Chapter 398

"Follow the order!" Zu Qiuqing, who had long been unable to restrain himself, stomped his feet and waved his hands, and the soldiers of Qianhusuo rushed up behind him.

"My lord! If so, the grassland will be in chaos!" Although he was also indignant at these barbaric herdsmen, the older Wang Yuanba still came to dissuade them.

Although he also hated these Tartars, it has to be said that it was precisely because of Liu Hongjian's soft policy of not killing those who surrendered that the surrounding herdsmen did not rebel.

In the long run of Ming Dynasty, the advantages of this policy outweigh the disadvantages.

But now that the supervisor actually overturned his own order, Wang Yuanba thought Liu Hongjian was acting impulsively.

Which Tartar family on the grassland doesn't have many slaves?
If the herdsmen really start to be killed, it is conceivable that the herdsmen on the grassland will become panicked.

They may know that they can't beat Daming, but they certainly won't sit still.

"It's messy, messy, who have I ever been afraid of?" Liu Hongjian didn't take it seriously, but it was just a group of tartars who only knew how to herd and kill people.

"My lord, they might escape from here..." The deeper Wang Yuanba didn't dare to say, the grassland is so vast, the Ming Dynasty can't reach it, and rebellion will happen everywhere...

"Shut up! I've made up my mind, Zu Qiuqing, do it!" Liu Hongjian shouted Wang Yuanba back, he didn't care about any long-term plans.

He only saw the people of Ming Dynasty being destroyed, this is not something that can be forgiven by surrendering.

Since they use violence to rule, then at worst he will use violence to solve it.

escape?where to escape?
To the west is Chahar, and to the north is the Russian bear. I don't want to be killed by the feuding Chahar, and I don't want to go to Siberia to drink the cold wind, so I can only stay here honestly!

What Ming needs is obedient people, obedient people survive, unscrupulous people die, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!

Don't these tribes like to be rough?
Then he will deal with it roughly, those who follow the Ming will prosper, those who oppose the Ming will perish, and those who humiliate the Han people will be killed!There is nothing to say.

Zu Qiuqing has long been impatient, Qianhusuo is different from the frontier army and the Beijing army, they have always been Liu Hongjian's direct army.

Following Liu Hongjian in the north and south for a year, he has already developed a strong obedience and centripetal force towards Liu Hongjian, and all the honors on them were brought to them by Liu Hongjian.

Even if Liu Hongjian asked them to kill all the Tartars, they would definitely carry it out without any compromise.

"Kill!" Zu Qiuqing yelled, and he drew out his saber first and chopped off the Tartar herdsman who was identified first.

Immediately, hundreds of swords were raised high, and the heads of the Tartars who had been domineering over the heads of the Han people fell to the ground.

The breeze floated, and the smell of blood scattered.

"Father! Our Ming army has avenged you!" A middle-aged Han citizen missing two fingers bowed to the sky.

"Thank you, my lord, thank you soldiers!" Many Han people shed tears.

Once they thought that they would never return home in this life, and their hearts were dead, but now the blood of the Tartars awakened them again.

Heads all over the ground told them that they are Han Chinese, and their Ming Dynasty has become stronger!

"Barbara, tell them that the territory of these slain herdsmen will be inherited by them, including all cattle, sheep, and pastures!" Liu Hongjian said to the remaining Tartar herdsmen.

Not all herders are brutal, in fact at least one-third of herders are down-to-earth.

They also had slaves in their families, who contributed cattle and sheep to the tribal leaders, who rewarded them with the looted Han Chinese.

Although these simple herdsmen also used the Han people, they were not punished by Liu Hongjian as long as they had no serious misdeeds.

Raising his voice, Baba La announced Liu Hongjian's order to the dozens of surviving Tartar herdsmen.

The herdsmen couldn't believe their ears. The size of the pasture is related to the number of cattle and sheep, and the number of cattle and sheep is related to their own food and clothing.

