Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

第322章 1门5爵(第4更,打赏加更33)

Chapter 322 One Family and Five Lords (Fourth Change, Reward 33)

"Report to Your Majesty, Qin Liangyu, Governor of Southwest China, has sent an urgent message!

On the fourth day of April, Qin Yiming and Qin Gongming led their troops to break through Wuchang Mansion and wiped out [-] enemies.

On the seventh day of April, two generals, Qin Zuoming and Ma Wannian, broke through the Jiujiang Mansion, annihilating [-] enemies, and the rest surrendered!
The left bandits have been eliminated, Governor Qin asked for instructions on how to deal with the bandit prisoners! "

Yang Haichao, a member of the military department, was a little bit ashamed.

It was the first time he had an audience with Chongzhen because of his low official position. It was inevitable that he would be nervous, but when he thought of the suppression of the Southwest Left Bandits, this member Wai Lang felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

The soldier who came to deliver the letter was exhausted as soon as he entered the Yamen of the Ministry of War. The big men of the Ministry of War also went to court and did not return, so he had to stand up.

"Good! Good! Good!" Chongzhen shouted three times in succession after listening to Yuan Wai Lang's report.

He seemed to be more excited than Yuanwailang, and even stood up from the throne.

Li Yunkui stepped down the imperial steps, took the memorial and handed it to Chongzhen, Chongzhen confirmed it with just a glance, in fact no one dared to joke about it.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! The Great Ming is victorious!" Li Banghua, Minister of the Ministry of War, knelt down first and congratulated Chongzhen.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, the Ming Dynasty is all victorious!" Baiguan immediately knelt down and said.

Liu Hongjian looked left and right, and everyone knelt down, and he was embarrassed to stand still and saluted.

"Everyone is flat! Qin Aiqing lived up to my expectations and wiped out the leftist bandits who have been harming Jiangnan for two years with lightning speed. I am happy!

Li Yunkui drafted an decree to bestow Qin Liangyu with python clothes and 3000 taels of silver!

Qin Yiming was granted the title of Uncle Pingnan, given flying fish clothes, and rewarded with 1000 taels of silver!

Qin Gongming was conferred the title of Bo Ning Nanbo, a flying fish suit, and a reward of 1000 taels of silver!

Qin Zuoming was conferred the title of Uncle Jingnan, bestowed with flying fish clothing, and rewarded with 1000 taels of silver!

Ma Wannian, the grandson of Qin Liangyu, was granted the title of Uncle Annan, bestowed with flying fish clothes, and rewarded with 1000 taels of silver!


Chongzhen's tone was full of no doubts. The North retreated the Tartars, and the south wiped out Zuo Liangyu, a big trouble. The Ming Dynasty has been developing towards a good momentum.

"Your Majesty is wise!" All the officials said in unison.

Now, anyone who wants to stop him will be courting death!

Now in the entire Ming Dynasty, only Zhang Xianzhong's bandit army in Sichuan remained, and General Qin was guarding the southwest, so it was not a big deal to think about.

Or is the person recommended by this kid Youming reliable, this kid, huh?Dozing off again?
"An Guogong?" Chongzhen called to the rear.

"Your Majesty is here, what is your Majesty looking for?" Liu Hongjian actually heard it, but he was not as excited as Chongzhen and the courtiers, he just closed his eyes and rested his mind.

In his opinion, the destruction of Zuo Liangyu's group of local chickens and dogs is inevitable. They are just a group of salted fish without dreams.

It's just that he didn't expect this group of salted fish to be so unbearable, with an army of more than [-]!
What's so weird is that they all stretched out their heads for the Ming army to chop, and that would take ten days and a half a month.

"Qin Aiqing's memorial said that in this battle, a total of 16 enemies were wiped out, and more than [-] bandits were captured.

According to Aiqing, how should these captives be dealt with? "Chongzhen's face was rosy, and he was no longer as depressed as before.

My God, Grandma Qin is so fierce, she has taken 16 prisoners!
How did he do this? Compared with the old general Qin, his record in Liaodong is nothing at all.

