Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 222 This Is Your Reliance

Chapter 222 This Is Your Reliance

Since Zhu Dijingnan, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, successfully reorganized the Beijing camp, Xishan Daying has always been the camp closest to the capital and the most important geographical location.

In order to facilitate unified dispatch, distribution of supplies, and intensive training, Li Huaizhong, the deputy admiral of the Beijing Camp, put all the newly recruited 15 soldiers into the Xishan Camp.

Of course, it was impossible for Xishan Daying Camp to accommodate so many soldiers, so a new camp had to be expanded around the Xishan Daying camp, with tents, wooden houses, etc. lined up around Xishan Mountain.

But at this moment, whether it is a tent or a wooden house, all the houses are empty.

Li Huaizhong, deputy admiral of the Beijing Army's battalion, strictly ordered that those who slackened in training would be dismissed regardless of their military rank.

The military pay of the new army in the Beijing camp was based on the model of the frontier army, which was already very high in the Ariake Dynasty, and the new recruits were all from the surrounding people who were too hungry to survive.

Li Huaizhong ruled the army strictly, forbidding generals to deduct a cent from the military pay, new cotton clothes, ordnance, the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of Households all fully supplied, and the military rations were mobilized from the coast at all costs by the court.

With food and silver collars, no matter how strict the military discipline is, these civilians will try their best to stay and eat.

"Throw!" Wu Binghao, commander-in-chief of the [-] Battalion of the Beijing Army, shouted with a spear in his hand.

"Ha——" the two thousand recruits it belonged to thrust their spears forward in unison, and roared like a mountain.

"Take it!" Even in the harsh winter, such rigorous training made Wu Binghao sweat all over.

Gele pedal - Gele pedal - the sound of horseshoes in front of the barracks made Wu Binghao feel puzzled.

He went up to a high platform and looked where the sound came from, only to see smoke and dust rising from horseshoes in the distance.

Hiss - where did this army come from, why is no one stopping it?

Wu Binghao was horrified in his heart, this is the hinterland of the Beijing army's camp, to get to his camp, he had to go through many checkpoints, and this army was unimpeded, how could he not be shocked.

"Everyone is there! Line up! Prepare to fight!" Wu Binghao intends to stay the same and respond to all changes. He is an imperial soldier, and doing his job well is enough to maintain the dignity of a soldier.

"The Holy One is patrolling the camp, all soldiers must not move rashly!" A row of big Han generals galloped over, shouting loudly!
What?Saint is coming?Wu Binghao was so shocked that his hat almost fell off!

Why did His Majesty come here suddenly?What else is there besides their bunch of bitter soldiers here?Could it be a fraud?
For a moment, several thoughts flashed through Wu Binghao's mind, but reason told him that he should not act rashly now.

What if it was true?

"I'm Liu Hongjian, the admiral of the Beijing camp. Who are you? Where's Li Huaizhong? Tell him to meet you!" Liu Hongjian rode a horse to the front of Wu Binghao's army.

"Master Admiral, Wu Binghao, the general of the [-] Battalion, and Master Li is in the middle camp, so I will send someone to pass it on." Wu Binghao said excitedly.

He had met the admiral. When the new army in the Beijing camp had just been recruited, Liu Hongjian came to the Xishan Camp for an unprecedented time to set up a camp.

Liu Hongjian, the Admiral of the Beijing Battalion, stood in front of thousands of troops with a "sharp and heroic posture", which made Wu Binghao, who was only a new enlisted soldier at that time, envious, and shouted in his heart, "This is what a man should do!" '.

The Lord Admiral was red and purple in front of the Holy One, and now that the Lord Admiral is here, isn't the Holy Lord really here?

Wu Binghao straightened his waist in an instant, raised his head, raised his chest, retracted his abdomen, raised his hips... a series of movements were done in one go, which stunned the admiral for a moment.

After a while, Emperor Chongzhen stepped out of the imperial chariot, dressed in bright yellow uniform, crowned with purple gold wings, graceful and luxurious, without anger and prestige.

With the support of Li Yunkui, he slowly stepped onto a simplified version of the reviewing stand.

"Long live my emperor!" Wu Binghao knelt down on one knee first, clasped his chest with his right hand and saluted Chongzhen.

