Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 603 Belief in Science

Chapter 603 Belief in Science

Lu Shuren once said that if you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you will not be afraid to travel all over the world.

These words are not fabricated out of thin air. Mathematics, physics, and chemistry are the cornerstones of the first industrial revolution in modern times.

Liu Hongjian began to speak out in front of the stage without shame, and the teachings in the front row, including Chongzhen, frowned.

My heart said that there is only Confucianism and Neo-Confucianism in Ming Dynasty, the principles of all things and the principles of physics, I have never heard of them in most of my life.

Mr. Shanchang must feel that there is no sense of presence in the engineering college, but you often come to the engineering college to find a sense of presence. You are the head of the mountain, why don't you come once a month.

Even if you want to find a sense of presence, you can just call some disciples, why bother calling them old people.

"Shan Zhang, Cheng Zhu Neo Confucianism is the study of sages, and my Ming Dynasty relies on this study to educate all peoples. Even though you are the head of the mountain, you must not slander the study of sages!" A teaching in the second row was more stubborn. He stood up and retorted directly.

"Dare to ask this gentleman's name?" Liu Hongjian had long known that his remarks were a bit outrageous for these aged teachings, so he was not annoyed when someone directly refuted them.

"I'm going to teach Li Cunhou in civil engineering." Although this person knew that he might be fired if he refuted the head of the mountain, he still insisted.

Cheng Zhu's Neo-Confucianism is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it can even be said that it has penetrated into the bones of all people. Few dare to question it, and he himself has been forced to switch to engineering for a living after failing to study hard.

"Then, can Mr. Li use Cheng Zhu's learning to answer some doubts for Mr. Ben Shan?" Liu Hongjian asked again.

"I have little talent and learning, but I ask the head of the mountain to ask questions. As long as you know everything, you know everything." Li Cunhou twisted his head and said.

"May I ask you why the sun rises in the east and sets in the west?" Liu Hongjian said casually.

"The golden crow is attached to the sky, and the sun, the moon, and the stars are all like this. This is the theory of Huntian." Li Cunhou thought for a long time but couldn't find the answer from Cheng Zhu Neo Confucianism, so he had to move out the Huntian theory of his ancestors .

Liu Hongjian was delighted when he heard it. The ancients believed that the earth was the center of the universe, the sky was immobile, and the sun, moon, and stars revolved around the earth, but they never explored right and wrong and why.

"Then the head of the mountain asked again, when the fruit on the fruit tree is ripe, why does it go down instead of up?
Why do fireflies glow?Why do sunflowers always face the sun?

Why do all things have spring blossoms and autumn fruits, and why do leaves change color?
Why can white gas be exhaled in winter but not seen in summer?

Why do we see lightning first and then hear thunder?


Liu Hongjian knew that as long as he explained, Li Cunhou would definitely be stumped, but instead of asking the bottom line, he threw out a series of new questions.

"This..." Li Cunhou was directly confused by a lot of questions.

He racked his brains to find the answer from the Confucian classics he had learned, but his face turned red and he was stunned because he didn't know the answer to any of them.

"I have little talent and little learning, and I don't understand the essence of Confucianism, but it's not that the learning of sages cannot be explained..." Li Cunhou felt his face burn when all eyes were on him.

"Mr. Li, please sit down!" Liu Hongjian waved his hand to let the hesitant Li Cunhou sit down, and then lifted the red cloth on a tray on the table.

The two trays on the table were props for Liu Hongjian's lectures this time. Inside the opened tray were a boiled potato, two metal wires of different colors, and a small cup made of glass.

Inside the glass, several ants crawled around the bottom of the glass, trying to find a way out.

"Everyone, please look here. Here is a boiled potato, a copper wire, a zinc wire, and some live ants." Liu Hongjian walked around the teachers with a plate, and then put the plate away. Put it on the table in front of Chongzhen.

Everyone didn't know what kind of elixir Liu Hongjian was selling in the gourd, and they all stared at the tray.

Then Liu Hongjian inserted the copper wire into one end of the potato, and the zinc wire into the other end, and wrapped a piece of cotton cloth around the copper wire and the zinc wire for insulation.

"The moment to witness the miracle has arrived, everyone!" Liu Hongjian held the copper wire with his left hand and the zinc wire with his right hand, and touched the ends of the two metal wires together.

Zizi——A small spark flashed out at the end, the spark was so small that you couldn't see it without widening your eyes.

Uncle Chongzhen who was closest to him trembled, he had never seen such a miraculous thing before, and Uncle Song and Uncle Xu beside him also widened their eyes.

Without saying a word, Liu Hongjian poked two metal wires at the ants in the glass.

As soon as the two metal wires touched, a poor ant was condemned by God. After struggling for a while, he lay down in the glass cup and stopped moving, and then there was a trace of burnt smell in the air.

Ants poisoned by potatoes...?

Chongzhen glanced left and right at Uncle Song and Uncle Xu, with horror in his eyes, what is the reason for this?Why is there such a strange thing?

Apart from thinking that the potato might be contaminated with poison, they couldn't figure out why.

Liu Hongjian poked at other ants one after another, and it took three of them to lie down before it had any effect.

Then Liu Hongjian pulled out the wire from the potato, peeled off the skin and ate half of the potato in one bite.

Uncle Chongzhen's face immediately changed, and he thought that even if you want to teach, you don't need to work so hard, what if you are poisoned to death, I believe you can't do it?
"What you saw just now is not a miracle, it's called science! It's also called electricity! It's a simple physical phenomenon." Liu Hongjian put the tray on the table in front of the podium again and said.

Potato power generation is the first small experiment that elementary school students learn about physics, and its principle is well known.

Mainly two pieces of metal are needed, one is used as the anode, which is an electrode with low potential, such as zinc, and the other is used as the cathode, which is a positively charged electrode, such as metal copper.

The acid inside the potato reacts chemically with the zinc and copper, releasing electricity as electrons flow from one end to the other.

The chemical property of metal zinc is more active than that of copper. When the two metals are in the acid solution at the same time, zinc will lose electrons, and these lost electrons will be transferred to the copper sheet along the wire to form an electric current.

"In time, if my engineering disciples of the Ming Dynasty understand the truth, then we can use this electricity to benefit all people. Electricity can be used for lighting instead of candle kerosene. Electricity can also be used to drive equipment and save manpower..."

Liu Hongjian simply raised a few chestnuts, but everyone, including Uncle Chongzhen, seemed bewildered.

They have never seen what an electric light looks like, let alone something called electricity driving a machine, and they can't even imagine what kind of scene it is.

"Well...if the electric current is amplified a hundred times, people and animals will die if they touch it!" Liu Hongjian felt that the chestnut he raised just now was not straightforward enough, so he said in another way.

Having said that, Chongzhen's old eyes immediately brightened.

If this kid didn't lie to him, as long as the electricity can be amplified to the point where humans and animals are instantly killed, is it still necessary to use the lives of Daming soldiers to deal with foreign enemies?

(End of this chapter)

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