Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 377 The Honor of a Great Power

Chapter 377 The Honor of a Great Power

"The criminal minister Zu Dashou kowtows to His Majesty!" Once inside the big tent, Zu Dashou knelt down and touched his forehead to the ground with a plop.

In the big tent, apart from Chongzhen, Cao Wentai, the commander of the imperial guards, and Huang He, the eunuch of the court, waited on the left and right, and Liu Hongjian stood aside.

The early morning in the grassland was exceptionally refreshing. Chongzhen drank the soup and medicine in one gulp with the medicine bowl in his hand, but he didn't make a sound.

Without Chongzhen's order, Zu Dashou didn't dare to get up, the sweat on his forehead was stained with dust.

"The guilty minister knows that he has sinned deeply, but he wants to die, and please give him death!" The more Chongzhen remained silent, the more guilty Zu Dashou felt, even if he had all kinds of excuses, he finally betrayed Daming.

There were muddy old tears in his eyes. If Chongzhen was granted death, it would at least prove that Chongzhen was willing to recognize him, and at least his descendants would suffer less criticism from the court.

Bearing the charge of treason like this, living is really tiring!

"Your Majesty, there is no way to improve the situation if you know your mistakes..." Liu Hongjian felt sorry for the lack of good generals in the Ming Dynasty, otherwise he would not have come to lead the way.

"Shut up!" Chongzhen interrupted Liu Hongjian coldly, which rarely happened in the past.

Chongzhen naturally had a reason for this. After Yuan Chonghuan died, Zu Dashou led his troops to escape from the capital without any military order, and he has been like a warlord ever since.

Chongzhen still tightened his belt to support the frontier army, but in the end it was still in exchange for betrayal. All Guan Ningjin lines of defense fell into the enemy's hands, and 20 years of blood and tears were burned.

It hurts!Chongzhen was so distressed that he couldn't sleep!
How can this kind of chill be resolved with an apology?

Alas, it seems that I shouldn't bring this ancestor Dashou here at this time, out of sight, out of mind!

"Tell me, I owe you something. I supported Liaodong with the financial and material resources of the whole country, but you and others betrayed me one by one. I...cough cough...cough cough...cough cough..."

Chongzhen's face was flushed and he was so angry that he coughed again.

"Quick—bring the medicine!" The eunuch Huang He trotted out to summon the imperial physician.

"Your Majesty, don't be angry, Jinzhou has been recovered, and the Guan Ning Jin defense line has returned to Daming's arms, the Emperor should be happy.

As for those old things... There is no hurdle in this world, since the emperor doesn't want to see you, Zu Dashou will step back, and I will find you later on with important matters! "

Liu Hongjian took the opportunity to quickly wave to Zu Dashou. Zu Dashou was already covered in cold sweat. Seeing that Chongzhen's complexion was getting worse and worse, he knew that he was not welcome. .

Chongzhen drank another bowl of decoction, and gradually suppressed the strong coughing, his right hand struggled to hold the handle of the chair.

"You don't need to persuade me anymore. I know that he is responsible for recovering Jinzhou City. I can promise you not to kill him, but I will never see him again!"

For Chongzhen, there are some things that can be forgotten, but for those who he has sacrificed his heart and soul in exchange for betrayal, he can't get rid of them no matter what.

This is Chongzhen, with his heart and his stubbornness.

"It's the emperor. If you don't see him, don't see him. I know that the emperor's heart is miserable, but people always have to look forward, the emperor." Liu Hongjian could only compromise. It seems that the ancestor is unlikely to continue to serve as a general in Daming. up.

That's all, it's quite interesting for him to be able to do this, since he can save his life, that's enough.

"Report! Your Majesty, Lord Supervisor, Governor Huang transported the supplies from Shanhaiguan to the capital, please enter the camp!" A messenger came to pass the news appropriately.

"Your Majesty, please be vigorous and continue to attack Jianlu City!" Liu Hongjian made a prompt decision.

It's too late for Lao Huang to come. Before the news of Jinzhou's fall spreads, he may be able to expand the results of the battle quickly.

