Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 370 Ambitious

Chapter 370 Ambitious
Ningyuan City has a radius of a hundred miles, and there is no city that can be defended. The Ming army is as powerful as a broken bamboo.

"Your Majesty, the weather has been getting hotter and hotter recently, you should go inside the carriage!" Liu Hongjian said to Chongzhen who was beside him while riding on the horse.

Soon it will be the sixth month of the lunar calendar, which is the hottest season on the grasslands. In addition, there is no obstacle, and the ultraviolet rays are so strong that Liu Hongjian is worried that Chongzhen will not be able to bear it.

After spending a month in this way, Uncle Chongzhen probably will get the nickname of the Black Faced Emperor.

"I have nothing to do, the soldiers can bear it, so I can bear it! Youming don't need to persuade!" Chongzhen took a sip of water from the horse's back.

It was the sun at noon, the sky was cloudless, and the fat and tender meadow was blackened by the sun.

Liu Hongjian saw that there was nothing to persuade, so he ordered the whole army to stop. It was time for lunch, so Chongzhen could also take a rest.

Regarding Chongzhen's stubbornness, Liu Hongjian could not do anything about it. Chongzhen had always only had the word "Daming" in his heart all his life.

If he could exchange his own life for the prosperity of Ming Dynasty, Liu Hongjian can guarantee that the uncle in front of him would not even frown.

What a stubborn person!
Obtaining Liu Hongjian's military order, the whole army stopped and formed a group of small flags to light a fire and cook food.

A group of guards quickly set up a tent in the center of the army, and Liu Hongjian and Chongzhen went in to rest.

"Your Majesty, according to Jin Yiwei's report, Jianlu has already begun to mobilize urgently, and there may be a big battle in two days!" Liu Hongjian said, taking the smoked and dried horse meat from the soldiers beside him.

After the horse meat is smoked and dried, the muscle lines are as rough as beef, and it is extraordinarily chewy, and the more you chew, the more fragrant it becomes.

While eating, Liu Hongjian tore up a large piece of jerky and handed Chongzhen a portion.

"The situation on the grassland is indeed changing rapidly, but in my opinion, as long as there are no major problems with the Ming army, these tribes should not and dare not rashly attack Daming."

Chongzhen picked up a piece of horse meat and put it in his mouth, chewing vigorously with his beard.

"That's right, Your Majesty, you can't become fat if you eat one bite. Although our Daming army is strong, the grassland is still too wide, and the Ming Dynasty will not be able to catch it in a short period of time.

It's just that these grass-like tribes absolutely dare not attack our Daming. They should be most worried about another enemy! "

Liu Hongjian was dizzy from the sun, so he simply drank some wine with the dried meat.

The [-] troops of the Ming Dynasty, plus [-] logistics supplies, were able to march in such a stable manner, and it was definitely due to the Jin Yiwei who was busy running around the grasslands.

The Fusi of Nanbei Town dispatched a total of three thousand households, and more than three thousand tyrants rode all over the grassland. Any news that was valuable to Ming Dynasty was reported step by step, and reported to Chongzhen and Liu Hongjian as quickly as possible.

According to reports, at about the same time when the Ming army left the customs, Lindan Khan's son, Chahar Khan Abnai, couldn't bear it anymore, and personally led an army of [-] to conquer Zalut and Aohan.

And a few days ago, it joined the Tumed and Harqin tribes, and the [-] troops waved their butcher knives at the tribes loyal to Jianlu.

On the Jianlu side, under the heavy troops of the Ming Dynasty, Hauge and Dorgon's uncle and nephew reunited with each other, and joined forces with Horqin, Khalkha and other Mongolian tribes to mobilize the whole tribe again.

The time has come for the fate of the tribe. Several ancient tribes such as Horqin and Khalkha, who are already connected by blood with Jianlu, have been tied to chariots.

Only those tribes who have withdrawn from the matter are more embarrassed. They want to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight to see which of the three parties is stronger.

But in fact, both Jianlu and Abu Nai have lost confidence in these superficial things.

It is useless to surrender, when you are in trouble, these guys will still just stand by and watch, Jianlu is an example.

So they all understand that they must be completely subdued, so there is only one word, kill!Kill all the leaders of the false and deceitful snakes and become your own slaves!
Jianlu definitely didn't have time to deal with these scumbags, it was really cheap for that little kid in Abney.

Liu Hongjian thought while drinking.

"Don't be so impatient, you also said that if you can't eat one bite, you can't become a fat man. If Da Ming can't eat it, then Chahar can eat it? You can't do two things with one mind!" Chongzhen seemed to know Liu Hongjian's worry, and thought about it road.

The Ming Dynasty did not need a unified League of Ancients. This is a lesson of history, and Chongzhen must have known this well.

"Hmph, it's just a bunch of reckless men who can only act recklessly, let them run wild first." Liu Hongjian bit the horse meat hard and said.

Although he signed a covenant with Chahar, he obviously wanted to get Daming's protection. Now that he saw the opportunity to expand his territory, he didn't even say hello and went directly to grab the territory.

It is conceivable that such an ambitious so-called Great Khan is a direct descendant of the Golden Family who shed the blood of Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan, and has the strongest military force besides Jianlu.

If such a tribe really allowed him to realize his long-cherished wish, would the border of Ming Dynasty be peaceful?

Given the pissing nature of the nomads, it is estimated that this peace covenant will not last for three years. How can it be worthwhile to buy it?
"Didn't Jin Yiwei come to report this morning, saying that the Jianlu army had passed the Sancha River? Youming, what countermeasures do you have?" Although Chongzhen was also worried about Menggu, after all, the most important thing now is Jianlu, so he didn't realize it. .

The emperor of the Ming Dynasty personally marched, and within seven days he broke through several cities and was invincible. Dorgon was so shocked that he didn't get out of Dayu'er's bed all day.

After learning from the pain, the uncle and nephew immediately decided to rejuvenate the soldiers of the whole family, and must stop and defeat the Ming army west of the Liaohe River.

After several disastrous defeats in the past year, there are now less than [-] people left in the Manchu Banners, plus [-] of the Mongolian Banners from all tribes who still obeyed their orders.

In terms of numbers, Jianlu still has the upper hand, maybe this is why Dorgon is so confident!

200 years ago, Ye Xian of Wala defeated Ming Yingzong's [-] army with only [-] ancient soldiers, and captured the Ming Emperor alive in Tumubao.

Now he has [-] Eight Banners soldiers, and the emperor of Ming Dynasty is outside the pass. As long as he captures the emperor of Ming Dynasty, he will be able to break the decadent situation of the Qing Dynasty in one fell swoop. coming!
As long as he can capture the emperor of Ming Dynasty, he will be as famous as Ye Xian, and even with such meritorious deeds, he will have higher prestige and greater opportunity for that position.

Everything is possible, everything is still hopeful, Dorgon is full of ambition.

Until he learned about Daming's grenade, the more than 1 warriors defeated by the grenade, and the poor thirteenth brother Lai Mubu who was killed...

"It's just giving away the head, the emperor doesn't have to worry, we, Ming Dynasty, are not afraid of anyone in field battles!

It's just that if you attack the city, it's really troublesome! "With the advent of the age of firearms, wars no longer depend entirely on numbers, but Liu Hongjian frowned when he thought of the fortified city ahead.

"You mean Jinzhou City?" Chongzhen asked after taking a sip of tea.

"That's right, Your Majesty, we must take this Jinzhou City before the Jianlu army arrives!
Does the emperor know who is guarding the city of Jinzhou? "

 Thank you book friend Mengsk for the reward of 1000 coins, and thank you book friend Mengsk for the reward of 100 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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