Monument Yangmen

Chapter 558 Du Jin'e

Chapter 558 Du Jin'e (addition for Dameng Zhao Di!)

The next day.

Yang Qi left Youzhou City with his dog early in the morning.

Yang Qi didn't stay too much in Youzhou City, because he didn't think it was necessary.

No matter how much he wanted to be nostalgic for this city, he had to make this city surnamed after Yang.

After Yang Qi left, Wang Mingcheng followed Yang Qi's instructions and began to arrange for the evacuation of businesses in Youzhou and even the entire Liao Kingdom.

He didn't understand a little bit of the many principles that Yang Qi told him last night.

But this does not prevent him from carrying out the tasks assigned to him by Yang Qi.

Because the task Yang Qi entrusted to him is related to the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun and the real life and death of the Han people in Liao.

In the face of big right and wrong, Wang Mingcheng is by no means the kind of person who forgets righteousness for small profits.

The business in the southern country is very big in the Liao country, and there are many industries involved.

Some merchant groups from other countries even followed the merchant ships from the southern country to the Liao Kingdom.

Under the influence of the Nanguo Money Bank, the business of the entire Nanguo has formed a huge business group.

People in the Liao Kingdom do not know how a large business group's withdrawal from the Liao Kingdom will affect the Liao Congress.

Wang Mingcheng, who is carrying out this task, is also unclear.

Only Yang Qi, the instigator, is the one who knows best.

Yang Qi didn't care what this 'big fire' would do to the Liao Kingdom.

After Yang Qi left Youzhou City, he ran all the way to the border of Song and Liao.

The border between Song and Liao is very long, so it is impossible to deploy defense lines on the entire border.

There are not many troops deployed in the territory of Liao, and they don't need to guard a large number of troops on the border.

After all, the two brothers Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Guangyi personally issued an order not to provoke a border war at will, which is an invisible umbrella for the Liao Kingdom.

Moreover, most of the Liao Kingdom is dominated by cavalry, and there is no need to be stationed in one place.

The Liao army can patrol the entire border in a nomadic manner.

The Song Dynasty was dominated by infantry, and the Liao people repeatedly went south to fight grass valleys, so the border defense was very meticulous.

One sentry post for one mile, one post for five miles, and one fort for ten miles.

The entire border defense line is under the strict defense of the Song Dynasty infantry.

It's a pity that these soldiers are not the most elite Forbidden Army of the Song Dynasty, but the Xiang Army, Fan soldiers of the Song Dynasty, and more rural soldiers.

Those villages and towns that have lived on the border between Song and Liao for generations have town soldiers.

Township soldiers with weak combat effectiveness, when the Liao people went south, they could not play any major role except for warning.

This is also the reason why Liao people can go south easily repeatedly.

The small Liao army almost regarded the border as a playground.

As long as there are no large passes and places where troops are stationed fortresses, they can easily shuttle between the two countries and come and go freely.

This also brought extremely convenient conditions for Yang Qi to cross the border between Song and Liao.

Yang Qi lingered on the border for a long time, chose a relatively safe mountain road, and quickly walked across it.

The reason why I chose the mountain road is just in case.

Once the Liao people find them, they can easily get rid of the Liao people.

Yang Qi entered the mountain with Gou Sheng.

Groping forward in the mountains, the mountains are deep and the forests are dense, and wild animals appear from time to time.

Yang Qi was opening the way with a machete in his hand, originally he thought Gou Sheng would be afraid, but who knew Gou Sheng would be very happy, as if the jungle was his home.

Gou Sheng doesn't have much fear of the wild beasts that haunt the forest, which is a good thing for Yang Qi.

At least he doesn't have to wander around the forest with a tow bottle.

The hillside is very steep, so it is very difficult for two people to climb.

After crossing two mountain depressions, they climbed to a looming mountain path that they had seen in the distance before.

Yang Qi took a look at the mountain path. This mountain path should be left by the smuggling merchants in the past.

Since merchants from the southern kingdom invaded the Liao Kingdom, many smuggled merchants were squeezed to death.

The mountain road is also a little deserted, and weeds have sprouted green leaves everywhere on the mountain road.


Gou Sheng, who was running wildly on the mountain road, suddenly let out a strange cry.

Holding the scimitar, Yang Qi ran to the place where the Gousheng screamed.

Just after Yang Qi ran a few steps, a large net for catching animals fell from the sky.

Just when Yang Qi was about to resist, he saw a strong man walking out of the grass with his dog in his arms.

A sharply sharpened simple knife rested on Gou Sheng's neck.

Yang Qi gave up resistance in an instant.

