Monument Yangmen

Chapter 769 Seeing a Whale in the Deep Blue

Chapter 769 Seeing a Whale in the Deep Blue

Nearly [-] ships sailed, and the scene was very spectacular.

It's like a huge curtain covering the sea, continuing to the horizon.

On the coast, thousands of women and children watched their husbands and sons leave.

There is no sadness in their eyes, only longing for future life and determination to live a good life.

"Open up!"

On the five-toothed ship with the Yang character flag flying, the drums of war rumbled.

After hearing the sound of the war drums, the boatmen and boatmen started to row with their oars.

Nearly [-] ships officially set off.

The sound of war drums, horns, and shouts spread throughout this sea area.

Everyone on board is full of fighting spirit.

They embarked on the journey of fishing with hope, and they also have the confidence to fulfill this hope.

After leaving the port, the overwhelming number of ships began to disperse in a planned manner. The fleet was divided into three parts, and a part of the large ships sailed eastward and plunged into the deep sea.

The remaining small part of the large ships, leading the small boats, began to go north and south along the shallow sea area of ​​the coast.

The people on the shore felt that the nearly [-] ships covered the sky and the sun, enough to cover the entire sea surface, but Yang Qi on the flagship knew very well that even if he expanded the current fleet by a hundred times, in front of the sea, he could only It's just a drop in the ocean.

After the fleet was fifty miles out of the sea, Yang Qi went back to the cabin to rest.

He led nearly [-] five-toothed warships to go deep into the deep sea area [-] nautical miles and [-] nautical miles away to fish.

At the current speed of ships, it takes at least half a month to go back and forth.

So Yang Qi didn't need to stay on the deck to enjoy the cool breeze.

The fishermen went out to sea, but the old and weak women and children who stood on the port and watched them did not leave.

The treasures presented by the sea are not only found in the sea, but also on the coast.

After the fleet leaves.

Kou Zhun led the people and organized the old and weak women and children.

Officials and soldiers, each with a booklet, are explaining to the old and weak, women and children, what can and cannot be eaten on the coast.

Seafood that grows on the coast, such as kelp, baker, crab, lobster, seaweed, etc., are frequently mentioned by people holding booklets.

They will not only explain what to eat on the coast to old and weak women and children, but also provide some simple methods.

Finally, Kou Zhun assigned the work.

One soldier led a group of old and weak women and children, explained to them, and took food from the coast.

The old and weak women and children who stayed on the coast were mobilized in this way.

Like locusts, they walked across one coast after another.

Wherever they went, everything they could eat was taken away by them.

Wait until night falls.

All the elderly, weak, women and children who participated in the collection work returned with full rewards.

Some of them were carrying pans, carrying baskets, or holding animal skin bags, and some even tightened their belts and directly stuffed seafood into their bosoms.

All in all, they brought the joy of a good harvest, and everyone had a warm smile on their faces.

The mouthfuls of cauldrons were set up on the shore, connecting them into one piece.

The bonfire was burning brightly, illuminating half the sky.

The common people threw the collected seafood into the pot without any auxiliary ingredients, and started to eat it after it was cooked.

"what is this?"

Just as the common people were eating Hesai madly in their stomachs, someone suddenly screamed, which attracted everyone's attention.

I saw the man holding a small round purple bead in his hand, with a look of astonishment.

Curious people came forward and immediately surrounded the man.

Those with knowledge recognized what the little purple bead in the man's hand was at a glance.

"This is a pearl! And it's a high-quality purple pearl, the price is comparable to gold."

Hearing this, the man held the purple bead and said in surprise, "It's actually a pearl, it's actually a pearl comparable to gold? Hahaha, I'm rich!"

As his voice spread, the people around him came together.

Under the insinuating inquiries of the people, the man carefully explained the origin of the pearl to the people.

However, after listening to his narration, the people quickly returned to their own pots to rummage through.

Then, every so often someone finds pearls in the pot.

All of a sudden, all the people were shocked.

And on the hundreds of miles long coast, this scene was not only staged in this place.

Frequently someone finds treasures in seafood.

Someone found the pearl.

Someone discovered sea cucumbers.

Someone found abalone.


In short, all the precious seafood were discovered on this night.

