Carrying AK into Ming Dynasty

Chapter 618 It's Just a Dream

Chapter 618 It's Just a Dream
With a creak, Liu Hongjian's bedroom was pushed away, and Li Xiangjun and Dong Xiaowan slipped in.

Snoring—snoring—Liu Hongjian lay sprawled on the bed snoring, and the two girls didn't know what to do for a while.

"Sister, what should we do?" Facing such a big man, Dong Xiaowan stood beside the bed and asked with a blushing face.

Although the old mothers in the Jiaofang Division have taught them how to deal with men, but the oiran who is the Jiaofang Division usually spends most of his weekdays with officials and disciples drinking tea, chatting, playing the piano and so on.

To be serious, Dong Xiaowan has no experience.

What Shi Kefa said when he went looking for them before still lingers in his ears:

"My lord is a man who values ​​love and friendship over wealth, and is neither greedy for power nor sex. I heard that among his three wives and concubines, except for his original wife, the other two are married passively.

If the two girls want to gain support for themselves, it is very reasonable, and it can only be achieved if they take the initiative..." Shi Kefa said that it is considered intentional.

Li Xiangjun didn't answer, but walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, stretched out his green fingers and gently stroked Liu Hongjian's stubble.

It was this man who made them wait for a year. She had imagined countless scenes of meeting again, but she never imagined that it would be like this now.

But if they really acted according to Mr. Shi's words, then what kind of people would they become?Would this man really cherish them for that?

"Sister, my lord is already drunk and unconscious, even if you and I want to do something, you probably won't know, how about us..."

"Ugh—" Before Li Xiangjun finished speaking, Liu Hongjian suddenly tilted his neck and vomited.

Traveling through more than two years, it was the first time that Liu Hongjian drank so badly that he couldn't even lie down on the bedside, and vomited all over the bed and all over his body.

"Sister, go get the washbasin!" Li Xiangjun didn't care about the bad smell of alcohol, he lifted Liu Hongjian's upper body vigorously and patted Liu Hongjian's back.

Liu Hongjian vaguely felt that someone was supporting him, claiming that it was his bodyguard, and lay down on the bed again in peace of mind.

Guddudu——Li Xiangjun picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea.

"No... don't pour it, my king... I can't drink it anymore, hiccup—" Liu Hongjian was pouring wine for him again, and he stretched out his right hand and waved it indiscriminately.

"Sister, look at him, hehe!" Dong Xiaowan smiled while covering her white teeth.

When they were in Xiaoxiang Pavilion, those literati were very concerned about their behavior, and they seldom got drunk when they drank. This was the first time Dong Xiaowan saw a man drinking like this, and he thought it was very interesting.

"My sister is still in the mood to laugh, come quickly and help me get this dirty quilt out from under your lord." Li Xiangjun said while feeding tea to Liu Hongjian.

Dong Xiaowan groaned and walked to the bed, and the two daughters tried desperately to pull out the mattress from under Liu Hongjian.

But the two of them were so thin that they didn't have the strength to lift Liu Hongjian up. After a while, both Dong Xiaowan's foreheads were covered with sweat, but they didn't pull out the mattress.

On the contrary, Liu Hongjian might feel that he was not sleeping well, and someone was always tossing him back and forth, but his eyelids were so heavy that he couldn't open them at all, so he turned over and fell off the bed.

"Yeah—my lord!" Li Xiangjun panicked, if this broke him, how would he explain to Master Shi tomorrow?

Dong Xiaowan was still worried that Liu Hongjian would blame them for falling awake, but she thought too much. How could people who drank too much care about such pain?
At this time, he can probably sleep overnight with a toilet.

In a hurry, Li Xiangjun tugged with Dong Xiaowan again, trying to put Liu Hongjian back on the bed, but he couldn't lift him on the bed, let alone on the ground, and the two girls gave up after tossing for a while.

Creaking——Dong Xiaowan pushed open the door to find someone to help him, but it was already late at night, and everyone in the government office had orders, not even Liu Hongjian's door gods, Niu Dabangchui, Liu Hu, and Liu Bao, were there. exist.

There must be people in the outer courtyard, but how can the second daughter save face in the middle of the night and tell those servants?
The key is how to explain?What do you mean?It is estimated that all the servants in the government office know about it.

Dong Xiaowan had no choice but to close the door again, and the two girls struggled for a long time before wiping the quilt with a towel and spreading it on the floor, and then turned Liu Hongjian over hard.

The dirty pillow was definitely useless, and Dong Xiaowan was worried that Liu Hongjian would have a stiff neck, so she had to sit on the quilt and let Liu Hongjian pillow her leg.

From time to time, Li Xiangjun had to cover Liu Hongjian with the quilt that was kicked away by this fellow.

That night, Liu Hongjian slept very comfortably.


Whoa, whoa, whoa—a rooster crowed from outside the window, and the sky finally dawned after some time, but the second daughter fell asleep in the middle of the night after being tormented.

Dong Xiaowan was sitting on the quilt leaning against the wall, while Li Xiangjun was lying on the side of the bed.

Liu Hongjian had a dream last night, dreaming that he returned to the afterlife again, to the familiar yet unfamiliar school dormitory.

He also told his roommates about his adventures in Daming, but no one believed him. He wanted to take out his handy ring and show them a few AKMs that could be pushed at will, but there was nothing in his hand .

He became the orphan again, who had nothing, was alone, had nothing to do, and lived in the world.

He hesitated, he struggled, exhausted all his strength and finally woke up from his sleep.

Oh, so it was just a dream!
Liu Hongjian shook his head. This is still Daming, and this is still his era of calling the wind and rain.

Wait a minute!What's wrong with this pillow?

Why am I lying on the ground?

Who are these two girls?
Shi Kefa's escort for this king?The evil old society!

No, I got very drunk last night, could it be... I was put to sleep?

It's a big loss!

"Wow--" When Liu Hongjian was sitting on the ground in a daze, Dong Xiaowan woke up and turned around.

With four eyes facing each other, Dong Xiaowan stared at Liu Hongjian so frightened that he was speechless, but his little hand secretly woke up Li Xiangjun next to him. The two girls didn't sleep much last night, so Li Xiangjun rubbed his eyes and met Liu Hongjian. , suddenly felt like a thunderbolt.

"I seem to have seen the two girls somewhere." Liu Hongjian was the first to wake up, sitting cross-legged on the ground and said.

"Little girl Li Xiangjun/Dong Xiaowan has seen the prince!" The second daughter said as she got up and knelt down to salute.

"Ah—" Dong Xiaowan exclaimed, Liu Hongjian's thigh was pillowed in the middle of the night, and now it was numb to the point of unconsciousness.

Liu Hongjian glanced around, remembering the strange eyes of those under his command last night, and looking at the lovely and pitiful second daughter in front of him, he immediately knew the general idea.

Well, it seems that he has not lost his virginity. Thinking of this, he still feels a little lost.

"The two girls belonged to the Xiaoxiang Pavilion last night. Last night... I'm sorry for you." Liu Hongjian got up and supported the two girls with his left and right hands, and then sat down at the table.

"It's all... what slaves should do. The clumsiness of slaves has made adults suffer." Li Xiangjun said nervously, stirring the corners of his clothes with his hands.

"Hey, hasn't this king already released you from your citizenship? Why is there..." Liu Hongjian couldn't bear it in the middle of speaking.

"Back to the lord, this is the slave... the slave is voluntary." Dong Xiaowan raised her pretty face and said with tears in her eyes, but she still stubbornly stared into Liu Hongjian's eyes.


 Thanks to the book friend Datang Xiaobing 610 for the 100 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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