Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 400 Swelled, Swelled

Chapter 400 Swelled, Swelled

Chongzhen felt that it was necessary for Liu Hongjian to read more poems and books with the prince after the war.

Those who know current affairs are heroes, not those who know food are heroes. What does it mean to read thousands of books, why not eat hundreds of meals?
Also, what is the relationship between two people? If it lasts for a long time, how can it be pork and pork?Where did you learn all this?
If Chongzhen knew which master taught his love general to be broken, he would definitely send this person to Lingnan Zhandi to never pass the imperial examination.

Although this love will be able to fight wars and earn money for him, it cannot be done without culture.

Perhaps, people from the Tai Hospital should be summoned to see if his beloved general has a brain disease.

He still counted on this young love general to help Zhu Cihong in the future, thinking of this Chongzhen began to worry again.

"When does Aiqing plan to attack Jianlu's city?" Chongzhen took a piece of stewed beef, and felt that the taste was not bad.

Although it is a pity that there is no flatbread, the beef does not seem to have a lot of salt, so it can be eaten directly.

"What's your hurry, Your Majesty, this grassland is our Daming's territory even if it is conquered, and the Jian captives can't escape." Liu Hongjian didn't think so.

If Jianlu really ran away, it would save trouble. Whether it is Liaoyang or Shengjing, the thickness of the city wall is almost the same as that of Nanjing.

If you really want to count on the fifteen cannons to bombard, it is estimated that the barrels of the guns will be useless.

"This Menggu tribe, I think, other than their war horses, they are useless to Da Ming.

The top priority should still be Jianlu. There are people there who have been enslaved by Jianlu for decades... Sigh! " Chongzhen seemed to recall the past and couldn't help sighing.

Chongzhen didn't say much. The Tartars on the Menggu Grassland and the Ming Dynasty have been separated and reunited for hundreds of years.

Cheng Zuxiong was very talented, and he never conquered Menggu in five attacks. Although there were victories and defeats in the next few decades, none of them could completely solve the northern troubles.

In addition, after the inspection of civil servants in the past dynasties, the ancient grassland of Mengmeng could not produce food except for grazing.

Even if food is planted, it can only be produced for one or two seasons. Not only is the yield poor, but the soil will turn into sand after a long time, and even the grass cannot survive well.

In Chongzhen's impression, the grassland was like a chicken rib. If it hadn't been able to provide Daming with some good horses, it would be worse than a chicken butt, and many officials would have to be hired to manage it.

Daming has a vast land and rich resources, it is better to go directly to the ancients of that alliance to exchange for lightness.

"Your majesty's words are wrong! I would like to ask your majesty, is this beef and mutton delicious? Is mare's milk delicious?" Liu Hongjian felt that Chongzhen had a great prejudice against the grassland.

This prejudice is not only concentrated in diet, but even in thought.

"The beef is thick and fragrant, and the mutton has a strong taste, but the imperial doctor said it can keep out the cold, and the mare's milk tastes good, but what does Ai Qing mean by this?" Chongzhen asked puzzled.

The common people and even the officials of the Ming Dynasty were not allowed to eat beef, but the royal family was not included in this list. Even so, Chongzhen ate beef very few times.

"The minister asked the emperor, in terms of the ability of individual soldiers, are the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty stronger or weaker than the soldiers of the Tartars?" Liu Hongjian did not directly answer Chongzhen's doubts, but continued to ask.

"Although Daming has firearms now, if it's just fighting with swords, I think that Ming's soldiers are still inferior to Tartars." This must be admitted, and the achievements of many years are left there.

"Your Majesty, you know that the Tartars and our soldiers of the Ming Dynasty are both human beings who carry a head on their shoulders. Why can't our soldiers of the Ming Army not kill the Tartars?" Liu Hongjian said aggressively.

Chongzhen frowned, how did he know, if he knew, how could he lose so badly?

"The food is different, Your Majesty!" Seeing Chongzhen's depressed silence, Liu Hongjian also knew that his pretending made uncle unhappy, so he quickly solved the riddle.

