Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 390 Use the strongest tone, say the most cowardly chapter

Chapter 390 Use the strongest tone and say the most embarrassing words ([-]-character chapter)
"I'm sub-Ao, who is so arrogant?" Liu Hongjian sat up from Chongzhen's bed with a bang, furious.

Could it be the Tartars?Can't!The Tartars just got kicked out of shit, and now they are having a good time being a bastard, how could they dare to attack the city?

Liu Hung-chien, who always got up in a fit of rage, was very angry at the sound of alarms outside the city and vowed to let them go around.

"Aiqing, why haven't you gotten up yet? Hurry up! Haizhou City is under siege!" Chongzhen hurried in in a uniform.

He has been diligent in government affairs for many years and has long been used to getting up early, and he doesn't sleep so much in his old age.

Chongzhen also knew that his lover was a lazy sleeper, and he was really tired recently, so he never called him.

But now that the sun is rising, and there are bandits attacking again, Chongzhen is very anxious.

"Your Majesty, I'm going to get up now, I'm going to get up now." Liu Hongjian shook his head and got up to get his armor, he was still a little dazed.

However, he was not very interested in the so-called enemy attack, what the hell, it was always the Shenji camp who beat people up, and now they even sent them to their door.

There are only [-] Musketeers in this city, plus dozens of long-range strike weapons AKM.

It's not that Liu Hongjian is bragging. Unless the ammunition is exhausted and the food is exhausted, no one can capture Haizhou City, which is heavily guarded by the Ming army.

Liu Hongjian was just curious, curious about which awesome thief army was so rampant and dared to act wildly under his nose.

Putting on his battle armor in a rough manner, without even washing his face, Liu Hongjian took out an AKM and rushed out.

"Ming soldiers in the city, listen up. I am Babara, the leader of the Ujumqin Tribe. I want to see your general!" A Menggu man in heavy armor was riding on a sturdy Menggu war horse in front of the formation. , shouting towards the city.

Behind this big man named Barbara, there are rows of ancient soldiers, thousands of them, all of them with their heads held high, looking very majestic.

Wang Yuanba, who was in charge of defending the city, frowned.

What the hell, I really saw a ghost, I'm afraid this guy under the city is not a mountain cannon!
Thousands of muskets were aimed at the city from Wang Yuanba's left and right, and Chang Yu urgently called in thirty AKs, but the Tartars in the city turned a deaf ear to them.

Not only that, but he kept yelling to see Mr. Supervisor, that was really yelling all the time, without changing the words, no less than twenty times.

Without the orders of Chongzhen and Liu Hongjian, Wang Yuanba did not attack rashly.

Moreover, the Tartars under the city had no intention of attacking the city at all, and they didn't even draw out their knives.

"Have you reported to Master Supervisor? Where is the person?" Wang Yuanba hurriedly asked when he saw the messengers coming up from the city.

"Lord Chief Soldier, the younger one has gone to shout three times, and the Master Supervisor is still wearing his armor..." The orderly soldier was also very embarrassed, he knew the temper of the Master Supervisor, and he was not less scolded.

"Oh, my really..." Wang Yuanba didn't know what to say, Master Supervisor is good at everything, good tempered, good leader, good enough...just...too lazy.

"Ming army in the city, listen, I am Babara, the leader of the Ujumqin tribe, and I want to..."

"Shut up! If you keep yelling, I'll shoot you!" Chang Yu couldn't stand the loudspeaker-style repeater in the city, and clicked off the AKM's insurance.

"Hey, Chang, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, impulsiveness is the devil!" Liu Hongjian walked and glanced at the city, and stopped Chang Yu's 'violence' with a smile on his face.

On the way from the General Army Mansion to the top of the city, a guard had already informed him of the situation at the bottom of the city, knowing that the Tartars had not attacked the city, but had been clamoring for him, so they felt that things had turned around.

It's not good to fight too much, it hurts peace!
Seeing Liu Hongjian coming, Chang Yu finally had a backbone, put down the AKM in his hand, and saluted with Wang Yuanba.

"Ming soldiers on the city, listen up. I am Babara, the leader of the Ujumqin tribe. I want to see your leader, Daguan Liu." Seeing that the guards at the top of the city were all going to salute a young man, Babara quickly raised his voice. scored three points.

He had never met the legendary Duke An of the Ming Dynasty, but he only knew that the old man was surnamed Liu and he was a ruthless man.

"Fuck you, who is Ujumqin? Why are you looking for me?" Liu Hongjian stood on the crenel and shouted towards the Tartars below.

Behind him was a bull with a big club holding a shield on the edge of the crenel, and a pair of bull's eyes stared at the Tartar soldiers below.

Although the Tartars below are not ready to attack, who knows if it is a trap, in case someone who is not open-eyed shoots a cold shot... He must protect his master.

The last assassination incident made him feel guilty for half a year, and he secretly vowed that he would not let anyone threaten his master's life again, otherwise he could only apologize with death.

"You are An Guogong of Ming Dynasty? It doesn't look like it!" Babara asked suspiciously.

