Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 301 Ordnance Institute, Expansion!expansion!

Chapter 301 Ordnance Institute, Expansion!expansion!

In an open space behind the Ordnance Institute, several soldiers from the Thousand Households Institute carried a few wooden boxes, and seven or eight craftsmen followed suit. In addition, there were two rows of soldiers from the Thousand Households Institute carrying Suifa guns to guard them.

"Look, my lord, this is the grenade developed by our Ordnance Institute." Song Yingxing ordered one of the craftsmen to open the wooden box, and took out a grenade with a wooden handle from the box.

The projectile body is made of cast iron by the foundry, and a fire twist protrudes from the junction of the projectile body and the wooden handle.

Not to mention, this thing is quite similar to the grenade used in the Anti-Japanese War in later generations.

It's just that Song Yingxing still feels dissatisfied, because he doesn't know why this thing is called a grenade, which is disrespectful to his ancestors!

It should be called Thunderbolt, after all, it was called so hundreds of years ago.

"Is it easy to use?" Liu Hongjian weighed it with his hands, and found that it was much larger than the hand grenade of later generations, and it was quite heavy.

"It's so good, my lord, we have tested it many times! If you don't believe me, take a look." Before Song Yingxing could speak, a craftsman spoke first.

Apart from supporting their families, these scientific researchers feel the happiest when they are recognized for their hard work.

The craftsman held a large 'grenade' in his hand, lit a prepared torch, and walked a few steps forward on his own.

"Are you ready, my lord? I'm going to start!" This buddy was afraid that the sound would scare their Lord Hou, so he turned his head to remind him.

"Okay, hurry up, I haven't seen this Hou before!" My sister, it's different from what I imagined, Liu Hongjian said in his heart.

Shouldn't you pull it with your left hand and throw it with your right hand?

Why did you set the torch on?

Boom - While thinking, a loud noise came from dozens of steps ahead.

Liu Hongjian didn't care about how to light the fire, so he hurried forward to check.

Black smoke was still rising from the explosion site, and the grass that had just sprouted green shoots was blasted into a hole the size of a football, and the grass within a few steps was also affected by the iron pieces produced by the explosion...

"Well, not bad!" Liu Hongjian patted the craftsman on the shoulder to show his appreciation.

"Hehe, it's all thanks to the second-tier leader. We just followed the picture to find out what." The craftsman was also very honest, and he couldn't keep his mouth shut when he was praised.

"Old Song, can't the fuze problem be solved?" Liu Hongjian rubbed his chin and frowned, Song Yingxing hurried forward.

A hand grenade that cannot be used at the same time is soulless, and the fuze is the most important thing. The encounter between the two armies is a close call, so there is no time to find a torch.

"My lord, this is just an experimental product developed at the beginning. Please come here because of the breakthrough of the fuze.

This is a new fuze developed by my subordinates last night, but it has not been announced to my colleagues.

Please look, my lord! "Song Ying Xingshen mysteriously took out a small object made of paper from his waist.

I don't know what is filled in this thin paper tube, and a thread protrudes from it, and a ring is wrapped around one end of the thread.

"My lord, pull this ring hard, be quick!" Song Yingxing reminded.

Liu Hongjian looked at him and pulled him hard.

Liu Hongjian was startled when he saw a puff of smoke coming out of the paper tube and then being ignited.

"This is it! This is what the Marquis wants!" Liu Hongjian was so excited.

"My lord, the initial idea under the door is to hollow out the wooden handle of the grenade, hide the fuze in it, and seal it with a wooden cover to prevent rain, moisture and other accidents.

When needed, take off the wooden cover, pull the ring and throw it to the bandits. "Song Yingxing said.

"That's it! Benhou announced that all craftsmen who participated in the development of the grenade will each receive a reward of 100 taels of silver. Lao Song, you have the greatest contribution, and you will be rewarded with 2000 taels of silver.

What's more, it must be put into production as soon as possible, if there is not enough manpower, it will be recruited, and the monthly silver for all the workers in the ordnance station will be raised to two taels, plus half a stone of rice grain.

The Marquis does not hesitate to reward money, but the selection of personnel must be stricter and stricter, and those who are sloppy, unskilled, and have flawed conduct will not be accepted.

