Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 371 Not a person inside or outside

Chapter 371 Not a person inside or outside

"Zu Dashou! How can I not know that Jianlu sent this rebel to garrison Jinzhou, didn't he just want to demonstrate to me?" Chongzhen had a gloomy face.

Judging from Chongzhen's face, Jianlu's goal was indeed achieved.

Zu Dashou, the former general of the Ming Dynasty, was promoted to the commander-in-chief of the forward because of the great victory in Ningyuan, and was stationed in Jinzhou.

Finally, surrender!

Chongzhen had reason to be resentful, because he didn't think he was sorry for these frontier soldiers back then, just think about the food and clothing costs in the palace.

"Your Majesty, this Zu Dashou is very good at defending the city, and the defense of Jinzhou City is stronger than that of Ningyuan, and he has taken advantage of the favorable location and harmony..." Liu Hongjian said in a flat tone.

He didn't frown. It's not that Jinzhou is indestructible. In fact, as long as Liu Hongjian is willing to spend his money, Jinzhou City can still be taken!

It's just that the price is too high. Killing a Tartar rewards 100 taels of silver, and killing a Ming army pays 500 taels of compensation. It's not that he is reluctant to part with the silver.

Rather, whoever's life is not life, which of these Ming army soldiers is not senior and junior, so let's minimize casualties if we can reduce casualties!

Liu Hongjian made up for the history of the Ming Dynasty, and he still knew a little about Zu Dashou. This guy had typically been a soldier all his life, and it was embarrassing that he ended up being an inhumane person.

In the fourth year of Chongzhen, Zu Dashou received an order from Sun Chengzong to build a city in Dalinghe. Half of the city was built, but was besieged by Huang Taiji's army.

Although Dalinghe City was only half repaired, Huang Taiji still besieged and did not attack because he understood Zu Dashou's ability to defend the city.

Not only did he not attack the city, but Huang Taiji also sent a letter to the city to persuade Zu Dashou to surrender. Of course Zu Dashou didn't attack him, because at that time Jianlu was still an upstart, no matter how profound his background was, he was not as profound as Ming Dynasty.

He wrote back to Huang Taiji, saying that Dalinghe City had enough food and grass, and there would be no problem keeping it for a year. He thought that Lao Huang would retreat in spite of difficulties, but Huang Taiji still lost his temper, so he wrote back directly: Then I will surround you for two years!

Zu Dashou lost his temper, so he had to order to reduce the military ration expenditure, because the food in the city could not last for a year, let alone a year, according to the normal cost, it would only last for a dozen days at most.

He could only pin his hopes on Uncle Sun's reinforcements, and while saving money, he endured hardships, and he waited for a month.

The reinforcements did indeed come, but before reaching the Dalinghe city, they were annihilated by Huang Taiji who had already ambushed.

Thirty days later, there was no grain of rice in the city, and Huang Taiji sent someone to persuade him to surrender. Zu Dashou still tore up the letter of persuasion and remained unmoved.

No food, eat war horses, what do you eat when the war horses are gone?The answer is, cannibalism!In short, just don't surrender!

Of course, cannibalism started with the unarmed civilians who built the city, and of course the soldiers who starved to death also wanted to eat. According to historical records, at that time, in the city, "cooking bones and disintegrating bones is unheard of in ancient times." What does it mean?

It is to use human bones as firewood, cut off the human flesh and roast it to eat. The whole city is full of human remains, and human flesh is burned everywhere. At this time, the Daling River has become a living underworld.

But just like that, under the tenacious leadership of Zu Dashou and He Kegang, the soldiers of Ming Dynasty refused to surrender.

Just like that, another month passed, the reinforcements still hadn't seen anyone, and more than half of the more than [-] soldiers and civilians in the city had starved to death.

Seeing that there was no hope of reinforcements, the soldiers could no longer hold on tight, and it happened that Huang Taiji's surrender document was handed in again.

Zu Dashou and He Kegang hesitated a little. If things go on like this, the soldiers in the city might starve to death. In order to stay useful, He Kegang stepped forward after learning from the painful experience.

The two conspired in the same room for a long time. On the second day, Zu Dashou opened the gate of Daling River, holding He Kegang's head in his hand to see Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji eagerly received Zu Dashou, and Zu Dashou told Lao Huang that he had long wanted to surrender to the great Dajin.

However, this He Kegang kept obstructing him, so he killed this fellow, and Huang Taiji naturally believed it. In order to make a good impression on the Ming army and let more people vote for him in the future, Huang Taiji not only did not detain Zu Dashou's relatives, but instead Great rewards.

