Monument Yangmen

Chapter 826 Lurking

Chapter 826 Lurking
Withdrew the imperial army that had invaded the territory of the southern country, and ordered them to rush to Jeju Prefecture to wipe out the giant bandits.

Zhao Defang's order was concise and to the point.

It's just that he only listened to half of Zhao Pu's advice, but not the other half.

That is, he did not send envoys to Yan to show his favor to Yang Qi.

There is no plan to release Huyan Chijin.

He learned from many aspects, knowing that Yang Qi is a person who values ​​friendship.

As long as he holds the Huyan Chijin in his hand, Yang Qi will not dare to do anything.

Zhao Defang's order went out of the palace.

It has not been sent to Shi Shouxin in the southern country.

Han Qiong in Jeju Prefecture and Yang Qi in Zhongyi Mountain got the relevant news almost at the same time.

After carefully watching the news sent by the spies, Han Qiong smiled contemptuously and said, "Stupid..."

After laughing.

Han Qiong threw the paper on which the news was written aside like trash, and then urged the ghost slaves under his command to step up the search for food, grass, gold and silver in the Jeju government.

Loyalty Mountain.

Yang Qi held the bowl and squatted with Wang Xing in front of the Loyalty Shrine to eat noodles.

It's not that they can't afford good food, and it's not that they can't afford good food.

It's the woman serving in the Loyalty Shrine who only knows how to make gnocchi.

This spring's wheat flour, served with fresh wild vegetables, kneaded into a ball, squeezed into the pot bit by bit, and pulled out, it was a bowl of green noodles with full soup and water.

Add one or two sticks of wild garlic or Qin pepper for a special taste.

Holding a letter in his hand, Peng Pai rushed over from a distance, and when Peng Pai arrived, Yang Qi had already finished his last sip of noodle soup.

Putting down the bowls and chopsticks casually, took the letter from Peng Pai, and took a closer look.

Yang Qi smiled sarcastically, "'s really fantastic. You don't want to fight Nanguo, so you think I won't touch you? Zhao Defang, do you think I'm a stick?"

He casually threw the letter far away.

Yang Qi glanced at Peng Pai and asked, "Peng Pai, how is the situation at the fallen leaves?"

Peng Pai bowed and said, "Everything is going according to your majesty's plan."

Yang Qi asked again, "Where is Zhao Di?"

"It's the same..."

Yang Qi nodded slowly, "Very go down and convey my order, except for the Iron Cavalry Army, Shenji Battalion, and Zhentian Battalion, the rest of the soldiers and horses should return to their original places.

Yang Yanping led the Iron Cavalry Army, Shenji Battalion, and Zhentian Battalion to wait at the border of Cangzhou.

Then send an order to go to the southern country, tell Yang Yanguang and Yang Yanding, and go out of Mangshan Mountain, and take Yongzhou for me within half a decade.A month later, I will see them in Jiangning Mansion.

By the way, send someone to tell my old father-in-law not to pretend to be dead.

If he continued to pretend to be dead, he could only live by guarding Dali.

Let him capture Huyanzan alive, don't get hurt.

Otherwise, don't blame me for not showing affection.

Go and tell Kou Zhun to send an envoy to Liao.

Tell Xiao Zhuo's mother-in-law to cede the land.

To the south of Shangjing, I want everything, there is no need to discuss.

If you don't give it to me, go get it yourself. "

One order after another, enough to shock the world, spit out from Yang Qi's mouth so lightly.

Yang Qi also figured it out.

In the past, he just thought about getting rich and being safe.

I just want to occupy a place so that the members of the Yang family can live a comfortable life without any constraints.

However, his thinking was considered easy to bully.

That being the case.

Then simply build a huge empire and make everyone tremble under his iron hooves.


They are all satisfied.

All of them are gyro.

Under pumping!

Listening to Yang Qi's order after order, Wang Xing just grinned smirkingly.

He doesn't understand much politics.

All he knew was that Yan would become stronger and stronger.

And the reason why the country of Yan will become stronger and stronger is because there are countless old brothers who are like veterans of Fuxing, and they are fighting for the country of Yan.

Yan State will eventually be strong.

Yan State will eventually be invincible.

The blood of the old brothers will not be shed in vain.


Yang Qi's order was like a thunderbolt thrown into a deep lake.

While it was falling rapidly, it was also fermenting rapidly.

When it explodes, it will eventually set off a higher wave.


Jeju Province.

Han Qiong led people to search Jeju Prefecture for a month and a half. It can be said that the ground was scraped three feet, and the corpses were everywhere.

And just when Shi Shouxin traveled starry night and led his men and horses, he hurried to Jeju Prefecture.

Han Qiong had already taken what she had captured, and her army, which had been expanded several times, headed for Cangzhou and headed straight for Yan.

Shi Shouxin led tens of 10 horses, but he was in vain.

This is why Han Qiong sneered after seeing Zhao Defang's order.

From the beginning to the end, she didn't care about Song Guo at all.