Workmanship, precision and output must be guaranteed, and safety must be ensured. At least a daily output of [-] is required. As for how many people are needed, you can decide! "

The Musketeer's performance on the battlefield is the most convincing. This firearm will be the standard equipment of Ming Dynasty in the future, and the treatment of workers will naturally not be bad.

Liu Hongjian suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said to Song Yingxing and others.

Previously, Liu Hongjian planned to work slowly and produce meticulous work, and the rarest things were the most precious, but now he didn't plan to wait any longer.

He wants to expand!Expand again!He wants to fulfill someone's wish in the roughest and fastest way. For this reason, gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

Song Yingxing, as a scientific research madman, had no interest in rewarding silver since he had enough food and clothing. On the contrary, the few honest craftsmen behind him were very happy.

Grenades are consumables, and they are fast consumables. After a battle of tens of thousands of people, at least tens of thousands of them will be consumed.

And with the power of this thing, safety issues have to be taken seriously. This thing is produced in a centralized manner. If a worker is not careful, the entire workshop may be destroyed.

"My lord, don't worry, my subordinates will personally supervise them when the time comes. These few are all experts in our armory. At that time, all new recruits will be given emergency training by them. Only those who pass the training can sign a contract to join our armory."

Although the conditions were harsh, Song Yingxing had no doubts at all. If the news of the Ordnance Institute's recruitment was released, the craftsmen and common people in the surrounding prefectures and counties would probably be crazy about it.

In the past six months, the reputation of the Ordnance Institute has become more and more famous. The big golden characters on the entrance of the Daming Royal Armory Institute are not covered. The entire capital and even Shuntian Prefecture already know who is behind the Ordnance Institute.

"Well, what is the current output of firearms and paper shells?"

"My lord, our ordnance shop has been expanding recently, and there are currently more than [-] gunsmiths in the ordnance shop, but the daily output is [-] guns.

There are more than [-] ammunition assemblers, and the assembly is also carried out in an assembly line production method, with a daily output of more than [-] rounds of paper shell ammunition.

The day before yesterday, at the request of Governor Huang and the Ministry of War, another 60 guns from our ordnance station arrived at the border, accompanied by [-] rounds of paper shells..."

The war is urgent, and the whole strength of the Ordnance Institute is now engaged in the production of muskets and ammunition.Song Yingxing reported casually.

"Have you given me any money?" Liu Hongjian asked suddenly.

"Ah?" Song Yingxing was taken aback for a moment.

"Ah, what, did the Ministry of Accounts give you any money? This armory does not accept credit!" Liu Hongjian reminded.

The collapse of an enterprise generally starts with the break of the capital chain, and the raw materials used by his ordnance are all obtained from the Ministry of Accounts.

Although Ni Yuanlu, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, never mentioned money, but with Liu Hongjian's reminder, Song Yingxing never defaulted on arrears, and always paid with one hand and delivered with the other.

"This...hasn't been given yet, the war was urgent some time ago..."

"Then hurry up to urge, this boss can't open it, and the account department will place an order in the future, and it must be paid in advance!"

The war was urgent, but the household department was not short of money, and the guns and paper shells were almost assembled by the Ming army at cost price. This was already a huge concession from Liu Hongjian.

After all, the Ordnance Institute is not easy. It has raised so many craftsmen and workers. In order to improve their enthusiasm, the salary such as monthly silver is not low.

In the past six months, his old book has already been eaten up, and he is currently eating the book of Uncle Chongzhen.

Although the uncle doesn't care, he does!It is the money that will always be spent, how can you do it if you don’t earn it?

"Yes, I've written it down." Song Yingxing's mouth twitched, puzzled by Liu Hongjian's arrangement.

But Liu Hongjian didn't bother to explain that the Ordnance Institute was not a workshop of the Ministry of Households, but a private one.

Public is public, private is private, public and private can't be distinguished, and they will end up in a nest.

When the time comes, you will also eat, and he will also take it. Isn’t it a mess?

"There is another matter under the door, which needs to be decided by adults." Song Yingxing decided to suppress his confusion, after all, it has nothing to do with scientific research.

 Thanks to book friend Fei Feifei for the ten thousand rewards of the very beautiful Giant Rabbit 15, becoming the rudder owner of this book, thanks to book friend Xuezhong for sending a reward of 1000 coins, and thanks to the two veterans for their strong support
(End of this chapter)

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