

A piece of tile is the size of two windows, and there is a groove in the middle, as if hundreds of small tiles are grouped together.

The tiles in this era are only the size of a palm, not because people don’t want to make them bigger, but because the technology is limited. Unlike later generations, there are refractory materials such as asbestos inside, so the tiles are very fragile. After a little bit bigger It breaks easily.

This is a material problem, and Du He obviously couldn't solve it, but he found another way. He made a bottom frame with wooden strips under each tile to surround all the tiles. As long as there is no strong impact, the tiles will not will break.

These tiles are all produced by the brick factory of Dream Group. Before being shipped to Hu County, they have been tested for a long time and proved to be reliable.

Lu Yuan led a few craftsmen, and carefully unloaded the large tiles from the carriage, then hung them to the roof with ropes, and began to install them.

A roof was completed with only five tiles.

One dormitory, eight rooms, only used 40 yuan megawatts, and it took almost half an hour before and after.

A dormitory is done.

Although it looks rudimentary, it is definitely liveable.

There were still four dormitories left. Seeing the successful example of the first dormitory, everyone no longer doubted it, and started to work.


The golden sunset slowly falls towards the horizon.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled the earth with a layer of gold.

"It's done!"

Someone suddenly shouted.

Five dormitories were completed.

Under the setting sun, five brand-new houses stood in an open space, looking very sacred.

Looking at everything in front of them, more than 100 people all showed gratified smiles.


across the river.

Liang Kai and the others were all stunned, speechless for a long time.

"Miracle, miracle!"

After a while, someone shouted.

"Is Du He still human? How did he do it?"

"Five houses, they were actually built in one day!"

"Although there are many others, when did building a house become so easy?"

Although it is across the river bank, everyone can see clearly.

Those houses should have a lot of pillars, and even more roof beams than ordinary houses. The quality of the wooden boards on the walls is not to mention that the doors and windows are all available. Even the floor is paved with wooden boards. of.

In other words, these houses can be lived in right now.

Isn't this a miracle?
A miracle just happened.


The house was built. Although everyone worked hard, it was the first time they had such a sense of accomplishment.

Many of the people present were scholars. In the past, everyone believed that all things were inferior and only reading was high. Especially things like building houses were done by craftsmen. How could scholars do it? But today, after personally participating, Seeing the five houses appearing from the ground, I couldn't hide the pride in my heart.

After the house was built, Du He gave an order, and everyone rushed to the backyard of the county government.

More than a dozen cooks have already prepared a sumptuous dinner for everyone, including meat, vegetables, and even wine.

After a busy day, Changsun Hong felt that today's food was particularly delicious.

In the past, he could only eat one bowl of rice, but today he ate five bowls and still didn't feel full.

After eating, everyone held torches and started to move. They brought their belongings and moved into the five newly built houses.

All the materials for the construction of the dormitory were processed in advance by Dream Group, and even dried, realizing the real immediate occupancy.

Late at night.

In the first dormitory and the second room, the oil lamps were still on.

Changsun Hongcong lay on the bed, and said weakly: "Damn it, I am from the Sikong Mansion, and I am reduced to build a house. It is a shame, a shame..."


(End of this chapter)

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