Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 282 Knife in hand, follow me

Chapter 282 Knife in hand, follow me (fourth update, recommendation ticket plus update)

More than 4000 Ming troops, divided into four groups, marched towards their respective targets. These selected targets were all small towns that had been detected and identified by Li Mu as not having too many Tartar soldiers to defend.

In fact, with a radius of hundreds of miles, except for the city of Fuzhou, the Tartars did not have many soldiers to fight at all.

Landing at the border of Jinzhou on the Liaodong Peninsula, under the leadership of Liu Hongjian, three thousand Ming troops began an unprecedented conquest from south to north.

In addition to the 1000 household soldiers and [-] personal guards, the troops led by Liu Hongjian consisted of [-] to [-] allied troops.

The [-] personal guards were all armed with AKM, and the [-] soldiers of the Qianhusuo were also fully armed, and they all stood still when they arrived at the fortress of surrender.

"This Marquis has decided that the one who ranks first in this battle will be rewarded with 100 taels of silver, and the last five people with the lowest record will be executed!
Allied soldiers, the time has come to prove your loyalty and bravery. Have you seen the town ahead?Rush up and conquer it!

Remember, if anyone wants to join you, keep an eye on him and let him kill the Tartars, understand? "

"Understood!" These 1000 or [-] allied soldiers were dressed in various clothes, and the weapons in their hands were also of different lengths. Under Liu Hongjian's instigation, most of them blushed and had thick necks.

"Go, Ben Hou is waiting here to celebrate for you!" Liu Hongjian rode on the horse and said to the allied army holding a scimitar.

Maybe it's nervousness, maybe excitement, but it doesn't matter, if you don't want to die, if you want to get reward silver, then go kill it and use your best strength.

"Come on!" I don't know who led it, and more than 1000 allied soldiers and civilians rushed into the fortress of surrender clumsily.

"My lord, do you want to follow up with a small one to help?" A hundred household officials from the Thousand Household Office stepped forward and said.

"No need, you four officers of one hundred households, each lead 100 people to block all the exits!" Liu Hongjian wasted his time, he just wanted to see how powerful the allied forces were under the fear and temptation.

The remaining [-] soldiers were not so much helping the Allies as monitoring them.

The four Hundred Household Officers dispersed with their soldiers, leaving behind Liu Hongjian only Niu Dabangchui and thirty personal guards.

Guifubao is the weakest of the four attacking directions. According to surveys, Guifubao doesn't even have Tatar garrisons. Except for less than [-] Tartar herdsmen, the remaining half are Han people.

The allied soldiers kicked open the doors on both sides of the street clumsily in groups of three and four. Seeing the Tartars inside, they raised their butcher knives, spears, and dung forks to fight with them.

Seeing that there were Han people in the house, they shouted loudly, either go and kill the Tartars together, or die...

It was another peaceful morning, but the town ushered in the final doomsday.

An hour later, when the allied troops came out of the town with bloody butcher knives, the soldiers of Qianhusuo couldn't believe their eyes.

Most of these allies were covered in blood. In fact, in order to kill a Tartar, they even used hands and feet, and some even sipped their mouths.

After conquering the fear of killing people for the first time, everything became so simple, and the allied forces became ferocious and fierce.

Is this still the Allied Forces just now?
What are these allies carrying in their hands?
Many soldiers of Qianhusuo were dumbfounded.

Boom—boom—an allied soldier threw the heads of several Tartars in his hands to the ground.

Boom—boom—boom—boom—more allies threw their heads to the ground.

"Old Feng, take the silver and reward it!" Liu Hongjian knew what these allied forces needed now, they had conquered fear, and now they needed appeasement.

They need to convince themselves that they have great righteousness and rewards, and all of these are worth it.

It's just that so many heads were piled up at once, and Liu Hongjian felt sick for a while.

The Thousand Households, including the Shenji Battalion and the Sanqian Battalion, stipulated that military merit should be counted as collective merit before coming to Liaodong, but Liu Hongjian did not intend to change the military merit for the Allied forces.

Let's count it according to the record. It is more primitive and easier to stimulate the fighting enthusiasm of the Allies.

It's just that cutting off the head is too troublesome and too intrusive.

One of the allied soldiers actually had five or six heads swinging around their waists, which is really an eyesore.

In the end, Liu Hongjian thought of a way. The Allied forces counted their battle results based on the scalp with braids on the top of the Tartars' heads.

This thing is easy to carry aside, the hair shaving order has not yet been implemented, and no Han people self-torture this hairstyle.

The rat-tail-like thin braid was braided with special care, and the Allied forces couldn't fake it for a while, so it was the best choice for military record counting.

According to statistics, in the first battle of Guifubao, the allied forces surrendered more than 530 heads, [-] died in battle, and [-] newly joined the allied forces.

It also included eight Tartars, which was surprising, but these eight Tartars also presented the heads of the Tartars.

The five Minzhuangs with the worst record in the allied army were immediately executed, and Feng Dunhou even poured out a pile of money from his horseback, and distributed them to the meritorious allied minzhuangs on the spot.

Those who have merit will be rewarded, and those who have done wrong will be punished. This is the simplest, most direct, and cruelest rule.

After this battle, Liu Hongjian's newly formed allied army not only did not disappoint him, but became more 'unified'.

Under the harsh system, the allied army not only grew flesh and blood, but also grew fangs.

In terms of momentum, they are bloodier than the soldiers of Qianhusuo, and more brutal than the Guanning Army. They dare to attack anyone, even with their teeth or dung forks.

As long as Liu Hongjian ordered it.

After the Fufu Fort was burned down, the original [-] troops became [-], and the large army marched towards the designated assembly point of the ancient castle.

The same method was performed in the other three towns of Jianlu.

At the second quarter of the hour, Chang Yu's tribe arrived at Shiheyi, killed more than 340 Tartars, recruited [-] allied troops, more than [-] horses, and thousands of taels of gold and silver...

At about the same time, Kuoduanbu arrived at Luanguguan, killed more than [-] Tartars, recruited [-] allied troops, [-] horses, and no gold or silver...

At three o'clock, Zu Qiuqing's troops arrived at Hongzui Fort, killed more than [-] Tartars, recruited [-] allied troops, more than [-] horses, and more than [-] taels of gold and silver...

At the end of the time, the four armies united as one and assembled at Pangu Castle, south of the Shahe River outside Fuzhou City.

When the Ming army arrived at Pangu Castle, the eyes of the [-] Tartar defenders of Pangu Castle were frightened. They gave up their camp on the spot and galloped towards Fuzhou City on horseback.

Whether it was Tartars or Han people who fled from Luan Guguan, Hongzui Fort and other places, they scattered and fled in all directions, and the name of the Six Butchers of Ming Dynasty also began to spread.

They are Chang Yu, Zu Qiuqing, Wang Lang, Xing Shan, Yue Chengze and Kuo Duan.

It was too late to march, and under Liu Hongjian's order, the Ming army settled in Pangu Fortress, the soldiers of the Thousand Households were on duty, and the Allied troops began to enjoy the joy of receiving the goods.

Some people are happy and some are worried. In Fuzhou City, a Jianlu general slapped the table...

PS: Staying up late to add more updates, the conscience of the industry, please give me a reward...

 Thanks for the 100 coins rewarded by book friends

(End of this chapter)

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