Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 388 The Magical Use of Grenade

Chapter 388 The Magical Use of Grenade
"Master Kuo, no, this tartar has already thrown out our gifts!" Chang Yu walked up to Kuo Duan holding his nose, and said loudly.

Behind the stone-throwing car body were thousands of musketeers, firing their guns at the top of the city.

In this way, Kuo Duan tried his best to throw the spoiled heads of the Tartars on the top of the city, and many of them were thrown down by the Tartars.

"What?" Kuo Duan seemed to not be able to hear the braids holding the heads of the two Tartars in his hand, and the bloody heads of the Tartars dangled beside Kuo Duan, making Chang Yu dizzy for a while.

"No, they threw all the heads down!" Chang Yu decided not to look at the two heads, staring at the city wall and repeating.

In addition to the catapults, there are several carts of Tartar heads, exuding a stench, that is, the hundreds of rough men in front of you, if you really let the group of boys from Qianhusuo come, you really won’t be able to get in. hand.

"What's the matter! This is the task assigned by the adults, and I must complete it!" Kuo Duan casually threw the heads of the two stinky balls into the catapult in front of him, signaling his subordinates to launch.

"Why don't we do this, we're feeding the Tartars in the city!" Chang Yu pinched his nose and said sissy.

"What ingredients are you adding? Master Chang said yes, I'll listen to you." Kuo Duan was straightforward as always.

As thousands of musketeers lined up, the Tartar soldiers on the city wall didn't even dare to show their heads, so they could only hide behind the crenel tremblingly, throwing the stinking Tartar heads along the crenel by the way.

After a while.

"Are you ready?" Chang Yu held a bundle of grenades in his hand, five or six of them.

"I'm ready!" Kuo Duan spat into his hand, picked up an ax and said.

"I tell you to do it, and you do it." Chang Yu deactivated the fuse of the grenade and slowly put it into the stone throwing box, and then the two Guan Ning soldiers put in five or six heads of Tartars.

The hand grenade in the ordnance factory is not mature enough, and the fire twist is relatively long. If you throw it up as soon as you pull the fuze, you will have to be thrown down and blow up to your own people.

Fortunately, Chang Yu has played with grenades for a long time, and he is very proficient in controlling the explosion time of grenades. He calculated the approximate time of grenades.

"Cut!" Chang Yu roared.

Kuo Duan raised the ax high, cut the rope on the catapult with a bang, and then a basket of skulls and a bundle of grenades were thrown onto the city wall of Haizhou.

Coincidentally, this bundle of grenades fell right between the two Tatar soldiers at the head of the city. The two Tatar soldiers were stunned for a moment looking at the smoking thing at their feet. One of the Tatars was eating something with an iron helmet. He was stunned to see the smoke coming from his feet.

They thought the dead man's head was on fire. After a while, a tartar seemed to remember something, his eyes were full of fear, he picked up the grenade and was about to throw it down the city, but he didn't make a move yet...

Boom——The grenade exploded in the chest of the Tartar soldier, and the Tartar was instantly smashed to pieces.

The explosion power of the five grenades at the same time is really unrealistic. Coupled with the iron nails inside the grenades, it directly spread to a range of more than ten steps, and the heads, corpses, and plasma instantly covered the entire city.

"Hehe, this is good, Lord Chang has a solution!" Kuo Duan boasted utterly when he saw blood and flesh flying across the top of the city, and the battlements were blown to pieces.

"Good, good, but it's too dangerous. If the adults know about it, they will definitely not agree to us doing this." Chang Yu was also sweating, if he didn't control it well, he would be the one who died.

On the right side of the south city, Kong Erlian commanded fifteen cannons to continuously bombard the city wall of the east city.

Although the city wall of the East City was repaired later, it is still a full three to four feet thick. According to this situation, the cannons would probably blast all day and night.

"It's too slow! It's too slow!" Liu Hongjian stood at the base of the city and paced back and forth. Tens of thousands of troops were waiting for the city to be broken. It was really annoying.

"My lord, how about using grenades!" Chang Yu tasted the sweetness of bundled grenades, and offered advice with a bundle of grenades in his arms.

"Well, that's a good idea!" Liu Hongjian slapped his head, Ma De, it seems that he really doesn't have the talent to be a general, and he can't even think of such a thing.

Not only can grenades be used in field battles, but the power of bundling them is no less than that of blooming bombs!

He did what he said, and dispatched several teams of musketeers to suppress the Tartar soldiers at the top of the city. A soldier from the Shenji Battalion volunteered to brave the rain of bullets and rushed towards the city.

The soldier placed the grenade beside the city wall, pulled the safety and ran back.

When guarding the city, the gates were all sealed with stones. Compared with this, the Haizhou city wall made of green bricks is easier.

Boom—a loud noise, and a cloud of black smoke rose from under the city wall.

After a while, the smoke and dust cleared, and the city wall was blasted into a hole several feet thick.

"There's a show! Old Chang, just do it like this, quickly go and arrange ten good hand grenade players, who are still in the place just now, and blow them up hard for me!" Liu Hongjian was holding a telescope in his hand and his face was beaming with joy.

This is much more powerful than the cannon, but the solid bullets are still too weak. This time, we must step up the development of grenades (fire bombs) when we go back this time.

Half an hour later, a large hole with a width of about half a foot had been blasted under the city wall. Thanks to the efforts of ten bombardiers, the hole was still expanding...

"Soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, the city wall is about to be breached. I order you to break into the city and leave no one behind!" The morale was already booming, so there was no need for Liu Hongjian to say more.

Rumbling—the city wall finally couldn't hold it up and collapsed inward.

"Fight in, the Ming Dynasty will win!" Liu Hongjian drew out his saber and shouted.

"Kill!" Thousands of soldiers behind them with a row of grenades coiled around their waists rushed into the gap.

After a while, there are explosions in the city, and hell will be staged in the whole city...

Grenade against full moon scimitar, musket against bow and arrow, there is no suspense in victory or defeat, and all resistance is futile.

The sound of explosions and shouts of killing in the city lasted for two full hours, and it barely stopped in the middle of the afternoon.

"My lord! I have captured the two leaders of the Tartars!" Zu Dashou came to report, sweating profusely.

He is no longer the commander-in-chief, and he doesn't even have any military positions, but this does not affect his killing the enemy, or pardoning his sins.

He took the lead and charged wherever there was danger, and every time he fought, his body was full of scars.

"Well, bring him here!" Seeing that Chongzhen frowned and did not get angry, Liu Hongjian was also determined.

Betrayal is like a scar on the body. When the wound is healed, the scar will remain forever, on the body and in the heart.

Perhaps Chongzhen would not reuse Zu Dashou again, but seeing Zu Dashou fighting so far every time, his heart was also slightly moved.

A moment later, two big bald heads tied up in the shape of zongzi were escorted to the front of the battle. The braids on the back of their heads had been pulled clean by the soldiers who hated them to the bone, and their faces were ashen.

"Your Majesty, my lord, these two are the sons of Nurhachi, Babutai and Babuhai!" Zu Dashou had stayed with Jianlu for several years, and he knew his identity well, so he withdrew after speaking .

"Behead before the battle!" Chongzhen did not hesitate at all. Nurhachi is the source of all evils, and there is nothing to say about this.

"Your Majesty, it's too cheap for them to be beheaded like this. I have a good idea!"

 Thanks for the 161214 coins rewarded by book friends 100, book friends Drunken Lights and Axe, Tangmen-Sin Angel, and book friends [-].

(End of this chapter)

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