Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 28 Copying the house!ransacked home

Chapter 28 Copying the house!ransacked home

"What's Aiqing's opinion?" Chongzhen asked very seriously.

Uh, ten thousand alpacas are running around in Liu Hongjian's heart, Daming is yours, why do I have to worry about everything?Poor man!

But complaints belong to complaints. Now that you have boarded the pirate ship, you have to steer the helm well.

Liu Hongjian thought for a while, since he couldn't catch everything in one go, then the news must be blocked. The people in the Wu Mansion are under the personal supervision of Liang Yang, so there will be no problem, the key is Chongzhen.

This is an easily excitable master, Liu Hongjian had no choice but to repeatedly ask Chongzhen to be calm when going to court, and to be as usual, not to be unable to resist just because there are a group of corrupt officials below, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted.

Chongzhen was speechless, thinking about the simplicity of what you said, how could I not be angry when I saw those civil servants, I have been cheated for so many years.

"That's white silver, Your Majesty, just don't treat them as human beings, they are just walking snowflake silver!" Seeing that it didn't work, Liu Hongjian had no choice but to change the term.

Chongzhen was silent for a while, as if he had figured it out, that's right!It's all my money, my treasury, my world, how can I let them run away?Then let them be proud for a few more days!
"Hmph! I know! Go first and copy Wu Mengming's house for me!" Chongzhen couldn't help being a little angry when he saw the corner of Liu Hongjian's mouth rising.

"Then do we need to send a minister or something?" House raids are a big deal. In order to prevent officials from guarding and stealing, eunuchs are usually sent along. Liu Hongjian did this for the first time, and he didn't want to be criticized, so he asked casually.

"You can't even do this little thing well, what use do I want you to be?" Chongzhen also raised the corners of his mouth, and instead brought Liu Hongjian into the army, Chongzhen was secretly happy.

Liu Hongjian was speechless, wasn't he just worried that you would reveal your secrets?I'm also thinking about your Daming, why does this still have the problem of holding grudges!
Although he harbored dissatisfaction in his heart, Liu Hongjian knew that it was Emperor Chongzhen's trust in him, but what he didn't know was that for this trust, he would throw his head and blood for Daming all his life.

The ransacking of the house was carried out as scheduled. Although Liu Hongjian was a rookie, Lao Liang was very familiar with this matter. From Jinyiwei's warehouse, he brought large dusty boxes that had not been used for many years, some of which contained silver, various jewelry, valuables, etc. Calligraphy, painting and porcelain are classified into different categories.

Old Liang was in high spirits, thinking that he was old, old, and could resume his old career. It seemed that Jinyiwei's revival was hopeful!

Liu Hongjian had nothing to do, so he had to tell his Tiqi to be careful when moving.

"That porcelain, be careful! If you break it, you can afford it!"

"Hey! What are you doing! This painting looks powerful and powerful. It must be someone's work. Store it carefully!"

Liu Hongjian saw a Tiqi take out a piece of calligraphy from the room, glanced at it, and then threw it on the ground. He hurried over to pick up the calligraphy and painting, glanced at it, and scolded angrily.

"My lord, this... this painting is signed by Wu Mengming, and his worthless!"

Tiqi showed an awkward yet polite smile, and explained tremblingly.

"Oh! That's it... You can't throw it around, you know, I just think this calligraphy is valuable! Put it away! Hurry up!"


The ransacking of the house lasted until night, but both Lao Liang and Liu Hongjian were still a little unsatisfied. They wanted to scrape the land all over again, until they were tired of hundreds of rides, but the harvest was also quite good.

According to the statistics, the list of the entire Wu Mansion’s house raids is as follows:

1 taels of gold, 52 taels of silver, two boxes of gold and silver jewelry, three boxes of jewelry and jade, five carts of porcelain, calligraphy and painting...

At the same time, Tongzhi, the former commander of Jinyiwei, two Qianshi, and four thousand households were also raided.

A total of more than 76 taels of gold, [-] taels of silver, two carts of gold and silver jewelry, three carts of jewelry and jade, and ten carts of porcelain, calligraphy and painting.

Although the raiders were all Jin Yiwei, and they were all his own people, and some of his subordinates were asking whether they wanted to take advantage of it in order to curry favor with him, but Liu Hongjian refused all of them, and strictly ordered everyone to keep their hands and feet clean, otherwise they will bear the consequences. .

