Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 29 Each has a ghost

Chapter 29 Each has a ghost (seeking a recommendation ticket, asking for a reward)
On the first day of the first lunar month, the twilight drum in the capital had already sounded, and the streets were empty.

Liu Hongjian, who had been tossing around all day, rode slowly on the street with Niu Zhuang, thinking about buying some food for the family on the way. The father and daughter-in-law are used to poverty, even though the family is not short of money now, Life is still the same as before, so I have to buy whatever delicious food I want.

But there are no people on the street, not even a dog. Where can I buy food?

The Ming Dynasty has always implemented a curfew policy. The so-called evening drum and morning bell means that the evening drum is sounded at [-]:[-] to prohibit travel, and the morning bell is ringed at [-]:[-] to open the ban. Dot dawn.

Although due to the turmoil at the end of Ming Dynasty, many people went out at night due to lack of punishment in various places, but in the important capital city, no one dared to try the law by themselves.

"Bang Chui, are you tired?" Liu Hongjian, who didn't even have a nightlife and was bored, turned around and asked Niu Zhuang.

"Master, I'm not tired, I'm in good spirits!" By the moonlight, Niu Dabanchui showed Liu Hongjian the Shangfang sword in his bosom, indicating how could he be tired with such a thing?

Liu Hongjian smiled. Simple people are happy. For Niu Zhuang, the greatest happiness may be to have enough food every day, but what about him?I used to think that happiness is happiness if the wife and children are hot and the family is safe, but is that really happiness?
Don't you hear that you would rather be a dog of peace than a person in a troubled world?Don't you see that the rich wine and meat stink, and there are frozen bones on the road?
When I got home, my father had already gone to sleep, only Sun Xiuxiu was still waiting for her husband to return with the light on, and the food on the table was still covered with a bowl, while Sun Xiuxiu fell asleep lying on the table, presumably it was Xiao Nizi who didn't eat.

Seeing that her husband finally came back, Sun Xiuxiu hurriedly got up to greet her. Liu Hongjian hugged Sun Xiuxiu and walked around in a circle. Although he had gradually gotten used to Liu Hongjian's unique style of caring, he couldn't help but let out a coquettish cry.

A man, no matter how majestic he is when he works hard outside, when he returns home, he takes off his disguise and is still the same as when we first met. It is for this family and to continue his life for Daming. Liu Hongjian closed his eyes and buried his head in his wife's hair secretly. swear.

It was still past four o'clock the next day, and Liu Hongjian was woken up by Sun Xiuxiu who had already prepared the meal, and it was time to go to court.

This time, in the early dynasty, Chongzhen listened to the government at the imperial gate of Huangjimen. Before all the officials could play a role, Chongzhen called the eunuchs around him to read out the crimes of Wu Mengming, the former commander of Jinyiwei, and the amount of corruption.

With Liu Hongjian's persuasion, Chongzhen did not express too much anger, but just beat his chest to express his disappointment, and then asked the officials to discuss how to use this "windfall".

The first thing to feel depressed is the officials of the household department. It stands to reason that the proceeds from the house raiding should go to the national treasury, and the officials of the household department should go to investigate and sign for receipt, but the emperor ransacked the house quickly, and the entire household department even just received it. information.

Your Majesty, what does this mean?Does the emperor no longer trust the old man?Ni Yuanlu, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, thought secretly, looking a little disappointed.

And more officials who have had dirty deals with Wu Mengming are even more panicked, and they don't know whether Wu Mengming's mouth is strict or not, but they must not confess to the old man!

But Chongzhen's complexion was the same as usual, presumably Wu Mengming didn't recruit the old man out!Well, it's quite interesting, then I will send you back to the West!
Many officials began to criticize Wu Mengming with one voice.

Wei Zaode, the right servant of the Ministry of Rites, was the first to go out, and went up to reprimand Wu Mengming for being indebted to the emperor, for not sharing the emperor's worries in an important position, but for taking money and perverting the law.

