Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 323 The Ming Military Industry Empire

Chapter 323 The Great Ming Military Industry Empire

Now Liu Hongjian is not the one who strayed into the Peach Blossom Spring!
Although Daming has no computers, no Internet, no high-speed rail, no airplanes, and even no electricity.

But there are people he loves, a group of people who love him, and a group of people who count on him to live.

It's icy here, or the original world is icy, only those who have really traveled through will know.

The people here are not indifferent, they are in awe of imperial power, dignitaries, and scholars. They are easily satisfied, and they can be happy for several days after eating a meal of meat.

The five colors make people blind. Liu Hongjian could only see that the people of later generations were far more indifferent than those of the past. They may have higher education and better treatment, and they bulged their stomachs.

They're holding iPhones, wearing Nike Adidas...

They stand on the subway, but they can't even speak to each other. Everything they have is vented on a thing called a mobile phone and a thing called the Internet.

And forget that the most precious thing in this world is not the mobile phone or the Internet, but the people around and in front of you.

In that world, he was an orphan, not even a shrimp, and almost no one cared when he disappeared.

But here, groups of people need him, they love him, and they count on him to lead them to a good life.

Got it, got it all.

It doesn't matter where you are, what matters is where your loved ones are.

I am in Daming, the people I love, and the people who love me are all in Daming.

I'm from Daming, and I'm needed here, so Liu Hongjian's eyes became more determined.

"Your Majesty, why are you looking for this minister?" All these thoughts were only cleared up for a moment, and Liu Hongjian immediately brought the question back to the original point.

"It's nothing, when will that rifled gun be equipped to the frontier army?" Chongzhen asked casually when he saw Liu Hongjian's expression returned to normal.

"The emperor is still worried about Jianlu? You don't have to.

Jianlu is not the real enemy of our Ming Dynasty, not even the Menggu people! "Liu Hongjian said firmly.

He immediately explained the current situation in the ordnance institute to Chongzhen, and the most important thing now is to spread the Suifa gun to the entire Ming army.

The replacement of firearms takes time, and new firearms are not put into use as soon as they are manufactured.

The stability of the new firearms and other aspects require actual combat tests, and it would be best to entrust this task to the Qianhu Office of Longevity Mountain.

After the new firearms have been continuously improved and tested, they will be reassembled on the assembly line and put into production, and then replaced and promoted to the entire army of the Ming Dynasty.

Of course Chongzhen didn't understand these things, and in fact Liu Hongjian didn't either, but from the perspective of a modern person, all he knew was that there was no rush.

In this day and age, life passes very slowly, cars, horses, and mail are all slow, and there is only enough to love one person in a lifetime.

So, what are you in a hurry for?
Chongzhen said that it was nothing, now that Ming Dynasty is becoming more peaceful, he lost the pressure of the previous soldiers, and suddenly felt confused about the future of Daming.

This has never happened in more than ten years. He just wanted to talk to someone, and the ministers in the cabinet all had the same thinking as him.

But only his favorite, An Guogong, seemed to stay out of everything, so he wanted to ask Liu Hongjian.

Liu Hongjian chuckled.

"Your Majesty, you are so confused!" Liu Hongjian said that this is very simple!

The first is to eat well and sleep well, and then let the people around you eat well and sleep well.

Then it is to let people all over the world eat well and sleep well.

How to achieve this goal?
Judging from the current situation of Ming Dynasty, it can be roughly divided into three steps.

The first step is to eliminate the northern troubles and Zhang Xianzhong in Sichuan and Sichuan. This is only a matter of time, so there is no need to worry too much.

The second step is to get rid of the bad government. The Ming Dynasty has accumulated too many evils for too long, just like a camel with a heavy load on its body.

The heavy burden has already made it almost fall down, and blood-sucking leeches are crawling all over its body. If these maladministrations are not eliminated, the people of Ming Dynasty will never have a peaceful day.

In the third step, ocean trade, Daming must take a share, and he must take the most lucrative one.

The weak Song Dynasty is not poor, not only is it not poor, but its richness is envied by neighboring countries, and it even gives other countries year-old coins after winning a battle to ensure peace.

Daming is not weak, but really poor, why?
People will trade!Not only domestic business, overseas business is also booming.

The imperial court didn't need to make much money from the poor peasants at all, but only collected business taxes, which accounted for five or six out of ten.

And now we are in the age of great voyages, the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean are competing for colonies everywhere. It's a shame that Ming Dynasty is still fighting civil war in retreat.

If Da Ming had a fleet, a fleet that could make small western countries tremble, then many of Ming's problems would no longer be problems.

No food?Go outside and grab it!

Have no silver?Go outside and dig!

Do you like diamonds?Do you like pearl agate?Rob!Rob!Rob!
Liu Hongjian simply shared his thoughts with Chongzhen, trying to broaden Chongzhen's horizons.

Daming is very big, but it's also very small. Thinking can't be confined to one corner.

"Advance in three steps...Northern troubles...Bad government...Ocean..." Chongzhen seemed to be lost in thought, and Liu Hongjian's words almost subverted his mode of thinking.

He knew his humerus wouldn't lie to him, but he needed time to digest.

"Your Majesty, the second step and the third step may overlap, but basically the second step is the main one.

In fact, the most important thing now is the Ordnance Institute and the Treasure Shipyard of Tianjin Wei.

As long as we can produce more advanced firearms and more powerful warships, no one will dare to covet my Ming's territory!
They saw that Ming's army would stay away, they saw that Ming's ships would make a detour!

The emperor really shouldn't ignore the craftsmen! " Liu Hongjian said sincerely.

"Firearms, battleships, ordnance workshops, treasure shipyards... Youming, I don't understand these things.

But it doesn't matter, whoever you need, how much money you need, you can repay it to me.

I will do my best to support you! "The Taicang silver of the Ministry of Households will probably be used in various parts of the Ming Dynasty, and the only thing Chongzhen can directly call the shots is his own internal money.

Liu Hongjian was also very pleased with Uncle Chongzhen's decisiveness. Compared with his indecision a year ago, Chongzhen was much better.

But, uncle, you are too pessimistic!
"Your Majesty, if the Ministry of Finance does not take a stake in our Armory Institute, they will regret it sooner or later!
Just watch it, it won't take long, a year!Our armory can be profitable in one year!

At that time, let everyone be jealous of us! "

For now, the consumption of the Ordnance Institute and Treasure Shipyard is indeed a bit high, because in order to win the war, he and Chongzhen have been pouring money into it almost all the time.

Continuous expansion, recruitment, continuous research and development, and testing are all costs.

But if you want to be at the forefront of the world, this is the only way to go.

"Your Majesty, just watch, I will make Daming the number one military empire in the world!

At that time, people all over the world will tremble for Daming's musket battleship! "Liu Hongjian wandered about the picture of thousands of sails competing in the Pacific Ocean in the future, and fell into deep thought.

"Youming, Cihong's wedding date is set, I want you to preside over it!" Chongzhen said suddenly.

Regarding the warship ocean that Liu Hongjian described to him, Chongzhen didn't seem to be very cold, because he had never even seen what a sea looked like.


PS: The fifth watch will be delivered, no debts and no debts, good night everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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