Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 283 Hold On, We Can Win

Chapter 283 Hold On, We Can Win

Fuzhou City.

"Report to the general, the Ming army has arrived at Pangu Castle!" A sentry entered the door and knelt down to report to a general dressed in fine clothes inside the room.

"How many of them are there? Who is in command?" The general took his leisure time and drank tea like a Han Chinese with a teacup in his hand.

"General, I don't know..." the sentry cavalry stammered, if he knew, how dare he not report it.

But the Ming army's defense was too tight. In order to investigate the enemy's situation, several brothers were killed by the Ming army with strange weapons. He is still in shock.

"Bastard, what do you want to eat? You can't find any information about this, go out and get twenty army sticks!" The general didn't take a sip of tea, and directly smashed the teacup on the head of the sentry.

The sentinel yelled and did not dare to dodge, blood suddenly appeared on his forehead.

"General Cuban, what's the matter with you, you are so angry again?" An elderly Han official came in from outside with a smile and bowed his hands.

Cuban did not hide it, and truthfully expressed his worries.

"Your Majesty happened to have something to report to you. A few Han people who fled from Luangu Pass and Pangu Castle came to the city just now. After careful interrogation and cross-examination, it was found that there were no more than 3000 people in the Ming army."

When the old man spoke, his waist was bent almost ninety degrees, and his rickety back seemed a little hunched.

"Are you sure?" Cuban wondered.

"Report to the general, the subordinate officials tortured several people separately, and these few people did not escape from the same place, they must be close to each other!" the old man replied.

"Oh, by the way, this general of the Ming army seems to be still recruiting locally!" The old man suddenly remembered something.

"Hahaha, only three thousand Ming troops dared to come to my territory in the Qing Dynasty to be presumptuous, really ignorant!" Cuban kept suppressing the matter and did not report it because he did not know the enemy's situation.

Looking at it now, I really have the foresight, otherwise, I don’t know how many people would laugh at me if I went to ask for help from the Ming army because of such a small number.

Isn't it just three thousand Ming troops?This general only has [-] soldiers in the city of Fuzhou, and if he gathers his subordinates stationed nearby, he can gather [-] cavalry casually.

As for the newly recruited soldiers of the Ming army general?Pooh!Can this also be called a soldier?
He even thought of how to write the memorial he submitted:
At the beginning of March, bandits and bandits invaded the border, and Fuzhou General Kuban led the Fuzhou soldiers to wipe out the lawless, killing eight thousand enemies...

"Pass our military order to summon all the garrisons of Yangguan, Yongning, and Fifty Villages to gather in Fuzhou overnight!" Cuban shouted to the bleeding soldiers on the ground.

The more Cuban thinks about it, the more beautiful he is. He has been the guard of Fuzhou for two or three years. He regrets that the imperial court did not mobilize him to the front line in the battle against Ming Dynasty, but now it seems that God has treated him well.

Guarding the rear, there are people who come to give military merits, what else is there to say?
"Little obedience!"


On the morning of the tenth day of March, after enjoying the entire village's feast of cattle and sheep at Pangu Castle, Liu Hongjian set the village on fire as usual.

After a day of fighting yesterday, not only did the Ming army not suffer injuries, but they had more than 800 horses, and more than 2000 civilians from the newly formed allied army.

Liu Hongjian was very satisfied with the state of the allied troops. These guys were usually hungry and used to being bullied, but now they were served with unlimited meat, and they could get money for killing the tartars who bullied them.

It has to be said that after the battle of Guifubao, Liu Hongjian was quite optimistic about the Allied forces, at least they were good at looting villages, which saved Liu Hongjian a lot of trouble.

Among the more than [-] war horses, except for the [-] war horses that specially consigned the looted gold, silver, meat, and military rations, almost half of the Ming army had their own mounts.

"Master Hou, there is an enemy situation outside Fuzhou City. It seems that the guards in the city are gathering troops outside the city!" to report.

"Oh, are you so arrogant? Li Mu, didn't you say that there are only three thousand defenders in Fuzhou City?
How dare you go out of the city to fight Benhou? "Liu Hongjian was sitting on the horse, still holding half a leg of lamb that was steaming with smoke and the skin was charred and tender.

That's right, even in the enemy's rear, no one could stop Liu Hongjian from sleeping late, so that the Master Supervisor didn't even have time to eat breakfast.

"Well, Lord Hou, not all the Ming soldiers are as capable of fighting as the soldiers of Lord Hou. The general Ming army is no match for the Tartar soldiers. I think the guard of Fuzhou City thinks the same way!"

The corners of Li Mu's mouth trembled slightly. These days, he was shocked by this young man who claimed to be Marquis of Daming beside him. This young man's army was far from what he had imagined in terms of armament and momentum.

Especially the sharp firearms!There is also the vigorous and eclectic style of this young man.

"Well, what Old Li said sounds good! Ben Hou likes it, take it, and I'll reward you with this leg of lamb!" Liu Hongjian quickly resolved the battle, and threw the remaining leg of lamb into Li Mu's arms .

"Except for Guan Ning riding and AKM shooting hundreds of households, the rest of the soldiers dismounted and lined up, ready to meet the enemy!

Oh, brothers in the Allied Army do not need to participate in this battle, let's watch the show later! "

Liu Hongjian simply ordered.

Guan Ning's iron cavalry was still suitable for charging and fighting, not to mention making them feel uncomfortable carrying wooden muskets, and they couldn't always cooperate uniformly, so Liu Hongjian specially separated them from the musket array.

Under the command of Qianhu Guan, the [-] Musketeers quickly formed two square formations on the spot. The skillful movements surprised the allied troops in the rear and Li Mu on the horse.

In fact, in the past two days, most of the Ming army fought in hash, and this is the first time to form a phalanx.

Ma De, three thousand soldiers dare to be so arrogant, I really think this Marquis is a soft persimmon!

Since these Tartars don't know why the flowers are so red, then this Marquis will let your peach blossoms bloom.

"My lord, the enemy general is rushing over!" Li Mu was a little nervous. He and Liu Hongjian rode on horseback and stood beside the musketeers. After all, they had never seen a large army rushing to kill them. Such a formation made him tremble.

"Look at your potential, and look at our brothers in the Allied Army." Liu Hongjian was not in a hurry.

These musketeers have all experienced several battles, and their command movements are as proficient as their arms and fingers. Chang Yu's command is also so-so, and basically he himself has become a melon-eating crowd.

"Oh, it's not as good as you!" Liu Hongjian looked back at the allied army behind him. Most of these strong men stood tremblingly behind the Musketeers, their faces were pale, and they didn't have half the arrogance they had when they went to plunder the village.

Going to the village to plunder is two different things from fighting the regular Tartar army. There is no doubt that if the Musketeers cannot resist this wave of Tartar soldiers, 100% of the newly recruited allied militia will turn around and run away.

"Hold on, we can win!" Liu Hongjian turned around and comforted.

 Thanks to the book friends Liberation Army Eagle, Shenzhen Fatty, Drunken Lights and Watching the Ax for the 100 coin rewards, and thanks to the book friends Zhongxinbao and Erzhe Little Vest for the 500 coin rewards.At present, there are 84 monthly tickets, every hundred will add updates, and you will never break your promise. There are also recommendation tickets to add updates, and rewards to add updates. Where can I find such a conscientious author?Haha hurry up!
(End of this chapter)

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