Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 348 Life is Movement

Chapter 348 Life lies in movement

Morning morning turned into afternoon morning, and now it was afternoon, but Liu Hongjian didn't feel like eating, because he knew that in the palace ahead, there was an uncle who was enduring indescribable suffering.

Even though he was sick, he still had to work day and night, and now he was betrayed by the nobles, the emperor's relatives, and the courtiers...

He knew that Chongzhen was a very excitable person, or that he was a sentimental person, but in some respects the two had similar personalities, and Liu Hongjian could understand this pain.

"Physician Qi, how is the emperor?" Seeing that the envoy of the imperial hospital, Qi Mingyin, had just retreated from the Qianqing Palace, Liu Hongjian immediately stopped him.

"My lord, it's not a big deal for the Holy Majesty to be anxious. I have already written a prescription for clearing the heart and eliminating the fire. I will send you some soup and medicine later." Imperial Physician Qi stroked his beard and cupped his hands.

"I'm not talking about this illness." Liu Hongjian pointed at the hall in front of him.

"Your Majesty's illness is still stable at present,'s just that the lump on your neck is getting more and more..." Qi Mingyin also understood, he waved his hand to drink away the medicine boy behind him, and whispered to Liu Hongjian.

"If those hard lumps are removed through surgery, will it be beneficial to the condition?" Liu Hongjian frowned.

Although Chongzhen was a bit stubborn and rigid, he was still a seasoned ruler. With his help and consultation, the century-old broken ship of Ming Dynasty could slowly regain some vitality.

But if Chongzhen falls, that child Zhu Cihong... Inevitably, he will be the only one left to take the lead, and there will be no one to discuss with.

Besides, Zhu Cihong is no better than his father, he is rebellious, what if he doesn't trust him?
Everything inside and out was troublesome, so Liu Hongjian had to think of ways to see if he could heal Chongzhen.

"My lord be careful, the disease of loss of honor is extremely difficult to cure, and the disease of the sage is on the neck. How dare the lower officials use a knife on the neck of the sage?" Qi Mingyin was terrified.

He thought of his patriarch Hua Tuo. He heard that he was killed by Cao Cao just because he wanted to open Cao Cao's head. Although the rumors may not be true, compared to now, isn't it "similar to the same purpose"?
"I didn't tell you to come! You can just tell my father-in-law, if removing the hard lump can improve the condition?" Liu Hongjian could only speak when he saw the panic on the old man's face.

For future generations, taking out the hard objects in the flesh can only be regarded as a minor operation, but this was in the Ming Dynasty, when a small inflammation could kill a person...

If he really had a chance to be cured, he, a half-surgeon, would really like to try it, but... think about it, he is just a student who has operated on mice.

If he could really perform surgery on the emperor of Ming Dynasty...would he still dare to use a knife?

"This... I need to go back and review the diseases of the past dynasties, and discuss it with other imperial doctors in the imperial hospital before I can report to the Duke!" Qi Mingyin did not come to a conclusion.

Liu Hongjian motioned for this guy to hurry up and make an argument, while he walked towards Qianqing Palace.

"Long Live Lord, An Guogong sees you!" A young eunuch walked softly to report before the collapse of the Chongzhen brocade.

Chongzhen's eyes were withdrawn from the top of the hall, and his complexion recovered when he heard that it was An Guogong.

"Xuan!" Chongzhen's voice was as hoarse as ever.

Liu Hongjian entered the hall to salute, and walked to Chongzhen's bed.

"Youming is here, sit down." Chongzhen lay on the brocade floor and raised his hand to signal.

"Your Majesty, there is absolutely no need for you to be sad because of those young people, it is completely unnecessary!
Our enemies of Ming Dynasty, if we know that the emperor fell ill because of these people, we don't know how happy we will be!

Your majesty can't let relatives and enemies be happy, Daming is flourishing now, you should be happy. "

Liu Hongjian didn't know how to comfort this taciturn old man, he stood beside the bed talking non-stop, hoping that Chongzhen would look away.

"Hehe, You Ming, you have underestimated me too much. I have been in power for 18 years. If it was because of this, I would have died of anger ten times or eight times.

I'm just sad, not because they deceived me, but because I lost a trustworthy person..."

Chongzhen said contradictory words, slowly got up and wanted to turn from lying down to sitting up.

Liu Hongjian hurried forward to help, and only when he got closer did he clearly see the red and black lump on Chongzhen's neck, which was shocking.

But this 'old man' is obviously still living hard for the prosperity of Ming Dynasty, but why does the sky fall because of this disgraceful disease.

Liu Hongjian couldn't figure it out, is it true that good people don't live long in this world?
A medicine boy came over with a bowl of steaming soup, and the eunuch who was waiting took it. Liu Hongjian reached out to pick up the small bowl and handed it to Chongzhen who was lying on the bedside.

"How dare you underestimate the emperor, but the emperor is the son of heaven, the foundation of the imperial court, and the people rely on it, so you should pay more attention to your body.

In my opinion, the emperor can't just be busy every day, he should take more walks when he finds time, such as taking a walk, running, and doing more activities. "

Thinking about it, anyone except going to court every day is going to meetings and dealing with government affairs, staying up late, not exercising, and worrying and meditating. As in the past 18 years, Iron Man can't stand it.

Life lies in exercise. Excessive exercise can improve blood circulation and prevent many diseases. When he was in class, that annoying old professor often repeated this sentence.

Now it seems, wise words!

"Alas!" Chongzhen sighed softly, holding the medicine bowl and sipping the soup.

Why doesn't he want to rest, but every day from morning to night, the state affairs have already been fully arranged, and there is no free time at all.

But he was a little relieved.

He knew that the kid in front of him really cared about his health, although his expression was a little clumsy, but he could hear it.

"Youming, you and that girl Kunxing..." Chongzhen seemed to have remembered something, and said suddenly after handing the medicine bowl to the eunuch.

"Your Majesty, our Ordnance Institute developed a new type of throwing firearm last month. In my opinion, the time to crusade against Jianlu is coming soon!" Liu Hongjian forcibly moved away before Chongzhen finished speaking. topic.

"Oh? Throwing firearms, but the invincible lychee cannon?" Chongzhen glared at Liu Hongjian to express his dissatisfaction with Liu Hongjian's avoidance of his topic.

"What? What is the invincible lychee cannon? I have never heard of it. I named this firearm a grenade!" Liu Hongjian laughed to show his embarrassment.

"How powerful is it?" Chongzhen couldn't help shaking his head when he thought of the crock-shaped throwing firearm developed by Daming in the early years. That thing was finally eliminated because of its poor reliability.

"Invincible in close combat!" Liu Hongjian said bluntly that he was extremely proud.

Yes, this time he really didn't brag B, this thing can indeed be king in melee combat in this era!

PS: I feel bad not because you lied to me, twenty because I can no longer trust you. — Nietzsche

PS: Life lies in exercise. After sitting for the whole afternoon until now, Hanhan plans to go out for a run and eat something. There should be more when he comes back.

PS: Ask for subscription, ask for rewards, your support is the driving force for Han Han to continue creating.

PS: Hanhan is considering whether to evolve into a monster with a daily update of [-].

(End of this chapter)

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