Then he began to confide bitterness to Chongzhen, explaining how the officials of the Ministry of Rites are struggling now, and they have not paid their salaries for half a year, so Chongzhen should give priority to the distribution of salaries from the Ministry of Rites.

Chen Yan, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, also hurriedly agreed.

Zhang Xin, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments, was even more exaggerated, and started crying again, saying that the officials under him were too poor to eat, and if they didn't give money, they would kill them.

Then there is Zhang Jinyan, the Minister of the Ministry of War. This guy speaks hard. First of all, he agrees with Wei Zaode's opinion, thinking that Wu Mengming should be executed immediately, and then he is also a soldier. He is a weapon of the country. As the command center of the military power in the world, of course he has money. It is to the Ministry of War first.

Chongzhen sat expressionless on the throne, but he kept sneering in his heart. The more the ministers talked about misery and hype, the more sneering in Chongzhen's heart, and he was almost grinding his teeth.

Thinking that if it was before, I probably would have really believed them and gave the money to these so-called loyal ministers. I guess the soldiers at the bottom wouldn't be able to get a penny!

Liu Hongjian also sneered in his heart, these so-called Great Confucianists of the country, it's a shame not to be an actor, if it's modern, all scumbags and Liang Chaowei have to stand aside.

"Liu Aiqing, what's your opinion?" Chongzhen couldn't help losing interest when he saw that the officials were getting more and more distant, and directly bypassed the officials and pointed the finger at Liu Hongjian who was dozing behind him.

"Ah!" Liu Hongjian is clever and cute, why is it me again?
"Oh, I think it's pointless to fight for this little money! A few days ago, the Beijing camp contributed the most in the battle, so some silver taels should be distributed to show the greatness of the emperor's favor. Besides, the war in the northern border is urgent, and of course money is needed." Use it wisely."

"Although we are suffering, we will not starve to death. If we have money for military supplies, at least we don't have to worry about wild boar skins coming. If the soldiers guarding Daming have no food and can't win the battle, isn't everyone going to die? My lords , you think what I said is right?"

Concise and to the point, Liu Hongjian kicked the ball to the ministers who glared at him after finishing speaking.

The ministers were even more speechless, your grandfather's, you said it lightly, do you know where Wu Mengming's money came from?That's all my money!
Although he felt aggrieved, and some ministers even started to greet Liu Hongjian's eighth-generation ancestors, they still couldn't help saying that Mr. Liu was right.

The money is in Chongzhen's hands, if you don't agree, what else can you do, feel aggrieved!The faces of all the ministers were full of frost, as if mourning a concubine.

Seeing that all the officials agreed, Chongzhen of course followed the pole and directly asked the cabinet to draw up an order. The Beijing camp had meritorious service in defending the city, and distributed 20 taels of silver as a reward. In addition, the Liaodong Army paid a special salary of 50 taels for their hard work...

After retiring from the court, Liu Hongjian knew that Chongzhen still had business with him, so he stayed in the palace.

"Liu Aiqing, you are really my lucky general!" After all the ministers left, Chongzhen stepped down from the throne and walked towards Liu Hongjian.

76 taels of silver, plus more than 2 taels of gold. The ratio of gold and silver is one to eight. After the 70 taels are distributed, he still has more than [-] taels of internal money, not to mention so many jade jewelry.

The most important thing is that in the past 17 years in politics, he has been deceived countless times by the ministers, and this time he finally let the ministers suffer together. Chongzhen couldn't help laughing a few times with joy.

"Aiqing has done meritorious service, and I am going to reward you well!" What would you like to reward you, Chongzhen frowned, and there it is!

"I heard that Aiqing still lives in someone else's house, and my heart hurts. I heard that Wu Mengming's house was newly built last year, so I gave it to you!" Chongzhen smiled. He really liked the house in front of him. This seemingly reckless kid.

"Huh?" Liu Hongjian was dumbfounded. If he had known, he would not have scraped the Wu family so clean!It's so cute, the house is probably only an empty shell left now!
The first home I copied since time travel turned out to be my own?Who should I ask for reason?

(End of this chapter)

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