Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 347 Who else can I trust

Chapter 347 Who else can I trust
"Reporting to Your Majesty, in order to obtain a high position in the Jianlu court, Qi Zanyuan sent all four of his daughters outside the pass...

After many investigations by Jin Yiwei, only one of the women was found to be in the hands of a Hanchen named Ning Wanwo..."

"Shut up!" Before Liu Hongjian finished speaking, he was interrupted angrily by Chongzhen.

After Qi Zanyuan heard Liu Hongjian's explanation, his face suddenly turned pale!

This has always been his secret. In order to hide it from the clan's family, he spent a lot of money to change the four daughters' husband's family to various places in the pass according to his own wishes.

"Qi Zanyuan, I treat you well. As a relative of the emperor, why did you betray me? Why!" Chongzhen stepped down from the golden throne and almost walked to Qi Zanyuan's side.

But Liu Hongjian took a step forward and stood by Chongzhen's side, because he couldn't guarantee what a traitor would do in a fit of despair.

Several younger officials also took two steps forward, standing on both sides of Qi Zanyuan.

"Treat me well? Hahaha! First, I can't be an official, second, I can't join the army, and third, I can't take concubines. I live like a walking dead every day. Does this mean that I treat me kindly?

The Qing Dynasty gave me titles, official positions, and everything I wanted!Big..." Like a dying dog, Qi Zanyuan yelled out words that he would not dare to say and had suppressed for a long time.

Knowing that he was doomed, he seemed to be questioning, but before he could finish his sentence, he was kicked two meters away by Liu Hongjian.

"The heart is not enough to swallow the elephant like a snake, and eat dog things inside and out!
The imperial court supported you, you ate the grain and rice grown by the people of the Ming Dynasty, and wore brocade clothes, jade, silk and satin issued by the imperial court, and now you are doing such things that both people and gods are angry with.

How dare you cry for injustice?I have never seen such a brazen person! "Liu Hongjian was furious.

I report to Your Majesty, Zhu Chunchen, Qi Zanyuan, and Li Yunkui, one is the Duke of the current dynasty, the other is the consort of the current court, and the other is the seal of the Supervisor of Ceremonies.

Each of them holds an important position, but they do such ungrateful and inferior things, their crimes should be punished!Your Majesty please decide! "

Headed by the chief minister of the cabinet, all the courtiers knelt down and begged for orders!
Everyone was waiting for Chongzhen's order. Chongzhen clenched his fists and his face was livid.

"Xuan...announce my will..." His voice was a little hoarse, and he turned to look in the direction of the throne, where Li Yunkui was no longer there.

A young eunuch accompanying the class was immediately pointed out by Liu Hongjian.

"Zhu Chunchen, Qi Zanyuan, and Li Yunkui, disregarding the survivors of their ancestors, disregarding my favor and trust, cooperating with the inside and outside, collaborating with the enemy and treason, I am extremely resentful, and sentenced to Ling Chi. All members of the three clans will be executed immediately!"

The last few words were almost shouted out at the top of the lungs, and the old and resentful voice of Emperor Chongzhen resounded in the hall.

Compared with the common hatred of the ministers, Chongzhen's most sad thing is not only the treason of the people close to him, but also the loss of one more person he can really trust...

After Chongzhen finished speaking, he turned around slowly, as if he wanted to return to the throne.

He raised his right leg one step at a time, and slowly climbed up the imperial steps. The officials did not dare to say more, they all watched quietly...

"Your Majesty!" Chongzhen suddenly tilted his body and fell backwards.

Liu Hongjian was the closest to Chongzhen, he shouted and rushed forward, holding Chongzhen before he fell on the steps.

"Your Majesty fainted, send the imperial physician!" Liu Hongjian looked at Chongzhen who was still frowning even though he had fainted, and felt that this uncle was pitiful for no reason.

well!For some, life and death are nothing but daily pain.

But the Ming emperor in front of him didn't suffer from it, instead he worked even harder without sleeping or eating.

There is only one true heroism in this world, and that is to love life after recognizing the truth of life.

