Chapter 378

On May 28, Daling River City.

"Sion, how did you feel about the little Han widow you stole last night?" A Tartar soldier on duty at the top of the city wall leaned against the city wall and asked another Tartar next to him.

"Don't mention Tali, that girl is very fierce, she just stabbed her neck with a pair of scissors, it's bad luck for Ma De!" The Tartar guard looked depressed.

"Hey! Who is under the city?" The two chatted without saying a word. A group of ragged cavalry came from a distance, and the formation seemed to be broken. The two guards immediately put on a cautious posture.

"I am Zu Dashou, the guard general of Jinzhou. Jinzhou City has been captured by bandits. Quickly open the city gate and let me enter the city for repairs!" Zu Dashou had a blood-oozing white scroll wrapped around his forehead, and he looked seriously injured.

The [-] cavalry behind them were all wounded and discarded their helmets and armor.

"What? Jinzhou has fallen?" The tartar named Thain was stunned.

Jinzhou is the west gate of the Qing Dynasty. The fall of Ningyuan a few days ago has made them tremble with fear. Now Jinzhou, which is heavily guarded by troops, has also fallen into the enemy's hands... Oh my God!
"It turned out to be the Han general who defected from Jinzhou, and he knew that this dog was useless except for defeating the battle. Ma De, Sain, you should go and report to General Udyr!" The young guard named Tali muttered. of.

He seemed to know Zu Dashou. Although his face was full of contempt, he still asked his colleagues to pass the message, and at the same time ordered the soldiers on duty to open the city gate.

"Rush in, leave 200 people to guard the city gate, and the rest follow me to take the general's mansion!" Zu Dashou saw the city gate wide open, shouted behind him in a low voice, and then rode forward.

Before the several Tartars who pushed open the city gate could react, they were chopped off by Zu Dashou's horse several times.

Blood splattered Zu Dashou's face, and his gray beard turned red, but he didn't care. After wiping his face, he rushed into the city with hundreds of his men.

"My lord, the ancestor's birthday has been achieved!" The sniper Yang Tianbao put down the binoculars in his hand, and turned his head to report to Liu Hongjian behind the col.

"Brothers, remember my Da Ming's slogan, kill all the Tartars, let me go!" Liu Hongjian yelled at the Daming iron cavalry who had been patient for a long time behind him.

"Kill—" Countless cavalrymen drew out their sabers and rushed towards the Dalinghe City not far away, shining with silver light.

"Enemy attack—enemy attack!" The young Tartar general on the top of the wall finally realized that he had been bullied, but he only had time to let out one last cry.

Bang——Yang Tianbao's AKM on the slope shook a puff of dust, and the Tazi soldiers on the city wall fell down.

Dalinghe City immediately staged the scene of Jinzhou City last night, but there were less than five thousand defenders in Dalinghe City. The whole battle started hastily and ended quite simply.

After only one hour, there was no longer a Tartar standing in the city.

"It's a good thing that the criminal general Zu Dashou did not disgrace his life!" Zu Dashou, who was covered in blood, held the head of Dalinghe guard Udyr in his hand, raised his armor and knelt down.

In order to attack the mansion of the defender of Daling River, Zu Dashouti took the lead with his sword and kept rushing to the front.

There were several cracks on his battle armor, all of which were pierced by Tartar swords, and there were at least three wounds all over his body. These wounds were no longer the previous camouflage, because the hem of the battle armor was still dripping with blood.

"Father!" Liu Hongjian frowned before he could speak, but Zu Qiuqing who was behind him couldn't help shouting in a low voice.

Zu Dashou was already in his fifties, an age worthy of the name of an old man in the Ming Dynasty, but in order to make up for his mistakes, and to justify his reputation, Zu Dashou also worked hard.

"Why are you bothering? Please get up, come and bandage General Zu!"

Liu Hongjian originally wanted to step forward to help, but Zu Dashou seemed to have taken a blood bath, and he himself realized this, threw the head of the Tartar guard on the ground and got up and retreated.

Dalinghe City was captured cleanly. Some of the soldiers who participated in last night's invasion of Jinzhou were overworked, so Liu Hongjian stayed in Dalinghe to temporarily defend the city and wait for Huang Degong.

He himself marched towards Yizhou City in the north with the remaining [-] soldiers.

Huang Degong also stayed up all night last night, and now he is very tired after having so many wounds. ,

After this battle, more than [-] of the more than [-] ancestral troops who followed him to the north and south died in battle, but they didn't say much, and silently got on the horse and the Ming army went forward.

With the cooperation of Zu Dashou, the Ming army broke through Yizhou on the evening of the 28th and Guangning on the 29th. On another three days, Chongzhen led the rest of the Northern Expeditionary Army to join Liu Hongjian in Guangning City.

Since then, in the west of Liaodong, Jianlu has no strong city to defend.

On the second day of June, more than [-] Northern Expeditionary Forces headed east from Guangning, broke Zhenning, Longwan, and Pingyang Fort, and captured Xining Fort on the sixth day of June.

Xining Fort is close to the Liaohe River, located at a sharp turn of the Liaohe River. The Liaohe River, which originally flowed all the way south into the Bohai Sea, seems to have twisted its waist in Xining Fort, so it is also called Twisted Waist Fort, or Ox Waist Fort.

Due to the buffer formed by the sharp turn, the downstream of Twisting Fort is the place where the Liaohe River has the slowest water potential, and it is also the most suitable place to cross the river.

But at this moment, Liu Hongjian encountered an extremely difficult problem.

no boats!
Not only was there no boat, but there were [-] Tartar soldiers waiting on the other side of the river for a long time!
Liu Hongjian had been wondering before that, logically, with the speed of the Tartar cavalry, they should have met a few days ago.

For this reason, Liu Hongjian specially ordered the sentinels to search for an additional [-] miles, but to no avail.

"Youming, now there is the Liaohe River blocking the front, and there are [-] soldiers of Jiankui waiting for work, what can we do?" Although Chongzhen didn't know how to command and fight, he could also see the embarrassment of the Ming army.

When the ships were ready for use, Chongzhen suddenly felt that Liu Hongjian's suggestion was right. Ming needed more treasure shipyards, and Ming could not live without warships.

But far water can't quench the near thirst, the problem lies here, Chongzhen can only ask Liu Hongjian who has always been "resourceful".

"This... the minister is very helpless!" Liu Hongjian could only open his hands and say.

This Jianlu is also a chicken thief, knowing that they don't have any advantage in field battles now. Even if they cross the Liaohe River, they may not be able to resist the attack of the Ming army's muskets and cannons.

It would be better to directly confront the Ming army with the Liaohe River as the boundary. Azig and Jierhalang had already decided on this plan, and [-] troops were stationed in various shallows of the Liaohe River.

Unknowingly, the offensive and defensive sides switched positions.

In the previous decades, it was the Jianlu attacking the Ming army, but now the Ming army, which has never been good at field attacks, is in full swing.

On the contrary, the Eight Banners soldiers, who were known as invincible, became the defending side, which is really embarrassing.

But it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice and without a boat!
What if there is no boat?We can't let these soldiers swim over, can we?

Where's the gun?What about paper shells?What about the cannon?

"My lord, there is a Semu man named Malaki begging to see you outside. He said he came from Phi Island with an important report!"

"What? What hot chicken? Malaki?"

 Thanks to the book friends Drunken Lights to Look at the Axe, Guardian Agency, and Brother Sen for coming here to read and reward 100 coins.Thank you book friends for accepting the reward of 500 coins, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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