Everything she did was preparing for her large-scale invasion of Yan Kingdom.

Hundreds of thousands of miscellaneous troops escorted inexhaustible amounts of grain, gold, silver and jewels to the border of Cangzhou.

Han Qiong was not in a hurry to attack the country of Yan, but sent some of his cronies to the sea to snatch tens of thousands of ships, large and small, and loaded all the gold and silver treasures on board.

After all the gold and silver treasures are guarded by Han Qiong's cronies and uploaded.

Han Qiongcai summoned several leaders of the miscellaneous army under his command to discuss the matter of marching into the country of Yan in the big tent.

There are less than ten leaders in the miscellaneous army.

Among them, Han Qiong is most optimistic about the four.

One is the leader of the ghost slave army, a Japanese.

The other is Korean.

The other two are the talents of the two generals that Han Qiong discovered when he was in Jeju Prefecture.

One is named Luo Yun and the other is Zhao Le.

Luo Yun is a thin and weak man who lives on the water all year round. He is a wandering pirate. He has a group of desperadoes in his hands and he fights extremely bravely.

He was discovered by Han Qiong on a deserted island when he landed in Dengzhou.

Because Luo Yun picked up the ship from the southern country, he was beaten and ran away, and finally had to hide on a deserted island.

Han Qiong felt that Luo Yun was a talent, so he took him in.

Luo Yun also lived up to her expectations. When he led the troops into the Jeju Prefecture, he won three battles and three victories, which demonstrated his talent as a general and established his position as the leader of the miscellaneous army.

Zhao Le's origin is somewhat interesting.

A middle-aged man in his 40s had two horizontal scars on his face, which looked extremely hideous.

This person was also picked up by Han Qiong.

It was just picked up in the prison of Jeju Prefecture.

At that time, Han Qiong heard that there were many gangsters imprisoned in the prison of Jeju Prefecture. She felt that these people could be used, so she went there in person.

Then he ran into Zhao Le who was about to starve to death.

Zhao Le lay on the railing and growled at Han Qiong, "Give me a pancake, my life is yours."

So Han Qiong threw Zhao Le a cake.

Zhao Le became the most loyal soldier under Han Qiong's command besides the Liao people.

He was cruel and merciless, and helped Han Qiong do a lot of dirty things, gaining Han Qiong's trust.

Then mixed up a place in the army leader team.

He summoned the leaders of all the ministries under his command.

Han Qiong looked at them condescendingly, and said calmly: "Everyone should be clear that leading a group of rioters will never accomplish anything. Our invasion of Yan State this time aims to destroy Yan State, not to seize the land of Yan State.

Therefore, I hope that after you lead the rebels into the territory of Yan State, you will avoid fighting the main force of the Yan army as much as possible, and collect more money and food.

As long as you complete the tasks I entrusted to you, and you will follow the roots back to Daliao in the future, I will definitely give you a glorious future. "

Few people who can get into the leadership position are fools.

Those who yelled and then rushed forward without thinking were reckless.

It is difficult for a reckless man to stand out among hundreds of thousands of people.

Even if you stand out, it is impossible to get into the position of leader.

So, from the beginning.

Han Qiong didn't tell these people the truth of passion.

Great principles are useless to them.

Some of them even knew the current situation better than Han Qiong.

Therefore, the benefits are eternal.

Han Qiong was able to give high officials and honors to many of them who were depressed.

This is Han Qiong's capital to rule them.

Someone frowned subconsciously after hearing Han Qiong's words, and asked in a deep voice: "I heard that the empress loaded all the looted property on the big ship...The empress wants to transport the money to the Liao Kingdom?"

Han Qiong narrowed her eyes slightly, nodded and said, "Not bad..."

The man licked his tongue and said in a low voice: "When we arrive in Liao Kingdom, it's hard to say who owns the money. The empress promised us that we will have a share of the money.

I'm a rough person, I'm not used to being an official, and I'm not interested in high-ranking officials.

I will not go to Liao.

Why don't you distribute the money that belongs to us to our brothers before we go to Yan to cause chaos.

So... we brothers also have a bottom line in our hearts..."

As soon as this remark came out, discussions arose everywhere.

Han Qiong frowned into a Sichuan character.

Immediately, with a smile on his face, "You all think so?"

Luo Yun, Zhao Le, the leader of the Japanese people, the leader of the Korean people, and three others remained indifferent.

The rest of the people nodded in unison.

The smile on Han Qiong's face disappeared, and he said coldly: "Very good..."

The money is in Han Qiong's hands, how can it be distributed?
Said to share with them, just to win people's hearts and minds.

This time the Liao Kingdom was defeated, someone in the country must have planted it on Han Qiong's head.

At that time, as long as this huge amount of gold, silver and jewelry is thrown out, the nobles of the Liao Kingdom who have been searched for by the war will inevitably press their mouths.

It is related to Han Qiong's future status in Liao.

How could Han Qiong hand it over?
Han Qiong subconsciously looked at Zhao Le.

Zhao Le understood.

He moved two steps, and appeared behind the person who spoke first with a blank face.

