Chapter 557 Bureau (addition for Dameng Zhao Di!)
Lao He, a man who can't even remember his name, Yang Qi.

Since Yang Qi could remember, he only knew his name was Lao He. As for his name, Yang Qi had never heard anyone call him.

He used to be under She Saihua's command, and in the entire Yang Mansion, he only obeyed She Saihua.

Later, in order to find Yang Si, Yang Qi sent them out.

They were the first group of people who went out to look for Yang Si, and they were also the only group who were not recalled by Yang Qi.

When they set out, there were 200 people.

After a year, there were less than sixty brothers left.

Maybe they can't remember all their names, Yang Qi, but each of them is a member of the Yang family.

Yang Qi didn't know how much they would have left when they met next time.

For them, Yang Qi did not dare to feel pity and sympathy, because that would be an insult to them.

All Yang Qi had for them was respect.

They are the backbone of the real Yang family, and they are the only group of people who died for the Yang family without any regrets.

The soldiers and horses under Yang Qi's command have already exceeded hundreds of thousands from the southern country to the northwest.

But so far, the only ones who are willing to fight and die for him without complaint or regret are the diehard members of the scarecrows.

As for the other soldiers and horses, they more or less followed him with a certain purpose.

For these Yang Qi can understand, this is human nature, no one can change it.

Not everyone who follows you is willing to be a dead soldier in your hands.

But this brings out how precious Lao He is.

Lao He sent Yang Qi away with his eyes, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes secretly, and returned to the cottage, where he became that bluffing, giggling king of the mountain again.

The masked man never left from the beginning to the end.

He just didn't want to meet Yang Qi.

All the way, Lao He chatted with his brothers in the village and entered a hidden room in the village.

"he's gone?"

The masked man had his back to him.

Old He nodded.

"Take your people, come with me..."


Line after line.

From heavy snow all over the sky, to warblers flying in the grass.

Three months passed in a blink of an eye.

Under the irrigation of the heavy snow, the spring grass grows extraordinarily lush, full of vitality everywhere.

The further south you go, the rarer it is to see cattle and sheep under the wind.

Youzhou should be the most thoroughly Sinicized city in Liao Kingdom.

Although it has been looted by Shang Qingzi once, with the help of Nanguo merchants and Dasong merchants, Youzhou has become a prosperous city again.

Outside the city of Youzhou, vicious overseers can be seen everywhere, waving whips in their hands, beating the slaves in the fields who are working non-stop.

It can be seen that the nobles of the Liao Kingdom also began to attach importance to the development of the farming culture of the Liao Kingdom.

What pleased Yang Qi was that in the fields, although many slaves were being supervised to work, few Han people from the Liao region could be seen.

Basically, they are all former Cochin males with slightly dark skin.

Occasionally, a few Liao Han people could be seen, either waving leather whips to supervise the work, or dressed like old landlords, sitting in the fields and cursing people.

From this, it can be shown that Wang Mingcheng has indeed contributed a lot.

He must have rescued a lot of Han people in the Liao region, otherwise this scene would not have happened in the Liao region.

Yang Qi didn't care about those Han people in Liao who supervised the workers in the fields.

Yang Qi believed that with the identities of these people, there would definitely be more opportunities to go to the southern country.And they didn't choose to go to the southern country, which shows that they are reluctant to part with their current life.

A group of Liao Han people who have climbed from the bottom to the middle, they don't need Yang Qi's sympathy and pity.

Because they can climb up from the bottom, it means that they are living well and don't need help at all.

Perhaps, they are not indifferent to Yang Qi's help.

In three months, Yang Qi turned himself into a Liao native.

His hair was messy, lice were crawling all over his body, his clothes were already pitch black, and there was still a layer of dark oily sheen, and he could smell the fishy smell on Yang Qi's body from a long distance away.

The half-grown boy named Gou Sheng who followed Yang Qi lived a more nourishing life than Yang Qi.

Although his condition was similar to Yang Qi's, he didn't despise and loathe himself, but rather liked his current sloppy appearance.

When the two straddled their horses and walked to the field, Yang Qi could always feel the eyes of those Liaodi Han people who had been promoted to slave owners in the field staring at them all the time.

It seemed that they were waiting for Yang Qi or Gou Sheng to show a little fugitive slave appearance, and then they swarmed up, grabbed Yang Qi and Gou Sheng, and went to Youzhou City to exchange some wine money.

