Chapter 619

"Back to the lord, this is the slave... the slave is voluntary." Dong Xiaowan raised her pretty face and said with tears in her eyes, but she still stubbornly stared into Liu Hongjian's eyes.

"Voluntary?" Liu Hongjian was surprised, but at the same time secretly pleased.

Could it be that we also have the arrogance of domineering?One side of domineering will make all the women in the world sacrifice their lives for each other?

Liu Hongjian was impressed by the deeds of Li Xiangjun and Dong Xiaowan, two wonderful women.

According to historical records, Li Xiangjun is not tall and can be said to be delicate and exquisite, with a handsome face, intelligent and gentle, and outstanding talents. He made countless high-ranking officials look forward to him, and finally married Hou Fangyu as his concubine.

Later, he was framed by Ruan Dacheng of the Longwu Dynasty in the Southern Ming Dynasty, and Hou Fangyu ran away. Ruan Dacheng still refused to give up, and wanted to force a marriage to offer Li Xiangjun to Emperor Longwu. .

The blood dripped and stained the folding fan in his hand. Li Xiangjun dipped his paintbrush into the blood on the fan and painted a tree of delicate and beautiful peach blossoms. This is the Peach Blossom Fan.

Li Xiangjun's loyalty and integrity earned him the reputation of Qinhuai Eight Beauty, but in the end he was discriminated against by the Hou family because of his status as a singer.

Born ignorant and heart-to-heart, the bright moon shines in the sky.

After becoming pregnant, Li Xiangjun was sent to a lonely dilapidated courtyard by Hou Fangyu, and died in depression.

And Dong Xiaowan's experience is similar to that of Li Xiangjun, who worked hard for love and lost his beauty at a young age.

"Both servants and servants are willing to serve the prince, and hope that the prince will stay with you." Dong Xiaowan said softly.

The two of them had already discussed it before. They were originally prostitutes who were wandering and helpless. Now, although they were freed by relying on the prestige of the prince, how could two weak and helpless women survive in this world?
The prince has a heart that can stabilize the country in poetry and books, and has a benevolent heart in the bottom. He is a wishful man. Even if the two daughters are thin-skinned, they must do their best. Even if they are slaves, it is better than wandering around the world.

"Emmmm..." Liu Hongjian didn't know how to respond to these two weak and loyal women.

He knew that these two women were sincere, and keeping them was just a matter of words, and he could afford them.

But... the last time I went to Shanxi, I brought back Xueer, and this time I went to Jiangnan, and brought back two. Although nothing happened, outsiders don't think so.

Including Xiuxiu and the others, if they see this situation, they must regard them as their new concubines. Even though Xiuxiu and Kun Xing are not jealous people, this incident makes him feel a little guilty.

Because he found that he was a little moved. After all, the two women are one of the most beauties in Jiangnan in terms of looks, and even more so in terms of talent, which makes all Jiangnan's sons feel ashamed.

Oh, how can this be so good!

Liu Hongjian felt a sense of guilt that he didn't want to cheat, but his body couldn't control it.

Although this sense of guilt is ridiculous in the eyes of his subordinates, including Shi Kefa, which family of civil and military officials in the current dynasty does not have a group of wives and concubines, and which family of the current prince does not have two-digit wives and concubines?

"Let's stay here in Nanjing City for now. This king will still be here to accompany you for a while. When I return to Beijing in the future, I will find an opportunity to pick you up."

Liu Hongjian originally wanted to say don't miss Brother, and find a good man to marry, but the words changed as soon as he uttered them.

"Thank you, my lord!" Li Xiangjun and Dong Xiaowan were overjoyed when they heard the words, and hurriedly saluted.

"Okay, okay, it's getting late, come and help me change my clothes!" Liu Hongjian said, getting up.

It's all over now, my group of subordinates who are waiting to watch the fun are probably waiting in the yamen, and there is also Uncle Shi, this old and disrespectful guy.


As he was waiting for a letter from the Zheng family, in the next few days, Liu Hongjian arranged for more guards in Jinyi to go to Fujian to inquire about the news of the Zheng family, and he simply moved into the Red Bean Restaurant himself.

Without him, living in the yamen is too troublesome. Although he claimed to have taken in two maidservants, who would believe it!

And his subordinates were ordered by Liu Hongjian in a fit of anger to punish them not to drink alcohol or eat meat for five days but to eat white rice.

However, the effect was very inconspicuous, these bold guys didn't take it seriously at all, and they still looked at him strangely.

It means that everyone is a man, and they all understand that they are also thinking about the prince's sexual life and the success of the family.

The happiest people in the past few days are Dong Xiaowan and Li Xiangjun. Their fate has been completely changed, and the romantic affairs of Hou Fangyu and Mao Pijiang have also been cut off by Liu Hongjian.

