Chapter 244
What does it mean to choke someone to death with a single sentence, and to say it to the bone? Just look at the face of Li Yunkui who thinks that the world is the only one who respects me.

" you really think that you can do whatever you want?"

Putting a hot face on a cold butt, it's still the kind of cold scum, even Li Yunkui, who is at the pinnacle of ninjutsu, was pointed at Liu Hongjian angrily and was speechless for a while.

Fortunately, he had taken the initiative to show his kindness just now, he said a lot of good things with a shy face, and then he got a big slap in the face!

This hurts in my heart!

"Why are you so angry? This Marquis has never taken you seriously, you just know now?" Liu Hongjian walked outside the palace without turning his head after speaking.

What he likes the most is Li Yunkui, you can't understand me, you can't kill me, and you still vomit blood because of me.

"You... ah-An Guohou, you wait for our family, you will regret it!" It has been many years, and Li Yunkui can't remember the last time he was so angry with himself.

But he can be sure that the person who made him angry last time is dead.

Facing the threat of the eggless and yelling old bastard behind him, Liu Hongjian felt nothing in his heart. No matter how awesome you are, you are still just a dog in the palace.

Still want to stand shoulder to shoulder with Brother Wang?I bother!
Everything Wang Gonggong did was for Daming, what about you?A lackey dominated by power, desire, and wealth!
Where were you when the prince was bleeding blood on the city wall?
How shameless you are to cooperate with me?

I don't need your cooperation, I can still do whatever I want!
Take a picture of the urine, if the prince is the Supreme Lord, you Li Laozamao are just the soot in the alchemy furnace~!

Liu Hongjian was amused. As a human being, you can't belittle yourself, but you can't be arrogant either. This guy takes himself too seriously.

Threatening the official?snort!

Believe it or not, I'll shoot you if I get mad!

Regarding this little episode, Liu Hongjian forgot all about it as soon as he left the imperial city.

He is going to fight again, which also means that he has to say goodbye to his family again.

The only difference is that last time it was Sun Xiuxiu, but this time there was Yang Xue.

well!Home country, home country world, when will he be able to stay at home with his wife in peace, Liu Hongjian suddenly had such an idea when he stepped into the house.

The door creaked open.

"Husband is back?" Sun Xiuxiu and Yang Xue didn't know what they were talking about. When they saw their husband coming in, they hurriedly stood up to greet her.

Liu Hongjian didn't say a word, and directly hugged the two of them into his arms.

"Husband, what's the matter with you?" Sun Xiuxiu and the two cuddled in their arms obediently. They didn't know what happened, but vaguely felt that her husband was in a heavy mood.

"Master, you will be a father in two months!" Yang Xuerou said!

"Honey, do you still remember Lao Yan and Lao Chen who came to our house for dinner during the Chinese New Year?"

"Remember! Husband, when you went to Shanxi last time, Mrs. Chen gave Jiangyin souvenirs to the concubines!" Sun Xiuxiu said softly.

"Old Yan and Old Chen died in battle!" After tossing all day, Liu Hongjian realized that even though he had so many guns, he was still so powerless against the hatred between the two countries.

People like him have no interest in fame and power, and even hate it.

Originally, he felt that he should at least be interested in silver, but when he really had endless silver, he seemed to think it was just a pile of money.

He has power, money, and even two wives who love him and regard him as heaven. He seems to think that life is nothing more than this.

But ever since he learned that Old Yan and Old Chen died in battle, something seemed to collapse in his heart.

Yes, for a man, there are always some things that his life cannot bear!

Power is like floating clouds to him, as long as he has enough money, the only ones who can make him so sad and lost are the girl in his arms and the brothers in the military camp.

The deaths of Lao Yan and Lao Chen made him sad and angry, touched his bottom line, and made him understand what people live for in this life.

"Master, are you leaving again?" Yang Xue asked before Sun Xiuxiu could recover from the shock.

No one understands the pain of loss better than her, and she also understands why the master is so heavy.

If there are other things, even if it makes him sad, at least if he doesn't say anything, it won't affect them, but parting is something that no one can avoid!

"Husband, are you going to avenge them?
It must be, Husband, you just go, don't worry about us, sister Xue'er and I will wait for you at home. "

Sun Xiuxiu's voice became softer, but Liu Hongjian knew that the more so, the more uneasy the little wife was.

"Can master come back before sister Xiuxiu gives birth?"

Yang Xue also clearly felt that her sister beside her was depressed.

Sun Xiuxiu was eight months pregnant, and no woman would wish that her husband would be by her side when her child was born.

Liu Hongjian didn't answer. He helped the pregnant Sun Xiuxiu to sit by the bed, bent down and squatted down to take off his wife's shoes.

"Husband, what are you doing? You are a concubine!"

Sun Xiuxiu looked horrified, where in the world would a man take off a woman's shoes.

"Sit down!" Liu Hongjian pushed Sun Xiuxiu who had stood up to the side of the bed again.

"In the past, you were the ones who served me. My husband is going to lead the army in two days. Let him serve you today. Xue'er, sit down too!"

Liu Hongjian turned around and said to Yang Xue behind him.

"You guys, how many times have I told you that our family doesn't have so many rules, you can go out for a walk when you have nothing to do, don't always stay in the house, it's good for the baby to walk more.

And you, Xueer, you are naturally active, are you bored at home every day?

Our family runs a spinning workshop in Xishan Daying, and there are also women in it. Didn’t you manage the accounts at the grain store before?
If it's too boring, I'll say hello to Mr. Song, and you can do something you like.

As long as you are happy and happy, what you do for your husband is just for these..."

"Husband, Xiuxiu understands... Xiuxiu understands..." Sun Xiuxiu had never seen her husband like this before, and was a little flustered for a while.

Yang Xue also had tears in her eyes. She did many good deeds in her previous life to be blessed to marry such a good husband.

"Why are you crying again? The two crybabys, and you, are going to be mothers. You're still so childish."

Liu Hongjian helped them take off their shoes, and the three of them lay flat on the big bed, enjoying the quiet warmth.

"Is husband tired? Do you want to..." Yang Xue gently rubbed Liu Hongjian's thigh.

"No, come here and lie down, we will go to war in two days, let's talk tonight."

PS: For my friend's birthday, I drank too much, and stumbled into this chapter, intending to express the unbearable lightness in life.

(End of this chapter)

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