Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 243 You?Not worthy!

Chapter 243 You?Not worthy!

After repeated discussions with the cabinet members, Chongzhen decided to send an additional 12 infantry troops from the remaining [-] recruits from the Beijing camp based on the number of troops requested by Liu Hongjian.

In fact, if it weren't for Zhang Xianzhong and Zuo Liangyu in the south, Chongzhen even wanted to send [-] troops, but Li Banghua, Minister of the Ministry of War, declined.

Not to mention that the war in the south endangered the capital, if the battlefield is full of recruits with no experience in fighting the enemy, as long as one of them collapses, the consequences will be one-sided.

Only the generals who have led soldiers can truly understand the truth that there are not many soldiers.

Even if Liu Hongjian was in a hurry to take revenge, according to the plan of Minister of War Li Banghua and Minister of Household Ni Yuanlu, it would take at least six or seven days to dispatch an army of [-] troops with all the equipment, food, cotton clothes and supplies.

But how could Liu Hongjian wait so long, the former Tuncheng was broken, and the Xuanliao defense line would directly face the invasion of tens of thousands of Jianlu troops.

Although there are 12 veterans in the frontier army, but that is more than 2000 miles of the Great Wall defense line. Even though the frontier army has recruited another 15 recruits, like the Beijing camp, they have not been trained for a long time.

Soldiers who have not experienced the test of life and death cannot be regarded as real soldiers. Asking them to defend the Great Wall and confront the vicious Jianlu is simply a dream.

The most critical part of the problem is that there are no horses, which is too passive. The ghost knows where the Jianlu soldiers will attack in three ways. It is too late to deploy troops in an emergency.

According to Huang Degong's memorials, Jianlu seems to have a good understanding of the defense situation of the frontier army, and it seems that he can directly find the weakness of the frontier army's defense.

But Liu Hongjian didn't care much about it. If the problem really came from Zhu Chunchen, he was already in jail, and the others could only count on Huang Degong to act cautiously.

Liu Hongjian explained his worries to Chongzhen, and suggested that he lead the Sanqian Battalion and the Shenji Battalion to ride on horseback with only three days of dry food, and the rest of the luggage, food and grass to go with the infantry.

Otherwise, not to mention another six or seven days of preparation, even at the marching speed of the infantry, it would take six or seven days to reach the border town, which is really fatal.

Even so, the entire cavalry would still be two days away at the earliest. The 2000 battalion of cavalry is okay, they are veterans after all, not to mention the [-] people in the Qianhusuo, the problem lies in the Musketeers of the Shenji Battalion.

Not only are they new recruits, but most of them have no experience in riding horses. Even if they are taught by veterans in two days, they can only master the basic riding skills. There are more than 7000 horses, which have drained the mobility of the Beijing camp.

Counting more than 20 people from the Qianhu Office of Wansui Mountain, there are more than [-] musketeers in total. Each person must be issued at least [-] rounds of paper shells, which is [-] rounds. This is also a problem for the Ordnance Institute.

And this is only enough to support one or two battles, and the ammunition supply line will extend from the capital to the border.

But this is a problem that cannot be solved. Before the development of the next generation of bullets, Liu Hongjian has no intention of handing over the technology of quick-fire guns and paper shell bullets to the Ministry of Industry. There are many people and people, and cutting-edge technologies must be strictly blocked in ordnance. Place.

Chongzhen and the cabinet ministers discussed the matter again, and finally Chongzhen finally nodded.

The Sanqian Battalion, the Shenji Battalion, and the Wansui Mountain Qianhu Institute, as vanguards, are scheduled to set off on February 29 to build the warlords.

After planning everything, it was already dark when Liu Hongjian left the warm pavilion again.

"An Guohou, please stay!" A voice came from behind.

"Huh? Why is Eunuch Li looking for this Marquis?" Liu Hongjian turned his head and saw that it was Li Yunkui, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

The last time Chongzhen reprimanded him for the first time was because of Li Yunkui.

Later, he specially ordered Jin Yiwei to investigate Li Yunkui, and found that this old man was really a genius.

He entered the palace from a young age and worked in the Xiaohuang family. He successively served as the supervisor, the young supervisor, the seal of the supervisor, the seal of the seal, the seal of the supervisor, and the seal of the internal officer supervisor.