A ox-clearing knife appeared in his hand and pierced the man's chest fiercely.

In the yelling of other people, and the unbelievable look in that person's eyes.

Zhao Le said coldly: "Those who confuse the army's morale before the battle, die!"

Zhao Le looked around coldly, and said coldly: "Who else wants to try?"

Seeing that Luo Yun and Zhao Le blocked the door of the big tent.

There is no escape from them.

Everyone shook their heads.

Only then did Han Qiong nodded in satisfaction, "So... very good... I will give you what I promised you sooner or later. But now is not the time, so don't be too impatient.

Being too impatient can kill you.

Everyone, go back and prepare now, tomorrow we will invade the country of Yan.

The four of you stay. "

The four people who were left behind were naturally Luo Yun, Zhao Le, Japanese, and Korean.

Han Qiong coldly ordered the Japanese and the Koreans: "Take your people and go out and let me keep an eye on them. If anyone dares to take the opportunity to escape or make trouble, they will be eradicated together."

The Japanese and the Koreans saluted Han Qiong respectfully, and then walked out of the big tent holding the long knife at their waists.

Only Han Qiong, Luo Yun, and Zhao Le were left in the big tent.

Han Qiong looked at Luo Yun and Zhao Le's attitude obviously much better.

"Luo Yun, Zhao Le, you two can be regarded as my confidantes. It is indeed a blessing for me to meet you two when I come out this time. Without your help, I would not have come this far step.

Now that it's the last step, I don't want to hide it from you.

Attacking Yan State, there must be death but no life.

Ever since I saw Yang Yansi in Hong Kong City, I knew that my plan was in vain.

Yuguan, Gubeikou, Dongcheng Mansion, and Gangcheng attacked Yan from all sides, but they could not do anything to Yan.

With these miscellaneous troops in our hands, it is even more impossible to reverse the situation.

The reason why I gathered so many people in this palace was to go to Yan to cause chaos.

Just to make Yang Yansi feel better.

When these miscellaneous troops entered the country of Yan, I will take a boat to go north. "

After a pause, Han Qiong said seriously: "I have told you the truth, and I want to hear you a word of the truth. Are you willing to follow me back to the Liao Kingdom, and do things for me alone loyally."


Han Qiong wants to take the two of them as confidantes.

Luo Yun and Zhao Le pondered for a moment.

Luo Yun raised his head and asked in a low voice: "If the Liao emperor and the empress give orders at the same time, who will listen to?"

Han Qiong was taken aback for a moment, and said with a smile: "You are smart..."

After praising Luo Yun, Han Qiong slowly suppressed her smile, and said proudly: "Of course I listen to me."

Luo Yun and Zhao Le looked at each other and bowed together.

"Humble job Luo Yun (Zhao Le), see the lord!"

"My lord?"

Han Qiong was taken aback, and laughed, "I like these two words. In the future, when no one is around, you are allowed to call me like this. When there are outsiders, you still call me empress."

"Yes! Lord!"

Han Qiong nodded in satisfaction, "Go down and pack up your things secretly, pick some trusted and loyal confidantes, and send them aboard. When the miscellaneous troops enter the country of Yan, it's time for us to leave here."

"Yes! Lord!"

Luo Yun and Zhao Le got out of the big tent.

They separated and returned to the army.

After a while.

The two changed their clothes, mixed among the soldiers, and met in a hidden place.

As soon as they met, the person named Luo Yun asked with a cold face: "What should we do now? If she doesn't plan to enter the Yan Kingdom, we won't be able to complete the task His Majesty gave us."

Zhao Le frowned, glanced at Luo Yun, and said in a low voice: "At this point, we can only go on. You and I have been abandoned by His Majesty once. Your Majesty will use you and me again regardless of the past. .This is a trust in you and me.

This trust alone is not something you and I can live up to.

Since she will not enter the country of Yan, we will follow her to the country of Liao.

At the same time, let the brothers under his command pass the news back and wait for His Majesty's next instructions. "

Luo Yun nodded slowly, pondered for a moment, and asked Zhao Le hesitantly, "How long was the longest time you hid?"

Zhao Le glanced at Luo Yun, understood the meaning of his words, and sighed: "Ten years..."

Luo Yun's heart trembled, he gritted his teeth and said, "I hope we don't have to hide for so long this time."

Zhao Le shook his head, "As eagles and dogs, Your Majesty promised you and me to marry a wife and have children. Now His Majesty will take care of your wife and children. We should be very satisfied. This life will naturally be returned to Your Majesty.

We will hide as long as Your Majesty tells us to hide.

Even for a lifetime..."


Luo Yun spat out the worm that flew into his mouth, and said with a smack: "It's only been a few years... The young master we followed in the past has become His Majesty who dominates the world..."

"Don't mention Your Majesty again. There are many people with mixed opinions, so we should be careful in contact."

"I understand... I was specially trained by a group of old women."

"Hey... look down on my wild way? Those who drown are all able to swim."


(End of this chapter)

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