Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 602 The Principle of Everything, The Science of Physics

Chapter 602 The Principle of Everything, The Science of Physics

"Oh? You still give lectures? What kind of class do you have?" Chongzhen put down his chopsticks and asked in surprise.

"Of course it can't be spoiled. Anyway, you will be interested." Liu Hongjian said with a smirk.

"Zhaoren, Qiqige, the dishes are getting cold, hurry up and eat." Queen Zhou said to the two lolis who were taking pictures of each other.

Qiqige has a lively personality and plays well with Zhaoren, and Queen Zhou also likes her very much, and privately recognizes her as a goddaughter.

"Mother, Zhaoren, let's play for a while, hey, what is this?" Zhaoren held the phone and saw a bunch of unfamiliar symbols on the screen.

FBI WARNING... Zhao Ren didn't recognize it after looking at it, so he hurriedly clicked on it with his jade finger.

"Sexy dealer, deal cards online..." A crisp female voice came out from the phone, and Liu Hongjian, who was drinking beside him, trembled and almost lost his soul.

"Zhaoren, hurry up and eat, what kind of mobile phone do children use at home, their academic performance will drop!" Liu Hongjian jumped up and snatched the mobile phone, immediately pressed the back button and turned it off.

Liu Hongjian was annoyed, he had already sealed the video with folders, how could this little guy still find it.

There is no way to go online with this thing, and the small video in it is likely to be the only one in the world. Liu Hongjian thought about it several times but didn't make up his mind to delete it.

"Hehe, it's a small game of cards, how to eat, how to eat!" Liu Hongjian turned off his phone and found that several people at the table were staring at him.

Especially Miss Xue, she was an eccentric girl, she already knew that something was wrong, Liu Hongjian seldom panicked when dealing with things, but just now it was obvious that she was weird.

After seeing off the Chongzhen couple, Sun Xiuxiu ordered someone to remove the dishes, and sat down with Kun Xing in the yard again and started working as a maid.

The second daughter decided to contract all the clothes of the three dolls in the family when she had nothing to do, and she had already made five-year-old clothes.

"Husband, who was that woman in the treasure just now?" Back in the room, Yang Xue asked, holding Liu Hongjian's arm.

"I don't know about my husband, who would look at the name... Well, my husband really doesn't know her." Liu Hongjian subconsciously said.

Halfway through talking, I felt that the Xue girl would be mistaken, she must have thought that he had other women outside, and couldn't help being a little funny.

"Let Xueer take a look, as long as Xueer doesn't tell her sister." Yang Xuebuyi pleaded.

"Okay, let's watch it together." Liu Hongjian smirked.

"Oh." Yang Xue said in astonishment, thinking that her husband is really strange, why do you want to watch it together.

"Go and close the door."

"Ah? Why are you still closing the door?"

"Hurry up, be obedient, it won't be good to let your sister know."



September 26, Xishan Royal Institute of Technology, Science and Technology Building.

The Science and Technology Building has six floors above and below. It is a fully reinforced concrete building with red paint on the outside. It stands out from the crowd of various wooden buildings and is the core landmark building of the School of Engineering.

The entire first floor is a large conference hall, which can accommodate 500 people. The second floor is a physical and chemical laboratory, but it is still empty due to the lack of various equipment.

The third floor is the office space of many teachings, the fourth and fifth floors are the residences of the teachings, and the sixth floor is Liu Hongjian's exclusive presidential suite.

For such a weird building, the teachers were still conflicted at the beginning. After all, they were used to living in wooden houses, but suddenly they lived in hard brick and stone buildings, and they always felt cold.

But what they say doesn't count.

The meeting hall on the first floor has been criticized by the teaching staff for a long time, because they think it is useless, and a lot of manpower and material resources were wasted to build the rows of chairs, and they have to be cleaned every day, which is a waste.

It’s just that today’s conference hall is overcrowded for the first time, because the Lord Wang of Chang’an County, Chang’an County, Engineering Academy, who has been dereliction of duty for more than two months, said that he will come to give lectures today, and he also asked all the teachers to come and listen to the lectures!
Xu Ji and others who got the news were all monk Zhanger who couldn't touch their buttocks, and thought that Master Shanchang was making some kind of joke.

