Monument Yangmen

Chapter 770 Whale Whale

Chapter 770 Whale Whale
"Go around..."

When seeing this whale, Yang Qi's first reaction was not to go up to hunt the whale, but to order his fleet to go around.

There is no doubt that the fleet led by Yang Qi should be regarded as the most powerful fleet in the world.

But in front of the giant whale in front of him, there are only some slightly stronger planks.

As long as it flicks its tail, the five-toothed ship that Yang Qi is sitting on will probably turn into pieces and drift in the sea.

Under Yang Qi's order, the fleet drew an arc in the sea and avoided the whale.

This giant whale with a body length of about fifteen feet, even if it is placed in later generations, it will be a huge monster.

In the eyes of the soldiers of Yan State, this is Kunpeng.

Ancient fetish.

Has the ability to reach the sky.

Thanks to Zhuangzi's "Xiaoyaoyou", the soldiers have a natural fear of the Kunpeng in their hearts.

The five-toothed ship circumnavigated a thousand feet before avoiding the activity range of the giant whale.

Everyone on the boat let out a sigh of relief when they saw the big boat bypassing the giant whale.

Everyone seemed to have snatched a life back from the Dragon King, feeling like they had survived a catastrophe.

"Hahaha... It was a worthwhile trip to go to sea this time. We actually ran into Kunpeng. When we go back and tell other people, they probably won't believe it..."

Peng Pai suppressed the fear in his heart, and said with a cheerful smile.

Yang Qi breathed a sigh of relief, sat down on the deck slowly, glared at Peng Pai, who was frightened, and said, "What Kunpeng! Thanks to you, you used to be a scholar. How did the Kunpeng be described in Zhuangzi's "Xiaoyaoyou" ?”

"The Kun is so big, I don't know how many thousands of miles it is..."

"That thing is thousands of miles long?"


Peng Pai replied dejectedly, and after being stunned for a moment, he looked at Yang Qi seriously and said, "Maybe it's You Kun..."

Yang Qi rolled his eyes and looked straight at Peng Pai.

Peng Pai felt terrified at the sight, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Your Majesty bluntly said that that thing is not a Kunpeng, so your Majesty must know what it is, right?"

The eyes of all the soldiers on the deck were cast on Yang Qi.

Yang Qi coughed dryly, and said softly: "The name of that huge monster just now is called a whale. There are many types of whales, but the only whale that can grow to a length of fifteen feet is the blue whale."


"blue whale?"

"Any other whales?"

"What is a whale?"


For the rest of their life after the catastrophe, everyone's minds became much more active. Seeing Yang Qi explaining, they asked questions without any scruples.

Yang Qi looked around, found a dried fish, soaked it in water, and wrote a big word '鲸' on the deck.

Then patiently explain the whale to the soldiers.

Everyone sat around Yang Qi as if they were listening to a scripture from heaven, and listened carefully to his explanation of the ocean.

Although Yang Qi's explanation was not vivid, and could even be said to be very blunt, the soldiers still listened carefully.

In the eyes of many of them, the sea is a very strange place, and only some people who have read books have learned about the sea from books.

Some northerners have never even seen the sea in their entire lives.

Most of what they know about the sea is from rumors or hearsay stories.

The sea that Yang Qi explained was completely different from the sea they knew.

In their impression, the sea means disaster, mystery, and vastness.

But according to Yang Qikou, there are treasures everywhere in the sea.

Yang Qi's lecture lasted half an hour.

Yang Qi can still tell longer, and he has even dug out some stories of great pirates in his mind, and is going to tell the soldiers.

However, Yang Qi hadn't opened his mouth yet.

A startled breath caught their attention.

"Kunpeng is here again!"

The soldiers on the ship next door were exclaiming.

Yang Qi leaned on the bow of the boat to have a look, and saw the whale that they avoided just now slowly following behind them.

The huge body lurks in the bottom of the sea, only a huge back is left for Yang Qi and others to see.

From time to time, a jet of water will be sprayed from the back of the giant whale.

Even though Yang Qi has unrivaled martial arts, he feels a little flustered at the moment.

He didn't understand why this giant whale was staring at them.

"Quick! Throw all the fish out of the boat."

It is purely a dream to expect the five-toothed ship to be faster than the blue whale in the sea.

The only way out now is to cast the catch on the boat and attract him with food.

As Yang Qi's order was conveyed to each ship, the crew on each ship endured heartache and threw baskets of catches in the cabin into the sea.