"Long live my emperor!" The soldiers of the [-] Battalion behind him immediately shouted, the shock on their faces was more than that of Wu Binghao.

The emperor was a rare thing in ancient times, so rare that it was even more precious than a giant panda. After all, there was only one emperor, and there was no Internet at this time, so all the soldiers secretly looked at Chongzhen like a treasure.

"All the generals and soldiers are flat!" Chongzhen was amiable, looking at these dusty big-headed soldiers, he was much cuter than those slick-faced censors.

"General Manager Wu, since it's a [-]-battalion, why are you practicing your spears here, and where are your horses?" Chongzhen smiled. He wanted to care about these soldiers, but he didn't know what to say.

This... Wu Binghao showed a strange smile, scratched his head and hesitated to speak.

"Your Majesty, we have no horses!" Liu Hongjian was straightforward.

"Not only does the [-] Battalion have no horses, but the Shenji Battalion also has no firearms! Now the new troops in the Beijing Battalion are all training as infantry. The ordnance department of the minister will deliver the first batch of [-] rods to the Beijing Battalion in half a month." Fire the gun.

As for the [-] battalion, please rest assured, the emperor, even if it is blackmail, he will still get troops from Chahar! "Liu Hongjian spoke out loudly.

The Ordnance Institute has now put its full horsepower into production of quick-fire guns, but even so, it can only produce about four to five hundred pieces a day, and the technology of custom-loading paper shell ammunition is becoming more and more mature.

Song Yingxing specially recruited a hundred handy women from nearby Huangzhuang, and the small workshop for making paper shell bullets produced [-] rounds of custom-packed paper shell ammunition a day.

So Chongzhen was still dissatisfied with the output of the Ordnance Institute, but he was rich and powerful, but Liu Hongjian adhered to the sales philosophy of keeping improving and preferring shortages to excess and did not intend to expand.

First, the expansion of production scale will increase the difficulty of keeping secrets. Second, overcapacity is also a problem. Rare things are more expensive.

I have what others don’t have, and I have what others have. I don’t seek the best, but the most expensive.

The most important point is that quick-fire guns and paper shells are just transitional weapons, and the accuracy and reloading are still too unsatisfactory. It’s just that there is no time to wait, and they should be adjusted first to deal with the next all-out war.

After hearing Liu Hongjian's explanation, Chongzhen's expression changed.

The cavalry had no horses, and the firearms battalion had no guns. Fortunately, the Fifth Army Battalion had spears and sabers, otherwise this tour of the battalion would have made him miserable.

"Your Majesty, Li Huaizhong, the vice-admiral of the Weichen Beijing Army, kowtowed to the Emperor!" Li Huaizhong, dressed in armor, took the initiative to untie the sword at his waist when he walked a few dozen steps away from Chongzhen, raised his armor and knelt down to salute.

"General Li, please rise!" Chongzhen still had some impressions of Li Huaizhong, after all, Li Huaizhong also shed blood for Daming during the thrilling three-day defense last year.

"Your Majesty, please move to the camp of the Chinese army to review the new army!" The [-] Battalion is too small, and there is not even a decent review stand.

On the huge training field of the Central Army Camp, [-] soldiers had already set up a square formation, each holding a sword in their hands. This was the Fifth Army Battalion supervised by Li Huaizhong himself.

The Fifth Army Battalion was practicing here, so when they learned that Chongzhen was coming, it only took a quarter of an hour for all the soldiers to stand in line.

Seeing Chongzhen coming, surrounded by a crowd of officials, the soldiers of the 2000 barracks shouted long live, which was several times louder than the [-] soldiers of the [-] battalion just now.

"Your Majesty, this is your reliance!" Liu Hongjian stood beside Uncle Chongzhen and said in a low voice.

Chongzhen nodded slightly, putting the cart before the horse and drifting with the tide for more than ten years. Now I know that military strategists are precious!
"Your Majesty, tell the soldiers something!" Liu Hongjian urged, since you are here, you can't really just leave without making a fuss!
 Thank you book friends for moving the train station here, looking at the ax while drunk, book friends 20180703, and Liu Baijiang for their rewards!I don't have a manuscript in my hand, so I don't have the confidence to ask for a reward, hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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