Monument Yangmen

Chapter 827 Han Qiong's Real Purpose

Chapter 827 Han Qiong's Real Purpose

In September, the weather is still hot.

Under the leadership of Han Qiong, a miscellaneous army composed of hundreds of thousands of refugees entered the country of Yan from Cangzhou.

On the border of Song and Yan, there is a high mountain, which is jokingly called Liangjie Mountain by the people.

It means a mountain that spans two countries.

The trees on the mountain are verdant, straight and straight, covering the original face of the mountain.

On the mountainside, there is a gentle slope.

Yang Da was wearing bright light armor, standing there straight, looking down, looking at the miscellaneous army of refugees entering the country like locusts at the foot of the mountain.

Behind Yang Da, the soldiers of Shenji Battalion and Zhentian Battalion were already ready to go.

And on the left side of the mountain, a large number of cavalry are ready to fight.

Yang Da frowned subconsciously as he looked at the scattered army of refugees at the foot of the mountain.

Yang Liu leaned over to Yang Da's side, looked down, frowned, and whispered in Yang Da's ear: "Brother... these... are all common people..."

The implication is that he can't kill the people in front of the people.

Yang Da also couldn't kill the killer, so he frowned.

Seeing the miscellaneous army of refugees rushing into the territory of the country of Yan, Yang Da saw some slightly organized soldiers behind the miscellaneous army of refugees.

Most of them wear the armor of the Song Army and hold the weapons of the Song Army.

But it is not the sophisticated weapons of the Song army, but some miscellaneous armor.

Presumably they were seized from the Song Guoxiang Army in Qingzhou and other places.

The number of these soldiers was small, only [-].

But it was these [-] soldiers who drove hundreds of thousands of people to run around.

It can be seen from this that the disaster of military disaster is terrible.

Seeing soldiers appearing, Yang Da also breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as these soldiers who drive away the people are defeated, the miscellaneous army of refugees will become the same people as before, and a little appeasement will not cause too much harm to the Yan State.

Yang Da doesn't need to commit more crimes.

"Send the order down, tell the rangers at the bottom of the mountain, let them turn around from the two wings, disrupt the ranks of the refugees, so that they can't gather together to make trouble. If you can recruit surrender, recruit as much as possible.

If there are those who resist stubbornly or take the opportunity to make trouble, they will be killed on the spot without mercy. "

Yang Liu clasped his fists and said: "Let me take the heavy responsibility of disrupting the refugee team. This matter is extremely difficult to handle, and innocent people will be killed if they are not careful. With me in charge, there should be no indiscriminate killing of innocent people. "

"it is good!"

Yang Da nodded.

Yang Liu went down the mountain, led the rangers, split into two groups, and rushed out from the side.

Yang Da saw the smoke and dust rising from the lower reaches of the mountain, raised his hand, and commanded the Zhentian Camp and Shenji Camp behind him.

"Aim at the soldiers at the foot of the mountain, attack with all your strength, and try to annihilate them in one fell swoop."


The soldiers of the two battalions were silent, only the sound of beating their chests with one hand.

Down the mountain.

Han Qiong sat on horseback.

Seeing that all the refugees have entered the country of Yan, and the ghost slave army has also set foot on the territory of the country of Yan.

Hearing the hooves of the rangers in the distance, Han Qiong smiled.

"Luo Yun, Zhao Le... It's time for us to leave."

Han Qiong gave instructions to Luo Yun and Zhao Le beside him.

Turned the horse's head and ran straight to the coast.

Luo Yun and Zhao Le straddled the horses and followed closely behind.

Han Qiong doesn't miss this place at all.

He didn't bother to see what would happen to these refugees and miscellaneous troops after they entered the country of Yan.

What she can do, she has done.

Now is the time for her to retreat.

Han Qiong left.

The ghost slave army marching towards the territory of Yan State did not stop.

Behind them, there are still [-] powerful Liao troops supervising the battle.

These [-] Liao troops are the dead soldiers picked out by Han Qiong.

What they have to do is to use the vagrant army and ghost slave army to cause the greatest damage to the Yan Kingdom as much as possible.

And those Koreans and Japanese in the ghost slave army didn't know that the most supreme queen in their hearts had already included them in the ranks of abandonment.

After the ghost slave army set foot on the land of Yan Kingdom, they couldn't wait to charge forward.

For them, every time they set foot on a new land, it means that they can indulge in burning, killing and looting.

The Japanese people killed Goryeo by sea boat, for what?
For the purpose of burning, killing and looting.

It's just that they unfortunately encountered the Liao army who was attacking Goryeo, and were captured together.