"The ancients of the Meng were nomads, their food was grazing cattle and sheep, the Jurchens were fishermen and hunters, and there were tigers, leopards, wolves, and fish between the white mountains and the black waters.

But whether it is the Menggu people or the Jurchens, they rarely eat pasta, and their three meals a day are basically all meat.

Meat is a good thing, rich in all kinds of high-quality animal protein, and various amino acids needed by the body... Oh, let's put it this way, my lord, with the same weight of pasta and meat, one piece of meat can hold five bowls of rice! "

Occupational diseases, occupational diseases, as a medical major, he even pulled out amino acids in a flash. Seeing Chongzhen's brows furrowed, Liu Hongjian quickly stopped.

People who only eat wild vegetables will be pale and thin, and people who only eat pasta can't fully supplement the nutrients needed by the body.

Especially for soldiers fighting on the battlefield, meat can quickly replenish energy and increase muscle growth.

The ancients of the League basically did not have a heavy camp for war, because all their belongings for the expedition were basically two horses, one camel, and the other was waiting for the camel.

The two horses take turns, and they can march two hundred miles a day, and they come and go like the wind.

And their ten-day army rations were nothing more than half a dried sheep, hung on the horse's back to eat and take at will, and it was also nutritious.

On the other hand, Daming!
Every day there are rice dumplings and mixed noodles pancakes, so that's good.

I heard that when the Ming Dynasty was in trouble a few years ago, there were no pancakes with miscellaneous grains, so it would be strange if they could beat the Tartars!

"Does Aiqing mean that as long as Ming's soldiers eat meat, their combat power will increase?" Chongzhen didn't understand nutrition. In his opinion, whether it was pasta or meat, wouldn't it be equally powerful if they were full?
"Your majesty is wise!" Liu Hongjian really wanted to pat Uncle Chongzhen on the shoulder and praise him that a child can teach a dead wood to carve.

Chongzhen glared at Liu Hongjian, as if he could hear that this was not a compliment, at least it was insincere.

And he doesn't think there is anything wrong with eating noodles, noodles are the soul of the Han people!

"Your Majesty is worried that the Tartars are barbaric and won't accept discipline, so they may not be able to live in peace for a long time?" Liu Hongjian said, putting down the chopsticks in his hand.

This sentence can be regarded as speaking to Chongzhen's heart. If the Tartars are as easy to feed as the people in the mainland, it will be fine to receive it.

It is afraid that they are under the jurisdiction of Daming on the surface, but they are robbing their houses and bullying the people of Daming secretly.

In the past hundred years, such cases have emerged one after another, and the Tartars have also been refreshing the bottom line of shamelessness.

"Does your majesty know why the Tartars fought so desperately?" Liu Hongjian started talking to himself.

Chongzhen was silent, but drank all the mare's milk in the bowl.

Huang He quickly bowed his waist and filled Chongzhen's bowl again, then glanced at Liu Hongjian's bowl, and filled it up as if to please him.

"It's not because of poverty! There is food and drink, who wants to hang his head on his trouser belt and walk around.

Daming lacked horses, lacked cattle and sheep, and lacked meat. These are all things that are tired of eating on the grassland.

On the other hand, the Tartars relied on Daming for everything from the cloth they wore to the small embroidery needles.

Since we can depend on each other, why not take what we need?

In this way, the Tartars can eat rice and noodles, and the people of the Ming Dynasty can also eat beef and mutton. This is a good trade surplus, Your Majesty!

Deter them with the iron guards of the Ming Dynasty outside, limit them with clothing and food inside, and educate them with Confucian culture, then the Tartars can be safe!

How about the emperor?Isn't it awesome? "

Liu Hongjian now felt that he was a brilliant politician.

In addition, he has fought so many victories in this way, it seems that he is not an exaggeration to be called a military strategist.

If you want to learn from other time travelers, copy the poems and essays of later generations from time to time, and make guest appearances on those poets.

Doesn't he have the potential of a writer again?

oops!Swell, swell!
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(End of this chapter)

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