Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 23 Wang 2 Mazi

Chapter 23 Wang Ermazi (asking for a reward! Please recommend a ticket)
On the open space outside the Qianqing Palace, several eunuchs erected a large wooden plank about three feet long and wide.

"Go further! Go further!" Liu Hongjian yelled.

Chongzhen and Ni Yuanlu, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, only listened to the description of AKM by Wang Chengen and others, but had never seen the power of AKM. Driven by curiosity, they immediately ordered the eunuchs to conduct experiments.

The two eunuchs carried the heavy wooden plank and ran straight to a distance of more than 300 meters from Chongzhen. No matter how far away they were, they couldn't see the plank clearly. Regardless of Liu Hongjian's dissatisfaction, Chongzhen asked the eunuch to stop.

Liu Hongjian loaded the clip on the AKM and pulled the bolt. Let alone more than 300 meters, my AKM's 600 meters is no problem, Liu Hongjian said nonchalantly.

"Your Majesty, I'm going to shoot!" Liu Hongjian said excitedly.

"Your Majesty, Master Ni cover your ears well, the gunfire is very loud!" Before Liu Hongjian fired the gun, he saw Fan Jingwen cover his ears after being hurt by it, and reminded Chongzhen with a smile.

"Da da—da da da" a piercing sound of gunfire resounded through the palace!

Because Chongzhen didn't know the places in the Hui Palace, the women in the Kunning Palace, East Palace, and West Palace near Qianqing Palace thought that something had happened, and hurriedly sent eunuchs to Qianqing Palace to check.

As a result, Chongzhen reprimanded him to go back on the grounds of discussing national affairs, and asked the eunuchs to tell everywhere that he was forbidden to enter the Qianqing Palace without his order.

Then the four of them trotted excitedly to inspect the pear-blossom board. Of course, Chongzhen and Ni Yuanlu wanted to see how powerful the gun was, while Liu Hongjian and Fan Jingwen looked triumphant and asked for credit.

In order to cover up his poor marksmanship, Liu Hongjian took a few extra shots. Of course, the results were clear. Three shots hit the wooden board. Not only did they hit the three-finger-thick pear-blossom board, but all three shots pierced through it. Chongzhen and Ni Yuanlu were shocked. Keep shouting "terrible, terrible!".

Due to the fact that the guns are too few and powerful, considering the issue of loyalty, Liu Hongjian does not intend to equip the active Beijing camp. The excited Chongzhen immediately agrees and can't wait to let Liu Hongjian organize a new army. The question of money had to be put on hold for the time being.

Liu Hongjian presented Chongzhen with an AKM and hundreds of bullets for self-defense as promised. Of course, Chongzhen himself would not play with this thing, so Liu Hongjian took over the task of training the palace guards to practice AKM marksmanship.

And Fan Jingwen, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, also got the AKM he dreamed of, but it has no bullets. He is going to take it back to the craftsmen of the firearms battalion below to study it. If it can be copied, it will be a great achievement.

Liu Hongjian set a date with Ni Yuanlu, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, to discuss tax matters, and hurried home. He still wanted to find Wang Ermazi next door to redeem his ancestral house. Worry about it!
The Wang's Pharmacy in the capital has two stores, one in the east and the west in the city. Knowing from the work office of the pharmacy that Wang Ermazi was working in the west store today, Liu Hongjian went straight there with a bull mallet.

The past two days have been a little rough for Wang Ermazi. Since he recently took in a new concubine, his wife has been making troubles for him. If it wasn't for his wife being the distant cousin of Mr. Wei, the chief minister of the cabinet, he would have divorced a long time ago. Except for this Hedong lion who is cold-eyed and mocking at him every day, and spends money recklessly.

The bandits besieged the city a few days ago, and Wang Ermazi was terrified. He heard that Wei Zaode's son was looking for a new house in the capital. In order to keep his shop after the city was destroyed, he did not hesitate to give the entire house he lived in to the Wei family. Ask him to take care of one or two after the city is broken.

But the house was given away, but the capital turned the danger into a breeze, nothing happened, and if you eat what the Wei family said, you will not come back, you say it is annoying or not.

Wang Ermazi was trying to figure out where to go to have fun at noon, when the door curtain was lifted, and a young man came in, followed by a strong man.

"Hey! Isn't this Mr. Liu from the old Liu's family? Why come here to hang out when you have time? Your father hasn't come to work these days. Is he seriously ill or what..."

Wang Ermazi saw that the only son of the old Liu's family who came in from the pharmacy accountant hurriedly greeted him. He knew that the only son of the old Liu's family was ignorant and spoke very frivolously.

