Chapter 346 Betrayal (Second Update)

"Why did Aiqing say that?" Chongzhen was surprised.

Even though Liu Hongjian and Li Yunkui have some differences, after all, punishing corrupt officials, confiscating property, and filling the treasury are their consistent goals.

In his opinion, Liu Hongjian will definitely put aside the controversy and stand by his side!
On the contrary, including Yushi and Liuke Jishizhong, all the officials looked at An Guogong with a happy face.

They felt that for more than a year, An Guogong looked the most handsome and pleasing to the eye today.

"Your Majesty, do you still remember An Guogong Zhu Chunchen?" Liu Hongjian calmly took out a neatly folded letter from his waist.

When Li Yunkui stepped down the imperial steps to take the letter, his hands were shaking. He felt that the letter must not be a compliment to him.

He thought about it carefully, and felt that although he had many contacts with Cheng Guogong and had received some favors from him, but that's all, how could the emperor punish him?

But why is An Guogong so confident?

Li Yunkui couldn't think of his sister, but he had no choice but to frown and submit the letter to Chongzhen.

When Chongzhen finally opened the letter, he hurriedly scanned it, and his face darkened immediately.

"Bold Li Yunkui! How dare you collude with Jianlu, are you guilty?" Chongzhen slapped the golden throne, stood up and asked!
Li Yunkui's face changed drastically, and he knelt down on the imperial steps with a plop.

"Long live! This old slave has served Empress Yi'an, Empress Zhou, and you for decades. Even if I have the courage, this old slave would never dare to collude with Jianlu!

Mr. An, although the old slave is not liked by you, but the old slave asks himself that he never offended you, why did he kill the old slave and slander the old slave so much?

Could it be that the old slave can get a better seat when he arrives at Jianlu? "

Li Yunkui burst into tears. He first complained to Chongzhen, then questioned and complained to Lord Anguo, and then hinted that he is now the head of the courtiers, and it is impossible and unnecessary to surrender to the enemy!

"Mr. An, is this letter credible?" Chongzhen was also agitated just now, and out of his trust in Mr. An, he read the letter and directly scolded Li Yunkui.

Now after listening to Li Yunkui's cry, he also felt that Li Yunkui would not betray him. After all, compared to those foreign ministers, Li Yunkui stayed with him all day long, and he never treated Li Yunkui badly.

Li Yunkui had no reason to collude with Jianlu.

However, Duke An would never aim at the target indiscriminately, and he never missed the target. After Chongzhen finished speaking, his mood became even worse.

On the one hand, there are the internal officials who accompany him day and night and take care of the internal affairs of the palace for him;

He only thought that what happened recently was just a moth caused by those censors who had nothing to do. He didn't expect it to turn into a conflict between his two most trusted subordinates.

Chongzhen frowned, he didn't know who to trust, because if he believed one of them, the other must have concealed him.

No matter which one it is, it will make him sad. For a person who is used to being deceived, trust has become so precious, and the crisis of trust has become so heavy.

"Returning to Your Majesty, this is just the statement of Zhu Chunchen's family. Although I think it is very credible, I still need one person to collect evidence before I can make a conclusion!"


"Captain Consort Qi Zanyuan!" Liu Hongjian sneered.

Even after learning about Qi Zanyuan's suspicion, Liu Hongjian immediately sent Jin Yiwei to monitor, but it was still in vain, Qi Zanyuan was not at the son-in-law's house at all.

Qi Zanyuan is cunning, ever since Zhu Chunchen was arrested and sent to the Imperial Prison, he has been really nervous for half a month like a frightened bird.

But after thinking about it later, Cheng Guogong was not arrested because of their deeds, and Cheng Guogong would definitely not make their affairs public unless he was impatient.

But even so, Qi Zanyuan is still a cunning rabbit, living in several of his mansions in the capital in turn, but he does not return to the son-in-law's mansion.

Liu Hongjian sent several groups of people to find Qi Zanyuan who was bullying the maidservant in an unremarkable small courtyard.

It was precisely because of this that Liu Hongjian just watched the development of the court and did not intervene.

He knew that if he made a move, he would have to make a ruthless move. It was as swift as the wind, aggressive as fire, and even a snake would have to be hit seven inches.

"Qi Zanyuan?" Chongzhen thought for a while before realizing that this person is the son-in-law of his imperial sister, Princess Suiping, and his brother-in-law.

"Yes, Your Majesty, the Prince Consort Qi Zanyuan used traders as an excuse to enter and exit the border all year round. According to Jin Yiwei's investigation, most of these merchants walked outside the customs secretly..." Liu Hongjian just stopped, and he knew that Chongzhen would understand.

"Where is he?" Chongzhen suddenly felt dizzy.

The captain's son-in-law is quite high among the royal relatives. For hundreds of years, the Ming court has never treated them badly. This is his brother-in-law!

Their children flow the blood of the Zhu family, why?Why?Chongzhen was angry and eager to find a solution.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Qi Zanyuan has now been controlled by the minister in a mansion in the city. Without His Majesty's imperial decree, the minister has not detained him, but temporarily restricted his travel!"

Liu Hongjian argued.

"Escort him to the Yamen of the Criminal Ministry for quick interrogation, no, escort him to this court, and I will interrogate him myself!" Chongzhen was furious, and nothing chilled him more than the betrayal of his relatives.

"Long Live Lord, this old slave really didn't collude with Jianlu. If Long Live Lord refuses to believe this old slave, this old slave is willing to crash to death on this dragon pillar to prove his innocence!" Li Yunkui knelt on the ground and still said nothing. get up.

But seeing the situation getting out of control, he was really a little scared about his future, but before he could make a move, the two small yellow doors behind him had already pulled him back.

"Come here, take Li Yunkui to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice and wait for the trial!" Chongzhen ordered, and several big Han generals immediately dragged Li Yunkui out of the court.

Chongzhen said these words almost with his eyes closed. After hearing this, Li Yunkui knelt down on the ground, and it was only when he was about to be dragged out of the court hall that he remembered to shout for grievances.

Because he was afraid, afraid that if he left the court, he would never see the emperor again.

This is the case with internal ministers. Once they are in trouble and stay away from the emperor, the rest of the colleagues who covet their seats will often just stand by and even step on you.

Chongzhen's face was ashen and said nothing, Liu Hongjian kicked his hands and looked calm, and the happiest people in the court were the censors.

Li Yunkui was put in prison, they had almost won half of the victory, although An Guogong helped them win the half, but the result was still the same, so they were very happy.

Two quarters of an hour later, Qi Zanyuan was escorted directly to the court.

But for Liu Hongjian's accusation, Qi Zanyuan categorically denied it, and more than that, he complained loudly, saying that he had done his duty for the court for many years, and even donated 1 taels of silver a few years ago.

Chongzhen listened to Qi Zanyuan's narration, but his face was slightly relaxed, after all he really didn't want to believe that Daming's son-in-law would betray him.

"Oh? Really? Qi Zanyuan, are you really working hard for the Ming court?

Then my lord asks you, where are the four daughters born to you and Princess Suiping now? Chongzhen didn't know why Liu Hongjian asked about the daughter of the captain-in-law.

But Qi Zanyuan was shocked when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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