While talking, Liu Hongjian, who was still staring at the city with big eyes, looked left and right. He saw Liu Hongjian's thin skin and tender flesh, soft and weak, and he didn't look half like a murderous god in his mind.

"What does it look like? This is my Great Ming's An Guogong, the supervisor, and the Grand Marshal of the Northern Expedition. You guys, why don't you kneel down when you see my Marshal of the Ming Dynasty?" Wang Yuanba dared to question the governor when he heard that Master Shi, suddenly became angry.

"Oh! It's really Mr. Liu, brothers, get off your horse and salute quickly! Do the big Ming salute!" Seeing that the guard at the top of the city personally confirmed it, Babara, the leader of the Ujumqin tribe, slapped his forehead and yelled at the Tartar soldiers behind him.

He himself turned his right leg up and got off the horse, lowered his head and knelt down to the top of the city with a plop.

"The leader of the Ujumqin Tribe, Babara, has met Liu Daguan, the general, the general, and the commander-in-chief!" Babara clasped his chest with his right hand and yelled.

"I've seen General Liu, Commander-in-Chief, Commander-in-Chief!" Behind them all the Tartar cavalry knelt down beside their mounts and shouted slogans.

The sound of the armor of thousands of alliance ancient iron cavalry touching resounded throughout the city, and the scene was once very embarrassing.

Wang Yuanba opened his mouth and was dumbfounded... This official is just talking casually, why is he really kneeling?

What kind of plane is this tartar doing?
Chang Yu and Niu Da Bangchui met each other, but they also couldn't understand the routines of the Tartar soldiers in the city!

The Tazi soldiers came to surrender after hearing the news, could it be that my lord...lost his arrogance again?
"Well, this Ba... General Babara in the city, get up and talk!" Liu Hongjian's behavior towards the Tartar soldiers in the city was not uncommon, and he was different from Lao Wang and Lao Chang around him.

He is well aware of the pissing nature of the Menggu tribe, but this title... what kind of General Superintendent, Grand Marshal, Liu Daguan, Ximen Qing!
"I can't afford it, unless you agree to one condition!" Babara twisted her scalp and glanced up at Liu Hongjian, then said stiffly.

"Intuit! You reckless tartar, you dare to negotiate terms with Daming?" Wang Yuanba was about to lose his temper when he saw this, Liu Hongjian waved his hand to calm the old Wang down.

"Tell me! What's the condition?" Liu Hongjian calmed down.

"If you want me to get up, unless you promise to let me surrender! I want to follow Daming, I want to join Daming!" Baba's voice was raised so high that Niu Dabanchui was ashamed.

What?What did the tartar say?surrender?His condition is to surrender?

Did I hear you right?Wang Yuanba couldn't believe his ears, he glanced at Chang Yu, and found that this guy was also Monk Zhang Er who couldn't touch his ass.

What does it mean to use the strongest tone and say the most embarrassing words?That's it!
"Oh, I want to surrender! Then I have to think about it!" The only person in the city who was calm was the protagonist of the audience, the "Liu Daguanren" who is the only one who respects me everywhere.

If it is an ordinary general, when he learns that someone has come to surrender, he must be overjoyed, elated, and "celebrating with the crown".

But what did the Master Supervisor say?Still have to think about it?

My God, the Tartars in the city are all dragons, tigers, and tigers. The ancient soldiers of the League are meat-eating people, and their charges have always been fierce. If Ming Dynasty had such a "new Guanning army", wouldn't it be a joy?
Why even think about it?Must accept!

Wang Yuanba was in a hurry, and was about to ask the supervisor to think twice, but Liu Hongjian held back his words with a look.

"I must surrender, please help my people! We are in such a miserable state!" When the old man in the city did not agree, the barbara became impatient.

It took him half a month to cross half of the Xilin Gol prairie, and after going through all kinds of hardships along the way, he finally met the general he had been thinking about day and night.

I thought I could find a big backer for my tribe, but in the end... God, what should I do?

If Daming doesn't take them in, where should they go?God is going to forget me Ujumqin!
The more Babara thought about it, the angrier she became, and she even wiped away her tears!

Such a thick-backed Menggu man actually cried!
"Khan, Daming won't accept us, so we'll just stay here. We help them beat the Jurchen barbarians, can they not give us food?" The subordinates behind Babara saw that their leader had no idea, There is a "plan" in the heart.

This guy also has a loud voice, not only the many ancient soldiers behind him heard it, but even the Ming army at the head of the city heard it clearly.

The leader of the Tartars under the city said the most embarrassing words in the strongest tone, but the Lord Supervisor above the city said the most embarrassing words in the most embarrassing tone...

Wang Yuanba and Chang Yu didn't know what to say anymore. Why did this sonorous dialogue sound so weird?
Could it be that this group of Tartars have been bewitched by evil spirits, and the Master Supervisor...

"Chief Babara, do you dare to come to the city to have a talk?" Liu Hongjian could only ask when he saw that the Tartars under the city were not only tigers but also reckless.