Zu Dashou was "moved" by Huang Taiji's virtuous and virtuous corporal behavior, and proposed to help Huang Taiji cheat to open the gate of Jinzhou City, and repay Huang Taiji with Jinzhou City. Huang Taiji was almost dizzy with joy.

On the second day after Zu Dashou surrendered, he rushed to Jinzhou City with a small group of people. Since then, he has never returned...

Huang Taiji and other flowers were all thanked, and he finally realized that he had been swindled, and Zu Dashou didn't even want to surrender you, a local turtle, let alone help you cheat Jinzhou City.

To say that Huang Taiji is also a good man, if ordinary people are harassed like this, they will definitely kill people in anger, but Huang Taiji is not angry at all.

Not only was he not angry, but he continued to write letters to Zu Dashou, who had become the guard general of Jinzhou. What are you doing?Surrender!
According to historical records, within ten years, Huang Taiji wrote a letter of persuasion to Zu Dashou almost every year, but there was no news of it, because all the letters of persuasion to surrender were used by Zu Dashou as toilet paper and sent into the latrine.

In this way, it is a full ten years. In the 14th year of Chongzhen, the Ming and Qing Songjin battles, Zu Dashou was heavily surrounded by Huang Taiji, and Hong Chengchou, the governor of Jiliao and Minister of the Ministry of War, failed to support him and was captured instead.

There is no hope of solving the difficulties in Jinzhou, and Huang Taiji's persuasion letter came again...

Zu Dashou looked up at the sky, hating the Ming court for not being able to live up to expectations. He led the Liao soldiers who had not been paid for half a year to starve, while the court was still quarreling and fighting for power over trivial matters.

When he was in desperation, he waited patiently, and now he has exhausted his benevolence, so Huang Taiji waited for ten years, and finally got the Jinzhou City as he wished.

This is what Liu Hongjian knew, the story of Zu Dashou.

Part of the reason why Liu Hongjian cared so much about this person was that this Zu Dashou was Zu Qiuqing's biological father. Zu Qiuqing had been with him for more than a year, and they were brothers who had carried guns together.

Zu Dashou is also not a heinous person, no matter what he does, he can't watch his brother lose his father.

Zu Dashou is not only Zu Qiuqing's father, but also Wu Sangui's second uncle, Yuan Dudu's direct lineage, Yuan Dudu is also Sun Chengzong's direct disciple, hand-picked, and Sun Chengzong is Liu Hongjian's grand father-in-law!
What the hell, Liu Hongjian didn't know what to say about his seniority!
In short, Liu Hongjian intends to give this guy a chance, he doesn't care whether Chongzhen feels aggrieved or not, if he can fight without bloodshed, if he can save Ming troops from dying, waste less shells, if he can...

He must try it!
"Youming, I said before that I will not interfere with your military order!" Chongzhen seemed to think of something, and took a deep breath.

"Your Majesty, as the ancients said, those who achieve great things don't hesitate to tip! You are truly a holy king!" Liu Hongjian's words of praise were similar to those of Beng Dou, but Chongzhen only rolled his eyes.

"Come here! Chuanzu Qiuqing comes in to see you!"


PS: After writing this article, some book friends are probably going to criticize me. Judging from the results, Zu Dashou, if he is down, he is down. There is nothing to say.

But there are two kinds of people in this world, one kind of people only see the result, and the other kind of people love the process more.

There is a couplet commented by descendants on Zu Dashou, and Han Han thinks it is very pertinent.

A generation of famous generals, guarding the outside of the pass and guarding the pass, can be said to be loyal and loyal.

Two dynasties and two ministers, rebellious against the former master, and negative the latter master, are really not human inside and out.

Han Han originally thought, it's better not to touch those controversial historical figures!

But after thinking about it, I still felt that I should touch it, because when I read that period of history, Hanhan was touched.

Put yourself in your shoes and think about it, if it was you or me, in that situation, what choice would you make?Will you go to death to show your ambition?

Maybe it will, death is of course worthy of praise, but there is nothing more sorrowful than death, and when you have done your best, you can be regarded as a poor person in the great era!
As for how to deal with this ancestor's birthday, Han Han has already made up his mind, and if the book friend disagrees with Han Han, he still hopes to lighten up.

 Thank you for the 500 coins rewarded by book friend Lone Wolf, you are all the most handsome, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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