It took Li Yunkui 40 years from entering the palace at the age of eight as a cleaning xiaohuangmen, to now being the supervisor of the superior, the supervisor of the East Factory, and reaching the pinnacle of eunuch life.

For 40 years, he has served Concubine Zheng, Concubine Li, Empress Yi'an Zhang Yan, and up to Empress Zhou who is now the Lord of Long Live.

He killed Chen Ju, Wang An, Wei Zhongxian, Cao Huachun, and now Wang Chengen.

Liu Hongjian felt his teeth ache when he read this guy's resume. This is so fucking, it's a stone in the toilet.

"Master Hou, our family heard that when you went to the Duke's house to arrest people, you killed many people?" Li Yunkui's tone was not as eccentric as before, and he was even quite 'kind'.

"So what? It's none of your business?" Liu Hongjian couldn't figure out the details of this guy, but he didn't care.

"Master Hou, don't do this. This old slave has offended me a lot before, and I hope Lord Hou will have a lot of offenses. If you can forgive me, I will."

Li Yunkui was almost choked to death by Liu Hongjian's words, but he still held back and even lowered his posture and said.

If you ask Li Yunkui to summarize his 40 years of experience in the industry, and how to get from a small yellow door to the seal of the supervisor of ceremonies, he will probably tell you two words: forbearance.

"Well, one by one, let's say goodbye!" Liu Hongjian's heart was full of border guards, border soldiers, and Jian captives, so he didn't have the heart to talk to this dead eunuch full of twists and turns, so he lifted his legs and left.

"Master Hou, don't worry, we haven't finished talking yet!" No matter how good-tempered Li Yunkui is, he has never seen such a rude and unruly person in his 50 years of life.

Although you are Lord Hou, but he is the chief inspector of ceremonies and the admiral of Dongchang, who is not bad at all?
Don't say that the factory supervisor of the East Factory can supervise all officials in the world, but only the post of supervisor of ceremonies is in charge of seals, and there are no more than one person under ten thousand.

If the chief assistant of the cabinet is the foreign minister, then the chief inspector of ceremonies who wields great power is the internal minister. Without his cooperation, the cabinet's memorials could not even be submitted to the emperor.

But all this changed from the moment An Guohou arrived.

Although Zheng Sanjun is the chief assistant of the current cabinet, the decision-making power has been transferred to Chongzhen and An Guohou. The current cabinet has only become an executive body, and the paper-pasted cabinet is the courtier's satire on the current cabinet.

Li Yunkui's idea is very simple. Now that he is seated in the position of internal minister, he also wants to be like Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao, An Guohou and Wang Chengen, one outside and one inside, creating a new policy for Ming Dynasty, leaving a name in history.

For this reason, he can ignore all the past festivals, and even for this reason, he can abandon Zhu Chunchen, the person who once helped him.

"Say something quickly, and fart quickly!" Liu Hongjian didn't know that he was thinking so much, this old bastard, noisy!

"Hou Ye, Wang Cheng'en is dead, but the palace is still running, and the Ming Dynasty is still going to be rejuvenated. Long Live Lord has high hopes for you and me.

For this reason, our family can let go of the previous holidays, and hope that Lord Hou will also work with our family to serve the Lord Long Live like a prince! "

Li Yunkui said politely on the surface, but his meaning is also very obvious, now the palace is under his control, and the inspectors are also under his control.

You, An Guohou, are going to fight at the frontier again. Without his cooperation in the court, Li Yunkui... Ha ha!
His requirements are not high, treat him as well as Wang Chengen!

"You do not deserve!"

PS: I kindly recommend a book: "The Hunlord of the Great Zhou" In the first year of Tai'an in the Great Zhou, the beggar Zhang Lingyang ascended to the sky in one step and became the emperor of the Great Zhou.

Greedy women, believe in slander, pamper ministers, use eunuchs, ransack the family of ministers at least, and exterminate the family at worst, making the people resentful and criticized all over the world... You can read it if you like it.

 Thanks to book friend Pei Xiaowen for tipping 100 coins while drunk, thanking book friend Baibaibaibai for giving 1000 coins, and thanking book friend ghlaihx1 for tipping 500 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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