Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 233 Battle of the Front Guards

Chapter 233 Battle of the Former Garrison ([-])
Looking at the Jianlu camp in the distance from the wall of the former Tuncheng city, countless torches are lit up in the enemy camp that stretches for several miles. If it is the first time to go to the battlefield, it is estimated that just seeing this formation will cause two tremblings of fright Trembling.

At this moment, the two thousand people standing on the city wall are in this state.

When Chen Mingyu distributed military rations to the common people, each person was provided with a bowl of hot porridge and a steamed bun with miscellaneous grains, but this was only enough for the common people to eat. People in ancient times could eat so much, and those who have never read history books would not believe it .

Even the construction workers who do physical work today can't hold half the appetite of people at that time.

Firstly, the common people could not eat meat at that time, so they had to eat more food to supplement protein.

Second, in ancient times, it was all coarse grains, the kind that could not be coarser, which is too far from the various polished rice, refined noodles, big fish and big meat today, and must also be filled with quantity.

Anyone who has seen giant pandas in the zoo should have the impression that giant pandas seem to be either sleeping or gnawing on bamboo.

They eat almost 40.00% of their body weight in bamboo in a day.

There is no other reason, and it is also to supplement the quality with quantity. Fortunately, eating whole grains has an advantage, and you don't have to worry about constipation.

The intestines and stomach of the ancients are superb, unlike the later generations, most people eat whole grains only to lose weight and improve the stomach.

Chen Mingyu emphasized that if you want to eat more and be fuller, there is no problem!But work is required.

So it didn't take much time to collect a full two thousand foodies on the city wall.

"Master Chen should have told you all, don't be afraid, there is no great danger, just remember, don't make any noise!" Yan Yingyuan whispered to these people again.

After explaining everything, according to the previous instructions, the Minzhuangs formed a group of five, and each group had two ropes. One rope tied a Minzhuang's waist and unloaded it outside the city wall.

The other rope is tied to a large bamboo basket. Min Zhuang's task is to pick up stones and arrow feathers thrown down during the day's defense of the city.

These are consumables, and they are necessities. Without these things, the soldiers defending the city can only fight hand-to-hand with the enemy.

Unable to shout, Min Zhuang under the city wall filled the bamboo baskets and had to shake the rope vigorously. The four men on the city wall received the signal and pulled the stones and arrow feathers onto the city wall.

From time to time, bamboo baskets toppled over because they lost their balance, and the falling stones hurt the people below the city, but no one yelled out.

It alarmed the Jianlu in the distance, and the people under the city worried that they would die under Jianlu's sword before they were pulled up the city wall.

The injured Min Zhuang was silently pulled up to the city wall, and the replaced Min Zhuang was immediately unloaded...

The moonlight was so weak that it was impossible to see things five steps away. Even though Qiantun City was heavily surrounded by Jianlu, no one knew what kind of efforts the Ming people who never gave up were doing in the strong wind.

They worked until midnight, when the people under the city had almost emptied all the arrow feathers and stones on both sides of the war, and Yan Yingyuan ordered the people to be pulled up to the city wall.

But that's not enough, he wants to stay longer, so he has to do more.

Yan Yingyuan collected all the wooden barrels and other utensils in the city, and all the villagers went to the three wells in the city to get water, and the water was poured down along the city wall.

Under the extremely low temperature in the northern region, the water froze before it reached the bottom of the city. It was a thin layer at first, but with the continuous pouring of two thousand people, the ice layer continued to thicken.

This was an extremely labor-intensive job. Even at the end of the work, Yan Yingyuan saw that many people were a little bit exhausted, so he immediately ordered people to fetch hot steamed buns.

The minzhuangs are also very upbeat about matters concerning their own lives and the lives of the whole city. Many minzhuangs even hold the steamed buns in their left hand and eat with a bucket in their right hand.

Yan Yingyuan and Chen Mingyu have been in charge of supervising the city wall. If it is true that someone's nerves have been tense from morning to night, these two will not give up.

"My lords, it's almost dawn, adults, go down and rest for a while, otherwise how can your body bear it?
Just leave the work here to the humble job! "

An official of a thousand households came forward to request that he had slept most of the night, and now he was here to replace another official of a thousand households who was on duty on the city wall. Seeing that he had slept most of the night, the general was still exposed to the cold wind blowing on the city wall.

The Qianhu official looked ashamed, but was also deeply impressed by the two scholars in front of him who had been despised by them.

As a general, trembling, walking on thin ice, and facing an abyss, these mottos in military books can only be understood by generals who are really trapped in an isolated city and approaching the city!
"I'm not tired yet, how about you, Gongchen?" Yan Yingyuan took the strong wine handed over by Qianhu Guan, and took a few sips to stimulate the blood all over his body to achieve the effect of warming up.

In such a cold winter night, thanks to these spirits, otherwise, many people would have been unable to survive the long nights of bitter cold.

"Hehe, I think the two of us studied all night for the provincial examination, but we set a record of three days and two nights without sleep." Chen Mingyu also took a few sips from the wine bag.

"Yes, three days and two nights! It's a pity that both of us have great ambitions and few talents, and in the end we didn't even pass the exam!" Yan Yingyuan sighed, as if recalling the scene of studying all night a few years ago.

"Hmph, isn't it because of you? We had to eat some wild game three days before the provincial examination, which made us both have diarrhea for two days. When we entered the arena, we were exhausted. How can we make a fuss?" Chen Ming Said in a bad mood.

"Haha, that was an accident, an accident! Besides, isn't it good now? Although Wen can't secure the world, Wu can keep the enemy out of the city gate. They are both loyal to the country and come to the same goal by different routes."

Yan Yingyuan laughed aloud, the past is unbearable, nearly ten years have passed, the boy who chatted back then is now a general guarding one side, the fate of life is really miraculous.

"Yeah, I don't know what the three of us are capable of, but Lord Hou values ​​it so much!" Chen Mingyu took out two black steamed buns from the basket behind him, and the two steamed buns served wine, which was considered a strange thing.

"Oh, I was also very strange at the time, you said that we are unknown, and we are not from the family of the rich and the rich, how did you know us?

And Lao Feng, that boring gourd who can't get a fart out of eight slaps! "

In a rare quiet moment, the two sat on the high wall and ate and chatted, enjoying the arrival of a new day.

In the last darkness before dawn, a tinge of red gradually appeared in the east, and then the red gradually became brighter, brighter again, and turned into gold until the red sun broke through the clouds and illuminated the entire Qiantun City.

Outside Qiantun City, a soldier on duty at the edge of the Qing camp rubbed his tired eyes.

The faint morning sun swayed into the soldier's eyes from the east. The soldier Zaba Zaba stared at the Qiantun city wall not far away for a moment, and then opened his eyes wide.

"General! General! Something has happened!" The soldier trotted towards the camp as if he had seen a ghost.

 Thanks to the book friends SHAJIA, Mu Muyuan Party, Drunken Lights and Axe, and Shenzhen Fatty for the reward of 100 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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