The character of respecting the strong in their bones made them obey the orders of the Liao army without hesitation.

He became a servant of the Liao army.


When the ghost slave army all stepped into the territory of Yan State with the intention of burning, killing and looting.

Yang Da on the high mountain spit out a word coldly.

"Boom boom boom boom~"

The artillery exploded like a firecracker.

There are thousands of cannons, and a hundred cannons form a round, a total of ten rounds, and they are projected repeatedly.

Hundreds of shells fell on the ghost slave army's heads, and then exploded around them, knocking them all off their feet in an instant.

Some memories that they deliberately chose to forget resurfaced in their hearts.

Immediately, someone yelled and ran away.

No matter how hard the Liao army drove them away, they couldn't stop them from fleeing.

The reason for such a scene.

It was also caused by Yang Qi.

Back then when Yang Qi was in Hong Kong City, he set up a large minefield.

Cannons, muskets, thunderbolts, earth mines, dynamite packs, etc. go together.

The coast of Hong Kong City was bombed into daylight.

Countless ghost slave soldiers died tragically, with no bones left.

This memory remained deeply in the ghost slave army's mind.

When this scene happens again.

All they could think of was to run.

The [-] ghost slave army suddenly became a mess.

The refugees and miscellaneous troops rushing to the front were all dumbfounded.

When they entered the country of Yan, nothing happened. As soon as the ghost slave army entered the country of Yan, they were thrown off their feet by the bombers.

Could it be that Yan Guo still picks people when fighting?
Those with ulterior motives immediately yelled at their minions and rushed towards the territory of Yan Kingdom crazily.

Since they don't kill them, they can't waste their thoughts.

As long as they rush into the country of Yan and fulfill Han Qiong's order, they will have everything they want.

At this time, the most pitiful people are those people who are coerced into making trouble together.

They follow blindly, numbly, dazedly, and at a loss.

Perhaps for many people, they died without knowing what they were doing.

But they all have a common desire in their hearts, that is to live.


It was just that people with ulterior motives led the people not far away.

The sound of roaring horseshoes was getting closer and closer to them.

When they see the horse.

The horse has been blown into the ranks of the refugees like a gust of wind.

The nearly 60 rangers were divided into more than [-] shares by Yang Liu.

They were like lines rushing into the army of refugees.

Harvested the pests that were lurking among the refugees and making trouble.

Then the hundreds of thousands of refugees were cut into small pieces.

"The descendants do not kill!"

Shouting chant, the rangers rampaged through the mixed army of refugees.

Miscellaneous soldiers, they are just a group of common people.

Facing the ferocious rangers, they could only squat on the ground and beg for surrender.

Some of the stubborn ones, or those who yelled to fight against the Rangers, basically did not live three breaths after they were designated as killable.

Yang Liu has been familiar with military books since he was a child, and his strategy is no less than that of his elder brothers.

It's just that a few elder brothers shine in front of him, blocking his sharpness all the time, so that he can't appear in front of people with brilliance like the sun.

So many people think that Yang Liu is not very strong.


This battle.

Yang Liu gave full play to his abilities.

Under his command, [-] rangers intersected vertically and horizontally, forming small squares one after another. When standing on the top of a high mountain and looking down, it looks like a chessboard.

Yang Liu made full use of the mobility of the rangers to divide the huge number of refugees.

The rangers shuttled back and forth non-stop, ensuring that at the same time, a ranger passed by every divided refugee square.

As such.

It is difficult for the vagrant army to organize into an effective impact and offensive force.

And those people with ulterior motives among the refugees were easily exposed.

Rangers can easily clear them.

With 10 troops, tens of thousands of people were controlled in an instant, simple and fast.

Even Yang Da, who was watching the battle on the hillside, couldn't help nodding his head in admiration when he saw this scene, "I didn't realize before that Liu Lang has such a strategy in his chest... I can't move anymore, and Liu Lang can just take over from me."

After admiration.

Yang Da once again looked at the ghost slave army at the foot of the mountain, shook his head and sighed: "Vulnerable..."

"Zhentian Battalion's artillery fire continues to attack, and Shenji Battalion advances down the mountain. We must completely wipe out the enemy."

After the order to march was issued.

Yang Da frowned and was thinking, he didn't understand Han Qiong's intention of doing this.

Obviously a group of vulnerable miscellaneous troops.

Why did Han Qiong have to send them to invade the country of Yan.

Just to cause a little trouble for Yan country?

But these people have just entered the country of Yan, and almost the entire army has been wiped out.

For Yan, they did not cause too much trouble.