"Go, I'm not in good health today, so I'm waiting for good news from you, Aiqing, in Jinzhou City." Leading troops in battle is the most exhausting and exhausting, and Chongzhen is also a little physically exhausted.

"I obey your orders. Your majesty will take good care of you in Jinzhou city, and I will see you as your majesty's king!" Liu Hongjian walked away with his hands in his hands.

In the camp of the Ming army, there were several long lines of carriages carrying grain, grass, and supplies, and Huang Degong, the governor of Xuanliao, had a red face.

Within half a month, the Ming army took over the Guanning Jin defense line like a broken bamboo. This is a great thing he has never encountered since leading the army.

Even if he couldn't come in person, even if he was only in charge of logistics supplies, Huang Degong was still very happy.

"Old Huang, you came in a timely manner. You did a good job in logistics!" Liu Hongjian shook off his thoughts and went up to him.

"My lord, you are really a god-man of Ming Dynasty! Although you have made great achievements in the army for decades, compared with Lord Superintendent, you are like the ratio of a bright moon to sand and gravel. I admire you very much!"

Huang Degong is really happy that Daming can have such a record.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a few days. You, old Huang, have learned to be a flatterer. You've made progress!" Liu Hongjian opened a wooden box on a carriage, and there were neatly arranged grenades row upon row.

"Don't you dare? The humble job is just what you say in your heart. Fortunately, the humble job is not disgraceful, and the supplies from the capital are transported to Daying as scheduled!" Huang Degong blushed, and hurriedly said the business.

"Well, not bad, how many soldiers have you brought here this time? How is the situation in Ningyuan?" Liu Hongjian waved his hand to signal for Chang Yu and Wang Yuanba who came to visit to unload the cargo.

"Returning to my lord, Ningyuan has arranged 5000 frontier recruits to garrison Ningyuan. When Ningyuan was recovered, the people in the city were all cheering. They all said that they had waited too long for this day!"

Huang Degong is quite proud of this. This is the sense of honor of a big country. If you are not free, you will give yourself death. Even if you live a poor life, it is better than being enslaved by the Tartars.

"Xiaozhi brought a total of [-] frontier troops this time, all infantry!" Huang Degong reported truthfully.

The new army has been training in the towns on the Nine Borders for half a year, each of them sharpening their swords and waiting to go to battle to kill the enemy and get money. It can be said that no matter whether it is the new army or the frontier army, they are all in awe.

"Not enough! Be careful of the Menggu tribe in the west. Now the Chahar tribe is also expanding rapidly. This is not a good sign. You should continue to increase troops in Ningyuan and Jinzhou to prevent accidents.

In addition, look for opportunities to attack some small tribes in Menggu to expand the territory of Ming Dynasty! " Liu Hongjian frowned and said.

Anyway, Menggu is now a mess, some follow Jianlu, some follow Chahar, and some support soldiers to sit back and watch the tiger fight.

Since Daming has no suzerain relationship with them, then be polite.

Perhaps the newly recruited 50 soldiers may not be enough!After all, the northern region is too vast.

Every time he conquered a city, he would ask Huang Degong to send troops to garrison. Some here, some there, it's not enough!

"It's my lord, I'll obey your orders! Those melons have been waiting for my lord's words for a long time!" Huang Degong was quite excited when he finally got the order to go out.

"Don't be too happy, Lao Huang, your most important task is to deliver supplies to the official and His Majesty, take over the recovered cities, and ensure the safety of the rear.

As for those small tribes, you should aim to defeat others without fighting, and the road has to be taken step by step! "Liu Hongjian has orders.

After discussing the follow-up matters with Huang Degong, Liu Hongjian urgently summoned many cavalry soldiers from the frontier army and the [-] Battalion.

An hour later, [-] cavalry, together with the entire cavalry lineup of the Qianhu Institute of Longevity Mountain, marched towards Yizhou and Dalinghe Fort to the north and east of Jinzhou!
 Thanks to the book friends for sending sighs in the snow, and for the 500 coins rewarded for a leisurely life, and thank the book friends for the nickname Why can’t it be repeated? The 100 coins rewarded.

(End of this chapter)

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