Chapter 302
"Oh? Why can't you, Mr. Song, be in charge?" The Ordnance Institute invented another big killer, and Liu Hongjian's mood obviously improved a lot.

"It's our spinning mill. Three hundred new spinning machines have been put into production in the spinning mill, with a daily output of more than [-] catties of cotton yarn.

Moreover, our cotton yarn is not only high in output but also stable, with uniform thickness and high quality, which has attracted the favor of many merchants from surrounding counties.

They all want to take over the sales rights of our cotton mill, among which Jiadingbo Zhou Kui is the most active, he not only wants to take over our business, but also wants to buy our spinning machines..."

Although he knew that Liu Hongjian would definitely not agree, Song Yingxing still reported it truthfully. After all, Zhou Kui was the head of the state, and ordinary people really couldn't afford it.

"That old man Zhou Kui, the stingy Zhou Papi, the reincarnation of Grandet, the ancestor of Yan Jiansheng, still has the face to do business with Ben Hou?
Not for sale!If that old bastard dares to make things difficult, let him come to Ben Hou and see if Ben Hou doesn't kill him!

For the cotton yarn business, there is no need to find other people. Contact Gu Datong in Shanxi and ask him to select competent people to take charge of the matter. "Liu Hongjian came to a conclusion in a few words.

Cotton yarn is a hard currency, and good cotton yarn is definitely easy to sell, and the earl spinning machine came out a whole century earlier than the west, and Liu Hongjian did not intend to make it public for the time being.

There are not many businessmen that I can trust. Gu Datong is definitely one of them who can spend all their family assets in times of national crisis.

Seeing that the weather is getting warmer, I don't know how the coal business in Gu Datong is doing!

"Oh, by the way, it's the beginning of spring now, how are the potatoes and sweet potatoes in the greenhouse?" Liu Hongjian asked.

In addition to the war, the promotion of these two crops is also related to the Ming Dynasty.

"My lord, the cultivation of potatoes and sweet potatoes is in charge of the two sons under my family. I heard from them that they will be handed over to the stewards of each Huangzhuang in the next few days." Song Yingxing said.

Although he also has research on farming, he can't do two things at once. Since entering the armory, most of his energy has been devoted to military supplies.

However, his two sons, Song Shihui and Song Shiyi, are quite accomplished in farming.

Liu Hongjian was still a little worried, so he rode a horse to the greenhouse for an inspection. He finally felt relieved when he saw the sweet potato seedlings in the greenhouse growing green and green for a long time.

Rows of greenhouses are almost all over the corner of Xishan. So many greenhouses require a lot of manpower, but the most indispensable thing these days is cheap labor.

The two brothers Song Shihui recruited thousands of land masters from the nearby Huangzhuang just by paying them meals.

These crops are also what they will plant in the future, and the two Xiaosong just took the opportunity to train a lot of knowledgeable people. These people will become the backbone of potato and sweet potato promotion in the future.

Not only the fruit of sweet potato can be eaten, even the leaves of sweet potato can be directly cooked, and the seedlings can also be fed to livestock. It is a treasure all over the body.

After tossing and tossing for half a day, Liu Hongjian happened to have an empty stomach, so he directly asked the cook of the armory station to make a small fuss.

The successful development of the hand grenade is about to be mass-produced, and the output of Suifa guns and paper shell ammunition is steadily increasing, and the spinning mill is about to start making profits. Liu Hongjian is naturally in a good mood.

A plate of green sweet potato leaves, a plate of fried pork, and a pot of shochu, Liu Hongjian and Song Yingxing ate happily.

"Master, people from the Ministry of War are looking for you." Niu Dabangchui came from outside the house while eating vegetables with a large bowl in his hand.

"Why are the people from the Ministry of War looking for this Marquis? Why did they find people here?" Liu Hongjian said with a headache after taking a sip of his wine.

"Master, you are still the Supervisor of Xuanliao!" Niu Dabangchui reminded.

"Go, go, let him wait a while!" Liu Hongjian waved his hand.

After re-explaining the future affairs of the Ordnance Institute, especially the promotion of new crops, Liu Hongjian hurriedly left from the Ordnance Institute.