The big net covered Yang Qi tightly, and then saw many people coming out of the jungle.

These people didn't know the bandits, because they were all wearing uniform leather armor.

The style of the leather armor is the same, most people wear blue leather armor, and a small number of people wear red leather armor.

Yang Qi looked carefully, the person wearing the red leather armor turned out to be a woman.

Yang Qi searched hard in his mind about the army of female soldiers in Song Dynasty, but found no useful information.

Then it shows that this group of people is not within the establishment of Da Song.

"May I ask that the strongman robbed me?"

"Who are you?"

The strong man holding the dog left put down the dog left, handed over to two men to capture him, he walked up to Yang Qi and asked back.

Yang Qi said: "Our brothers are just ordinary passers-by, please let this brother make it easier for us to pass by."

"Ordinary passer-by?"

The sturdy man sneered.


He spat and said contemptuously: "Ordinary passers-by? There are no ordinary people who can pass this road. You are not honest at all. If you don't tell the truth, a certain family will kill you and throw you into the mountains Feed the wolf."

Yang Qi squinted and said, "There's no need to be so ruthless, right?"


The strong man squinted his eyes with displeasure.

Yang Qi said helplessly: "Okay! Let me tell you the truth, our brothers are Han people from Liao who escaped from Liao."

The strong man stared and asked fiercely, "Then why didn't you tell the truth just now?"

Without waiting for Yang Qi to answer, the strong man asked Gou Sheng, "Is what he said lying? Tell the truth, or a certain family will kill you and feed them to wolves."

Although Gou Sheng was afraid, he had seen the world with Lao He, and he nodded frantically.

"Since you are Han people who escaped from the Liao region, the certain family will not make things difficult for you. There are so many Han people in the Liao region, you dared to escape and succeeded. This shows that you have kindness.

What a certain family admires the most is a man with kindness.You go with a certain family to the stockade, and a certain family invites you to drink. "

Yang Qi smiled and said, "You don't need to drink, do you?"


Seeing the strong man's eyes widened again, Yang Qiwei reluctantly agreed.

The strong man let people untie the big net tied to Yang Qi's body, and also confiscated Yang Qi's weapons.

And he seemed to be on guard against Yang Qi. Although he untied Yang Qi, he kept the dog by his side.

There were several soldiers in leather armor between the two of them.

Don't give Yang Qiyi the slightest chance to turn defeat into victory.

Yang Qi just followed this special bandit to their cottage.

On the way, Yang Qi asked: "Brother, you don't look like bandits, are you the Xiang army in a certain fortress?"

The strong man stared and said: "Don't compare a certain family with those Xiangjun who are just eating and waiting to die. Besides, have you ever seen women as soldiers in that Xiangjun camp?"

The strong man seemed to have explosives in his throat, and he was bluffing, not polite at all.

Yang Qi was not angry, and continued to ask: "Then you are bandits?"

"What? Look down on us?"

"Don't dare, don't dare..."

"By the way, brother, where is this place?"

The strong man suddenly found that Yang Qi talked a lot, he really wanted to beat Yang Qi up, but after thinking about it, he held back and just said something in a muffled voice.

"Two Wolf Mountain!"

"Two Wolf Mountain..."

Yang Qi muttered, his eyes widened suddenly, and he lost his voice: "Two Wolf Mountains?"

The strong man glanced at Yang Qi, and said angrily, "What? You've heard of Lianglang Mountain in Liao?"

Yang Qi smiled wryly: "It's not just that I've heard it, it's like thunder..."

The strong man squinted and said: "Knowing the reputation of Lianglang Mountain, then let a certain family settle down."

Yang Qi lowered his head, the corners of his mouth twitching.

Yang Qi had indeed heard of Lianglang Mountain, but what the strong man thought was different.

The first time I heard about Lianglang Mountain, Yang Qi was in the novel "The General of the Yang Family".

To others, Lianglang Mountain is just an ordinary mountain, but to Yang Qi, Lianglang Mountain is more like a destiny.

In the novel "General of the Yang Family", the fate of Yang Qilang was changed by Liang Langshan.

Yang Qi did not expect that although he replaced Yang Qilang, he did not escape from the fateful Lianglang Mountain.

Yang Qi felt a bitter taste in his mouth, and he asked the strong man again unwillingly, "Brother, after chatting for so long, you still don't know your name?"

The strong man waved his hand and said: "You don't have to be so polite when talking to a certain family. The name of a certain family is Du Qing. Friends in the Jianghu all call me Brother Qing to save face."

The corner of Yang Qi's mouth twitched again.

He very much hopes that the name of the mountain is repeated, so that he can avoid his fate.