It wasn't that Liu Hongjian pretended to be lofty. In his opinion, if he wanted to make money, it couldn't be easier. With the modern scientific knowledge he mastered, he couldn't make money by doing anything casually?

Believe it or not, as a high-achieving student in a medical university, you can become a genius doctor in a few years after setting up a small stall.

Just buy a piece of land, build a factory, and people all over the world who can't even eat enough to eat are not rushing to become blue-collar workers?

What?Too much trouble?That's easy to say, recruit some loyal thugs, carry AKs to snatch a few corrupt officials, then build a few big ships, buy some silk and porcelain, anyway, I have a complete chart, and directly pull it to the Atlantic Ocean, dozens of times the profit Don't you earn a lot of money?
There are too many things that can be done with a ship, diamonds in Africa, gold and silver in America, spices in South Asia...

off topic...

It is said that Liu Hongjian finished ransacking the house, and ordered Chang Yu to escort all the family members and servants of the corrupt officials to Jinyiwei's prison, and strictly guard them. Without his permission, no one was allowed to visit the prison.

The news must be tightly sealed. Even if some of them don't know about the accounts, they will let it go after the big deal is done. Anyway, Jin Yiwei's reputation is not very good, and there are too many lice that don't itch.

On the contrary, Steward Wang, who had been waiting for a long time, saw that the situation was not going well, and wailed and reprimanded Lao Liang for not keeping his word. As a result, a hundred householders thought he was noisy, so he knocked him unconscious with his fist, and dragged him to the prison car like a dead pig.

Liu Hongjian divided most of the cavalry again, took the treasure and went straight to the palace overnight. Emperor Chongzhen was still waiting for his news!
Ordinarily, the palace gates were closed at six o'clock in the evening, and even the ministers could not enter the palace unless there was an urgent matter. However, Emperor Chongzhen specially ordered Wang Chengen to wait at Bei'anmen in the imperial city.

Wang Chengen stood outside the city gate with his wounds, and he was in a hurry. The brothers in Jingying were still waiting for him to take the money back to eat. Seeing the wait from day to night, it was really too much.

"My lord, ha, I'm still waiting! Come, let's see how many good things I brought to the emperor!" Before reaching the city gate, Liu Hongjian caught sight of Wang Chengen who was limping under the gate.

"Oh, Mr. Liu, you are finally here. Although the miscellaneous family is impatient, you should go to see the emperor first. His old man is also in a hurry!"

Wang Chengen sent his eunuchs to take over the convoy and send it directly to the tang. Liu Hongjian also told the Jinyiwei brothers behind him to go back.

Chongzhen in the Qianqing Palace was indeed waiting for Liu Hongjian. You must know that this was more important to him than money, not to mention the state treasury and the Beijing camp.

At that time, it would be necessary to sell some of the jade wares in the palace. Chongzhen still loved face, and he didn't want to use this method unless it was absolutely necessary.

When Liu Hongjian and Wang Chengen arrived at the Qianqing Palace, Chongzhen had already fallen asleep lying on the table, the candlelight was flickering, and a patch on the bright yellow imperial robe was very eye-catching.

Hearing the movement, Chongzhen woke up and saw that it was Liu Hongjian, and hurriedly greeted him to sit down, so Liu Hongjian reported to Chongzhen the situation of the house raid in Wu Mansion. As soon as the number of silver taels was exported, Emperor Chongzhen lost his sleepiness immediately.

It was necessary for the proceeds from the house raid to go directly to Chongzhen’s internal funds. If it entered the household department, it would be difficult to ask the household department for money. Even the emperor, if the household department did not give it, he would have no choice.

Although Ni Yuanlu, the current Minister of the Household Department, is an incorruptible official, and he carried out Chongzhen's orders to the letter, but he was bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of well ropes. Now, except for Liu Hongjian, Chongzhen now treats all officials with with question marks.

"Aiqing has worked so hard this time! When I go to court tomorrow, I will definitely reward you!" Chongzhen said seriously.

"What kind of reward? Can I not go?" Liu Hongjian was usually lazy. He was tired after a day of tossing around, and he had to get up at four o'clock in the morning. Why don't people sleep well?



 Thank you book friends for your recommendation tickets, and thank you book friend Ge Da Ge Dan for your reward!With everyone's support, the author's code words are more vigorous!
(End of this chapter)

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