Monument Yangmen

Chapter 57 Poems

Chapter 57 Poems


Yang Yansi denied it, but Lu Duan didn't speak, just smiled while holding a wine glass.

Princess Qingyu hugged Cao Lin carelessly, "Sister Lin'er, you came so late, but you will be fined..."

Cao Lin smiled slightly, and did not refuse. She picked up the horn cup and drank three cups in a row.

"Happy, now that everyone is here, let's continue the game just now."

Princess Qingyu announced loudly, and the scene became noisy again.

Yang Yansi took a general look at it, and it seemed like beating a drum to spread flowers. After choosing a proposition, everyone began to recite poems or sentences based on the proposition, and it must be suitable for the occasion.If you make a mistake, or the poems you recite are not suitable for the occasion, you will be fined a glass of wine.

The title seems to be 'Wing Chun'.

Princess Qingyu firstly held the chopsticks horizontally in her jade hands, and knocked on the cup in front of her.

ding ding ding...

"Good rain knows the season, when spring is here……"

When it was Cao Lin's turn, she said with a slight smile, "Scattered flowers are becoming more and more charming, only Asakusa has no horseshoes..."

"Several early warblers compete for warm trees, and whose new swallows peck at the spring mud..."

"Two orioles sing emeraldly, and a line of egrets go up to the blue sky..."


Turning all the way, it was Lu Duan's turn. He stroked his beard and said calmly: "I don't know who will cut out the thin leaves. The spring breeze in February is like scissors..."

The next Yang Yansi, he was already prepared, and chanted: "The spring breeze turns green on the south bank of the river, when will the bright moon shine on me..."

One sentence fell, and the audience was in an uproar.

Princess Qingyu laughed so delicately that she was almost out of breath, everyone was laughing, and Lu Duan was also covering her mouth and snickering.

Only another older scholar shook his head and praised him in the field.

"Good poems, good poems... What we recite today are all the collections of sages' poems. If we write poems, this line will definitely beat the crowd."

Hearing this person's explanation, Yang Yansi realized that they had agreed a long time ago that they were not allowed to compose poems today, and could only respond with the collection of sages' poems.

"One glass of fine wine."

Yang Yansi was not hypocritical, he picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp, his expression was strange after drinking.

The taste of this wine is sour and sweet, and there is also a smell of wine in it.It didn't feel like wine to him, more like a drink.

Everyone continued, all the way after finishing the poems of "Wing Chun", they began to chant the poems of "Wing Xia".

In Yang Yansi's mind, there are only a few poems from before the Song Dynasty, and they have been sung by others from the beginning. When it was his turn, he could only drink in silence.

There was so much noise in the side room, it naturally affected the next room.

In the next room, there were several imperial scholars and a doctor of imperial education. They all held paintbrushes and squatted at the door of the wing room, studying the sketches on it.

For many people, painting requires a quiet environment, otherwise the painted paintings will easily lose their charm.

Hearing the noise next door, the Doctor of Painting from Taixue frowned, and summoned the maid who was waiting outside the door.

"You, go to the next door and remind them not to make noise and disturb others."

The maid bowed shallowly and said softly: "This official, the next door is full of people of status. It may not be useful if the slaves go, or should you go over and persuade them?"

"People with status?" Taixue Doctor of Painting said irritably, "What happened to people with status? Even His Majesty will not easily disturb their studies and progress."

The doctor of Taixue painting is right. In order to gain a good reputation, Zhao Guangyi especially encourages those who are diligent and studious.Not only that, but Zhao Guangyi himself practiced it himself. After dealing with the busy government affairs every day, he would hold the book and study it.

Because of this, it has won a good reputation of 'holding the book'.

The maid was terrified, "Officials, the guest officials next door are noble, and the servants are just doing small business, so I really can't afford to offend them."

"Who are they?" Taixue Doctor of Painting asked with a frown.

The maid replied, "There are Princess Qingyu of the current dynasty, Miss Cao Lin, the daughter of the Cao family, Lu Duan, the judge of the Kaifeng Mansion, the eldest son of the Xue Mansion... Young Master Yang Qi of the Yang Mansion..."

"Wait!" The doctor of Taixue painting stopped the maid from continuing, and he asked a little eagerly: "You mean Yang Qigong from the Yang family, but Yang Yansi from the Tianbo Yang family?"

The maid bowed down and said, "It's Mr. Yang Yansi of Tianbo Yang's Mansion."

The Taixue Doctor of Painting stared wide-eyed, and dropped the paintbrush in his hand, "You all come back to Taixue with me."

A group of students were a little puzzled, and they didn't understand why the doctor was taken aback.

"Sir, the disciples are still copying the paintings on the door. This is the homework you assigned today."

The doctor of painting from Taixue blew his beard and stared, "What paintings are you still copying? The original owners of these paintings are about to be taken away by other academies."

The Doctor of Painting from Taixue stamped his feet, pointed in the direction of Taixue and cursed.

"A group of people is not good enough for success, but it is more than failure. If you really let Yang Yansi go, I don't teach too much, so go to Yuelu with him."

The Taixue painting doctor impatiently took out some scattered silver from his sleeve, distributed it to the maid as a reward, and led a group of Taixue students to leave in a hurry.

The maid picked up the money on the ground, waved her hand towards the door, and a servant who cleaned it up came in to clean it up. She hurried into a hidden room in Changle Square.

"Miss, according to what you said, I have already told the doctor of Taixue painting everything."

In the room, Chu Xing was writing and drawing on the table. Behind her, there was an unusually large bookshelf.The bookshelves are divided into categories, and the business cards of the officials in the imperial court are written respectively.

From the secret letters already placed on the bookshelf, it can be seen that Chuxing has collected a lot of information in just seven or eight days.

Hearing the subordinate's report, Chu Xing nodded, then pulled out a note and wrote a line on it.

"I'll find a chance to pass it to the young master..."

The maid took the order, and handed the note to Yang Yansi while she was going in to deliver the wine.

After secretly reading the note, Yang Yansi showed a smile on his face.

It seems that half of what he planned has been successful.

Since the doctors of Taixue were not in a hurry under Wang Qin's reassurance, Yang Yansi lit a fire under their buttocks to make them irritable.

Compared with Ph.D. in Economics, Ph.D. in Mathematics, Ph.D. in Chess, and Ph.D. in Painting are all research-oriented disciplines.

These PhDs are often obsessed with their fields of expertise, and once they make new discoveries, they will linger like flies.

Yang Yansi didn't believe that these flies would sneak away with his piece of fresh meat.

Today, Cao Lin invited these talented scholars and beauties related to Yuelu Academy to hold a banquet in order to send a signal to Taixue.

Lao Tzu did not have to enter Taixue, nor did Taixue be the only place to spread knowledge in the entire Song Dynasty.

Obviously, the effect is very significant. After returning to Taixue, a Ph.D. in painting from Taixue will definitely tell other people about it in the shortest possible time.

 Thanks to 'Huaxia Banner' for the reward!mwah!
(End of this chapter)

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