Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 399 Let Jianlu Befriend the Eskimos

Chapter 399 Let Jianlu Befriend the Eskimos

On the sixth day of June, like the summer mornings of countless grasslands, the rising sun nourishes the land that has slept all night.

In the camp of the Ming Army in the Horqin Grassland, there was smoke from the kitchen. As early as an hour ago, the soldiers of the Ming Army were already busy.

Oh, by the way, because the Horqin tribe has been rebelling against wild boar skin for many years, it was removed from the list and changed its name by Liu Hongjian, who was drunk last night.

Today's Horqin Grassland has been changed to Ujumqin Grassland, and the grassland is still the same grassland, but it has a different owner, a new owner who is determined to follow Daming.

"Mr. Wang, just now the sentinel came to report. Your Majesty will arrive at our camp in half an hour. Should I notify the Master Supervisor to pick him up?" Lu Haibo walked up to Wang Yuanba and saluted road.

"Well, what you said is reasonable, so now I order you to wake up your lord." Wang Yuanba held a bowl of mutton left over from last night in his hand, and while chewing, he gave Lu Haibo a blank look.

"Where can it be, Brother Wang, our military rank is low, so you must be here to wake up your lord, right?" Lu Haibo was clear-eyed. Which general above the rank of general in the army has not been trained by Liu Hongjian?
Unless there was an urgent matter, Liu Hongjian could hold back the turbulent aura of getting up, otherwise no matter whether he was the chief soldier or the general, he could only get a one-word reply.

Get out, don't bother me!

But His Majesty's arrival is a big deal to them!

His Majesty is the greatest, but not only Lu Haibo, but also Wang Yuanba are worried. Is His Majesty's coming here a big deal for the Supervisor?
"The last general, Wang Yuanba, kowtows to His Majesty!"

"The last generals Lu Haibo and Wu Binghao kowtow to His Majesty!"

"The last general Chang Yu..."

"Okay, okay, everyone, Aiqing is flat, where is Liu Aiqing?" Chongzhen smiled all over his face, and slightly raised his hand to signal the kneeling general of the Ming army to stand up.

For Liu Hongjian not coming to pick him up, Chongzhen did not feel any displeasure.

Sure enough, the positions in His Majesty's heart are different, Wang Yuanba and Lu Haibo looked at each other.

Although they were scolded, the two of them could almost understand that if they didn't suffer the scolding, it would be Master Supervisor who was waiting for them later.

"Oh, the emperor is here, my minister..." Liu Hongjian was flustered for a while and had just put on his armor, when he heard the shouts of long live from outside, he hurriedly opened the curtain of the yurt to pretend to greet him.

"Aiqing is free of courtesy, hehe, I am worried about this place, come and have a look." Chongzhen waved his hand to signal the Ming army generals to perform their duties, and he and Liu Hongjian entered the yurt.

"Your Majesty, what's going on in Haizhou? Are the Tartar soldiers still shy away and dare not fight us?" Liu Hongjian asked Niu Dabangchui to pass the meal, while he sat on Chongzhen's lower head and asked.

"Everything is peaceful in Haizhou. The people in the surrounding pastures heard that the Ming Dynasty was restored, and many of them fled their original places and went to Haizhou to surrender. As for the Jian captives, as Aiqing said, they have been guarding Liaoyang City for a long time."

It was the first time for Chongzhen to enter this yurt, and he looked around curiously.

Now he finally understands some of Liu Hongjian's deep meaning. As an emperor, if he can't even understand the lives of the people under his rule, how can he talk about governing the country?
It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. The ancients did not deceive themselves.

While talking, Niu Dabangchui led a row of soldiers into the yurt, a pot of fresh mare's milk, a plate of shredded lamb, a large plate of sauced beef, and two stir-fried wild vegetables that were everywhere on the grassland.

"Hahaha, Jianlu is nothing but a clown, in the face of absolute strength, all tricks are false.

Look, Your Majesty, soon after, I will lead our Daming Iron Guards to drive those Tartars to Siberia and let them join the Eskimos! " Liu Hongjian said as he poured Chongzhen a cup of steaming mare's milk.

"Siberia... Eskimos... what kind of place is that?" Although Chongzhen had a general understanding of the surrounding countries of Ming Dynasty, he had never heard of them.

"Well... it's the North Pole, oh, the North Pole is the northernmost place on our planet, no, you can't say that, actually... it's just... this grassland goes north and then north, and then goes north until it reaches the end.

It's very cold over there, and you must bring a stick to the toilet, which is several times colder than the winter outside the pass. "

Liu Hongjian took a sip of mare's milk, and felt that it tasted a bit stronger than the milk of later generations, but he knew in his heart that this milk was much purer than the milk of later generations, at least it was not as pure as three-color milk.

Whether it is Siberia or Eskimos, the North Pole or the earth, Liu Hongjian found that if he wanted to explain these things clearly, it really tested his patience.

But he is the only traveler in this world, Invincible is so lonely!

Chongzhen was stupefied for a moment, what the North Pole?what earthWhy do you need to bring a stick to the toilet?
Chongzhen simply didn't study this matter carefully, because he knew that even if he studied it deeply, he would only get more ambiguous answers.

He was already used to the nonsense of his beloved general from time to time.

"Aiqing, what is this?" Chongzhen pointed to the steaming milk in front of him.

Except for drinking the milk from a nanny when he was a child, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty did not have the habit of drinking milk as an adult. Milk was very strange to Chongzhen.

"Your Majesty, this is a good thing, mare's milk! Try it!" Liu Hongjian had already finished half a bowl, and began to attack the meat in front of him.

Chongzhen looked suspicious, and picked up the bowl, while Huang He, who was waiting on the side, had learned to be silent, which made Liu Hongjian feel that this guy had grown up and became sensible.

"Well, the taste is not bad." Chongzhen put down the bowl and said.

"That's right, Your Majesty, mare's milk is extremely nutritious, if you can drink a large bowl every day, it will be of great benefit to your body!

You have a taste of the native products of these grasslands. "

The beef was well marinated, so Liu Hongjian decided to give the army cooks some extra wages.

"Why is there no big cake?" Chongzhen was a little confused.

Can you still order rice without flatbread?

The Ming emperor seemed to have a special liking for flatbread, and the habit of eating flatbread seemed to be passed down from his ancestors.

Just as for Ah San, rice without curry has no soul, so the emperor of Ming Dynasty cannot live without pancakes.

It is said that Emperor Chengzu ate two flatbreads the day before he drove west of the crane.

"Your Majesty, when you come to the prairie, you have to taste the local delicacies. Isn't there an old saying? He who knows food is a hero. It is better to eat a hundred meals than to read thousands of books. If the relationship between two people lasts for a long time, how can they be in pigs and pork?" Meat……"

Liu Hongjian chattered a lot.

He doesn't understand why Chongzhen is always obsessed with one kind of food. There are so many delicacies in the world, such as French foie gras, Asan's curry feast, Franji's seafood, Dutch steak, Uncle Xinjiang's large plate chicken and roasted kidney...

In the previous life, he was poor and had no money. If he came here and didn't "ravage" it, wouldn't he be embarrassing to the time traveler?
(End of this chapter)

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