In the future, Da Ming will go all out to develop firearms, and the casualties of the cavalry will be extremely high, which is not very popular with Liu Hongjian.

Moreover, Daming has no shortage of soldiers, if a force comes to vote, it will be accepted...

After that, wouldn't there be countless mouths waiting to be fed?

Daming is no longer the previous Daming, why all nations come to court?Isn't it because of your strength and awesomeness that you want to take advantage of it?

Daming's cheapness is so easy to take advantage of!
It's okay to accept the younger brother, show your skills!Prove that you are useful to Daming!

"Why don't I dare?" Babara immediately stood up when she heard the joke, a chrysanthemum blossomed on her face.

"Brothers, you are all waiting for me here, I will come as soon as I go!" Babara ordered to the tribal warriors behind him.


"It's roughly like this. My father Khan passed the seat to me. I can't just watch my tribe be slaughtered. I beg His Majesty the Emperor Ming to save my tribe!"

Babara knelt in front of the central hall of the General Army Mansion, telling Chongzhen and Liu Hongjian about the experiences of his tribe, sometimes gnashing his teeth, sometimes crying...

The Ujumqin tribe is located in the Xilin Gol prairie in Monan Mongolia. On the left is Horqin, the dog leg of the Jurchen barbarians, and on the right is Tumot, the dog leg of Chahar.

If you want to talk about the Menggu family in the world, that was hundreds of years ago, and now the Damenggu prairie has already been split into countless tribes.

With the Gobi Desert as the boundary, the south of the Gobi Desert and the north of the Yinshan Mountains are called Monan Mongolia, the north of the desert is called Mobei Mongolia, and the west is called Moxi Menggu.

Among the many Menggu tribes, the Ujumqin tribe occupies a corner of the Xilin Gol prairie. There are more than [-] nomads and less than [-] cavalry.

Due to the blood feud between the Ujimqin tribe and the Chahar tribe, Ujimqin joined the camp of the Qing Dynasty at the beginning.

At the beginning of the year, the Qing Dynasty conquered the Ming Dynasty with the whole country, but the Jurchen barbarians were too cruel. Not only did they want to conscript all the horses, cattle and sheep of their tribe, but they also conscripted all the fallen cavalry.

All the war horses, cattle and sheep were handed over. After all, they could still live by tightening their belts, but their own tribal warriors absolutely could not follow the Qing Dynasty to conquer Ming Dynasty.

Next to him is the dog-legged Tumed tribe of the Chahar tribe. Barbara is sure that as long as his warriors leave the pasture, what awaits the Ujumqin tribe will be bloody extermination.

The regent of the Qing Dynasty was furious and ordered Horqin to send troops to conquer. There were several conflicts in the past few months, but they were all repelled by Babara.

Horqin was very powerful, and coveted his pasture for a long time. Babara knew that the clan would be exterminated sooner or later, so he had to lead the clan to move south.

But all the ranches have owners, and where can they go? It is very miserable to hide and hide along the way.

But there is no such thing as a unparalleled road. From the surrounding pastures, I learned about the great achievements of Duke Anguo of the Ming Dynasty, and the herdsmen on the grasslands echoed others' opinions and added fuel and jealousy. In Babara's heart, Liu Hongjian's image was already like a god!

Babara immediately decided to seek refuge with Daming, he must seek refuge with Daming's Officer Liu!
Face is more important than the lives of the clansmen. Babara naturally knows that he is the leader of the Ujumqin clan, and the clansmen trust him. He has only one belief, that is, he must seek refuge with Daming!

Only by taking refuge in the prosperous Daming An Guogong can he keep his clansmen and live up to his father Khan's instructions to him!
That's why there was the scene just now!
After Babara finished speaking, she buried her head in the ground and refused to get up again.

There was no way out, he had to be tougher, tougher, so that Emperor Ming could 'subdue' and accept his surrender!

Chongzhen was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and it was only at the end that he realized what this very reckless, ignorant, and rambunctious leader of the Tartars was going to do.

It is something to be proud of to have the Tartars come to seek refuge. This is not the same as the covenant of the Chahar Ministry. It is an ally relationship that may break at any time!

But the tribe in front of me is different!
It is exactly the same as the Mengguguan Ningbing decades ago, this is to join Daming!
No one knows the prestige of Guan Ning's iron cavalry. It is a strong army that dares to fight against the Eight Banners soldiers without losing the wind. I don't know how much credit they have made for Daming over the years.

How many years!Now there are Tartars raising their families to vote.

Chongzhen looked at Liu Hongjian with a strange smile on his face! ,

Although Chongzhen definitely wanted to take in this 'poor' tribe, he was not in a hurry to announce the decree, but wanted to hear Liu Hongjian's opinion first.

This servant of his has always had a lot of ideas, and he was worried that if he was too eager, he would ruin the 'trick' of his humerus.

PS: The [-]-word chapter will be updated later. Hanhan's greatest happiness is having such a handsome and powerful readership. Okay, I'm done praising, please give me a tip.

(End of this chapter)

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