Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 364 Eight flags are no more than ten thousand, and more than ten thousand are invincible?

Chapter 364 The Eight Banners Are No More Than Ten Thousand, Can They Be Invincible?
Ningyuan City, one of the only two important military towns outside of Shanhaiguan, where the great victory of Ningyuan and many subsequent battles took place, Jianlu and Ming fought repeatedly, but in the end it still fell into Jianlu's pocket.

Now Ningyuan City once again appeared in front of the Ming army.

This fortified city is destined to usher in another big battle. Whether it is the Jianlu defenders on the city wall or the Ming army like hungry wolves below the city, they all know this very well.

The guard of Ningyuan City is Lai Mubu, General Fengen of Jianlu, the No. 13 son of Nurhachi.

He stood at the head of Ningyuan City, watching the Ming army getting closer and closer to the city.

Ningyuan City originally had [-] defenders, but since yesterday, the number of defenders in the city has been increasing dramatically.

Jianlu defenders from nearby cities and towns all converged towards Ningyuan.

Lai Mubu was not afraid, and he didn't even criticize these low-level generals.

He needs these strengths, because he wants to use his bravery to prove how stupid it was for Qian Dorgon to not allow him to go out for more than two months.

The Ming army is all local chickens and dogs, and Dorgon poured all his strength into the whole country, and even fought like that. He is really a member of the Jue mule family!

Come on, come on, come to Ningyuan!

Lai Mubu is like a master in a certain game in the later generations waiting for a courier to be delivered, [-] thousand, [-] thousand, [-] thousand... With the increase of the defenders in Ningyuan City, Lai Mubu's eyes became more eager.

The Eight Banners are no more than ten thousand, and more than ten thousand are invincible!
More than [-] Qing warriors were selected by Lai Mubu a few hours ago.

In addition to leaving more than [-] old and weak, Lai Mubu selected a total of [-] warriors from the ancient and mite era.

Although he made a detailed report and falsely stated that the expedition was [-], Lai Mubu was not panicked at all.

In the battle he knew between the Eight Banners soldiers and the weak Ming army, 1 people defeated 5000 Ming troops, but now he has [-] troops.

Fifteen thousand iron cavalry will surely scare the Ming army, and the time has come to prove themselves.

It is rumored that the emperor of Ming Dynasty was also in the Ming army. Although this news may not be reliable, after all, the emperor of Ming Dynasty has not had a personal conquest for 200 years.

And that time 200 years ago, he was beaten to pieces by that group of reckless men from Menggu.

He doesn't expect to win the big prize (to capture Emperor Ming alive), but he wants to use his achievements to slap Dorgon in the face.

"My lord, our Italian cannon oh no, the cannon is ready!" The fool always listened to Liu Hongjian talking about the Italian cannon, and occasionally made a slip of the tongue. He asked Liu Hongjian for instructions with a solemn expression.

Even if they don't know any strategy or tactics, just looking at the city wall twice as high as Qiantun, they can tell that this city is not easy to fight.

"Wait! There must be something strange in this city!" Liu Hongjian took out his binoculars and looked at the top of the city again.

Jianlu soldiers were on duty on the city wall, but Liu Hongjian saw that these soldiers seemed a bit old.

Could it be that the guy who defends the city wants a group of uncles to defend the city?
No, could it be that Jianlu ran away again?
Cannons were not easy to manufacture, and the shells had to be fired sparingly. The barrels had a lifespan, and Liu Hongjian did not intend to waste them.

"Is Jianlu so timid and afraid of fighting?" Chongzhen took the binoculars from Liu Hongjian and looked towards the top of the city.

After speaking, he fiddled with the telescope in his hand. This thing is amazing. This place is about [-] or [-] steps away from the city ahead. With this tube, you can see the soldiers guarding the city clearly!
But Chongzhen had no time to delve into this weapon at this time. The news about Jianlu he had learned in the past all described the ferocity and brutality of Jianlu.

But now?The army ran for a whole day and recovered many cities, but they did not encounter decent resistance.

Then the problem is coming.

If Jianlu is really so faceless, why has Ming's army been defeated again and again for more than ten years?
Who told the lie?
"Hey, they are not afraid to fight!" Liu Hongjian was dressed in coquettish armor, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"That's why..."

"I think they should be afraid of me!" Liu Hongjian arched his arms, making himself domineering.

Chongzhen: ...

"My lord, the city gate of Ningyuan is open!" Someone shouted.

"Your Excellency Jianlu has rushed out! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" Kong Er's idiot shouted at Liu Hongjian. He was not in a panic, but very excited. He was waiting for Liu Hongjian's order.

I R, isn't this slapping me in the face?

You just said that you birds are cowardly, so you dare to stick your nose in the face?
Liu Hongjian folded his arms awkwardly, took a few steps forward and took out his binoculars to look forward.

I saw tens of thousands of horses galloping outside Ningyuan City, billowing smoke and dust, I don't know how many people and horses came out of Ningyuan City.

"You idiot, why are you still standing there, fire on me! Shenji Battalion Linhe, the first and second battalions are ready!" Liu Hongjian didn't hesitate at all.

Jianlu's iron cavalry was only seven or eight hundred steps away from the Ming army. Looking at the formation, there must be at least tens of thousands of people.

After all, Liu Hongjian had seen this battle before, but Chongzhen hadn't. He could almost see Chongzhen's clenched fists. He didn't know if it was fear or nervousness...

"Don't panic, your majesty, there are ministers here! Look at our muskets and cannons smashing this group of tartars!" Liu Hongjian smiled evilly and encouraged the nervous Uncle Chongzhen behind him.


Boom, boom, two breaths of time, Jianlu's iron cavalry was only about [-] steps away from the Ming army, and the six cannons fired first.

The six shells were like chopping vegetables, piercing through the Jianlu cavalry camp for dozens of steps, and six astonishing blood troughs suddenly appeared in the camp—they were paved with the flesh and blood of Jianlu and the intestines and viscera of war horses.

Boom, boom, boom, another six bursts, and six long blood troughs. Jianlu had lost hundreds of people before he reached the front of the Ming army.

The faces of the first few rows of tartars rushing at the front were pale, and the person who was attacking just now suddenly had a hole in his stomach. No matter how big his heart is, facing such a bloody and ruthless scene, he would feel trembling in his heart.

But they couldn't stop, and behind them were countless friendly troops slapping horses frantically with the backs of their swords. If they stopped at this moment, they would only be trampled into flesh by countless war horses.

What's more, with the slow loading speed of the cannon, Ruo Ming didn't even have time to play the second round. The dead friends did not die.

But the surviving Tartars did not rejoice for long.

After finishing a round of artillery fire, Kong Er immediately ordered the artillerymen to push the two wings of the cannon to retreat. Lin He, the general of the Shenji Battalion, led the first and second battalions of musketeers, a total of 1 people, to move forward.

Jianlu's direct attack did not exceed Lin He's expectations at all. After the previous battles, Lin He was already very proficient in controlling the Shenji Battalion.

The flag soldiers were ordered to send flags, and the four phalanxes quickly changed their formation to form an array similar to the letter V.

bang bang bang-

When the Jianlu cavalry was three hundred steps away from the Ming army, the Wansui Mountain Qianhu Office on the side of the Shenji Camp opened fire first.

At a distance of [-] paces, Shenjiying's muskets were far behind. They all looked enviously at Qianhusuo's new rifles.

 Thanks for the 1000 coins rewarded by book friend Uncle Xiaoniao.

(End of this chapter)

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