When he arrived at the Ministry of War, Li Banghua, Minister of the Ministry of War, had been waiting for a long time.

"Master Hou, generals Wu Binghao and Lu Haibo of the [-] Battalion came from the border to offer captives, and now they have arrived outside the Anding Gate. I dare not make a decision on my own. I want to ask Lord Hou how to deal with these prisoners."

Since Liu Hongjian became the supervisor and took full charge of the Nine Frontiers War, he, the minister of the Ministry of War, has been idle. Like the Ministry of Households, he has become the nanny of the frontier army. All he does is deliver supplies and ensure military supplies.

No matter in terms of power or military power, the young man in front of him is above Li Banghua, and judging from what he has done this year, he really admires this young man.

Therefore, even though he was Minister of the Ministry of War, Li Banghua would still ask Liu Hongjian for such important matters.

"The action is pretty fast! But since these captives have been brought here from a long distance, naturally they can't be beheaded directly.

Those censors who criticized Jianlu verbally and in writing on weekdays, all wished to eat his flesh and lay bare his skin, and now the opportunity came.

This Marquis will report to the Emperor Ming tomorrow, so that these birds will have a good time! "Liu Hongjian said indifferently.

Li Banghua naturally knew what Liu Hongjian meant. In fact, he was also very afraid of these officials. A few years ago, he was treated badly by these officials. Now the opportunity finally came.

"My lord, there is one more thing. This is the detailed battle report submitted by Huang Degong, governor of Xuanliao, about the battle against Jianlu, which involves promotion awards such as silver rewards, military positions, and titles.

I want to hear Hou Ye's opinion before checking with Eunuch Zhang of the Yumajian. "

Although it was for the benefit of the generals under his command, unexpectedly the benefit was too great, so big that even as the Minister of the Ministry of War, he still felt terrified and unreal.

According to the detailed report, not counting the bandit army led by Liu Hongjian who wiped out behind Jianlu, there were only nine front-line offensives and defenses, plus several field battles by the Beijing Army's [-] Battalion and Shenji Battalion.

A total of more than 940 enemies were wiped out within one month. According to the previously formulated military reward silver regulations, [-] million taels of reward silver had to be paid.

As for the entire front line of the Great Wall on Nine Sides, more than 500 frontier troops died in battle, and more than 300 were seriously injured and disabled.

The pension alone will reach a terrifying 530 million taels.

Including the upcoming military pay, the total silver taels to be paid to the frontier and Beijing troops reached 600 million taels.

That is to say, the 12 veterans of the frontier army, plus the more than 200 Beijing troops who went to support, all counted, each soldier will receive an average of [-] taels of silver.

What is this concept?
The annual income of the Ming court who did not eat or drink for six years...

"Afraid of a ball! This regulation was originally to encourage the morale of the frontier army. Now the frontier army not only resisted the Jianlu, but also killed so many Tartars. How can the court lose its trust?

This rule must not only be followed, but will continue until Jianlu falls.

All the money in the national treasury was stolen by the Marquis from Beijing officials and Shanxi merchants, and the emperor also agreed to this matter.

As for titles, they can all be conferred upon the title of Liujue. This matter will be discussed with the emperor by the Marquis.

What you and the old Zhang of the Yumajian have to do is to ensure that these rewards and pensions are actually distributed to every soldier and family.

If someone dares to be greedy for ink, no matter how much, he will be killed without mercy!

I want to see who dares to jump out and find fault. When the soldiers agree, the Emperor Sword in Benhou's hand will not agree! "Liu Hongjian said forcefully.

The days when civil servants ride on the heads of generals and soldiers to do their best are coming to an end.

As for those kings with strong mouths and keyboard warriors in the court, tomorrow Liu Hongjian will shut them up.

PS: Liujue: no iron coupons, no hereditary.

 Thanks to the book friend Drunk for the light to watch the axe, why can’t the nickname be repeated, the 100 coins that floated like a cloud, thank the book friend Mengsk for the 1000 coins, and thank you to the veterans who voted.

(End of this chapter)

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