All the people were as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and they couldn't wait to rummage through the night to find treasures such as pearls, sea cucumbers, and abalones.

They thought it would be hard work to come to this seaside.

I didn't expect that I didn't suffer much, but I found a treasure comparable to a gold mine.

The enthusiasm of the people was mobilized.

No one thinks that they came to the seaside to endure hardships, and they feel that God made them rich.

And not far from the common people, there is a big tent.

The big tent is full of boxes full of pearls, dried sea cucumbers, dried abalone and other seafood.

In the middle of the tent, two people sat cross-legged in front of a table. On the table was a small red clay stove with a casserole on top of it. The two were talking while eating the casserole.

Chen Lin took a bite of the fresh and tender shellfish, and moaned comfortably: "It's so delicious... Zajia never thought that there is such a piece of tender and delicious tender meat hidden in this hard little thing.

If His Majesty hadn't allowed Zajia to come and have a look, Zajia might never be able to eat such fresh and tender food in his whole life. "

Kou Zhun's food was much better than Chen Lin's. He carefully peeled the shrimp shells, gave Chen Lin an angry look, and said, "Are you here to see it? You're obviously here to play tricks."

After swallowing the peeled shrimp meat in one gulp, Kou Zhun groaned and said, "Look who you have under your command, that sentence 'it's actually a pearl, it's actually a pearl comparable to gold? Hahaha, I'm rich. ' Shout as much as false.

These little tricks can only fool the common people, and if you meet someone who is a little smarter, you can expose your tricks in an instant. "

Not only was Chen Lin not annoyed, but she smiled cheerfully and said, "What? You don't like such a small trick of Zajia."

Kou Zhun said without losing face: "You really don't want to say it, you just look down on it. A man should act openly and aboveboard instead of playing such petty tricks.

Send one or two people, and get some pearls or something to put on the coast, and naturally your own people will pick them up and expose them to the people.This method is really low-level. "

Chen Lin said with a smile: "The mission entrusted to the Zajia by His Majesty is to help the Zajia to stabilize the hearts of the people during this special period. The Zajia is only doing things according to His Majesty's mind."

Kou Zhun snatched a piece of sea cucumber from Chen Lin's chopsticks, swallowed it in one gulp, and scolded disdainfully, "You're just a thieves..."

Chen Lin let Kou Zhun snatch the sea cucumber from her chopsticks, and then said with a smile, "If the miscellaneous family tells you, it's not that the miscellaneous family can't think of this method, but that your majesty ordered it?"

The expression on Kou Zhun's face froze, the chopsticks in his hand were stuck in the bowl, and he said with an embarrassed expression: "Your Majesty... Shengming..."


Seeing this, Chen Lin laughed loudly, pointed at Kou Zhun and said, "Miscellaneous people like to see you literati with such a shameless look."

Kou Zhun glared at Chen Lin angrily, and growled, "You know what..."

If my father hadn't arranged a marriage for me, and it happened that it wasn't Yang Qi's younger sister, would I have praised him as a bad foot?
I have already pointed at his nose and scolded his mother.


Seeing Kou Zhun getting angry from embarrassment, Chen Lin smiled even more heartily.

Silent all night.

The next day.

Before dawn, without the urging of Kou Zhun and others, the common people got up early to catch the sea.

From Yuguan to the border of Yan and Song Dynasties, the coastline of more than 300 miles is densely packed with people rushing to the sea, each rushing faster than the other.

In just one day, the people gathered by the sea were not only refugees from Song and Liao, but also families of soldiers living nearby.

Who wouldn't want to pick up money at the beach for no reason.

The scale of chasing the sea is growing day by day.

The seafood on the coast is also being consumed rapidly.

Except for a few people who picked up treasures from the sea, most people just picked up some seafood.

The seafood picked up by the people is increasing day by day, which has far exceeded their consumption.

Large quantities of seafood are piled up for a long time, and they tend to stink.

Ever since, the work of catching the sea began to enter the second stage.

From the third day, various rumors began to spread among the crowd.

It is rumored that a woman, when she was going to catch the sea, was afraid that her young son would be lost, so she tied her son to the beach not far from the garrison camp.

The woman went to catch the sea alone, and after a busy day, she got a lot of food.

