Chapter 363
"Who cares whether there are people or not, idiot, let me shoot it hard at the city gate first!" Liu Hongjian threw the self-made telescope in his hand to Chongzhen, and rode forward a few steps to order the idiot in front of the formation.

"Decree!" The fool didn't care who was there, since the boss told him to shoot him a few times, he would shoot him a few times, anyway, the emperor's grandpa was also watching!

"Gunner ready!"

It was the first time for Chongzhen to witness a real war with his own eyes. Before that, whenever there was a war, the only thing he could see was the battle report, what was lost here, where to ask for support, money, soldiers, and food...

In the memorials of those frontier generals, they always wrote about how hard they had worked and how cruel Jianlu was, and then they found various reasons to justify their defeat...

But when he really came to the battlefield in person, Chongzhen thought it was quite interesting, especially his humerus An Guogong.

As expected, this guy is just like the court, he is so casual wherever he goes!
It was not that Chongzhen was dissatisfied with Liu Hongjian, on the contrary, he liked An Guogong's temperament very much. He acted casually and rashly, which was much better than those ministers in the court who had deceived him with honey and swords.

"Fire!" the second fool yelled.



Six of the twelve cannons fired furiously. With the cannon's effective attack range of more than a thousand steps, there was no need to worry about being attacked by the city defense artillery.

Six shells hit Qiantun City one after another, three of which hit the city gate, and the other three hit the walls around the city gate.

Qiantun City was originally a small town, how could the gate of this city withstand the bombardment of the cannons made of refined steel, and three big holes were punched out of the gate by only three shells.

A cannon shot in the middle of the city gate directly smashed the door of the city defense gate, and when the wind blew in the aisle, half of the door fell crookedly inward.

And the shells that hit the city wall directly cut down the wall of Qiantun City and made a thick layer of wall skin. Looking at the power, it was more powerful than the giant cannon that Jianlu bought from the Dutch.

Although the firing mechanism of the cannon is the same as that of the Franco cannon and the red cannon, it is the material that makes it so powerful.

The gun body and gun mount made of fine steel not only don't have to worry about the problem of bombing, but also can increase the dose of gunpowder. The dose of gunpowder represents the range and power of gunpowder.

In addition, the weight of the gun body has been greatly reduced, and the cannon is a leader in field artillery, so it can be seen.

Liu Hongjian also observed the power of the cannon, but he was overjoyed when he saw that only three or two cannons had knocked down the city gate.

The hit rate is 50.00%, which is already a pretty good record!
"You idiot, you are so talented!" Liu Hongjian did not hesitate to express his compliments.

We must know that when Da Ming played artillery, most of the hits were based on luck, and the remaining half was based on quantity.

The second fool was praised fiercely by the boss in front of the emperor, and the rough man was praised like an unmarried little daughter-in-law.

"General Lu and General Wu, each of you will bring [-] cavalry and attack Qiantun City!" The gate of the city has been opened, regardless of whether there are people or people in the city, the brave man wins when he meets on a narrow road.

After Liu Hongjian issued the order, the Beijing camp generals Lu Haibo and Wu Binghao, who had already rallied their energy, rushed towards the wide-open city gate screaming excitedly.

In the first battle of the Northern Expedition, Grandpa Guo let them attack, which means that in Grandpa Guo's heart, the Beijing Camp is still the most important thing, and the two of course want to give face to the commander of the Beijing Battalion.

But this face is really not as good as the Great Wall. After all, Qiantun is the closest to the Ming army, and the Jianlu defenders in Qiantun are not stupid, they will also send sentry cavalry to investigate.

As early as two hours ago, when the civil war in Shanhaiguan was thundering, the former city guard was shocked and immediately chose to run away.

Lu Haibo and Wu Binghao only captured dozens of wounded soldiers and old herdsmen who couldn't run.

Although he had been mentally prepared, Liu Hongjian was still very upset when he missed the opportunity.

"Kill them all!" Liu Hongjian gave the order.

The soldiers of the [-]-battalion raised their knives and fell, and the heads of dozens of Jianlu Tartars fell to the ground. The former Tuncheng was lost and recovered.

"Youming, they are all old people and wounded soldiers!" After all, it was the first time Chongzhen saw such a bloody scene, including a large group of guards around him, all whispering inwardly.

They may be Lianjiazi, with great personal force, they may be able to fight five by one.

But that meant that they were fighting local ruffians. On the battlefield, the so-called Lianjiazi, known for their personal bravery, often had a lower chance of surviving than ordinary soldiers.

The outcome of a war does not depend on individual force. The uniform movements of the soldiers of the [-] battalion made these big inner guards feel ashamed.

They thought they were the guards of the Ouchi Imperial Palace, the proud sons of heaven. Now that they were on the battlefield, all the guards realized their level, and they were so powerless in the face of the dragon-like cavalry.

Lao Yan, Lao Chen, you wait, I will avenge you with Jianlu's blood.

After the former Tuncheng was restored, Liu Hongjian only gave the whole army a meal.

Qiantun City is too small, he wants to take Uncle Chongzhen to sleep in a big city tonight...

Starting from Qiantuncheng all the way to the north, the Daming Iron Army is invincible.

In Guangning Zhongqian Institute, Zhonghou Institute, and Ningyuan Zhongyou Institute, there are hardly any members of the same group.

It's really invincible, these small towns don't have many garrisons at all, because the garrisons in these small towns are just like the defenders of the former Tuncheng, they all got lost.

In one day, several cities were recaptured without bloodshed, and Liu Hongjian felt nothing at all.

But Chongzhen is different. Chongzhen has special feelings for these small towns.

Because these cities were built by his old man who lived frugally and tightened his belt.

The Guanning Jin line of defense stretched for three hundred miles, and every city and every pool were built by Mr. Sun Chengzong, brick by brick, under Jianlu's nose.

Not to mention the pros and cons of Sun Chengzong's fortress tactics, this perseverance and Chongzhen's determination alone are enough to be praised by future generations.

Building a city requires a lot of manpower, material resources, and financial resources. When the Ming Dynasty's finances were almost bankrupt, Chongzhen still unswervingly supported Lao Sun and Lao Yuan.

But it is better for these cities to fall into the hands of Jianlu one by one...

Now, the city has been returned to its original owner, but things are different and people are not.

"Your majesty, why are you crying? But the food in the army doesn't suit your taste?" Although Liu Hongjian was closer than Chongzhen in terms of closeness, he still had so much emotion.

From Liu Hongjian's point of view, these Jianlu were a bit thieves, or they were too cowardly...

"No, I just remembered some old things, it's okay!" Chongzhen pretended to be blinded by sand.

Now he has been recovering the old land, not to mention eating the same food as the soldiers of the Ming army, even if there is nothing to eat, Chongzhen is also full of energy.

What's more, in the days when the belt was tightened to support Liaodong, the food was not as good as it is now.

"Oh, that's good, look at the city ahead, your majesty, we will spend the night in this city tonight!"

(End of this chapter)

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