Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 277 Prohibition

Chapter 277 Prohibition
On the eighth day of March, it was foggy in the morning.

Since last night, heavy fog has filled the entire ocean, and the sea has become calm.

"Malachi, are you sure you're heading in the right direction?" Liu Hongjian frowned and asked a pudgy Semu man next to him.

"Dear General, you should believe me, I grew up in the ocean since I was a child, and your charts are so detailed that I am amazed, you will never be wrong, never!"

Malachi promised with a strong oath.

He was wearing a European-style gown, and the captain's cap had already been confiscated. Since Liu Hongjian boarded the ship, he had become the first mate of the Armani.

Oh no, the ship is not even called the Armani anymore, it was changed to the Shanhaiguan by the seemingly amiable but 'ruthless' Marquis of Daming in front of him.

This is simply too unreasonable, this Galen ship is the only property left to him by his father, he inherited this big ship, and at the same time inherited the huge debt owed by this ship.

In order to avoid debts, he borrowed money from the East India Company, leased two other Galenic merchant ships, and brought a batch of goods to Luzon.

Then I heard that Daming was buying a large amount of grain, and Malaki, who smelled a huge business opportunity, took out all the profits from the previous batch of goods and bought three full shipments of grain.

As a result, when they arrived in the South China Sea, they negotiated with their counterparts who had just returned from Daming, and found out that the transaction to Daming had to be paid to the pirate Zheng Yiguan of the Ming Dynasty.

Moreover, each boat has to pay 3000 taels of tolls. Not to mention, the price of grain collected by the Zheng family is actually lower than his cost price!

This is simply unreasonable, and Malaki, relying on his superb navigation skills, bypassed Ryukyu in a fit of anger.

From the South China Sea all the way to the north, through the East China Sea to the Bohai Sea, and continue northward along the Bohai Sea, the result was that Huang Degong, who was worried about food and grass, was caught in the pot in Funingwei.

After spending half a year making wedding clothes for others, Malaki didn't even have the place to cry.

Fortunately, he brought an interpreter, and begged hard to exchange food for the lives of the crew, but he lost his freedom ever since.

Until the young Marquis in front of him came here and asked him to transport soldiers across Liaodong Bay, and set him free after he was done.

At first, I thought this young Lord Hou was quite talkative, but that night a sailor tried to escape and was captured by the Ming army, and he was beheaded by this kind Lord Hou on the spot.

This made Malachi no longer dare to neglect, he wanted to live, even if he was not free.

"Chang Yu, call all the officials above a hundred households to my cabin for discussion!" Liu Hongjian waved his hand to make the trembling Malaki retreat.

After a while, the small cabin became overcrowded due to the crowding of more than [-] big men.

These generals whispered about what would happen after landing, after all, these two days were really difficult.

"Everyone be quiet! The Marquis knows what you are thinking, but I repeat, this operation is full of uncertainties, so you must listen carefully to the order I am going to say next.

First, all actions are subject to my orders. If I am not around, follow Master Feng's orders. Orders are strictly prohibited!
Second, all actions are based on a hundred households. As officials of a hundred households, you should take care of your soldiers and don't act rashly. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!
The third and most important point is that there are no supplies and no intelligence in this operation, which means that we must solve everything on the spot, and if we are not careful, we may fall into a catastrophe.

Therefore, including this Marquis, everyone must let go of the benevolence of women. Anyone who may be detrimental to our department, no matter who it is, has only one word, kill!

Do you understand? "

Liu Hongjian said in one breath what he had been thinking about all night.

"My lord, when I go deep into the Jianlu's rear, those Jianlu with braided hair must be enemies, and they may report to the high-ranking officials of Jianlu. The humble position means, how to deal with these Jianlu's civilians?"

A Qianhu official from Shenji Camp said from behind.

"Isn't what Benhou just said clear enough? Repeat the third point for me. If you can't tell me, you don't need to participate in this operation!" Liu Hongjian said to the thousand-household official with raised eyebrows.

"Anyone who is harmful to our department, no matter who it is, kill!" The Qianhu official repeated himself, and at the same time knew the answer.

"For the last time, not only Jianlu, but anyone who is hostile to our department can be killed!

If you have any doubts about this, stay on the boat and float!
Understand? "

Liu Hongjian almost roared out.

Don't say that people of my race must have different minds, even if they are of the same race, are there still few traitors from Ming Dynasty?
Since you are willing to be a slave and a running dog, don't blame Ben Hou for being rude!
When two countries go to war, people will always die, and the war will not end until a certain country is hurt, frightened, or tired.

Since people always have to die, let's not kill my Daming people!

Whether it's a villain or a hero, the right is to avenge Lao Yan, Lao Chen and the innocent people of Ming Dynasty who were slaughtered!

"Understood!" Everyone said in unison!
No wonder when recruiting manpower, the Master Supervisor said not only to not be afraid of death, but also to dare to kill!
As the Beijing army of Ming Dynasty, it is understandable for them to kill the enemy.

At that time, they were still confused, but now they finally understood what the Master Supervisor meant by killing people.

Last night when Liu Hongjian discussed this with Chang Yu and other key personnel, even Feng Dunhou, who was the most bookish, did not raise any objections, which surprised Liu Hongjian.

It seems that in the face of brotherly righteousness, the morality in Lao Feng's heart has to be sidelined, well, a child can be taught.

"We're about to dock soon, so we're going to do a final inspection, and each of us is going to bring two days' worth of rations.

We will not return to the ship in a short time, we must bring all the paper shells!
Remember, if you can use a sword, don't use a bow, if you can use a bow, don't use a musket, if you can use a musket, don't use an AKM!

Bullets need to be saved, but keep yourself safe, see what I mean? "


"So, hurry up and return to your respective ships to convey the orders of the Marquis!"

After speaking, Liu Hongjian ended the last discussion before landing.

"Old Feng, these three ships are related to the lives of these [-] soldiers, or you can stay and guard the group of perverts!" Liu Hongjian suddenly said kindly to Feng Dun who was turning around.

The next action must be very bloody and even brutal. Although Feng Dunhou didn't say anything now, but...

"My lord, I want to participate in this operation. We have agreed, and I promise that I will never hinder you!" Feng Dunhou did not turn around, but turned his back to Liu Hongjian, and said resolutely.

"Okay! Old Chang, let you appoint someone to guard these dozens of Semu people!
Be sure to pick some clever ones, one for each of our AKMs!
I have left the chart, after we land, we must ensure that the ship arrives at the designated place by the end of the month! "

Liu Hongjian was very cautious about the choice of the back road.

"Don't worry, my lord, the ones left behind are all trained by the humble staff, and they will never go on business trips!" Chang Yu turned around and cupped his hands!

"My lord, Malaki said that we can see the land ahead, and we can go ashore soon!" Niu Dabaichui came galloping from the deck and roared loudly!
PS: It’s the last month of 2018. I wish all the friends who have worked hard to achieve the goals at the beginning of the year.

 Thanks to the book friend Drunken Lights to Look at the Axe, and Chau534 for the 100 coins rewarded.

(End of this chapter)

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