They don't have to bear so much misery later, and they don't have to die in melancholy. Of course, they don't know all this.

Now the two daughters just want to serve Liu Hongjian well, cherish the present time, cherish Liu Hongjian's time in Nanjing.

Liu Hongjian, apart from occasionally listening to Jin Yiwei and his subordinates' reports, stayed in the red bean restaurant all day long, drinking poems as tea and cooking words as wine, chanting poems and singing harmony, drinking tea and discussing art.

Oh, of course, the great king of Anguo County has limited talents, but he doesn't want to break the impression that he is talented in the eyes of the second daughter.

Nalan's is the one that is copied the most, "I am a melancholy guest in the world, I know what is going on with the king, weeping, reminiscing about my life in the sound of heartbroken."

What Mingyue should laugh at me affectionately, laughing at me now, has turned the second daughter's admiration into two well-behaved little fans.

Li Xiangjun plays the piano for fun and writes for painting, while Dong Xiaowan is in charge of Liu Hongjian's daily diet.

Compared with Li Xiangjun's talent, Dong Xiaowan seems to be better at cooking.

According to legend, she studied the recipes carefully, visited famous chefs, learned the craft, and created "Tiger Skin Meat", which is now "Dong Po Meat". It is said that only "Dong Po Meat" can be compared with it.

Knowing that Liu Hongjian likes to eat meat, Dong Xiaowan was worried that eating too much meat would be a burden on his body. Whenever he had time, Dong Xiaowan studied the ingredients, and let Liu Hongjian eat some vegetarian dishes.

No matter how common vegetables, fish and shrimp, etc., once in Xiao Wan's hands, they immediately become lively and fragrant, and they are eager to linger.

Lotus root, bamboo shoots and ferns, flowers, wild vegetables, wolfberry, chrysanthemum, etc. were all taken into food, and the banquet was filled with fragrance, which made Liu Hongjian full of praise for eating, and he felt like he couldn't miss it.

There are scattered shadows of sweet-scented osmanthus flowers slanting across the pond, the candlelight is flickering, and the moon is shining on the willow branches. It is another night intoxicated by the breeze. Liu Hongjian is sitting in the gazebo with Dong Xiaowan in his arms, while Li Xiangjun is stroking a guzheng.

"Xiangxiang, Xiaowan, the king will lead troops into Fujian tomorrow, you two should stay in this red bean restaurant, and if you have anything, you can go to the Nanjing government office to find Mr. Shi."

Li Xiangjun, also known as Li Xiang, Liu Hongjian rubbed Dong Xiaowan's smooth face and said softly.

He is not a person with a supernatural mind, although he has been free and easy these few days, he has never been in a hurry to ask for his second daughter.

After all, he is a later generation, and he cannot take things for granted emotionally like the people around him. It was only when parting was imminent that Liu Hongjian realized that the second daughter had already lived in his heart before he knew it.

"National affairs are the most important thing, adults don't need to worry about me and my sister." Dong Xiaowan said softly, her face hot and shy, before being so close to a man.

It has been eight or nine days, if the Zheng family is willing to surrender, it will not take so long at all, and there is still no news, so it must be that Zheng Zhilong does not want to hand over the military power.

Liu Hongjian wasn't too surprised. The bait he threw out was certainly tempting, but the Zheng Family Navy was also the foundation that Zheng Zhilong had earned all his life. Who would be willing to hand it over?
Three days ago, 1 people from the Beiyang Navy arrived at Songmen, Taizhou. Tomorrow afternoon at the latest, the three brothers from the Southwest Qin family will also arrive at Guangxin Mansion via Nanchang.

It was meaningless to settle the Zheng family through negotiation, and Liu Hongjian's patience was almost exhausted.

Since you, Old Zheng, want to compete, this king will give you your blessing. The new ironclad ships of the Beiyang Navy just need to prove themselves in actual combat.

Thinking about being able to face such an opponent in the first battle, it would also make the blood of the navy soldiers who are clamoring to defend their home and country every day, Liu Hongjian thought to himself.

PS: I have been back to my hometown these days, and many of my friends’ books have been banned. Hanhan was trembling in his hometown and didn’t feel like writing. I’m really sorry. I’m ashamed of the readers who have never left me. I will resume updating today and add more as appropriate, mainly because The issue of cracking down has been blocked in many chapters, and it will take time to revise the first part.

 Thanks to the book friends Drunken Lights and Axe, Little Soldier of the Tang Dynasty, Eagle of Kurosawa, Reminisces of Things Past, for their lifetime rewards and support, and thanks to all the veterans who voted.

(End of this chapter)

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