"Your father is sick! Believe it or not, I'll beat you!" Before Liu Hongjian could say anything, the bully stick behind him couldn't sit still. Hearing this obscene old fat man slander Mr. Liu, Hu directly exploded.

"If you're not sick, you're not sick, and I didn't scold you, why are you angry!" Wang Ermazi is a typical example of being soft and afraid of hard work. Seeing the strong man suddenly go crazy, he hurriedly murmured to accompany him.

"I said Mr. Liu, do you want me to raise your father's monthly salary when you come to me? Let me tell you, it's not that I don't want to raise your father's monthly salary. It's hard to do business in the current chaos." Wang Ermazi came out from the counter He walked towards Liu Hongjian and said.

"I have an idea, as long as you follow me, not only will I give your father five renminbi more every month, but I will also give you five taels more, how about it?" Wang Ermazi had a strange expression, and he aimed at Liu Hongjian with a wicked look.

"Oh? Let's hear it." Liu Hongjian asked noncommittally, not knowing what kind of medicine Wang Ermazi sold in the gourd.

Seeing the play, Wang Ermazi showed a trace of obscenity at the corner of his mouth, and leaned closer to Liu Hongjian's ear.

"I heard that Mr. Liu's friend, Zhang Yongnian, has a concubine who gave birth to a concubine, but Zhang Yongnian doesn't like her. I have always wanted to help that woman out of the sea of ​​suffering. If you can help me test your friend's tone... ..."

"I am your uncle! What the hell are you talking about?" Liu Hongjian's forehead instantly bulged with veins, his left hand grabbed Wang Ermazi's collar, and his right hand went up to slap two big mouths.

"Ten taels... I'll give you another ten taels..." He knew that Liu Hongjian was not only idle, but also had a bad habit of gambling. Based on his understanding of gamblers, what would these gamblers not do to get money?

And it is said that Zhang Yongnian didn't lift up at a young age, leaving the little lady at home every day, what a waste!Thinking of the cute little lady in his family, the old man Wang Ermazi had the crooked thoughts just now.

"Ouch! Don't hit...don't hit." The pharmacy was instantly enveloped by the sound of killing pigs.

Seeing that the shopkeeper was being beaten by fat, the two waiters hurried up to help, but they were slipped away by Niu Damai with each hand and ate one by one, and the two waiters immediately stopped serving.

"Stop beating...I'll give you whatever you want...just please stop beating!" Wang Ermazi crawled on the ground like killing a pig.

Damn, although I don't think much of Zhang Yongnian's virtues, but after all, he used to prostitute C together, what are you, a dead old man, and you help others out of the sea of ​​suffering, I am!I think it's ****, my favorite wife!

Since you don't know why the flowers are so red, I will make your peach blossoms bloom.

Liu Hongjian didn't punch or kick for a long time, and after a while he was out of breath, then he stopped. It seems that he will have time to exercise in the future.

Wang Ermazi crawled to the corner of the wall with a bruised nose and swollen face, crying like a resentful woman, Liu Hongjian felt disgusted when he saw it.

At this time, another three or four fellows ran out from the back hall, still holding sticks in their hands, and the two who were pretending to be dead on the ground also quietly got up and stood beside Wang Ermazi.

"Wang Ermazi, this is 200 taels of silver. Now I'm here to redeem my ancestral house, and hand over the land deed!" Liu Hongjian said impatiently, taking the burden off Niu Zhuang and throwing it on the counter with a bang.

With five or six jobs with sticks in hand, Wang Ermazi immediately gained confidence and got up from the ground.

"Hmph! Your house has already been given to Mr. Wei, the chief assistant of the court. If you have the ability, you can go to Mr. Wei! As for your money! Just keep it for the old man's medical expenses!"

Although I don't know where this poor boy got so much money, I think it must have been lucky in gambling, but you sold it to me for 200 taels of silver, and you still think about buying it back for 200 taels of silver, what a profiteer!What's more, the house deed has already been given to the Wei family. When thinking of that house, Wang Ermazi's heart aches again.

Thinking that even if the man behind Liu Hongjian was able to fight, he would be no match for four hands with two fists, not to mention that his subordinates still had weapons. Wang Ermazi changed his humble and domineering way when he begged for mercy just now.

"Dogs can't stop eating shit! I'll leave the club to you. I'll go back first!" Liu Hongjian picked up the bag and slung it on his back, turned and opened the curtain to leave.

"Boy, you can leave, but keep the money!" Seeing that Liu Hongjian didn't say hello, Wang Ermazi thought he was afraid, so he hurriedly instructed to take it away and stop him.

"Hey hey hey! I'm not afraid whether you come up one by one or together..."

 The money to buy cigarettes is gone, and I’m still trying to type, don’t you want to show me when you’re reading? /Poor

(End of this chapter)

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