Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 223 A Special Speech

Chapter 223 A Special Speech

There was no sound on the school grounds, rows of mighty Han generals (loudspeakers) had already set up their postures, ready to wait for His Majesty's instructions.

All the soldiers are also ready to fight, and their emperor is going to give them a lecture.

It was the emperor, not the trainer, nor the always serious Vice Admiral Li.

Chongzhen was a little apprehensive. In fact, even in the grand court meeting, Chongzhen never got nervous or lost his composure in the face of hundreds of courtiers.

After all, it has been more than ten years since I went to court, and the general process and lines are fixed, but it is different now!

The Ministry of Rites did not give him a speech, what did you ask him to say to these soldiers?Let them eat well?Fight well?Serve him well?
Those bigwigs in the later generations gave a speech on stage, which one didn't read the speech step by step with a speech in their hands?Moreover, it was written in several days with deletions, deletions, revisions, and revisions. How many people can complete a speech impromptu?

And still facing so many generals!It's fine if it's another minister, after all, it's his own fault if he says something wrong, but who am I?

I am the Emperor of Ming Dynasty!If I say something wrong, it will lose the face of the whole Daming!so……

This will not work, this will never work!
"Youming, my throat isn't very comfortable today, I'll let you take care of today's affairs!" Chongzhen didn't feel embarrassed at all, he was worried about humiliation, Chongzhen turned slightly and whispered to Liu Hongjian who was behind him.

Er... Nani? wtf?
Liu Hongjian widened his eyes and pointed at himself, seeing Chongzhen nodding expressionlessly, his face instantly became extremely exciting.

Deceit!What's more, he dug his own hole!

The soldiers below didn't know what they were doing on the stage, they only saw their emperor bowed his head and said something to the admiral behind him, the admiral looked aggrieved!

"Cough-cough-cough, that... um, hello, soldiers! Hehe... the soldiers have worked hard..." Liu Hongjian had no choice but to become a living horse doctor.

"Your Excellency, Admiral, worked hard!" Wu Binghao, the commander-in-chief of the [-] Battalion, took the lead to reply. Liu Hongjian's words were stammered to the whole school ground by a large group of big Han generals, and many soldiers even laughed out loud.

But there is no mockery in this smile, they know that the treatment of the Beijing camp is all handled by the admiral himself, no matter in terms of military salary, food, and various treatment.

In their eyes, their admiral is so young, handsome, and nice to speak!

"Soldiers, you have been in the army for more than a month. Now I ask you, have the generals of Ming Dynasty ever bullied you? Have you ever been treated unfairly?" Liu Hongjian suddenly bit his lower lip.

To hell with nice decency!
"No!" tens of thousands of soldiers said in unison.

"Then, has the imperial court owed you your salary? Did you lose your food? Did you lose your cotton clothes and weapons?"

"No!" The lowly officers and soldiers didn't know what the admiral wanted to say.

"The imperial court is sympathetic to you, and His Majesty is also sympathetic to you, giving you military salaries and cotton clothes for the winter, and even in order to prepare military rations for you, His Majesty did not hesitate to borrow food from the gentry and pirates in the south."

The chatterbox opened up, Liu Hongjian no longer had any scruples, and Chongzhen next to him did not show a sullen expression. Instead, the officials behind felt that Liu Hongjian's move was too aggressive and lost the dignity of the Ming Dynasty.

"I think that even if you are illiterate, you should know that these rewards are not in vain. The army is the most important weapon of the country, and you are Da Ming's sword, Da Ming's blood blade, Da Ming's face, and His Majesty's trust!"

Simple, rough, and straightforward, it doesn't work here, and it's useless. Liu Hongjian just wanted to use simple words, as the spokesperson of the Ming court, to make these soldiers who had just enlisted for a month proud and feel that they were valued.

In fact, the emperor of the Ming Empire was standing in front of them, and they were already very excited.

In addition, I heard the admiral say that His Majesty the Emperor has reached the point where he would not hesitate to bow to the gentry and profiteers along the coast (at least they think so) in order to raise military rations for them.

Many soldiers didn't know how to vent their gratitude and anger, and their faces were flushed, and many generals' eyes were foggy.

"But just one day ago, the imperial court received military information from the border!

A group of vulgar, savage, and brutal foreigners invaded the land of my Ming Dynasty, killed more than [-] unarmed Ming people, and vowed to slaughter the entire Ming Dynasty!

This group of heinous people also claimed to inherit the destiny, and even many shameless traitors went to take refuge in them, to take refuge in this group of descendants of the slaves and wild boarskin!

Together with the wild boar skin, they want to slaughter their own motherland, their own fathers and fellow villagers!
Now, as the Marquis of Daming and the Admiral of the Beijing Camp, I ask you, if you are asked to go to the border and fight bloody with these barbarians, are you afraid? "

Liu Hongjian's voice and demeanor can be described as stern.

"Not afraid!"

"Fuck it!"


Some of the soldiers below were filled with righteous indignation, some beat their chests and stamped their feet, and of course some didn't take it seriously.

But even so, no one would say the words of echoing the leadership. This point has been passed down from generation to generation among the Chinese people.

"To be honest, I don't know whether you are afraid or not. Anyway, I am afraid. I am terribly afraid!" Liu Hongjian changed the subject and said so suddenly.

The soldiers below were in an uproar, including some soldiers who had been moved by Liu Hongjian's slightly provocative words just now. They didn't know what happened to the admiral and why he suddenly said such dejected words.

"Master Hou, don't talk nonsense!" Chongzhen's face was unclear but he didn't say much, and Li Banghua, Minister of the Ministry of War who was standing behind Liu Hongjian, reminded him in a low voice.

Liu Hongjian ignored Li Banghua and took a half step forward instead.

"Yes, you heard me right, I am afraid of death, and I know that many of you are afraid of death, but I am too embarrassed to say so.

Although our enemies are rough and savage, they have to be said to be very powerful. Their iron cavalry came to the capital 14 years ago, and most of the officials behind them may have experienced this.

In that war, hundreds of thousands of Ming soldiers and civilians died in battle, and blood flowed like rivers in the capital!
This marquis has been on the battlefield and knows how cruel war is, but you don't know it!

We don't even have enough horses, how can we compete with the slaves who are mostly armored cavalry? "Liu Hongjian's statement aroused the memories of many people.

The battle 14 years ago was really too dangerous, and it was even worse than the one a year ago. If it weren't for the frontier army, white soldiers and many other kings who resisted desperately...

Many ministers, including Chongzhen, looked sad, yes, what can we do to win this war?

"However, is it because of this that we have to surrender the country of the Han people to these barbarians?

Are we going to let go of the pride of the Han people, and then prostrate at the feet of the savages and call ourselves slaves?

Let our children and grandchildren, and the children and grandchildren of our children and grandchildren know how cowardly and incompetent their parents were?
So that a proud nation loses its backbone and becomes a humble and inferior person from then on?

Is this what you want? "

 Thanks for the 100 coins rewarded by book friend Shenzhen Fatty!
(End of this chapter)

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