Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 24 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Chapter 24 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

When Liu Hongjian returned home, he threw the money on the table, picked up the teapot and drank a few mouthfuls.

Sun Xiuxiu was sewing clothes. Seeing Liu Hongjian's displeasure immediately after he came back, she hurried over to ask.

"My husband, what happened today? Did you make the emperor angry?" Sun Xiuxiu put away the silver and sat at the table.

"It's okay, something went wrong with the ancestral house, go make some food for my husband, and I have to go out later."

In the Ming Dynasty, the common people usually had two meals a day, only the emperor Xungui and other wealthy families had three or more meals a day. The old Liu's family lived in poverty, and originally they also had two meals a day.

Since Liu Hongjian was struck by lightning, his life has changed a lot. After all, he is a hereditary earl. Although he has no money for the time being and the place where he lives is shabby, Liu Hongjian believes that this is only temporary. Not only does he have an extra meal for his family, but the old man doesn't have to be a bookkeeper anymore, and he can enjoy the happiness at home every day.

After a while, Sun Xiuxiu came in with food, and Liu Hongjian was about to start, when Niu Zhuang came back from outside with a strange expression on his face.

"Master, that... I didn't pay attention to that, and kicked shopkeeper Wang's... lifeline..." Niu Dabangchui felt that he had caused trouble for Liu Hongjian, and his face was full of guilt.

Pfft—just as he took a mouthful of rice, Liu Hongjian sprayed his whole body with a big stick.

"Hahahaha——it's really you, so that's good, so that the old fat man won't be hurt." Liu Hongjian got up and patted the rice on Niu Dazhuai's body. .

"Master, I'm afraid that old thing will report to the officials and cause trouble for you!" Niu Dabangchui said seriously, he was really worried that his master would take responsibility for him.

In his opinion, this old man not only has no pretensions, but also has nothing to say to him. He is full of white rice every day. Compared with the days in the Beijing camp where there was no meal, it is a heaven and earth.

"Don't worry, after being beaten up twice in a row, even a thoughtful person will inquire about my identity. Believe it or not, not only will he not report to the police, but he will also be polite when he sees me in the future! Come, let's have dinner together , there is still business to do in a while!"

Liu Hongjian waved his hand, motioning for Da Bangchui to sit down and eat together.

"I'd better go out to eat, I'm sitting here, I feel uncomfortable eating!" Liu Hongjian was a hereditary earl, and although Niu Dabangchui was a man of high standards, he valued the concept of superiority and inferiority very much, which made Liu Hongjian very helpless.

After eating, Liu Hongjian wrapped Shangfang's sword in cloth and handed it to Niu Dabangchui. When Niu Dabangchui heard that it was Shangfang's sword bestowed by the emperor, his eyes were straightened. Holding the sword in both hands, he instantly felt the power Helicopter, walks majestic and majestic.

Liu Hongjian walking in the front was also full of ambition, thinking that although he had never seen Jin Yiwei when he came to the Ming Dynasty, Jin Yiwei's name was too famous, although most of them were not good reputations.

But now he is the commander of the Jinyiwei, the highest officer of the Jinyiwei, the flying fish suit, the embroidered spring knife, and the waist badge, everyone is scared to pee, it can't be too domineering, Liu Hongjian was lewd as he walked.

Crossing Chang'an Avenue and passing Chengtian Gate, the two of them arrived in front of a majestic mansion in a short while, and there was a sign next to it, 'All Jinyiwei's troops command the envoy's office'.

It's strange that Jinyiwei, as a secret service agency with such a strong reputation in the Ming Dynasty, didn't even have a gatekeeper. Liu Hongjian showed doubts and walked into the yamen.

"Hey! Who are you looking for? Did you enter the Jinyiwei yamen casually? Come out..." A man in shabby green casual clothes came out of the gatehouse. Before he could finish speaking, Liu Hongjian took out the Jinyiwei from his waist. The badge of the commanding officer scared the man so much that he couldn't even speak on the spot.

