Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 392 Must Listen

Chapter 392 You Must Be Obedient
The sky is gray, the wild is vast, and cockroaches can be seen in the wind and grass.

On the endless Horqin prairie, a group of cattle and sheep strolled leisurely. It was summer evening, the sun was setting and the temperature was suitable. A sheep flicked its long ears to drive away shameless mosquitoes and flies.

"Bud, didn't the second leader give an order not to graze away from the tribe's resident? How dare you disobey it." A herdsman came riding shirtless.

"Hmph, the grass around the garrison has been eaten up. I have so many cattle and sheep. If I don't go far away, I won't starve to death! The second leader, the first leader has never been like this!"

The shepherd named Bud ignored the herdsman and raised his long whip to drive the cattle and sheep further away.

The days became more and more difficult. At the beginning of the year, the larger cattle and sheep were taken away by the chiefs, saying that they were going to work for the army. Now that these young cattle and sheep are growing up, the second chief ordered them not to let them go out to graze.

It is a joke to say that it is to guard against the invasion of the Ujumqin tribe in the northwest!

The Horqin tribe only has more than 3 cavalry warriors, how many people does the Ujumqin tribe have?
Bud thinks that the second leader, Oma, is too incompetent. He beat Ujimqin for half a year, but he still hasn't beaten it. Not only that, but he also gradually restricted the herdsmen from going out to graze.

This is simply unreasonable. If a herdsman does not go out to graze, is he still called a herdsman?
It's better to be the big leader Oba. When the big leader was here, he never criticized them.

Alas, I heard that the Qing Dynasty lost the battle with the Ming Dynasty, and Horqin killed many warriors, even the second boy of Ike's family next door died in the battle.

Fortunately, his three sons had already died in battle, so he didn't have to worry about conscription anymore.

The shepherd Bud thought for a while while driving hundreds of cattle and sheep. The half-grown calves seemed to be full. Seeing that it was getting late, he decided to go back, but as soon as he turned his head, old Bud's eyes widened .

In the distance of the grassland, countless cavalry came rushing forward, and the horses galloped so fast that after a while, Old Bard could clearly see the cavalry's attire.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! The people from Ujumqin are coming!" Old Bud didn't care about the cattle and sheep when he saw this, he raised his whip and hit the horse's back, and fled towards the tribal camp behind.

"Barbara, lead your tribe to attack the Horqin tribe's garrison, and show me the capabilities of your tribe's warriors!" Liu Hongjian ordered while riding a horse.

Horqin's garrison was right in front of him, and he didn't have time to stop and prepare for battle. In fact, such an operation was suitable for conflicts among grassland tribes.

"Barbara ordered! Warriors of Ujumqin, kill and avenge the dead!" Babara drew out his sword and shouted.

Although it was known that there were still more than ten thousand cavalry in Horqin's troops, but Liu Hongjian gave the order that they would all be dead anyway, so Babara decided to fight with his head.

"Wang Yuanba, you lead [-] frontier cavalry to guard the rear and right flank! Lu Haibo, you lead [-] cavalry to guard the left flank, and you two are the only ones to ask if the Tartars run away!" Liu Hongjian issued orders one after another.

Now that the younger brother was accepted, he naturally couldn't let him die. He just wanted to see the courage of the Ujimqin tribe.

If Chief Barbara refuses to carry out his orders, it proves that he is nothing more than a folly seeking asylum.

Daming doesn't need fools!

Fortunately, this Barbara is also a man, and he rushed up with his cavalry without any hesitation.

"Wu Binghao, you lead 4000 people to guard the front, don't let a Tatar escape! Lin He and Chang Yu lead their troops to charge with me! Take the Tatars' central army directly!"

Liu Hongjian was wearing armor with a saber on his waist and an AKM in his hand and gave orders loudly.

For this battle, Liu Hongjian had a full cavalry lineup, leading a total of more than 4000 cavalry, plus more than [-] ancient soldiers from Ujimqin.

Although the Shenji Battalion has been trained as a cavalry, it is the first time to participate in a battle as a cavalry. The musketeers have already prepared bullets for their firearms. grenade.

Several generals got the order to lead their troops to disperse, and the general Lin He rushed to the front screaming.

"Kuo Duan, you are responsible for guarding the safety of adults!" Chang Yu whispered to Kuo Duan beside him.

Liu Hongjian has a hundred households with personal guards around him, and there are more than [-] AKMs, but after all, it is an enemy camp, and he must ensure the safety of his own adults.

Not only that, Chongzhen also summoned him in private, ordering him to protect the safety of Master Supervisor.

"I see, Master Chang, don't worry." Kuo Duan led hundreds of Guan Ning soldiers to approach Liu Hongjian, and then ten thousand Musketeers rushed into the Horqin tribe's garrison.

The Horqin camp was already in chaos, but fortunately Liu Hongjian came prepared, and the cavalrymen of the Ujumqin tribe all tied red belts on their right arms.

Otherwise, the Tartar soldiers were all alike, with similar costumes and appearances, and the Ming army really didn't know which one to fight.

The cavalry of the Ujumqin tribe had already confronted the Horqin people. Babara saw that his backer sent a large army to support him, and rushed to the front with a cry.

Fights between Mongolian tribes are often like this, there is no rules, they will cut people when they see them, and they will grab valuable things when they see them.

However, the Shenji Camp was strictly disciplined, and Lin He had already explained it. After rushing into the camp, they used small flags as units to defend each other.

Although they were riding horses, it was a surprise attack. Many soldiers of the Horqin tribe didn't even wear their armor properly.

The Musketeers of the Shenji Battalion were battle-hardened all the way. They either stabbed with bayonets or shot at close range, and a large group of Tartars would throw grenades, making the Tartars jump like dogs.

The more fierce ones are the broad-minded Guan Ning soldiers. Due to the important task of protecting the supervisor, Guan Ning soldiers cannot stay away.

In order to guard against "outlaws" hidden in the yurts, the Guanning soldier pulled the fuze of the grenade and fired it at the yurt. There was a loud bang, and black smoke rose from the whole yurt.

There were explosions everywhere, and it was Liu Hongjian who stopped Kuo Duan in the end.

What the hell, it's booming everywhere, making me look like the boss Qiao with his own BGM.

However, it was just more than 3 panicked Tartars, dispatching more than [-] cavalry was considered a big move, and the more than [-] AKMs around them were enough to deal with the impact of a small group of Tartars, so there was no need to waste grenades like this.

"Kill! Revenge for the tribe, not one left!" Babara chopped off a Horqin soldier with a single knife, and rushed towards the big tent in the middle with the blood-dripping scimitar.

There are many soldiers guarding there, it must be the big tent of the two leaders of Horqin. After fighting back and forth with Horqin for more than half a year, Babara has never felt as comfortable as today.

Behind him is his big backer, surrounded by tens of thousands of strong reinforcements, Ujumqin's cavalry is even more unscrupulous, yelling and rushing forward with the leader Babara.

"Kuoduan, go ahead and tell Barbara that only the Tartar soldiers will be killed, not the herdsmen who surrender!" Liu Hongjian frowned.

This guy seems to have become red-eyed, what he needs is soldiers who follow orders, not a group of uncontrolled lunatics.

There are many advantages to joining Daming, but one thing must be clear, from the moment of joining Daming, the leader of Ujimqin has changed.

There is only one prerequisite for getting Da Ming's asylum, and that is - you must be obedient!
(End of this chapter)

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