Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 391 My routine is just a few blind beats

Chapter 391 My routine is just a few blind beats (600 monthly ticket plus update)

Seeing Chongzhen's eyes, Liu Hongjian knew that he was about to appear on stage.

"Chief Babara, how many soldiers are defending Horqin's ranch?" Liu Hongjian said with a half-smile.

For a long time, the war between the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty was accompanied by Horqin, a loyal eagle dog. As the largest Menggu tribe in Monan Mongolia besides Quechahar, Liu Hongjian was still very 'interested'.

Since the Ming army's target has always been wild boar skin, in order to defeat Dorgon as soon as possible, Liu Hongjian has always been indifferent to the Minggu tribes who are close at hand, or has no time to clean up at all.

But Horqin is different, beating a dog depends on the owner, and now the owner is beaten out of shit, but the dog is fine, this is really unreasonable.

Liu Hongjian wanted to show Horqin some color, so he decided to try his luck and go to Horqin's pasture to find a precious ingredient, oh no, to beat a dog.

By the way, let's try a few catties and a few taels of the 'toughest in history' tribal leader in front of us.

"Reporting to the Marshal of the Superintendent, the Horqin ranch is very, very large. Their main force is in Shengjing, the home of Jurchen barbarians, but there are still more than 1 cavalry left behind on the ranch. I...many of my tribe have died in battle. "

Babara obviously suffered a lot, and said in blunt Ming language through gritted teeth.

"Do you want to avenge your people?" Liu Hongjian asked persuasively.

"I'd like to think about it, but... my warriors can't beat them... They still have Jurchen barbarians as a big backer... I... I..." Babala stammered a little embarrassed.

"Hahaha! It's okay, they have a backing, don't you also?" Liu Hongjian couldn't help laughing when he saw that Babara, who was still arrogant in the city just now, became so embarrassed.

A dime can't beat a hero, this Barbara is really upright.

"Did the senior officials agree with me joining Daming?" Babara was not stupid, and naturally understood the meaning of the words, and then said excitedly.

"Any high-ranking official, you can call me Lord Liu. As for whether Daming agrees to join your tribe, it depends on your performance in the future. Moreover, this is a major matter. What I say doesn't matter, it depends on what your majesty wants." .”

Liu Hongjian said to listen to Babara in the first half of the sentence, and looked at Chongzhen in the second half, signaling that the uncle should take up the conversation.

"Da Ming's soldiers are going to attack Horqin today. If all of you can make meritorious service, I will agree with you to join Da Ming and seek Da Ming's asylum!" Chongzhen nodded slightly and then said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Emperor, thank you sir...Master Liu, my people are all warriors who are not afraid of death. I will definitely take the lead and win this Horqin for Daming."

Babara was ecstatic in his heart. Horqin had killed countless people from their tribe in the past half a year, and paid with blood. Now he can finally take revenge with confidence.

Although his warriors are only over 4000, while Horqin has over 1, Daming's Heavenly Army will definitely not stand idly by and work hard to create a miracle for the tribe.

"So, let your clansmen rest outside the city for a while, and the Ming army will dispatch in the afternoon, and you can lead your troops to the right side of the Ming army to follow." Liu Hongjian thought for a while.

"I have to order, but my lord... I... I..." Babara ordered me simply, while hesitating and hawing, it seemed that I couldn't bear to speak.

"Why are you hesitating? This is not the ancient warrior in my heart. If there is any difficulty, please tell me quickly!" There are tens of thousands of Ming troops in the city, and it will take more than an hour to prepare the army, Liu Hongjian has no time to delay here .

"My tribe's food and grass are approaching, can you..." Babara was really embarrassed.

The tribe has been bullied by Horqin several times, and there are not many cattle and sheep. Although horses can eat grass, people can't.

Along the way, they even ate the calves, so they could barely persevere. Today, [-] to [-] herdsmen are shivering in hiding more than ten miles away from the Ming army.

As the leader of the clan, he had no choice but to beg for some food for the clan with a thick face.

The proud son of heaven should know that he will not be rewarded for his merits, Babara is ashamed, and the pain in his heart is really beyond the comprehension of outsiders.

"It's easy to talk about, Mr. Wang, send three thousand shi of rice to this leader Babara for emergency!" Liu Hongjian couldn't help laughing when he saw that the leader's face was blushing.

"Follow your orders!" Wang Yuanba glanced at Chongzhen, and Chongzhen naturally had no objection.

Now there are blood transfusions from the old Zheng's family outside the Ming Dynasty, and the rice in the south of the Yangtze River has also been harvested. I want to wait for this conquest to return, and the sweet potatoes and potatoes in the north will also be harvested.

This year may be better than previous years!

But when he thought of Zheng Zhilong and Liu Hongjian, he became angry. This fellow clearly had three or four thousand warships under his command, and his annual income was several times higher than that of the Ming court, but he was so stingy that he refused to hand over a warship to the court.

The only five warships in Tianjin's newly built Treasure Shipyard were exchanged by Uncle Chongzhen for the Earl's seat. Although this fellow sent some rice and grain from time to time, Liu Hongjian knew that in Zheng Zhilong's eyes, it was just alms That's all.

The most important thing is that dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, and he has nothing to do with this guy.

This old Zheng started his career as a pirate. Not only did he have many warships under his command, but he also had tens of thousands of desperadoes loyal to him. The merchant ships in the entire South China Sea only knew Zheng's order flag, but did not know it. Ming court.

This is simply outrageous!

You obviously don't like this guy, but you can't do anything about him, are you angry?
But at present, Uncle Chongzhen has begun to pay attention to the navy. The Treasure Shipyard in Tianjin has recruited hundreds of veteran shipwrights from the coast under the decree of Chongzhen.

Taking the five main warships exchanged from Lao Zheng as samples, relying on hundreds of veteran shipbuilders, with the strong national power of Ming Dynasty as the foundation, plus the most critical technology and background support provided by Liu Hongjian.

As long as there is time, Liu Hongjian will eventually create a world-class navy for Daming.

Fortunately, now that old Zheng Pian'an is busy earning money, and indirectly helping Daming maintain overseas stability, it is not that urgent.

"On behalf of my people, I thank His Majesty the Emperor!" Babara was very moved.

There is a proverb in the Menggu Tribe that if you share blessings, you will not be grateful for the same blessings. When you are in trouble, you will see your brothers. Although three thousand shi of rice and grain is not much, it is enough for the tribe to eat for several days. He knows that Daming has been plagued by disasters in recent years, so he is very grateful for such a reward.

"Go down!" Liu Hongjian waved his hand, Babara thanked him and went out, anxious to announce the good news to the warriors outside the city.

"Youming, why are you going to fight against the ancients again this time? Isn't it a little too hasty?" Chongzhen was focused on destroying Jianlu, who he hated so much, but he didn't understand the art of war, and thought Liu Hongjian had other deep meanings .

"Your Majesty, Horqin is not far from the northwest of Haizhou. Liaoyang is not easy to fight. The destruction of this tribe will not only make the rear of our army safer, but will also lose a lot of help for Jianlu. Why not do it!"

Liu Hongjian responded immediately.

Although Chongzhen didn't know much about the art of war, how did Liu Hongjian understand it?

His routine is to shoot blindly, don't panic when he has a gun in his hand, and see who doesn't follow suit, and whoever he hits is not a hit?

Different routes lead to the same goal!

"Well, what Ai Qing said is reasonable, and I also think that Horqin should be beaten!"

(End of this chapter)

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