Yang Qi was very familiar with the eyes of these people, because he had the same eyes when he saw the first batch of Liao Han people arriving in the southern country.

"Let's go~"

Yang Qi had no choice but to urge Gou Sheng to hurry up.

He didn't want to have side issues when he was approaching Youzhou City.

At the gate of Youzhou City, after paying three coppers for entering the city, Yang Qi and Gou Sheng finally entered Youzhou City.

The city of Youzhou is very prosperous. As one of the five capitals of the Liao Kingdom, it is also a major trading city, with wine shops, brothels, gambling houses, cloth shops, foot shops, etc.

The most prosperous should be fur traders and slave traders.

The fur merchant was swinging two whips that symbolized his identity as a Liao, and speaking fluent Chinese, he was bargaining with people there.

Carloads of fur goods were bundled and pulled out of Youzhou City.

Basically, half of the merchants on the street are engaged in fur business.

Population business is also very prosperous.

On the streets of Youzhou City, slave trade can be seen almost everywhere.

A cunning slave trader dragged his daughter away from a simple and honest man, and then threw him a few dimes, cursing and feeling that he had lost money.

There is a half-grown child with a grass sign stuck on his head, and he is selling his own.

On the entire street, there are mostly women traffickers and old and weak women and children, and strong men are rare.

Gou Sheng looked at the children who sold themselves with grass marks on their heads, and seemed to recall some terrible past events, and his mood was very depressed.


Yang Qi patted Gou Sheng on the head, grinned and said, "One day, I will lead the troops to fight in, and then you will rescue them with your own hands."

Gousheng nodded heavily, "Yes! When the time comes, young master, you must let me be the pioneer."

After riding the horse forward for a few steps, Gou Sheng tilted his head and asked, "Young master, when will one day be?"

Yang Qi smiled brilliantly.


The two walked around the city for half a circle, and finally stopped in front of a huge business.

The entire firm covers a large area, covering hundreds of acres of land. From the outside, it looks like a huge building complex.

The four-story building is quite conspicuous in Youzhou City.

The guise of the word "Yi" hanging on the roof, which symbolizes the southern country, is fluttering in the wind.

Even the clerk standing at the door looked more arrogant than the clerks in other shops.

Seeing that Yang Qi stopped at the door of this majestic firm, Gou Sheng seemed a little embarrassed.

He was really afraid that some evil servant would rush out and drive them both away.

When he saw Yang Qi throwing down the reins and stepping into the firm, his heart almost jumped out of his throat.


As expected, Yang Qi was stopped by someone when he reached the door.

Gou Sheng immediately jumped off his horse, grabbed Yang Qi and was about to run.

Yang Qi said indifferently: "Tell your managers to come and see me. Tell him 'Yi Yang was originally a family'."

The guys at the door frowned, and reported according to Yang Qi's words.

After a while, a young steward appeared at the door.

When he saw Yang Qi, he was obviously in a daze.

When Yang Qi brushed away his messy hair, he was startled.

"Please come inside."

The young steward invited Yang Qi into the firm under the astonished eyes of everyone.

Gou Sheng suddenly felt infinite admiration for this young master who had been with him for more than three months.

After Yang Qi entered the firm, he simply washed up.

After washing up, the young steward had already prepared a table of food and wine for Yang Qi.

Yang Qi and Gou Sheng lay down on the table and began to chew.

Yang Qi asked the young steward while eating, "Are you from the Wang family?"

The young steward said respectfully, "I belong to the Wang family."

"Who is in charge of the business now?"

"My uncle Wang Mingcheng."

Yang Qi was a little taken aback, and said, "Is he in Youzhou City?"

The young steward nodded, and said: "Recently, it has become more and more difficult to replace Han people from the Liao Kingdom. Even if you buy it with money, you can't buy it. So my uncle wants to get rid of the relationship and see if he can do it." You can't find a way to buy the Han people in the Liao area."

Yang Qi nodded and said: "When your uncle comes back, let him come to see me."

In the evening, Wang Mingcheng returned to the firm dejectedly.

After hearing that Yang Qi had arrived, he hurried to see him.

In the room prepared for Yang Qi, there were only Wang Mingcheng and Yang Qi.

