Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 278 Lightning Raid

Chapter 278 Lightning Raid
Jinzhou Muchang Station, wake up in the morning, heavy fog.

Muchangyi is close to the Bohai Sea and belongs to Liaodong. After the occupation, the local Han people were responsible for burning charcoal for the princes and dignitaries of Jianlu.

Although most of Liaodong has fallen into the hands of Jianlu, the original military layout basically followed the Ming system.

When the time passed, the fog was still thick, and the people of Muchang Station had already started a day of torture.

"Hurry up! Mad, you lazy bastards!" A Jianlu soldier wearing a fur cap whipped a Han citizen who was carrying a log.

"Ah—" The Han man's hair was already grey, and his body was already tattered and thin, so he couldn't stand the whip, and fell to the ground in pain.

The thick and long log just hit the old man's calf, and he yelled out in pain.

"Cry so much, I'll kill you useless thing!" The Jianlu soldier refused to let go, and slapped the old man with the whip in his hand.

"Officer, please spare Old Man Sun, he hasn't eaten all day..." A man with a limp right leg came over to plead for mercy.

"Fuck you Mad, you untouchable have itchy skin again, don't you? Go away and go to work!" This Jianlu is not willing to listen to advice, and he is such a lowly Han.

He lashed the old man's body and face with whip after whip, and the old man, who was rolling in pain for a while, was already on the verge of death.

"Gelu, you bastard, what else can you do besides bullying these untouchables?" A row of soldiers in Jianlu military uniform patrolled here, laughing at the supervisor Jianlu.

"Haha, I can still..." The supervisor laughed facing the south, but before he finished speaking, his eyes widened.

"Kill—" In the dense fog with visibility of only tens of meters, countless red trousers soldiers with swords in their hands suddenly appeared, and the military uniforms worn by these soldiers were obviously not their own.

"Enemy attack! Ah—" Before the overseer could react, the leader of the Jianlu who was patrolling behind shouted at the top of his voice, but only one sentence came out of his shout.

A sharp arrow shot into Jianlu's chest with a hissing sound, and Jianlu's saber was only half drawn before falling to his knees powerlessly.

"Kill! All those wearing Jianlu clothes and those with mouse braids will not be left behind!" Liu Hongjian rushed to the front under the protection of more than a dozen personal guards including Niu Dabanchui. Jianlu clutching his chest.

bang bang bang—

Seeing that they were outnumbered by the patrolling eight or nine prisoners, Sa Yazi ran to the station behind him, but before he could run a few steps, he was knocked down by muskets.

"Kill!" In the dense fog, there were groups of soldiers everywhere, shouting to kill, the sound of arrow feathers, and the sound of musket guns.

The nearby Jianlu garrison heard gunshots, and dozens of people rushed over in a swarm. They held scimitars in their hands, and rushed towards the location of the sound, screaming.

"Ready to shoot!" Liu Hongjian took the AKM from behind and pulled the bolt with a click, and looked at the group of prisoners coldly.

Seeing that this group of people forgot to draw out their knives, the Jianlu thought that the intruders had been frightened stupid by them, so they sped up and rushed towards Liu Hongjian and his personal guards.

After living in the war for a long time, they hadn't tasted the blood of the Ming army for a long time. The distance kept getting closer, and the Jianlu soldiers raised their swords with a grin.

"Fire!" Liu Hongjian yelled angrily, and he also grinned grinningly!


Almost face-to-face, Liu Hongjian's AKM spewed out its anger, and sent the Jianlu who were in the lead flying backwards.

Da da -- da da da da -- a dozen guards followed suit, shooting at the Tazi soldiers who were close at hand.

The Tartar soldiers didn't have time to react, just a moment later, the chests of rows of Tartars burst out with blood, and the bullets pierced through their backs, spinning and continued to penetrate into the bodies of the Tartars in the back row.

The huge rotational force instantly stirred up the flesh and internal organs, leaving a blood hole the size of a bowl on the back after rushing out of the human body.

Dozens of Tazi soldiers lay down in an instant before they even had time to shout.

Their eyes widened in horror. They didn't understand what weapons these Ming soldiers were holding in their hands, but they had no time to think.

The flowing blood is a confession of original sin, and the twitching limbs are a farewell to this world.

"Shoot into the Tartar camp! The Han people kneel down and don't kill them!" Liu Hongjian spat at the corpses of the Tartars on the ground, and loudly gave orders to the soldiers of the Qianhu Station behind him.

There were only more than 100 Tartar soldiers in the Jianlu garrison of Muchangyi, how could it withstand the slaughter of so many Ming soldiers, and they were all killed in just a moment.

"My lord, more than 300 Jianlu civilians have been captured, all of them are the family members of these Jianlu soldiers..." Feng Dunhou's face showed a little unbearable, this was the first time he saw such a scene close to massacre.

"Bring it here!" Liu Hongjian didn't bother to talk to Feng Dunhou, it didn't matter if he didn't kill him, I came here in person.

In the center of the station, hundreds of Han people in Muchangyi knelt down on the ground, not knowing the fate they were about to face.

Jinzhou has been occupied for more than ten years, but some elderly Han people still recognize at a glance that it is the Ming army who killed them.

A group of family members of the Tartars also came to the resident under the driving of Chang Yu and others. Apart from the old and the weak, these families only had some crooked Jianlu women.

These women began to cry as soon as they entered the garrison. The corpses and blood all around made them terrified beyond measure.

"Noisy! Chang Yu, do it!" Time was running out, Liu Hongjian didn't dare to delay, and gave orders to Chang Yu directly in front of the kneeling Han people.

Da da da -- da da da da --

Chang Yu had just received the order and before he could move, Zu Qiuqing, Wang Lang, Xing Shan, and Yue Chengze behind him had already fired.

In terms of hatred, no one is deeper than the four of them.

Their grandfather died at the hands of Jianlu, their father died at the hands of Jianlu, their village was slaughtered, and they became orphans...

Now, the time has come for tit for tat, and the four people from Liaodong hardly have any psychological burden.

Ah— da da da— da—— da da da——

The fear from the bottom of their hearts made these Tartar families scream, struggle, and flee crazily, but all of them were in vain.

At first, there were only Zu Qiuqing and the other four, and then Chang Yu also shot with a fierce look on his face.

Then there is Godan of Chitosho, who was sent to an AKM team that lost his master due to his outstanding performance in previous battles.

Six AKMs shot out the bullets in one breath. Under the action of the huge penetrating power of the AKM bullets, only a few dozen of the more than 300 prisoners remained.

Kuo Duan waved his hand, and behind him a group of big men from Guan Ning rushed into it carrying his beloved three-eyed iron hammer.

Their hatred for Jianlu is second only to Zu Qiuqing. In fact, when the Guan Ning army was at its strongest, there were tens of thousands, but now there are only about six hundred left.

It is needless to say whose hands their robes died in. In the eyes of Guan Ningjun, these Tartars are not as good as pigs and dogs, so let them die!
After a while, Kiba Station returned to calm.

Liu Hongjian turned around and faced the hundreds of trembling Han people behind him.

PS: Jinzhou, now refers to Lushun.

PS: Please give me a reward, Er Hanhan has worked very hard in November, but looking at the manuscript fee of last month, I really want to cry without tears. If you have any suggestions, friends can tell me, I am not a self-willed person.

(End of this chapter)

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