Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 362 Follow me to defeat the enemy

Chapter 362 Follow me to defeat the enemy
On the old school ground in Shanhaiguan, the same chilling scene, but different military morale, almost all the soldiers stared at the guy in yellow on the high platform in front of them.

Three months ago, it was also here, when 20 troops of Jianlu invaded the border, their governor Huang Degong's hair was all grey, and many soldiers were shivering in the cold night.

It was still the time when a drop of water turned into ice. Governor Huang said that what they shouldered was the safety of tens of millions of people in the entire Ming Dynasty!
They survived, they got the rewards they deserved, and they felt the great temptation of war.

But at that time, they were guarding within the majestic Great Wall, but now...

Three months later, their emperor personally summoned them to reward them, and wanted to take them out to meet the enemy!
[-] carefully selected frontier troops, [-] Beijing troops with various uniforms, and [-] troops ready to go.

They want wars, rewards, and a better life for their wives, mothers and children, and more importantly, they want to help their emperor attack and plunder Jianlu. They have this confidence!
Behind them is the emperor of Ming Dynasty, their emperor, for the sake of this person behind them, even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, they have to go, dare to go!
This is the majesty of an emperor, and this is the long-cherished wish of all soldiers.

"Your Majesty, can you tell me something?" Liu Hongjian put on that flamboyant bumblebee armor again, standing beside Chongzhen like a golden gorilla.

That is, this guy, who can say such a playful thing on such a solemn occasion, dares to say it in front of the emperor of Ming Dynasty on this occasion.

Chongzhen glanced at the monkey-like Duke An beside him, and slowly stepped forward.

All the soldiers held their breaths and waited for the imperial edict of the Ming emperor.

Yes, they have never seen the imperial decree. In their eyes, any words of the emperor are imperial decrees.

The scorching sun was scorching hot but the wind was gusting hot, and the hem of Chongzhen's dragon robe was blown and moved.

His eyes passed from left to right, before each soldier array, and he saw hopeful and excited faces. He understood why these soldiers were hopeful and excited.

As the king who went to the frontier for the first time and the first time he was not a subject, Chongzhen himself was also excited.

He knew that these soldiers were waiting for his rhetoric, for his scolding Fang Qiu and pointing out the country.

But Chongzhen was so excited that he didn't know what to say. He hesitated on the ancient reviewing platform, his face flushed.

The soldiers didn't know what their king was going to say, but they could feel the repressed excitement of Chongzhen, yes, the excitement that was about to burst the embankment, the excitement of war.

This kind of atmosphere is common, and the soldiers knew the purpose of the emperor's visit this time, from the time they came to Shanhaiguan from the towns on the nine borders.

Chongzhen finally stopped. He straightened his imperial robe which was being disheveled by the wind again, and took a deep breath.

"I want to see you kill the enemy!
I, I want to pay for my debts with blood!
I want to avenge the innocent soul of Daming who once died tragically under the sword! " Chongzhen's eyes were about to burst into flames, and his eyes were red again.

Whether Liu Hongjian or Huang Degong who were standing beside him felt Chongzhen's determination from this tone.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The cavalry drew out their sabers and shouted in the sky, the pikemen hammered their guns, and the bayonets on the muskets of the Shenji Camp shone brightly against the scorching sun.

Sometimes there is no need for a long speech to boost morale, it is enough to let these soldiers know their determination to be a general and a king.

The roars and shouts of [-] soldiers resounded through the ancient Shanhai Pass and the huge review field, and the horses neighed...

"Follow me to defeat the enemy and go to war!" Chongzhen drew out the Son of Heaven Sword with a clang, and held it high above his head.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" The [-] soldiers responded in unison.

The long-lost north gate of Shanhaiguan was opened, and the [-] cavalry from the frontier army rushed out first, followed by [-] musketeers from the Beijing camp and the frontier army, followed by [-] pikemen and artillerymen...

"Your Majesty, it's Qiantun City now. In this city, there are the ghosts of my brothers, and I want to avenge them!" Liu Hongjian said in a rare seriousness, and he said to Chongzhen who was also riding a horse beside him on his horse.

After Chongzhen got off the reviewing platform, he also put on his battle armor.

His battle armor was specially made by the skilled craftsman of the imperial horse supervisor. On the bright yellow leaves of the armor, there are faint dragon patterns. From a close look, it is safe, but from a distance, it is the same as the dragon robe he often wears. A five-clawed golden dragon jumps out of the golden armor superior.

The cost is high, and the end is extremely prestigious. Compared with Liu Hongjian's counterfeit and high-quality imitations, a discerning eye can tell which one is the real rich and which is the fake local tyrant.

"I have made it clear before that this Northern Expedition, I just want to witness, see, and prove it to you! I don't care about anything else!"

Chongzhen was in a good mood, although he knew that his life was not long, but if this conquest could be done once and for all, he would die immediately, and he could also face the ancestors under the spring.

As the walls of Qiantun City got closer and clearer, Liu Hongjian's hand holding the saber unconsciously exerted force.

"Idiot, where's your mother's cannon? Pull it up for me!" Liu Hongjian yelled at Kong Ermao, the new Cannon Thousand Household Officer.

Kong Ermao used to be the official of the Fran Machine Cannon Hundred Households of the Shenji Battalion. He was often called a fool by his colleagues because he was often in a daze. Although he could not read Chinese characters, he had extremely rich experience in artillery calibration and positioning.

Before the expedition, Liu Hongjian temporarily promoted him to be the official of the newly-built Cannon Thousand Households.

Kong Ermao, who was behind him, was terrified, and hurriedly waved his hands to signal to his subordinates in the formation, and pushed the twelve cannons forward.

From a little-known official of a hundred households, he was promoted to a thousand households of cannonballs that the master supervisor valued very much. Kong Ermao deeply felt the grace of promotion.

What's more, now that the emperor of Ming Dynasty is right in front of him, Kong Ermao decided to perform well.

The cavalry on both sides guarded the two wings. The Shenji Battalion was at the front, followed by the twelve most important cannons. The Musketeers made way for the artillery to push the cannons to the front.

Only seven or eight hundred steps away from the gate of Qiantun City, Kong Ermao trotted and instructed the artillerymen to adjust their angles, cursing and kicking the artillerymen's buttocks.

"My lord! There seems to be no one on the wall of Qiantun City!" At such a long distance, only Yang Tianbao, who has excellent eyesight, dared to assert.

Yang Tianbao has now left from the Shenji Camp. Because he accidentally hit and killed a prince of Jianlu last time, he was granted the title of baron by Chongzhen.

Liu Hongjian gave him only one task, and that was to train his emergency response ability and sniper skills.

A qualified sniper must first be calm. This is Yang Tianbao's unique advantage. In the first ten years when he had nothing, he suffered from everyone's cold eyes.

"Huh? No one?" Liu Hongjian was puzzled, and took out a bamboo pole-like thing from his waist to look around.

T (quite) M (cute) D (did), run away?
PS: I moved today, my arms and legs were sore, and I reassembled the computer in the evening, but it couldn’t turn on. Han Han rushed to several computer repair shops with a host, and came back late at night, so I only had time to code this chapter.I'll do more tomorrow, sorry, tired, fell asleep.

 Thanks to the book friends who are only cmy, sigh in the snow, why can't the nickname be repeated, pick up the lights and look at the ax while drunk, Mengsk for the reward of 100 coins, and thank the book friend momo971033 for the reward of 500 coins.Thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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