Not only was his life saved, but he also got the pasture he had dreamed of. The surviving herdsmen knelt down to thank them in fear.

While frightening the herdsmen, he also gathered a group of people's hearts. Wang Yuanba secretly thought that he was clever.

He ordered Babara to supervise the distribution of pastures, and a group of frontier soldiers immediately dragged away the Tartars all over the ground and buried them, ashes to ashes to ashes.

Tens of thousands of Tazi soldiers were buried in the ground nearby. It is conceivable that the grass here will become more fertile in a few years.

"I will give you two options, one is to go out with the army and help the Ming army deliver food and supplies, and I will assign you jobs in the future.

The second is to directly settle in the cities outside the customs for reclamation. Of course, as the first batch of border residents in the Ming Dynasty, you will be exempted from taxes for three years. "

In the future, there will definitely be a steady stream of restoration of cities, as well as looted Ming people living in various parts of the grassland. The resettlement of these people must be resolved.

These people had lived in the grassland for a long time and were familiar with the tribes of Menggu and life on the grassland. Liu Hongjian did not intend to let them move to the interior directly.

"My lord, I will choose the second one." After a moment of hesitation, a man made the first choice.

For them, they longed for a more stable life. They were engulfed by war and hated and feared war. Although they also wanted to return to the more stable interior of Ming Dynasty, they did not want to take any more risks.

Like this man, almost all the men did not choose to go out with the army.

To Liu Hongjian's surprise, most of the women chose to join the army, and later Liu Hongjian understood.

Most of these women who were looted by the Tartars were defiled by the Tartars, and some even gave birth to children.

It's not that they don't want to go to the city, they are scary, and they really can't go back!

If they really returned to the mainland, who would dare to accept them?It is estimated that the saliva of the people around them can kill them.

It's better to go out with the army. This young general helped them avenge him. He must be a reliable person. He won't just get out of the wolf's den and then into the tiger's mouth, right?

All women!When Liu Hongjian touched his head, he felt dizzy.

It's not that he has any prejudice against women, but that women have no strength!

"My lord general, we can help Master Bing sew and wash clothes!" A woman seemed to see Liu Hongjian's difficulty and frowned.

"Yes, my lord, I can cook, I can make finger meat and kumiss." A group of women chattered about their strengths.

"Then...let's stay!" Liu Hongjian felt a little helpless, unable to speak out by himself, even if he broke his teeth, he would have to swallow it in his stomach.

After the Northern Expedition is over, these women may be able to join his spinning mill, otherwise it will be really difficult to arrange.

A group of women were overjoyed with Liu Hongjian's approval, and the joy of regaining freedom instantly overshadowed the haze of the past.

It is only when you lose your freedom that you realize the value of freedom.

"Your Excellency, under the Ming Dynasty, there are no women in the army!" Frontier General Wu Binghao hadn't seen so many women for a long time. He swallowed, and told him rationally that he must remind the supervisor who started messing around again.

"They only joined the army temporarily, and they were dismissed after the war. This is not a violation of the system." Liu Hongjian gave Wu Binghao a white look.


"The official said that if you don't violate the rules, you won't violate the rules. Why? Do you have an opinion?"

"No, no, how dare you! It's not too late for me to be happy." Master Supervisor is playing a rogue, what can he do?
The sky above the prairie is full of stars, the bright moon is in the sky, and the silver light sprinkles the savage prairie. Liu Hongjian looks at the moon in a trance.

I haven't been back for a long time, I don't know if the two girls at home are thinking of me.

 Thanks to book friend dick117712 for the reward of 1100 coins, and to book friend Xiaowu 5 for the reward of 100 coins.Thanks to the book friends Tangmen-Sin Angel, Shenzhen Fatty, Drunken Lights and Axe, Nickname Why Can’t It Be Repeated? for the reward of [-] coins.

  Over the weekend, I will add updates for the book friends who have recently rewarded this book.Thank you for your support.It's the end of the year and I'm very busy with work, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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