Chapter 276
At night, the boundless moonlight shines on the sea, and it is dark as far as the eye can see.

The strong wind formed by the cold and high pressure of Siberia and the Mongolian Plateau continued to rage on the sea surface, and the three huge Galen ships swayed in the sea breeze in the dark night, as helpless as fallen leaves.

"Ugh—" Among the three Galen ships, a strange voice came from the flagship in the middle.

"Master! Master, are you going to vomit again?" Niu ran like a spring from a cabin to the room where Liu Hongjian was.

Liu Hongjian covered his mouth and glared at Niu Dabangchui, then staggered to the deck with Niu Dabangchui's support.

"Ugh—" Liu Hongjian lay down on the ship's side and poured out all the contents of his stomach into the sea.

"My lord, you said you were so seasick, why didn't you say so earlier.

Wouldn't it be nice to stay in Shanhaiguan?Why do you have to run to the sea...

Looking at this dark sea, I feel uneasy~! While beating Liu Hongjian's back, Niu Zhuang turned on the broken thoughts mode.

"Shut up! You think I'm thinking about it! Vomit—" Before Liu Hongjian could say a word, his stomach turned and he vomited again.

After a quarter of an hour, Liu Hongjian collapsed!
This was the first night. He lay weakly in the largest cabin that belonged to him, staring blankly at the top of the cabin.

He had to tie his body to the small wooden bed, otherwise, within a moment, he would be thrown to the floor by huge bumps, and then roll around on the floor like a carrot.

That night, it wasn't just the great supervisor who suffered from insomnia.

In fact, for the well-known Daming Death Squad in later generations, their first HNA can be summed up as embarrassing.

In the huge warehouses of the three Galen ships, thousands of soldiers were crowded in each ship like sardine cans. Most of these soldiers came from the area north of Gyeonggi, and basically eight out of ten were landlubbers.





There are densely packed soldiers in the cargo hold, some squatting and some lying down. There is a wooden barrel in every other area, and a group of seasick northern men vomit around a wooden barrel.

The cargo hold was nothing compared to the top cabin, and even vomiting would not have time to run through the rows of soldiers to the upper deck.

In fact, if I really want to go out, I don’t know how many people I have to step on, and I have to be thrown down by the bumpy boat several times.

The airtight environment smelled of stinky feet and sour vomit, and some of the younger Qianhusuo soldiers almost fainted.

It's really the sound of wind, waves, and vomiting, the sound hits the ears, the smell of sweat, sour, smelly feet, the smell is ecstasy.

However, not everyone was affected, at least for the hundreds of men from the Guan Ning Army, they felt that these robes were too weak.

They don't understand why these robes want to spit out the food in their stomachs. For them, this is too wasteful!
The head of Guan Ningjun, Kuoduan, found a corner of the warehouse with the job of a hundred households. He was snoring leisurely at this moment. He was sleeping soundly, and from time to time he would babble and stretch out his mouth to scratch his black-haired skin. chest.

In the three huge Galen cargo ships, three thousand soldiers of the Ming Dynasty who did not fear death tried their best to hold on. Fortunately, with the assistance of the northwest wind from the land, they only needed one day and two nights to reach their destination.

This is only a microcosm of the mid-seventeenth century.

At this very moment, what the warriors of the Ming Dynasty are suffering from is that on the far side of the ocean, in a place called Africa, a race of people with different skin colors has experienced more than 200 years.

"My lord! Is that Captain Semuren named Malaki really reliable? Don't overturn the boat in the gutter!" Chang Yu knocked on the door and came in to express his concern.

He was the only few generals in the cabin who didn't vomit. In the entire Galen ship, except for Liu Hongjian, even if they were generals, guerrillas, and thousand households, only a few generals could share one cabin.

"Don't worry about this, you don't always look down on Semu people so badly, they are not stupid, of course they won't seek death if they can live.

Just send some clever brothers to stare at them! "

Liu Hongjian felt extremely weak.

"Also, if it's okay, let me go down and see the brothers, let those Semu people find a way to ventilate the warehouse! Soldiers can go to the deck in batches to get some air.

If any soldiers feel unwell or feel unbearable, please report to this Marquis immediately and give them special cabins. "

Although there is no need for a long voyage, he must find a way to maintain the combat effectiveness of the soldiers to the maximum extent, because it is very possible that they will go into battle as soon as they get off the ship.

"It's my lord, are you in good health?" Chang Yu couldn't help but worried when he saw the captain's pale face.

"It's okay, I just didn't get used to it at first, what time is it now?"

"It's about time, my lord!"

"It's almost dawn, this night is really hard..."

The two spread out the map in the cabin, carefully analyzed the terrain of the landing site, and discussed the main direction of attack after disembarking.

The oil lamp on the bulkhead flickered, and half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

"Old Chang, let's go to the deck to get some air!" Liu Hongjian said suddenly.

Guessing that it was almost dawn, Liu Hongjian didn't know whether it was because the contents of his stomach had been vomited, or his body had gradually adapted, but Liu Hongjian didn't feel so uncomfortable.

Chang Yu got up and supported Liu Hongjian and walked slowly to the deck. Although the weather was still a bit cold, the deck was already full of soldiers who couldn't bear the smell of the warehouse.

"Master Hou is here!"

"Give way to Lord Hou!" Several soldiers shouted.

"Brothers have worked hard, can you still hold on?" Liu Hongjian came to the middle of the deck and sat down on the floor and said.

"Master Hou, most of the brothers are taking a boat for the first time, and it is the first time they are at sea. It is inevitable that they will not get used to it for a while, but fortunately, if they persist for a day and night, they will be able to go ashore. Don't worry, there will be no problem! "

A soldier in red trousers from the Shenji Battalion spoke up, and everyone gradually got used to the down-to-earth Master Supervisor, talking with him one by one.

With the coming of dawn, the strong wind miraculously stopped, leaving only a gentle breeze blowing on the sparkling sea.

A group of northern men chatted about the air, and they enjoyed themselves on the deck.

Not long after, a ray of sunlight appeared from where the water and the sky meet in the east, and the generals on the deck suddenly fell silent collectively, staring at this wonderful scene with full attention.

At first there was only a thread, but after a while the thread turned into a corner, and the corner turned into a semicircle, and then the rising sun like a wheel jumped out.

The golden sun shines on the sea, on the side of the ship, and on the faces of the soldiers.

The time was so quiet at this moment, all the soldiers were shocked by the beautiful morning glow on the sea.

So beautiful.

PS: Another 100 tickets have been added to the monthly ticket. Tian Hanhan will arrange to add more tickets tomorrow. Thank you for your support. If you have any comments or suggestions, please post in the book review area, or tell me directly in the book friend group.

 Thank you for the 100 coins rewarded by the book friend Superman Dream of ordinary people.

(End of this chapter)

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