However, Uncle Chongzhen was quite generous, and made the three brothers of the Qin family and the only remaining seedling of the Ma family an earl.

Well, it's just that there's something wrong with General Huang and General Qin!

I have now become the duke of the state, why is he still a marquis, no matter whether it is credit or hard work, it should be that these two generals have paid more than him!

But even if he thought so in his heart, Liu Hongjian was just thinking about it. It's not a wise move to act good when you get a bargain.

"His Majesty, I believe that Jiangnan has won the battle, and the imperial court should distribute pensions and rewards as scheduled according to the number of military achievements, so that the soldiers can fight for the imperial court with peace of mind!

The leader of the bandit can order the old general Qin to send people to the capital to offer prisoners, just like the Tartar generals beheaded in Xishi to declare our Ming Dynasty's prestige.

As for those bandit soldiers... Mr. Fan, I heard that the north is digging canals? "Liu Hongjian turned around and asked Fan Jingwen, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry.

As early as the end of last year, due to the money in the treasury, in order to prevent the continued severe drought in the north, at the suggestion of Liu Hongjian, the cabinet began to organize the construction of water conservancy.

But digging canals these years is really too difficult. There is no excavator, no tractor, and even the carriage does not even have tires. Everything depends on manpower!
Fan Jingwen was only surprised for a moment before he understood what Liu Hongjian meant.

"Report to the emperor, I request that these captives be taken to the north to dig canals!" He said quickly, fearing that someone would preempt him.

Fan Jingwen was overjoyed. You must know that captives do not need to be paid wages, and they are different from ordinary workers. Prisoners, if they are not obedient, they will not give you food!
"It's just that so many prisoners, how to transport them to the north, what if something happens along the way?" Meng Zhaoxiang, Minister of Criminal Affairs, raised doubts.

"It doesn't matter, we can just take the waterway. The waterway is fast and safe, and we can pass the decree to build more embankments along the water transport route." Liu Hongjian thought for a while.

The soldiers who dared to fight almost died in Jiujiang and Wuchang City, and the rest were just a group of peasant soldiers, and most of them went to make trouble with them because they had nothing to eat.

Although there is no wages for digging canals nowadays, at least they have food to eat. The people of Ming Dynasty, who would revolt if they had food to eat?
"Zunza!" Chongzhen was also very happy.

Captives have always been a difficult problem to deal with. Killing them all seems to be too cruel for the Ming court.

But these problems were solved by Liu Hongjian in a few words, and it was still seamless, Chongzhen was very pleased.

"Mr. An's recommendation is meritorious, and he will reward you with 2000 taels of silver and a box of ancient calligraphy and paintings! Come with me to discuss matters in the Qing Palace and retire from the court!" Chongzhen got up and left the Huangji Hall after finishing speaking.

Well, there are also rewards for my own countrymen!
Uncle Chongzhen is really too rich. There are eight large boxes of ancient calligraphy and paintings in his family from the Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties to the prosperous Tang and Song Dynasties.

They are all authentic works of celebrities, and this thing will be left to future generations. It is estimated that only one painting can sell for several million.

Alas, my country's father can't go back?

Liu Hongjian was thinking wistfully as he walked towards the Qianqing Palace.

"What is the emperor looking for here?" Liu Hongjian suddenly felt very disappointed. .

"Why does Youming look so unhappy, tell me first!" Chongzhen was surprised to see Liu Hongjian's depression was rare.

"Does your majesty remember Tao Yuanming's Tale of Peach Blossom Spring? If your majesty is an ordinary person and strays into it, where the fields are idyllic and self-sufficient, you also met the empress and your highness the prince.

But there are no maids, no eunuchs, and you have to cook your own meals. Would the emperor think about going back? " Liu Hongjian asked seriously.

"If that's the case, I probably won't come back!" Chongzhen said after a little thought.

The past 18 years of his life were not going well, and he didn't even enjoy much happiness with his first wife, Queen Zhou. Thinking back to the past ten years, it was so hard to remember.

So what if there are no eunuchs and maids, his wife can weave and cook, and he can also work hard...

But there is no paradise in this world, let alone what ifs.

"I understand...I understand..."

(End of this chapter)

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