From this point of view, Chongzhen is a practitioner, but he is too unlucky and tragic.

The court hall was in chaos because of Chongzhen's fainting. Some shouted to pass on to the imperial physician, some wanted to check on Chongzhen's condition, and some anxiously filled the hall like ants in a hot pot...

"Master Meng, since the emperor has issued an order, please execute it immediately, Lord Meng! This is my token, you can take it to Jinyiwei to arrest Zhu Chunchen.

The Duke of this country wants to start executing them today! Seeing that Chongzhen was in a coma with extreme anger and his breathing was smooth, Liu Hongjian could not help but temporarily relax.

Even if Li Yunkui himself didn't know about Zhu Chunchen's deeds, it was not important anymore, an unintentional mistake was a mistake, and it was still a crime of treason, no one would show mercy.

His anger towards these three people is the same as that of Chongzhen. Lao Chen and Lao Yan in Qiantun, as well as thousands or tens of thousands of frontier soldiers and civilians who died because of this, how wronged are they.

"Excuse me, my lord, how much is Ling Chi's knife for the three of you?" Meng Zhaoxiang, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, asked in a deep voice.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to eliminate Li Yunkui, Meng Zhaoxiang was also unexpectedly involved in a major case of collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country.

"How much is the maximum amount of knives I've received for this punishment?" Liu Hongjian frowned. He didn't know that there was a prescribed number of knives for the punishment of Ling Chi, but it didn't matter.

"Reporting to the Duke of the State, it's not about the number of knives suffered by the most, but the punishment of lingering, the lightest is eight knives, one knife on the face, one knife on each limb, one knife on the back, and one knife on the private parts.

The heaviest one cost 300 knives, but after nearly 300 years in my dynasty, the most expensive person only spent more than [-] knives. Seeing that Liu Hongjian was puzzled, Meng Zhaoxiang explained softly.

"Oh? Which hero is it?" More than 300 knives, the ancients really knew how to play, Liu Hongjian couldn't help feeling excited.

Compared to Ling Chi Wu Sangui in Shanhaiguan before, it was just playing tricks. There was no way, the conditions did not allow it at the time, and it was also difficult for the old king who butchered pigs.

"Liu Jin! This is the head of the Eight Tigers during Wu Zong's reign, and he was also the chief eunuch who was in charge of ceremonies during his lifetime!" Meng Zhaoxiang's words made sense.

After all, he was a civil servant, so he wanted to remind Liu Hongjian that the power of the Supervisor of Ceremonies was still too great, so he had to be careful in selecting candidates.

But Liu Hongjian didn't think of all this, but he was very worried about the fact that the surname of the tortured person was Liu.

"These three people are all guilty of cooperating with the enemy and treason. Of course, they are the most serious crimes. You have to choose the executioner.

Well, tell them, if someone can cut more than Liu Jin, you will be rewarded with ten taels of silver for every extra knife! "Liu Hongjian pondered for a while and said.

Chongzhen's will was to be carried out immediately, and Meng Zhaoxiang didn't say much after listening to Liu Hongjian's words, so he hurriedly went to Zhang Luo.

In the name of the Duke of the State and the supervisor, Liu Hongjian asked all the officials to go back to the yamen to handle errands, and reminded them that it is a felony to make false comments, while he immediately walked towards the Qianqing Palace.

In the Qing Palace, Qi Mingyin, the envoy of the Supreme Hospital, was busy for a while. He just woke up Chongzhen, and then found a corner in fear and began to write the prescription.

Chongzhen was lying on the brocade, staring blankly at the reliefs on the roof of the hall, wondering what he was thinking, his lips were chapped but he didn't call for someone to bring water.

"Who else can I trust?" Chongzhen murmured in a low voice, staring at the top of the hall, as if looking for an answer...

PS: Hanhan is slow at typing. He wrote 3400 words without leaving the computer all afternoon. What's more, the current recommended votes are 3600 votes. If you can get to [-] votes before the refresh at night, Hanhan will add another update. Thank you all.

 Thank you book friends for the 100 coins I want to reward.

(End of this chapter)

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