Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 232 Battle of the Front Guards

Chapter 232 Battle of the Former Garrison ([-])
Fortunately, the soldiers were indeed 'strictly disciplined' and carried out his orders very thoroughly.

The soldiers carrying the shields only looked at the top of the city slowly, and when they saw someone throwing stones down, they dodged far away.

The archers cherished their lives like gold, and started shooting arrows from a long distance away, but the arrow feathers never hit the city wall at all.

Although these people were not very agile, they were shouting slogans. The large number of supervisors reserved by Shang Kexi happened to block part of the siege scene, causing the Manchurian-Mongol-Han coalition forces in the rear to think that Shang Kexi was playing with the defenders.

Yan Yingyuan on the city wall was also dumbfounded, what the hell is this?

Didn't you come to attack the city?Is it up?

Isn't the ladder under the city wall?What are you shield soldiers doing?Shaky, hurry up and die?

There are also archers, standing so far away, how can this general shoot you?

Not only Yan Yingyuan, but also the soldiers on the city wall saw such soldiers besieging the city for the first time. The soldiers carrying stones didn't even know where to throw the stones.

These guys hide so far away that they can't hit them at all!

This stalemate lasted for less than half an hour, when the sky was dark, Shang Kexi got blood from a corpse and wiped it on his face, Ming Jin withdrew his troops.

His soldiers are all exhausted, not because they are physically tired, try shouting at the top of your voice for an hour, or shouting like you are desperate, it must be like this at the bottom of your voice.

Originally thought that there would be another difficult battle to defend the city, but it turned out to be such an anticlimactic scene, which made many soldiers in the city feel slightly contemptuous of the Tazi army.

Many soldiers felt that the Tazi Army was nothing more than that, and the pressure in their hearts seemed to be much less.

Even if all the soldiers think so, Yan Yingyuan will not be confused by these appearances, but at least these soldiers can relax their tense nerves a little, which makes Yan Yingyuan feel relieved.

If all the soldiers cannot relax, their tense nerves will easily lead to the bombing of the camp due to a trivial situation.

This is really common in ancient battlefields, especially for troops with inexperience in the battlefield. When they are under pressure, a little trouble can make them collapse.

"Gongchen, go to the city and take care of the people, and make sure everyone has porridge to drink!" Yan Yingyuan said to Chen Mingyu who had just rushed over from the border town.

Yan Yingyuan looked at the casualties calculated by Chen Mingyu. During the fierce battle in half an afternoon, more than [-] defenders on the city were killed and more than [-] were injured. Looking at the corpses below the city, there must be at least [-].

This casualty is acceptable, but it is not enough. There are 10,000+ troops outside the city. He wants to hold back and consume the Tartars as much as possible with limited troops, to buy time for Shanhaiguan behind him, and to buy time for Ming.

The glory of an empire must be paved with blood, and someone must sacrifice...

Yan Yingyuan looked at the frontier soldiers who were wolfing down food on the city wall. Under the light of the fire, their young faces were reflected. The rest of their lives made them very happy even if they were eating rough military rations.

"Soldiers, your performance today is worthy of the military uniforms you wear, and even more worthy of the imperial court and the Holy Majesty.

Your courage is enough to be called the Tianxiong Army of the Ming Dynasty. As the Baron of the Empire and the General of Shanhaiguan, I am proud to have such unyielding warriors!

But this is not enough!
The army of Jianlu is coming, we must buy time for Governor Huang and Daming behind us, three days!We need to stay here for three days!
Three days later, Governor Huang of Shanhaiguan will send troops to rescue us, but before that, we must hold back the dogs outside the city and let them see who is the coward!
Do you have confidence? "

As a Confucian general, Yan Yingyuan seldom swears foul words, but this is a border town, talking to these border army men will only make them feel alienated, but a few foul words make them feel extra comfortable.

"Damn the bastards outside the city!" a soldier with a beard shouted.

"When did I ever get scared? Damn it!"

"General Yan, don't worry, with you here, we are at ease, and we will never embarrass you!"

The defenders of the city are all veterans. These veterans have a clear mind. The reason why there are few casualties today is mostly due to Yan Yingyuan. Their generals are really good at controlling the situation.

It is really a lucky thing to fight with such a general who can always obtain the greatest advantage at the least cost.

"General Yan, I heard that you are very familiar with An Guohou of Ming Dynasty. Do you think that if I die in battle, can I enter the stele of heroes?" A burly man who was wounded by an arrow in his arm and was being bandaged suddenly said.

"You bastard! Everyone in the city is dead, and you won't be able to die." Pao Ze, who was bandaging him beside him, scolded with a smile.

"Yes, Governor Huang has a roster of all the soldiers in our former Tuncheng. The Marquis is a man of his word, and he is our Great Ming's hero!"

Yan Yingyuan suddenly recalled the scene when he just received the emperor's imperial edict and rushed from Jiangyin to the capital in a daze. At that time, he was just a canonist, and the Wansui Mountain Qianhu Office at that time was just a group of teenagers who had just joined the army.

At that time, Lord Hou was only young and weak, and his actions were sloppy and reckless. This year, everyone has changed a lot!Yan Yingyuan felt sorry for him.

"You don't need to worry. Didn't the officer say that, we just need to defend the city with all our heart, and when the Ming reinforcements arrive in three days, it will be the time when the Jianren outside the city will be wiped out!"

The rough men under the torch suddenly felt a strange feeling. This feeling made these illiterate big-headed soldiers confused, but they also knew that it was worth it, and it was worth the hardship and even death for it.

Even a few tired men woke up in a jerk when they heard the words on the monument of heroes.

Soldiers who died on the battlefield for thousands of years were turned into ashes, buried on the spot, and became unnamed graves, but now everything seems to have meaning.

Kill the enemy in life, achieve eternal fame, and be a hero in death, enjoying the memorial ceremony of all people.

What else does this say?
The fighting spirit of the soldiers was successfully stimulated, but Yan Yingyuan felt more and more heavy in his heart. This was a blatant deception, but he couldn't do anything about it.

The three-day deadline is nothing more than to give them hope. Desperate soldiers are powerless, but reinforcements?

In the night sky, Yan Yingyuan looked at the south and sighed deeply.

The weather is still very cold. Under such conditions, Jianlu would never attack the city overnight. In fact, if it were not for extreme circumstances, there would be no field battles in ancient times.

The reason is very simple, most of the soldiers are half blind at night due to lack of nutrition. The soldiers in the city are better, throwing torches and throwing stones down.

Wouldn't the soldiers who attacked the city become lambs to be slaughtered?

Yan Yingyuan also knew this very well, he ordered most of the soldiers to go to sleep, but they were not allowed to take off their armor, leaving only a very small number of soldiers to be on guard.

But he himself has more important things to do.

"Old Yan, the folks are waiting below the city. According to your order, we recruited a total of 2000 people, all of whom are spirited and courageous!" Chen Mingyu said from below the city.

 Thanks to the book friends 20181029, Shenzhen Fatty, Drunk in the Lamp and Watching the Ax for the reward of 100 coins, thanks to the book friend Bai Bai Bai Bai Bai for the reward of 1000 coins, and thanks to many friends who voted for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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