The thrown fish and shrimp instantly covered the entire sea surface.


The blue whale let out a long cry, raised its head, opened its mouth wide, and just swam among the fish and shrimp.

The fish and shrimp on the sea surface were swallowed by it at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not long after, there was a roar similar to a siren, and a jet of water sprayed out.

As a dominant creature in the ocean, it doesn't need to deliberately chase food.

It only needs to open its mouth, swallow the prey and seawater into its stomach, and then spray out the seawater, so that it can easily satisfy its hunger.

Over time.

There was less and less catch in the hold, less and less.

But the blue whale didn't seem to have the intention of leaving, and kept following the fleet, stirring up the sea water from time to time, pushing the fleet forward quickly.

It seems to be playing very happily, flicking its tail and slapping the sea water from time to time.

But it doesn't know that all its actions are disasters for the fleet.

"Your Majesty, the catches are finished."

Peng Pai hurriedly ran to Yang Qi, and said solemnly.

Yang Qi stared at the blue whale tightly, and said in a low voice: "It doesn't seem to have the intention of destroying us, let the brothers wait and see what happens. Send people to use ropes to gather the remaining shocking mines on the ships. Then let people Gather all the spears on the ships.

When it really comes to the point where the fish die and the net breaks, we can only fight. "

Yang Qi tried his best to think of the best.

Blue whales are mammals, not as fierce as sharks.

Yang Qi hoped that the blue whale was just playing with them and had no malicious intentions.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Yang Qi felt that this might be the slowest day in his life.

When the burning clouds appeared in the sky, the blue whale still had no intention of retreating, and it just quietly followed the fleet.

From time to time, a jet of water sprayed out, and the people who were drenched in the boat became drowned.


Peng Pai, who was standing beside Yang Qi, swallowed secretly, and asked Yang Qi in a low voice, "What does this...whale mean? Why does it keep following us?"

Compared with the fear itself, seeing the fear coming step by step is the scariest thing.

The blue whale following the fleet, like a ghost, approached them step by step.

They couldn't avoid it, couldn't avoid it, they could only watch helplessly as the evil spirit approached them step by step.

Maybe they will pray in their hearts that this evil spirit can let them go.

However, the sky does not follow people's wishes.

When night falls.

The blue whale seems to be tired of playing, or rather tired of playing, and has not been fed. It intends to swallow the toy in front of it as food.


The huge tail fan swayed, and huge waves set off.

Along with the waves, the blue whale appeared near the nearest large ship.


The hard skull hit the hull.

The big ship was torn apart at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The soldiers on the boat fell into the sea one by one screaming, and soon became the food in the belly of the blue whale.

When Yang Qi on the deck saw this scene, his eyeballs almost popped out, his eyes were red and he shouted.

"Brothers, kill!"

The blue whale broke out, and Yang Qi's wish came to nothing, so he could only fight to the death.

"Whoosh whoosh~"

The bow and crossbow were activated immediately, and a series of iron arrows shot out violently.

Shooting on a blue whale is like tickling it.

The arrow pierced its back in an instant, but the damage to it was minimal.

What Yang Qi carried on board was the most sophisticated crossbow in Yan Kingdom, even cowhide armor could penetrate ten layers.



The fantail flicked again.

Another big ship with five teeth followed in the footsteps of the big ship just now.

The waves instigated by the fan tail pushed the other large ships to bump up and down.

Everyone couldn't stand firm on the cabin.

Some people screamed and ran rampant on the deck, while others sat on the deck waiting to die.

Panic, screams, and shouts instantly filled the sea area.

Yang Qi stuck a long spear on the deck to stabilize his figure, and he shouted at Peng Pai, "Bring Zhentianlei over here, I will kill it."

A box full of Zhen Tianlei was pushed over by Peng Pai and others.

Yang Qi opened the box with one hand, ignited one of the thunderbolts with a torch, then closed the lid, and flung it out with all his might.

Gunpowder burned rapidly in the air.


Yang Qi used his natural power to throw the box full of Zhentianlei onto the back of the blue whale.

The Zhentianlei box hit the blue whale, and then exploded suddenly.


Accompanied by a loud noise, a ray of light resembling an aurora flashed across the blue whale's back, illuminating half of the sky where the blue whale was located.


Through the light, you can clearly see that a large piece of flesh and blood has been blown off the blue whale.