When she dragged her tired body back to the garrison battalion commander, she saw an astonishing scene.

At the foot of her son, there is a small pothole, in the pothole, covered with a fine layer of salt frost.

The woman was overjoyed, coaxed and lied to her son, and got the origin of Yanshuang from the young son's mouth.

It was actually made of sea water.

Sea water can produce salt as fine as sand and as white as snow.

After the news spread, it caused a sensation.

As a result, a large number of people who accumulated a lot of food began the journey of drying salt.

However, the sun in winter is far less venomous than summer, how can it produce salt?

Some smart people came up with cooking salt at this time.

So while rushing to the sea, I saw a big pot set up on the coast, and started the process of boiling salt.

Immediately afterwards, a series of air-dried seafood such as dried kelp, dried seaweed, dried sea cucumber, and dried abalone were released one after another.

Then, after salt was available, seafood developed with table salt was released one after another.

In short, the vigorous scene of catching the sea, in the end, turned into a processing factory with millions of people.

During this period, small boats continued to return to the shore with a full load of harvest, and then continued to go to sea after warming up with their families.

When more than 300 large and small warehouses in the port city are filled with dry goods and salted fish.

The population of more than 200 million along the coast of the port city finally does not have to worry about being starved to death.

It took them only ten days from seeking food and clothing at the beginning to making a fortune with the help of the east wind.

And Yang Qi's fleet also drifted on the sea for ten days.

Four days ago.

Yang Qi's fleet reached two hundred nautical miles away.

The weather was calm along the way, neither a wave nor a dragon sucking water.

Nearly thirty boxes of Zhentianlei were thrown into the water.

The cabin of the fleet led by Yang Qi was filled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ten huge sharks hung in front of Yang Qi's flagship, marking the voyage, which was fruitful.

For this voyage, Yang Qi made full preparations.

It is to return home with a full load, so that all the hungry people in the country of Yan can see hope.

However, Yang Qi still underestimated the abundance of seafood in this era.

In this era, except for a small number of fishermen, fishing teams rarely use such a large-scale fishing team as Yang Qi, and it is even more impossible to go deep into the sea to a depth of two hundred nautical miles.

Most of them are hovering around fifty nautical miles.

Therefore, the seafood that has grown carelessly in the ocean for tens of thousands of years has become terribly rich.

Beat roe deer with sticks and ladle fish.

Yang Qi has only seen this kind of thing in books.

Yang Qi didn't expect that he could see a similar scene in his lifetime.

A thunderbolt was thrown down, and thousands of big fish floated up with their bellies turned over.

Of course, some deep-diving golden fish are difficult to be fried.

But this does not affect Yang Qi's harvest.

Picking up fish in a serious way.

Yang Qi only needs to move the two big boats across the net, and he can easily harvest the fried fish.

There were also some live fish mixed in the pile of dead fish, which were pulled up together.

What surprised Yang Qi the most was that the sharks in the sea were not afraid of his huge fleet at all.

When people saw that Yang Qi had fried fish, they came up to get a share of the pie.

Maybe there is still the idea of ​​​​taking down the entire fleet.

In short, these sharks that are not afraid of death eventually became Yang Qi's trophies.

After filling the cabin, Yang Qi ordered to return.

When returning, it was much slower than when it came.

Since the cabins are full and the draft is so deep, the rowers are exhausted.

In order to rush back to the coast as soon as possible, even the soldiers following Yang Qi joined the rowing ranks.

And Yang Qi himself was like a piece of salted fish, lying on the deck, basking in the sun with the sharks hanging in mid-air.



There was a loud roar like a siren, and a water flower rose like a fountain.

A huge monster slowly floated to the surface of the sea.




"It's Kunpeng!"


One after another, screams sounded on the deck.

They rushed to tell each other as if they had encountered the most terrifying thing in their lives, and then looked at the huge monster rising from the sea and trembled together.

Yang Qi got up as early as the roar came.

He lay on the bow of the boat, looking at the slowly rising behemoth with a look of astonishment.

"Your Majesty, it's Kunpeng, it's Kunpeng..."

"Fart Kunpeng, this is a whale!"

"Whale? What is a whale?"


(End of this chapter)

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