Liu Hongjian stepped into the central hall, and the imagined situation full of high-ranking officials did not appear. There were only two middle-aged men who were dressed slightly better than the concierge, lying on the table and sleeping late.

"Commander Jin Yiwei is here!" Before Liu Hongjian could get angry, the bull with the sword behind him let out a tiger roar, which made the two sleeping on the table tremble.

At the same time, seven or eight people who obviously had official positions walked out of the house behind the central hall.

"Hey, our new Commander is here, hurry up and pour tea!" The former Commander Wu Mengming ordered to a school lieutenant beside him in a strange manner.

"Master Commander has just taken over, so you can't wait to come to sit in the hall, how diligent you are!"

Wu Mengming is greedy and very insidious. As the last commander of the Ming Dynasty, although Jinyiwei was idled during his reign, he relied on his minions to collect evidence of corruption by hundreds of officials. Although the officials knew that he could no longer directly Face saint, but still afraid to pay money to keep things safe.

A lot of money, little work, close to home, counting money and getting cramps in hands, what a happy little day, but was snatched away by this little-known kid in front of him. Wu Mengming's lungs were about to explode when he heard the news.

"Is this the only number of people in Jin Yiwei? Where are the others?" Liu Hongjian deliberately ignored Wu Mengming's sarcasm, after all, he took his job by airborne.

Everyone in the room was silent, and their eyes were mostly on Wu Mengming, as if they were only watching Wu Mengming. Obviously, the preconceived Wu Mengming's leadership in the past few years was not in vain, but this suddenly angered Liu Hongjian.

"Wu Mengming, I have tolerated you for a long time! Since I am the new commander, you have to be coiled up for me, and you have to lie down for me if you are a tiger! Let me ask you now, where are the others?"

Liu Hongjian was also in a bad mood. They were all a bunch of bird people, dressed in tatters, far from the Jinyiwei in his mind. They didn't have flying fish suits or embroidered spring knives, and they were even ridiculed when they first arrived. , In such a situation, everyone will go crazy.

Wu Mengming sat back on the chair still with his old god, watching Liu Hongjian lose his composure in anger.

"Wu Meng has no superiors, is tired and dereliction of duty, come here, and take this person down!" Liu Hongjian had never had any experience in politics before, and seemed a little embarrassed.

"Hahahaha! Who dares to take me?" Wu Mengming laughed loudly. In his opinion, Jin Yiwei used to be his world, and now, he still is.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly froze, and when Liu Hongjian was so angry that he had nowhere to explode, there was movement in the room behind.

"I dare!" From the left rear room, three men dressed in simple but extremely neat and capable came out.

The people behind Wu Mengming immediately set up their positions and prepared to resist. Wu Mengming had a lot of people. Although the three men who came out had no fear in their eyes, they knew that the odds of victory were not great.

Zheng——Liu Hongjian took the Tianzi Sword from Niu's big club, flicked the brocade, pulled it out with a clang, and pointed the sword at Wu Mengming.

"Here is Shang Fang's sword, who would dare to make a mistake?" Liu Hongjian opened his eyes wide and full of energy.

The people behind Wu Mengming froze for a moment. They had heard the name of the Shangfang Sword, beheading corrupt officials at the top and beheading corrupt officials at the bottom. I don't know that Liu Hongjian has Shang Fang's sword.

Looking at the cowering faces of his subordinates behind him, no one dared to offend the majesty of the emperor of the Ming Empire. After all, they didn't make any serious mistakes. Wu Mengming knew that the situation was over, and he instantly withered.

"Take it! Press it into prison!" The three people on the left immediately tied up Wu Mengming who was trembling all over.

"Within half an hour, all officials with a hundred households or above in Beijing must gather here quickly. Those who arrive late will be given 20 army sticks, and those who do not arrive will be dismissed on the spot!"

The emperor's sword was sheathed, and in the quiet hall, only Liu Hongjian's majestic and inviolable voice remained.

(End of this chapter)

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