The blue whale was in pain and howled in grief.


The blue whale seemed to be aroused fiercely, it frantically flicked its tail, and rampaged in the middle of the fleet.

The soldiers on the big ship fell from the ship into the sea like dumplings.

The screams were endless.

Yang Qi stared at the blue whale with red eyes, and roared loudly, "I don't believe I can't kill you!"

"Peng Pai! Gun!"

Yang Qi was also aroused fiercely.

Two spears were handed to Yang Qi by Peng Pai.

Yang Qi exerted all his strength and threw out the spear with all his might.

The spear was in Yang Qi's hands, showing its sharpness.

The long spear thrown by Yang Qi pierced the blue whale's body like a needle inserted into tofu, and disappeared without a trace.


After swinging the two spears, Yang Qi roared again.

Peng Pai hurriedly handed over the spear.

After repeating this, the third time there was no need for Yang Qi to remind him, Peng Pai would take the initiative to send the spear to Yang Qi.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff~"

The sound of the spear shooting into the body of the blue whale rang out.

Yang Qi is like a humanoid machine gun, swinging the spear non-stop.

In a blink of an eye, nearly a thousand spears were thrown into the body of the blue whale by Yang Qi.

The blue whale is already crazy.

It went on a rampage, crashing one big ship after another.

At the moment when Yang Qi threw the gun, it had already crashed more than a dozen large ships.

Nearly 5000 people were buried in its belly.


Yang Qi burst out drinking.

Peng Pai stared, swallowed his saliva secretly, and said in a low voice: ""

The spears on the big ship were exhausted, but the blue whale still showed no signs of death.

Seeing the blue whale destroying one big ship after another, Yang Qi was so angry that he almost crushed his silver teeth.



"Your Majesty, save me..."



The blue whale once again crashed a large ship beside Yang Qi, watching his subordinates being swallowed by the blue whale one by one.

Yang Qi's killing intent is Ling Ran.

But in front of this fifteen-foot-long blue whale, no matter how much he wanted to kill, it was useless.

It seems that there is nothing to do with this blue whale.

Let it kill until it kills itself in the end?

Yang Qi thumped the deck with one hand.

He growled at Peng Pai.

"Peng Pai, tie the Zhentianlei box to me."

Peng Pai shouted in horror: "Your Majesty, what are you going to do?"

Yang Qi clenched his fists and growled, "I'm going to fight it."

Peng Pai gritted his teeth and refused: "Your Majesty, let the brothers do the hard work. Anyone of us can have an accident, but you can't."

"Your Majesty, I'll go!"

"Your Majesty, I wish to go."

"His Majesty……"

Yang Qi said coldly, "Shut up. On this big ship, except for me, none of you can compete with it."

"His Majesty……"


Yang Qi looked at Peng Pai coldly, "This is a military order!"

In Yan State, Yang Qi's military orders are supreme, and no one can violate them.

Gritting his teeth and crying, Peng Pai helped Yang Qi tie the Zhentianlei box to him with an iron chain.

"His Majesty!"

Peng Pai intends to persuade him to stay.

But Yang Qi ignored his shout.

Yang Qi snatched the horizontal knife from Peng Pai's hand, and slowly stepped back a dozen steps.

The soldiers who stood in front of Yang Qi subconsciously moved out of the way.

Yang Qi retreated to the end of the deck.

"Deng deng deng ~"

Run suddenly.

Yang Qi ran wildly on the deck, jumped onto the bow, and landed on a protruding wooden board on the bow.

The plank was bent downwards under pressure, and then straightened suddenly.


Yang Qi's body shot out like a cannonball.

"His Majesty!"

The soldiers on the deck cried out in unison.

In their eyes, Yang Qi's departure is like Jing Ke, who is in the wind and the water is cold, and will never return.

And Yang Qi did this for them.

"If Your Majesty dies, we will have no face to live on in this world."

Someone said something sadly, and the rest nodded in unison.

However, just when the soldiers were thinking about burying Yang Qi.

Yang Qi has landed on the back of the blue whale.


The moment Yang Qi landed on the back of the blue whale, the horizontal knife in his hand pierced into the back of the blue whale.

No blade can get in.

Yang Qi held the handle of the knife tightly, and lay firmly on the back of the blue whale.

There is mucus on the blue whale's back, which is very slippery. If Yang Qi can't hold the knife handle tightly, he can't lie on the blue whale's back at all.


(End of this chapter)

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