Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 389 Cannonball

Chapter 389 Cannonball
"Idiot Kong Er, have you adjusted your mother's Italian cannon?" Liu Hongjian shouted.

Thirty steps away, beside two Italian cannons made of fine steel, Kong Ermao was making final adjustments with his waist bent.

"My lord, I'm ready!" Kong Ermao waved to signal that everything was ready.

It was dusk in the grassland, and the sun, which had been scorching the earth for a whole day, receded westward a little tiredly, lazily swaying the last trace of residual heat.

"Have you ever experienced despair?" Liu Hongjian asked the two former big men of the Qing Dynasty with a smile.

The two bald men, Babutai and Babuhai, knew their ending after the defeat, but they guessed the beginning correctly, but they missed the ending.

The two were hung on the gate hole of the south city gate, symmetrically, one on each side.

Not far away, the cannon facing them told them that this smiling guy in front of him was definitely the most sinister and vicious villain in Daming.

"Scholars can't be killed without humiliation! You scum!" Babutai spat at Liu Hongjian and said in blunt Daming language.

"Even if I, Babuhai, die in battle or in the city, I will never—" The younger brother Babuhai followed suit, but before he could finish speaking, he was plotted against.

Crack - a crisp sound.

"You bastard, you're so arrogant when you're about to die!" The big bull who was waiting on the side slapped Babutai's bright forehead with a slap.

pop - pop - pop -

"Let you be arrogant! Let you be arrogant! Kill you stinky Shabby!" Niu Dabai was addicted to hitting Babuhai again, uttering the vulgar words learned from his master while beating.

"Okay, okay, it's troublesome if you get knocked out, go away!" He knew the strength of his loyal servant's arm, and Babuhai almost fainted after just a few blows.

"I want to ask you now, besides the two of you, how many other turtles are still alive in Yezhupi? Where are they? How are the defenses in Liaoyang and Shenyang? How many soldiers?"

Liu Hongjian chattered a lot, and when he finished speaking, he found that none of the two tartars in front of him liked him.

"Okay! I won't cry if you don't see the coffin, and I won't show you if you don't know that I run a dyeing workshop!" Liu Hongjian stopped talking and walked towards the two cannons.

"Eleventh brother, we have fallen into the hands of this dog official this time, don't be afraid later, we are dead anyway, just grit your teeth and pass."

Babutai looked at the mouth of the cannon not far away and swallowed. He didn't know whether he was comforting Babuhai on the right or cheering himself up.

Babuhai acted as if he had never heard of it, his body was shaking as if he was sifting chaff.

"What's the smell? Did you pee your pants? What a worthless thing!"


"Your Majesty, these two Tartars are quite stubborn, and I'm going to execute the artillery!" Liu Hongjian jumped over the cannon and asked Chongzhen who was a little behind.

"Go!" Chongzhen said softly, shaking his beard.

It would be a lie to say that he is not curious. He has been the emperor of Chongzhen for 18 years, and he knows about cutting in half, lingchi, and making decisions. This is the first time I have heard of it!
Chongzhen was a bit indecisive, but it was towards the courtiers and the people. As for the dog tartar in front of him who did everything but good things, Chongzhen also felt that it would be too cheap to cut him off directly.

Therefore, as soon as Liu Hongjian put forward the proposal of shooting by artillery, Chongzhen agreed.

My humerus is really good at playing.

"You idiot! Fire the cannon!" Liu Hongjian yelled at the idiot as he walked towards the cannon.

"My lord, which one should I hit first?" Kong Ermao asked for instructions with a nod and bow.

"The one on the right!" Liu Hongjian pointed to Babutai.

"Fan Tong, light the fire!" Kong Ermao got the order and instructed his big apprentice.

Puff—puff—a puff of smoke rose from the bottom of the cannon.

Boom—a loud bang.

"Ah—" Babutai yelled in the distance, the shell seemed to hit a little lower, just hitting Babutai's crotch.

The shell directly cut Babutai in half, and the huge impact made Babutai's upper body sway back and forth like a swing. Babutai screamed at first, but passed out in pain after two breaths.

Because the two were hanging a bit close, Babutai's upper body was dangling, and unexpectedly got entangled with the rope on the upper part of Babuhai, and his upper body just happened to rest on Babuhai's chest.

"Ah——" Babuhai was timid at first, but when he saw this momentum, he screamed and fainted from fright.

A bucket of cold well water was poured from the city, and Babutai and Babu Haimi woke up in a daze.

"Kill me, kill me! Ah——it hurts—" Babutai said to Liu Hongjian weakly, lying on his brother Babuhai.

His lower body intestines and other internal organs were hanging under his body, pulled out several feet, and dragged to the ground.

Since the heart and other critical parts were not injured, if there is no one to treat him, at least he will have to struggle for a while before he dies in pain.

There was a pool of blood on the ground and the smell of viscera was not very beautiful. Liu Hongjian pinched his nose and signaled the soldiers on the top of the wall to cut the rope that bound Babutai.

Babutai, who was only half of his body, fell to the ground with a bang and mourned.

"Now you're the only one left! It's the question just now, do you want to talk about it?" Liu Hongjian asked Babuhai who was scared out of his wits.

"I... said... forgive me..." Babuhai was so frightened by his brother's tragedy that he couldn't make a sound.

"Speak up! Are you pulling your vocal cords?" Liu Hongjian couldn't hear clearly, so he slapped Babu Hai on the forehead.

"Dorgon...Daishan...and Prince Zheng Jierhalang is the nephew of the father. There are [-] soldiers in Liaoyang, and the guard Hong Chengchou...please...please forgive me, I am willing to lead the way for Daming... ..."

Babuhai stammered, and the man in his 40s burst into tears after talking about it, and he was really embarrassed by the wild boar skin.

"I'm sorry, I don't need it! Go down and tell your father, Wild Boar Pi. It won't be long before his sons will go to say hello to him one by one!"

Liu Hongjian couldn't stand the smell here, so he waved his hand at Kong Er's idiot after speaking, and walked back.

"Officer Dog, you're lying! You..." Babuhai's eyes widened, and disappointment, despair, and anger instantly filled his head.

Boom—there was another cannon fire, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, and a shell avenged the souls of countless Han Chinese who had died under the hands of these two men.

"I never lie to anyone, because Tartars are not human!" Liu Hongjian looked back and muttered in a low voice.

The second shell was very accurate and directly hit Babu Hai's head. Liu Hongjian patted Kong Er on the shoulder as a reward.

"Your Majesty, we can sleep in bed again tonight!" After a day of fighting, Liu Hongjian showed a tired smile.

Haizhou is more than 100 miles away from Liaoyang, and Liaoyang is the last fig leaf of the Tartar Kingdom and the last barrier at the end of the Ming army's trip.

There was no danger in the battle all the way, both Chongzhen and Liu Hongjian were in a good mood, even Chongzhen let Liu Hongjian collapse and sleep with him.

The night in the prairie was very refreshing, the two chatted and chatted, and Liu Hongjian's outrageous opinions from time to time made Chongzhen stunned and speechless all night.

It was just dawn the next day.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

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(End of this chapter)

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