On the contrary, in Yang Da's view, Han Qiong was helping Yan Guo.


Because the country of Yan has been fighting for years, the population is sparse.

With these hundreds of thousands of refugees joining.

The population of Yan State will recover in a very short time.

So, what is Han Qiong's purpose in doing this?
Just when Yang Da was puzzled.

Han Qiong has already set foot on the flagship that belongs to her.

The big ship slowly left the pier and floated on the sea.

Han Qiong is like a proud peacock, standing on the deck with her hands behind her back.

Behind her stood Luo Yun, Zhao Le, Liao Guo Lieutenant General and others.

Hearing the cannon fire from Liangjie Mountain.

Han Qiong said with a chuckle, "They should all be finished..."

Luo Yun and Zhao Le looked at each other puzzled.

They didn't understand that Han Qiong was counting on these people to go to Yan to cause trouble.

Why did Han Qiong show a smile after these people were wiped out as soon as they entered the country of Yan.

"not understand?"

Han Qiong turned her head, looked at the puzzled Luo Yun and Zhao Le, and asked with a smile.

Luo Yun and Zhao Le nodded together.

Han Qiong said with a smile: "This is just a casual move. At the beginning, when the commanders of the palace came to Dengzhou, they wanted to kill Yang Yansi from behind and caught him off guard. But when the palace heard that Dongcheng Mansion, Gubeikou, and Yuguan were all defeated in the three-line battle. after.

Bengong already knew that this battle was irreversible.

The reason for continuing to walk is to search for more money, so that I can give an explanation to the Khitan Eight Clans when I go back.

As for before leaving, he encouraged the refugees to invade the country of Yan for three purposes. "

After a pause, Han Qiong said quietly: "First, these refugees are already a burden to me. Keeping them in my hands will only make them think about the gold and silver I have looted all the time. Jewelry. The easiest way to get rid of them is to throw them out and leave them to another person."

"Throw it to Yang Yansi?"

Han Qiong nodded slowly and said with a smile: "That's right...Yang Yansi is indeed the best candidate to take over..."

Luo Yun and Zhao Le were shocked when they heard this.

They found that they couldn't understand Han Qiong, the arrangement of each move of Han Qiong, and the intention of Han Qiong's every move.

When in Cangzhou.

Han Qiong said swearingly that these people were sent to the country of Yan for the purpose of causing chaos.

But in the end, the truth is quite the opposite.

In other words, Han Qiong has been acting since the beginning.

A woman who turned the Song, Liao, and Yan kingdoms on their backs through acting was truly terrifying.

The two of them subconsciously acted more cautiously in front of Han Qiong.

None of them was sure whether Han Qiong was still acting in front of them.

Han Qiong seemed to see through half of their thoughts, but she didn't expose it, but continued on her own: "The second is that this palace really has some intentions to use the refugees to disrupt the country of Yan.

Although Ben Gong knew that this possibility was very low, but Ben Gong still had some hope in his heart.

After all, as far as I know, Yang Yansi has always been close to the common people, and has never killed anyone.

In case, because of his soft-heartedness, the country of Yan is in chaos.

Then this palace leads you, there is an opportunity to take advantage of it.

At that time, we can enter Binggang City again and give Yang Yansi a head-on blow. "

After saying this, Han Qiong clicked her lips with some regret, and sighed: "It's a pity that this one, now it seems, has failed."

The look of regret on Han Qiong's face did not last long.

Han Qiong smiled again and said: "The third one is more interesting... My palace encourages the people of Song State to invade Yan State, just to test Yang Yansi and see if Yang Yansi will use this as an excuse to enter Song Dynasty. State, cut flesh from Song State.

If he really did this, then after Ben Gong returned to the Liao Kingdom, he would definitely plan a safe way out for the Liao Kingdom.

If he hadn't done so, then Bengong could return to Liao Kingdom with peace of mind, bear the burden of humiliation, and make a comeback in the future. "

Luo Yun and Zhao Le looked at Han Qiong in astonishment.

They never expected that Han Qiong's mind would be so complicated and his plan so brilliant.

Even the two of them, the conspiracy leaders who are used to playing tricks, now face Han Qiong, feeling a little bit uplifted.

They suddenly wanted to know how the real master behind them, Yang Qi, would choose when faced with whether to enter the Song Kingdom.

After all, Yang Qi has never revealed to them the intention of invading Song.

 Thanks to 'Chamomo' for rewarding [-] book coins!Thanks again to the other brothers for their rewards!I won’t count the details one by one. I am handicapped, and I can’t type the names of some people. It will take a long time to waste!Hurry to code!
(End of this chapter)

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