Yang Qi has already changed into a clean attire, washed and shaved off his beard, and he is a good young man again.

"The minister Wang Mingcheng sees His Majesty."

After Wang Mingcheng saw Yang Qi, he saluted excitedly.

Yang Qi waved his hand and asked Wang Mingcheng to sit down.

"The problem of population replacement has reached a bottleneck?"

Wang Mingcheng nodded, and said: "That's right, many nobles of the Liao Kingdom hold a large number of Han people in the Liao region, but they refuse to exchange them with us. They have already spoken, and they will not let go unless we pay a high price. "

"Then let it go."


Wang Mingcheng couldn't believe his ears.

Yang Qi said: "I have read the report given to me by Su Yijian before. All the cochin males in the Southern Kingdom have been replaced. And the population in the Southern Kingdom has reached saturation.

It will take us a while to digest the replaced population.

Moreover, more and more slang and bureaucrats have come down the mountain, and the land is no longer enough.

Even if I gave the suggestion of terraced fields before, it cannot satisfy the continuous influx of a large number of people. "

Wang Mingcheng tremblingly said: "What should I do? There are still so many Han people in the Liao region who are suffering..."

Yang Qi said with emotion: "It is impossible for us to become a fat man with one bite. We have to eat every bite, and we have to walk step by step. We can't tear apart a southern country that was built with great difficulty just to save people.

If the Southern Kingdom is over, our hard work will be in vain.

I know that you feel sorry for the people here, but replacement alone cannot save the people here.

We can save them only by force. "

"I understand."

Wang Mingcheng said bitterly.

Yang Qi said again: "As for the various commercial affairs of the Southern Kingdom in the Liao Kingdom, it is necessary to turn the light to the dark. In the future, the commercial affairs of the Southern Kingdom to the Liao Kingdom will be temporarily located in Dengzhou.

On the northwest side, I will also introduce the commercial affairs of the Liao Kingdom to Fengcheng. "

"Why do this?"

"This time I traveled to the Liao Kingdom and observed the commercial situation of the Liao Kingdom. The business of the Liao Kingdom is still very primitive. This is a favorable situation for us.

The Liao Kingdom is now implementing Sinicization, and the demand for business will grow infinitely.Reliance on business will also increase.

We must attract the Liao people and take the initiative in our own hands.

Once Liao people go abroad to do business, their costs will increase.

And the initiative is in our hands, and we can price commodities according to our ideas.

By that time, we will be able to easily control prices in Liao.

As long as we control the price of goods in Liao, Liao's money will flow to us indefinitely.

And we will become stronger day by day, and the Liao people will become weaker day by day. "

Wang Mingcheng was dumbfounded when he heard Yang Qi's words.

Wang Mingcheng didn't expect the business to be able to do this.

"But if we do this, wouldn't the Liao people try to oppress the Han people in the Liao land..."

Yang Qi nodded and said: "That's right, but the Liao people will not just oppress the Han people in the Liao region...they are most likely to go south and attack the Song Dynasty...because they think that the Song Dynasty is rich and the Song Dynasty can grab it Everything they want..."


Yang Qi smiled and said: "Of course, they can also start business with Da Song, but a war is inevitable."

Wang Mingcheng lost his voice: "What exactly are you going to do?"

Yang Qi said resolutely: "Control the war and force the two great powers to go to war. We can take this opportunity to take advantage of the fire and take back the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun."

"Too risky..."

"If they don't fight, we don't have any chance. Because to either of them, we are grasshoppers."

Wang Mingcheng never thought that Yang Qi could set up such a big game.

A bureau that includes both countries.

Wang Mingcheng worked hard to calm down, and said in a low voice: "How long has this process been, and what are we relying on to attract Liao people to do business?"

"The whole process... three to five years, not more than five years. As for how to attract Liao people? We don't need to attract Liao people at all, we just need to attract those businessmen.

A large number of businessmen were attracted to us, and the businessmen who went to Liao State were only three or two kittens, which could not satisfy the appetite of Liao State at all.

At that time, you don't need to go to the Liao people, the Liao people will come to you.

As for the way to attract businessmen, it is taxation.

Appropriate taxation, coupled with the operation of Nanguo Money Bank, I believe that many businessmen are willing to cooperate with us.

As for those who don't cooperate...then let him disappear..."

(End of this chapter)

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