Du Qing!

This familiar name also matched.

"See that mountain?"

It seemed that he was getting closer to the stockade, so Du Qing walked extra lightly and said a few more words.

Yang Qi looked at the mountain peak from a distance, and saw the most conspicuous position of the mountain peak, where a naturally formed rock pheasant stood, and closed his eyes in pain.

Golden Rooster Ridge!
"Jinji Ridge! Our village is there."

Seeing that Yang Qi didn't talk to him, Du Qing happily told the answer in Yang Qi's heart.

Two Wolf Mountain.

Jinji Ridge.


Du Qing.

The above four clues were verified.

Yang Qi is already sure that this is the two wolves mountain in his destiny.

He whispered bitterly at the corner of his mouth: "Why? Why?"

On the way afterwards, Yang Qi kept his head down and remained silent.

Seeing that Yang Qi was unhappy, Du Qing wanted to start a conversation with Yang Qi, but several times when he opened his mouth, Yang Qi always perfunctory him.

Du Qing didn't bother to talk to Yang Qi anymore.

A group of people went round and round and arrived at Jinji Ridge.

All the way up the mountain road covering Jinji Ridge, they passed through the investigation of six secret sentries.

Most of the sentries lurking in the dark are women.

They are well trained and have very keen eyesight.

Seeing Yang Qi staring at those women thoughtfully, Du Qing explained to Yang Qi in a low voice.

"This is the rule set by the family. Don't look at us as grassroots bandits, but our ancestors are generals. Therefore, everything in this cottage is basically set according to the rules in the barracks.

Even if our own people go up and down the mountain, we have to go through strict checks. "

Du Qing not only didn't rush to be cumbersome, but was proud of it, which can be heard from his proud tone.

Yang Qi nodded, but said nothing.

Follow Du Qing all the way to Jinji Ridge.

It's time for the last interrogation.

Suddenly a woman came over and pointed at Yang Qi coldly, "Brother Qing, let him go down the mountain. Let him never climb the mountain again."

Yang Qi seemed to have thought of something, and cupped his hands slightly, "Then Yang will leave first."

"Goofy, let's go."


Du Qing straightened his neck and said: "They were invited by a certain family to have a drink in the cottage, they can't leave."

Just as Yang Qi was about to leave, he was stopped by someone.

The woman said helplessly: "Brother Qing, this is my sister's order..."

Du Qing frowned and said, "My little sister, why don't you let the person invited by a certain family go up the mountain?"

The woman looked at Yang Qi, and said in a low voice: "The Shaozhai Lord probably hasn't asked about this person's origin and name, has he?"

Du Qing was stunned for a moment, then turned to ask Yang Qi, "Did you fool a certain family, but you are actually from Liao?"


Yang Qi sighed helplessly, cupped his hands and said, "My servant is Yang Yansi."

Du Qing's eyes widened suddenly, and he growled, "You are Yang Yansi? That Yang Yansi?"

Yang Qidao: "Yang Yansi of the Yang Mansion of Tianbo in the past, now Yang Yansi of the Tiger Marquis."

"You turned out to be Yang Yansi."

Du Qing panted heavily, staring at Yang Qi, wishing he could eat Yang Qi in one bite.

"You villain, heartless man, a certain family wants to eat your meat and drink your blood. A certain family wants to kill you, but has been stopped. Today you are sent to the door. That certain family cannot Let you go."

As soon as Yang Yansi came out, almost all the people in the village were full of hostility towards Yang Qi.

Some of them immediately drew their weapons.

Yang Qi was a little dumbfounded.

What a grudge!

Without saying a word, Du Qing stared at the big eyes of the copper bell, snatched a big ring knife from his subordinate's hand, raised it up and chopped it.


A clear shout came from the mountain road.

Then I saw a woman who was tall and slender, with a willow slender waist, black hair that seemed to be dyed with ink, and a bow tie on it, wearing a goose yellow soft satin, a black gold silk embroidered belt around her waist, and red leather boots on her feet. The face is covered with a garnet red cloak.

White like pear blossoms, eyebrows like crescent moon, melon-seeded face, well-shaped nose, and a small ruddy mouth, making people have the urge to kiss.

It's just that at this moment, she has evil eyes, as if no one can get close to her.

The woman moved slightly with her lotus steps and went down the mountain path.

Yang Qi smiled wryly, and said in a low voice, "This is my destiny."

Just like the fate between Yang Si and Princess Tie Jing, the fate between Yang Qi and this woman seems to be inescapable.

Fate is determined, but what can be done.

"Yang Yansi!"

"Du Jin'e!"

(End of this chapter)

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