The teachings of the School of Engineering have all been carefully selected by them, and all of them are the best in various industries.

Let these elites from all walks of life go to listen to a young boy who has just passed the coming-of-age ceremony. Even if you are the head of the mountain, even if you are the king of the county of Anguo, then don't want them to flatter you.

Although I was very upset, the elders including Xu Ji and Song Yingxing sat in the front row with their gods.

Elder Song thought nothing of it. After all, according to his understanding of Liu Hongjian, this young man would never aim at nothing. He must have new knowledge to spread the word.

In addition to the dozens of teachings in the first two rows, the rows in the back are all disciples of civil engineering, transportation, excavation, and smelting.

These disciples all served in white uniforms. Unlike the teachings, these disciples were full of admiration and respect for the head of the mountain who was only a few years older than them.

They were originally children of poor people, but they were fortunate enough to be blessed by the Institute of Engineering, so they could learn skills here without eating and living.

Many disciples were whispering about the knowledge of their respective subjects.

"The Supreme Emperor is here!" The eunuch Huang He Gong Ya, who was in charge of Chongzhen's affairs, roared, and the messy hall immediately fell silent.

"Everyone, don't be polite!" Before everyone in the conference hall got up and knelt down, Chongzhen, who had his own flow, oh no, his own dignity, waved his hands and walked to the middle seat in the front row to sit down.

Where have the disciples of the Engineering College met the Supreme Emperor?Everyone stood there dumbfounded.

It's just that the disciples all have a question in their minds, isn't the Supreme Emperor not yet in his forties?Why is the old man older than the grandfather at home?
"Song Yingxing and Xu Ji, deputy chiefs of the Engineering College, pay homage to the Supreme Emperor!" Song Yingxing stood up and saluted.

"The two gentlemen not only have to develop firearms for Daming, but also take care of the trivial facts of the engineering college. Get up quickly!" Chongzhen said while sitting on a chair in a bright yellow uniform, holding his hands up.

"It's the grassroots' fortune to be able to contribute to the country's government in my lifetime." Xu Ji and Xu Ji stood up and cupped their hands in thanks.

"Why don't you see this kid, Youming? Could it be that he is lying to me?" Chongzhen glanced and found that Liu Hongjian was not there, and he was annoyed for a while.

During dinner yesterday, Liu Hongjian didn't say what class he was teaching, but he also brought Song Yingxing and others here, making him unable to do anything in the armory by himself, so he had to rush to have fun.

"Here we come, the head of the mountain is here!" shouted a disciple behind him.

I saw Liu Hongjian entered the hall with a smile on his face and his hands behind his back in a fine attire, followed by two personal guards with things in their hands.

"Ahem—" Liu Hongjian glanced at Uncle Chongzhen and cleared his throat.

"To call you here today is to lay the foundation for the future of our engineering college. Disciples, tell me, what is the motto of the engineering college?" Liu Hongjian shouted to the disciples of the engineering college behind him.

"Study in theory and achieve in work!" More than 400 disciples from various subjects replied in unison.

"Very good! It's just that everyone knows that the principles of our engineering college are not the principles of Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism that have been passed down for hundreds of years, but the principles of all things and physics.

It is not a fixed number of the sky, but there is a mechanism to be found. As long as you learn this physics, everything can be explained! "

Liu Hongjian said with noncommittal eyes in spite of many teachings in the front row.

PS: A little science popularization of history, ancient etiquette, the Supreme Emperor still calls himself "Zhen", and the decree is still called "Imperial Decree". To be transferred from the emperor to the Supreme Emperor, the Supreme Emperor decides the most.

PS: Recommend a book "Back to the Northern Song Dynasty to Be a Big Boss" Chaotang boss, literary boss, Jianghu boss, military boss, business boss, entertainment boss... These will be Gan Qi's titles, This is the splendor of an era.Friends who are short of books can read it.

 Thanks to book friend Daoist Yuchen for the reward of 500 coins, and thanks to book friend Future Famous General, Drunken for the reward of 100 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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